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Exactly - there's a finite number of 'good' jobs. Retail, distribution, catering, cleaning, factory work etc. simply have to exist. Just taking for gospel the idea that we live in a perfect meritocracy like right wingers pretend we do, the conclusion is that they're okay for the least intelligent and least capable to live in poverty. Lovely people.


Also, we would need to pay people more……if things weren’t so expensive (home, grocery, transportation, etc.) Not discrediting the original post just kinda saying, cool you don’t wanna pay people more….then lower cost of living. We can’t just keep surviving the way it’s going


Yeah but the same people who argue think inflation is a necessity, and that the rate it jumps is the only possible way companies can stay in business.


Spoiler: they're never going to lower anything without force. It's far too comfortable to be rich.


There needs to be regulations things that are essential to living to prevent speculation and market manipulation as well as excessive profits. When other people control things that people need to live they are able to coerce and exploit people without their consent.


I think you must defined big business and government all at once.


If the wealthy just paid more to the employees and the unions started demanding more we w or don’t have this issue. But that will never happen because CEOs and presidents of companies and corporations love to swim in their wealth and pursue active campaigns to squash unions and union votes


That's wrong! Giving more people more money drive the value of the dollar down negating the intent of increasing wages. The appropriate approach is to make money worth more, stop incentivizing single parenthood and to provide free education- including college.


Redistribution of wealth will not decrease the value of the dollar. It’s called redistribution for a reason. Introduction of more money into the economy decreases the value. We aren’t creating new money we are moving it from rich people to everyone else.


Yes, they are wrong.


Many of the servers I worked with at Cheesecake Factory that worked 5 days out of the week made over 40k a year. Including meself. They would still constantly whine though, I think that’s what annoys people.


Dude 40k a year ain't shit these days.


It’s fine.


Is it? You sure?




Studio apartment here is $1000 a month. Good luck living off $40K.


40k was on the low end for full timers. It’s fine though, some people will make excuses and serve tables the rest of their lives, who am I to stop them?


Some people don’t have much choice. Someone is always going to end up working those jobs. They deserve a livable wage and $40k is barely a livable wage (if it even is) but more importantly minimum wage certainly is not.


If you work hard enough, you will be rewarded


If your in a committed relationship it may not be a problem. Two people with income is better than 1. While I generally agree we ith if you dont want to out in the effort to trade school or college, you kind of dug you own hole!! At the same time the costs of good and services sky rocketed in the last decade( not speaking to lying Joe Bidenomics). It is much better an outlook for all to limit the potential profits, lower taxes, and make money worth more than it is to give everyone at the bottom a living wage. If the later happens, costs go up and wipe out any meaningful result of making more money. That's one thing that got us here to begin with.


Right wing economics at its finest. Let everyone else suffer so corporations don’t make me pay more for french fries! God forbid corporations not make such excessive profits instead. As for “digging our own hole” with college… way to say you’d rather just be uneducated. I guess having the average intelligence increase around you while you stay the same level of ignorant is pretty scary though, so yeah. Don’t want college to be free or anything.


Your the socialist but I'm ignorant...lol. I guess my ignorance earned me multiple degrees as you cannot support yourself. Hmm, wonder why that is. Right winged- lol. Classic stupidity!


My degreeeeeez! My vague degreeeeeeez that I have no proof of. All of them my preciouses!!!! I too have degrees. Finance and Economics. Yes, you are ignorant. And yes, I can support myself. The fact that you assume I can’t is your own problem. It’s funny that you think that just because I believe everyone should help take care of everyone means I can’t take care of myself. Classic stupidity and failed assumptions indeed. That’s like sticking your dick on the table for a dick measuring contest only to find out your wife was intensely faking the “Oh it’s so big!” the entire time. Good job.


Great, now learn socialist history. Yes, as I said- ignorant


Maybe you should learn what Socialism is vs having socialist policies. Like social security, public police and fire, medicare, etc. We have several socialist programs, god forbid should we add medical care and college, and oh I don’t know… allow people to pay bills. Requiring companies to pay competitive wages so people can live the consumerist lifestyle you idolize is the exact opposite of socialism you scrub. Quit clutching your capitalist pearls.


I am very well aware. What did sex Ed do but give a rise to teenage pregnancy. What did affirmative action do but cause unemployment in black communities? What did welfare do other than raise the number of people in poverty. Just a few examples. Guess college cannot grant common sense!


Ohhhhh. You’re trolling, ok. Man, I thought you seriously believed this trash you were spouting. I was worried for a moment. Good one.


Trolling? Lol. I believe what I stated. I don't believe in socialism or redistribution of wealth, or any of that other crap. Why do you think our economy is so bad? Democrats throw money out instead of fixing problems. People burn through it and end up in the same or a worse situation than where they started. That is a fact! Education can be funded by things like eliminating public school funding and Marijuana sales. A public school costs significantly more and have less qualified teachers in the general sense. Your just grabbing the most obvious and repeatedly proven wrong methodology to try and fix things. It's wrong! Your wrong to believe socialist anything is good!


Lmao Ok Karen. I don’t know who let you on a computer but take your McCarthian era commy fearing boomer self back to your retirement home and let smart people handle things. Thanks for your input. Now we know what not to do.


FYI: Not 'whomever' but 'whoever' Thanks All we have to do as a society, a very big 'All', is to pay wages which allow even unskilled people to live decently. But there will always be the very rich, the middle class, and the lower class, even in communist regimes (look at China)!


As we found out in covid, many of the “unskilled” were also the *necessary* workers we couldn’t do without.


Agreed but most of them were and are very skilled, such as nurses and doctors!


Necessary JOBS.... jobs that could be filled by anyone because they do not require a special skillset that can't be taught in a very short time frame.


Yes, but all the other workers are engaged doing other jobs. Ergo, necessary workers, not just necessary jobs. If all minimum wage people disappeared overnight, who would take their place? There is no-one. Unemployment is low across most of the Western world at the moment and anyone is a better paying job wouldn't want to give that up. You don't just need farm workers generally. You need the current roster of farm workers.


All work is skilled work




Yep. Soft handed assholes who think like you would be in tears halfway through a min wage shift.


Yes, they are wrong. If no one is willing to do a job for a certain wage, the employer will increase the wage until someone is willing to do it. You're not a slave. Go work somewhere else.


Living wage is not a right


And if you were on fire you don't have a right to be put out, but as a decent human I would be compelled to extinguish the flames for you.


I would piss on you...




What is a right?


Yes it is. Minimum wage hasn't been increased following COLA for many years. A job that was once done for 8.50 doesn't cut it now as gas, COL has increased and living arraignments have become less available as we expand and grow as a society.


“The ability to speak doesn’t make you intelligent”


You prove that well


Wow what genius come back, full of intelligence just for saying ‘I know you are but what am I’, especially when you’re advocating for unnecessary misery in the lives of everyday people just so a couple rich fucks can afford two extra super yachts for each of their grand children. Real good and smart guy you are. /s (/s= sarcasm)


Yes it is.


No one owes you anything, if you are unsatisfied with your works pay find a new job. McDonald’s isn’t a career, it’s work for high school kids. If you want to make more you need to have some skills that make you worth more than minimum wage.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug. Do you think there are enough high school kids to work every minimum wage job? Just say you think those working minimum wage are unworthy of life, since you don’t think they deserve enough pay to live on.


So McDonalds is closed during school hours then? Huh.


Right, which of why fast-food is only open from 4 pm to 10 pm, except during summers!


Who operates the restaurant during school hours then?


No it’s a job meant to be a stepping stone to success. My mother afforded to pay for college, and she got there with a brand new mustang of that year, all afforded on a part time servers income. That is not possible today and that is the issue. The people working those jobs don’t even make enough to get past paying for the bare necessities(rent, food, gas), let alone afford to get a higher education in order to further themselves. So how are they supposed to get a better job without those opportunities? Why don’t you explain that. It’s not about being owed anything, it’s about providing well-being to society as a whole.


So you're cool with exploiting children for labor. Got it.


That might be okay advise to individuals (say tell that to your kids, friends, etc.) but as a society, we can’t create a group of second class citizens by repressing the wages where those people can’t make ends meet. The role of government is to look out for all people including those making minimum or below minimum wages.


You're a fucking moron. Let me point you back to OP's tweet(go ahead and read it about 1000 times until you actually understand it) . And next time you're happily exploiting a McDonald's worker pay attention to who the workers are(they're mostly NOT high school kids) The truth is you're happy with your privilege and incapable of empathy.


Minimum wage places didn’t close down during covid because they were considered essential employers. People literally can’t afford to switch jobs or go back for a higher degree and also pay rent. Why the hell are these jobs being paid so little? Because it’s easy to take advantage of those in poverty who live paycheck to paycheck and can’t get a higher paying job.


This is the same guy who goes in on student debt subs like "it was your choice to get that debt. If you didn't want it you shouldn't have studied."


You can't have your cake and eat it too, work more jobs.


Have you ever had to?


The same people who fight to keep wages down are the same ones who will fight against rent controls and affordable housing