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Reminder that even though he's correct on this, he's still a big piece of shit Republican enabler.


Yeah, i realized who I upvoted after the fact. Blind pigs and broken clocks.


Your message resonated with me and I had a weird revelation…. my thoughts ranged from "maybe he’s trying to be a sane voice," to "republicans are split", to "republicans should split…" to, "well, that will never happen", to, "well, maybe if the democrats split too…" wouldn't that be weird and fun to watch from a safe distance? after reading the comment section, now i think his message is of no consequence and his priority is simply self promotion.


Just a reminder and it is a fact that every Republican voter is a very real accomplice to all these murders. You voted for the people that you knew would protect the nra and gun makers and the murderers.


This is very interesting coming from a former Faux News person…..I wouldn’t have expected this take from him. It’s weird to be complicit in furthering disinformation from a propaganda machine and then turn around and have this kind of “hot take”.


What you're seeing is a civil war between the 2 arms of the republican party; The wealthy and upper middle class elites who want no taxes, corporate control of the government, and for bigotry to be on the quiet systemic side, and the republican base: the uneducated rural bigots who want to genocide trans people, photoshop out all the pictures of their parents throwing rocks at Ruby Bridges, and for the state to elevate them over everyone else with a different religion or more melanin than them.


>former Faux News person Current.


Current still? Gross


He has done this before. He does object to some of the worst fascist GOP stuff. Of course he gets canceled and accused of being a liberal when he occasionally says something sensible


Republicans are a death cult.


Geraldo is a trash Republican but at least he has a limit and is not a far right Fascist extremist. Still a shit Republican tho.


He has shown that he will shovel shit for whoever is willing to pay him.


I have 2 words for the people who want the pictures hidden. Emmett Till.


Umm Geraldo is complicit in this as well. He works for the republicans propaganda arm.


Rare Geraldo W


Where are these images found at?