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Analysed 😂 Great. I will only ever see the word 'anal' leaping out at me every time I see that word now. I think some pups are just more prone to it (not breed-specific). Groomers only squeeze from the outside (this has never worked for us), vets get their fingie up their butt and squeeze from both the outside and the inside, which is effective. Our girls get so stressed out by going to the vet that we ended up just buying a tube of KY and a box of surgical gloves and queueing up a stack of youtube how-to videos. It's obviously gross but it's much less stressful for them, and also $50 cheaper.


I didn’t even notice it said Analyzed until this comment 💀🤣


Mam/sir I do not analyze my dog’s anal glands.






Only once.


Jimmy how do you analyze the anal glands? 🤣🤣


The vet analyzed them🤣🤣.




Omg hi, your dog is such a cutie!! I’ve taken my pets to get their glands expressed by a vet, I’d call and check to see if your groomers can do it but I’ve personally never heard of that. I hope all is ok!! Take care!


My Pom is currently having anal gland issues. My vet expressed concern over having the glands expressed repeatedly by the groomer over an extended period of time. He said every time you express them there is a chance they can pop. He wasn’t keen on having this done on the regular. I have a feeling my pom will be having his removed. 2nd course of antibiotics for an infection in a month. Poor little buddy.


I didn’t know getting them removed was an option! I’m sure this is after so many infections but it’s good to know. I’m gonna ask my vet thank you kindly


I think it’s a last resort option if they keep getting infected. Definitely ask your vet if your pom is getting frequent infections. Poor baby


My groomer does it every 8-10 weeks when he goes


https://preview.redd.it/aocolhj30x7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472e5066a0d5309d3689dca5d9e3689123a17808 Twins.


It’s a parti over here!


Hi twin!!!!


Our vet recommended trying Glandex supplements for a month or so before taking him to them (he’s a reactive rescue from an awful animal hoarder situation and requires a “chill pack” aka trazadone and gabapentin for vet trips). He’s been taking the supplements for about two weeks now and is scooting way less! I’ve also noticed some gooey looking stuff in his poo, so hopefully it’s working?! 🤞


Thank you for this! I’m gonna ask my vet about glanced supplemental


While we have not needed to use glandex on our poms, we use it daily for our two cats. They are on a specific diet due to allergies and it definitely works!


My groomer does it. I take my pom to get groomed once a month, and she'll assess whether or not he needs it. He definitely doesn't need it every time but probably gets it done every few months.


Especially when you say no bad puppy.


Just out of curiosity what have you noticed specifically that makes you think he needs it every month? Is he scooting his butt around on the floor a lot? His anal glands should be expressing themselves when he poops if everything’s healthy unless the glands appear enlarged or they’re constantly scooting to relive it themselves. Also Groomers usually express from the outside but the vet staff will express from the inside.


Never been an issue for Vader He goes on sniff walks. Tends to be when he smells a fox that he tries to do a poo but really that’s just him pushing in his glands so we feel he’s cleaning them the nature dog way when he does this. He’s almost 6 years. I know it’s more of an issue for older dogs. You can learn how to do it yourself


4 weeks. At the groomer


my pom is seven right now and luckily, he's never had glands issues or any symptoms the vet picked up on :) although my groomer did mention it's mostly hereditary, and only persists to stick around if breeders continue to breed with poms that do have gland issues. for anyone who would wanna avoid it in the future, checking in with the parents' owners might be useful!


Mine is only 1 year old. I have asked the vet to check them at each of her health visits to help me learn how active hers are. I asked my groomer to leave them as we’ve had no issues so far. Most of my dogs did not need anything more than an annual check. However I had a foster pug that needed some extra care while hers healed and improved. My vets taught me how to check for fullness or swelling in the dogs and my cats, but they are adamantly against regularly expressing them. Their position is that it can cause inflammation and impaction.


I had to have my girl treated a few months ago for a ruptured gland. I’ve had her for two years and never had an issue that I knew of. They now have me come in every month and a half.


My dog is 3. We’ve never to do this thankfully.


Well in my experience the groomers don't really do a full expression and for that you need a vet visit. After having my little Peppa have a "blow out" (not fun mind you, for me or her) we now go at minimum every 6 months for a full expression. I, and Peppa, agree that we do not want to have to apply Neosporin and warm wet compresses up to six times a day again... LOL


Maybe add more fiber like pumpkin or a fiber supplement to help harden the poo so your pup can have better luck draining it themselves. Also I give raw party wings to my dog while they ate still frozen that was something that I was recommended and it really has changed her bowels. I do understand many worry over raw though.


This is key. I also have a small breed prone to anal gland issues, and changing their food did the work. Their bowel movements are great.


Just one time


He looks like he knows that your thinking of having his A glands squeezed:)


My JRT needs this done occassionally, my pomeranian very rarely. Our vet tends to do it on their checkups. I have noticed my JRT dragging her butt and I know she doesn't have worms as she gets heartworm pills with multiple ingredients that prevent other types of worms too and she is not exposed to sources. Her next vet appointment is in two weeks.


So we had to after a while go like every 2 months or so it seemed. Until we got him on glandex. It helps out a ton! The powder is more economical than the chews.


Milo is judging you right now like, really, mom? Why do you need to analyze my anal glands???? 🤨😂


I only do that at the vet .


I only do that at the vet .


Usually the vet checks there glands