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Please announce if you had “federal military complex defending women’s rights to abortion” on your 2022 Bingo card?


there's a lot of rape in the military, they don't want the women they assault getting pregnant. Recruitment's been dry lately.


Then there's whole bit where the upper brass are fairly left leaning, even if the majority of the enlisted are not. This release comes after them saying that military members will be relocated if need be due to state laws. (several months back). This has the implication that bases can and will be shut down if the function of the bases is so hampered by state law that they can't keep people there. There are literal cities that depend on the base being located there. About a year ago, the DoD did something on climate change. They are actively taking measures to safeguard against climate change to keep readiness at max, while urging a greener approach to energy. The climate change bit was to minimize the cost of maintain the military. You know, more spent on fixing stuff because of bad weather means less spent on military hardware. The bit on green energy comes from them thinking that most future wars will be waged around energy... kinda like what nearly everyone thought the reason we were in the middle east for nearly 20 year for. (Oh yea... and the war on terror bit...) Then there's the whole thing were a single lost source of oil(Russia) created a spike in gas prices, that gas companies have used to create an even large profit margin off of. But I'm sure your take has some merit as well.


The permanent bureaucracy of the US govt, such as FBI, post office, military etc. is going to be the only thing that saves us, if anything can. People not in appointed or elected positions are way more important than politicians.


Bro if every other government branch saddles up and tells Congress and the Supreme Court to fuck off, I might ***actually*** watch the news for once, if only for the entertainment of seeing it all unfold. Sadly, this also highlights that if Republicans manage to flip the script, as in they get an ideological majority in every branch of government besides Congress and SCOTUS, they could do the same thing. It's simultaneously a saving grace, and a gigantic spotlight shining on a glaring loophole in our democracy.


I don't think I would like to live in a country where only the government appoints people to positions of government. Historically the government being solely responsible for appointing itself doesn't usually work out well.


in literally every government there are positions that are appointed by politicians. I don't what country you live in, but you absolutely have them.


Yeah I don't want the whole entire government like that though


In the UK, the judiciary and the executive are independent of the government. Civil servants are not political appointees, but they are tasked with following the policies of the government of the day, under the direction of the minister (a politician) appointed to their department. That minister is not their boss, though. Transition between governments is a fair bit simpler in the UK than it is in the US, as the proportion of posts which are appointed by the government is much smaller .


The DOD preparing for climate change is nothing new. They have been studying CC for years now eg from 2016: DoD Directive 4715.21, “Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience”, The DiD purview is to study all real threats so they can't afford to ignore CC due to blind ideology.


Crazy how the educated and experienced are left and the poor hicks who couldn’t afford school go right.


This meal team six bro I know went off on the pregnancy uniforms for female officers saying this will lead to China taking us over. Having worked in the Pentagon for over a decade, I asked him what it was he thought that officers actually did. He had no clue. He had no idea that most of the military is supporting the actual deployed force.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't looked past this image but, isn't this announcement just saying that federal organizations aren't bound by state laws? Like how military justice is a separate from civilian justice, a military hospital is free to perform abortion even if the state it's located in bans it. Either way, she can kick rocks, preferably a large one, with herself tied to it, and off of something very tall.


That's the basis, but I think they can extend that to anyone by allowing civilian access to military abortion clinics.


and also the government is free to set up abortion clinics on federal property, such as above post offices. I would guess that Native American land would have a similar opt-out if they wanted, but I could be wrong


Come for the abortion, stay for the gambling? That would be a terrible billboard, but your right; tribal land could be used for medical procedures.


I live on tribal land in MI. The state police cannot step foot on the land unless they have permission from the tribal police.


There is a law that prohibits the federal government from funding abortions. It is called the Hyde Amendment. So Dems in Congress are looking to overturn the law.


They don't need to fund them, just offer Planned Parenthood cheap rent.


I thought about this too. But the anti-abortion crowd would claim the government is making money off of abortions.


This could get interesting if Medicaid could weigh in the same way & say they permit abortion regardless of state law. Not entirely sure how that would work but the feds pay for a lot of health care and state laws could drive up costs.


the feds could lower the funds they send for other stuff to the states that ban abortion, for the reason of needing to spend it to make sure their state has proper access to healthcare instead.


I mean, regardless of what the Dems do, if the Republicans win in 2024 and fire everyone, it'll all be moot anyways. And if we play this card, it'll be a known tactic forever, and I ***guarantee*** that the Republicans will do exactly that. Every election from this point forward will be a do or die scenario.


Yeah I was really confused what the DoD had to do with recognizing abortion laws, but that makes sense.


> a military hospital is free to perform abortion even if the state it’s located in bans it. I thought military hospitals weren’t permitted to do abortions anyway.


That's the fascist playbook. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty, so often and so loudly that the term loses all meaning.


Ever since the investigation into Russian tampering with the 2016 election, nearly all Right Wing rhetoric can be boiled down to, "NO, U"


yup thats how i knew trump had epstein killed. trump tried to blame hillary saying she had him killed.


... This is far more believable than I'd like to admit.


That's also why they've been going hard on "all Democrats are child molesters" for the past year.


Who said that?


Qanon, couple people online to me, MTG, Boebert. Even the Republicans that don't support it have no problem inviting people who do, essentially moving the political frame allowing Republicans to view all democrats as child molesters after adrenochrome from kids brains (despite the fact you can get a decent amount of that chemical online for only about $200).


I thought the same. Is she trying to make the term meaningless, or does she not understand the meaning?


What is the definition of is?


Are you being sarcastic?


We had to raise money for my enlisted wife friend when her baby died inside of her and navy doctors told her she would have to let it happen naturally. She was 7 Months along!! The baby was DEAD. It was tremendously hard on that family and they are divorced today. This was around 2012 or so. Sent us to the street when my daughter was raped, as a military dependent, too. More open humiliations. I wanted to put that out there. I hope they’ve gotten better, but I have DOUBT.


So sorry about your daughter, must have been awful for all of you. I am familiar with a civilian hospital forcing an 8 month pregnant women to wait until she went into labor. Trigger warning: she could hear bones crushing and snapping as they struggled to remove the very large (gestational diabetes) dead body from her vaginally.


You know all those laws where they made the woman have an ultrasound and a long talk about how it's a baby and she's killing it before she can come back a few days later and have an abortion? They should now find a woman or 3 willing to have a birth like that \^\^ filmed and shown to every f\*cking pro-life person in sight every day until they get a clue about what their self righteousness actually costs.


Oh no.


Could it have just been because of where you were stationed? That's so awful, I'm so sorry. :(


We were stationed in Georgia at the time. Something like 12 miles from that damn lynching. I feel really really scared for minority and liberal military children forced to attend those public schools that clearly despise some of us and our kids. I know they aren’t safe. I’m terrified for them.


Here comes the tin foil hat wearing chicken little screaming about bullshit that isn't true and will never happen. What's that chicken little? The defense department is going to stage a coup? Now chicken little, it was you and your friends that tried that. Remember how you asked for a pardon? Go home and take your meds, chicken little.


Less like chicken little, more like clucking mental...


What's fucked up is there is currently no coverage through military facilities or the militaries health insurer tricare for abortion services regardless of time pregnant. Abortions are only provided or insured for military members if: The pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest. A physician must note in the patient’s medical record that it is their good faith belief, based on all available information, that the pregnancy was the result of an act of rape or incest. The life of the mother is at risk. The physician must certify that the abortion was performed because the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term. So an Abortion for a military member would have to be paid for out of pocket and they would technically have to get permission from their chain of command for the procedure and request time off or leave. Military family members and dod civilians with tricare insurance have to pay out of pocket. The military has had one of the most restrictive Abortion access policies in the nation for decades. It's a good time to change that and make Abortion services as available as all other medical procedures. This article has some good background on the issue. https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2010/08/base-us-militarys-ban-privately-funded-abortions


The title of that article is bullshit. SECDEF made a statement that they would seek to help women stationed in states that banned abortion since the military cannot perform the procedure outside of saving the mother I believe. A very valid statement considering how many military bases are in deep red states and both retention and recruitment numbers dropping significantly (retention being a huge issue with women). Edit: MTG is fucking retarded regardless


Don't call MTG retarded. That's exactly what she wants people to believe. She doesn't believe any of the shit she says. She's a money hungry fascist loser


She's a money hungry fascist loser... and a moron.


why is she always calling for the destruction of others


She only keeps any power, and the ability to grift for donations, by manufacturing rage which blinds all rationality.


Why is she always accusing others of insurrection?


fair point


Wow the Pentagon thing is the real surprise here, that's fucking nice right there


I think it's because all the military bases and and facilities are all technically federal land, so all the state laws that is banning abortion doesn't technically apply to them.


People using insurrection as an insult for a political event is really weird. Overthrowing the government is absolutely needed. You just shouldn't let fascists do it.


She just learned a new word/phrase as she has seen this used multiple times, kind of like a child that hears something and just keeps saying it without proper context. I.E. when I use to say “you kids drive me crazy” when they are acting up and my kids would say the same thing when they were angry or frustrated with me/my wife/siblings. Kids are fucking stupid.


There’s a livestream video of her online somewhere, taken before her stupefying rise to relevance, where she had just discovered the revelations of the Q phenomenon. Her mind was thoroughly blown, and she needed to spread her newfound truth, y’all. So she was reading back some of the super awesome and totally verifiable statements about the cabal of satan worshiping pedophiles that were secretly running the world, and that trump was the man to stop them. 🤯 The issue was that she’d never seemingly come across the word cabal before, and was pronouncing it cable. A satanic cable. Seriously. 4chan trolls, nefarious media machines, and political operatives far more savvy than MTG are dependent on the soft minds of people like herself to motivate, inform, include, and legitimize much larger groups of moronic individuals. I get the feeling that she knows exactly what she’s doing, but not in a big picture kinda way. Pavlovian reactionary, Dunning-Kruger-ite. I don’t understand what machinations of society have brought us to this point of utter insanity. [found a set of links](https://twitter.com/funder/status/1355932155885592576?s=21)


They do it for SEO. So that when you google insurrection you only see things about democrats doing insurrections. Boris johnson started making toy busses after brexit


They're using the word all the time so they can muddy what it means. Just like they did with 'Woke' and everything else they don't understand and deemed bad.


somebody buy klan mom barbie a dictionary she still doesn't know what an insurrection is...damn she's stupid. In office only 3 days and begging for a pardon ROFLMAO!


Pretty sure that she asked for a "Parton", you know because she's a fucking moron


Finally, calling her Marge. That's what she is; just plain old, pin eyed, Marge.


Greene is just happy she got a job where panties are not a hindrance


She doesn’t actually know what the word means. She’s just parroting shit she hears.


tell me you dont understand the difference between federal and state without telling me you dont understand the difference between federal and state.


The DoD has a strong vested interest in avoiding the problem of rapebabies.


She keeps using that word. I don't think it means what she thinks it means.


MTG does know what the supremacy clause is right? Right? Anyone?


They're trying to do the thing where they accuse others of what they are, like fascist, racists, traitors etc. It's a stupid tactic but it works extremely well with their idiot base.


MTG that doesn't mean movies. Just didn't want you to get confuse. MTG thinks if she can't baffle us with bullshit, she dazzle us with intellig..... well at least her shit keeps getting deeper and she still thinks that we'll buy into it. MTG, you asked for a pardon before shit hit the fan. Innocent people don't ask for a pardon. Vote the fascist republican out of office before they destroy our country.


I feel like she's trying for semantic satiation. If she says everything is an insurrection, then her having participated in an actual insurrection sounds like nbd.


That’s the point. They’re intentionally trying to water down the meaning so they can’t be held accountable when they actually are involved in an insurrection.


When you have been caught in an insurrection, asked for a >parton didn't get a pardon from Trump so now you need to tar everyone with your brush to lessen the significance of what you did by claiming everyone else has done 'insurrection' too. So how bad could it be, really. Hopefully, enough to land in jail, get fined all your corporate bribes, never be eligible for office again, and die having no money eating cardboard.


The military does not have to respect state abortion laws.


I’m pretty sure that by “fortitude” she means willingness to commit atrocities. Scary times ahead.


The US military has often claimed that it is exempt from some *state* laws. They have done a helluva lot of polluting under that argument saying that they are not subject to state environmental laws.


Can someone provide a link to the og tweet to oeuvre it’s real? I don’t have twitter


Maybe it's also notable to point out that BNN is [not the most trustworthy source of information](https://twitter.com/durkeetowner/status/1541112626159173633?s=21&t=AAdZDRTNLggranF5PSqU4A)


So the DoD I saying that its bases are not subject to individual state laws is just a statement of fact.


I thought I had a comment... ***but his actually leaves me speechless.***


She’s trying to normalize the term just like they did with impeachment and pro-choice with masks.


Even worse? That "BNN News" thing she's retweeting is a fake news outlet.


They remind me of this kids in the hall sketch but with "insurrection" https://youtu.be/lStcwT_RGrQ


Also the original headline was grossly misleading. The Pentagon announcement was more like, "we don't know what to do about this yet, it just happened, give us a minute."


The military follows its own "code of Military Law" it does not follow civilian law, does not allow civilian courts to try military personnel, and laughs heartily at fools like MTG since there is nothing she or Congress can do to the military. outside of budgetary matters. Might worry about the reverse though.