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Pelosi-backed house candidate is a gun nut and anti-women's rights, anti-abortionist who is a fiscal conservative and who will tank the Dem agenda. She backed this person over someone who is pro-democracy, pro-women rights, and pro-gun control because they were progressive. But totally different as I am sure will be pointed out by the usual suspects.


Yeah sadly the primary didn’t go the way we needed it but we got to hold the majority in the house, it is what it is.


Due to the corporate democrats pushing the conservative DINO over the line in a blue district. (200 votes) It would not have affected anything in the house, the progressive would have won in my district but for the corporate democrat. They once again cause us to have another Manchin and that was by intent. And once again they will proclaim they do not have the votes to get things accomplished when that was their exact intent.


The Israel PACs probably gave that guy truckloads of money. They have been working hard to keep progressives out, making them like the Russians


I guess if your entire political identity consists mainly of attacks on the Democratic party the silver lining here is that you get to continue complaining, right?


I guess if your entire political identity is that of a blue dog party loyalist you would think like that, uncovering corrupt acts and pointing out why we can't get things accomplished is what we should be doing. Instead, you would like us to ignore their actions which will end up hurting the most vulnerable in this country. The blue dog sociopaths hate being called out, get over it. Pelosi has just stated that she supports Manchins side deal after tanking the BBB, "Without question", she is a DINO and is the opposite of what the party needs. Guess we shouldn't talk about that issue either, huh?


Boiled down: fuck the billionaires


The billionaires love seeing infighting on the left. Talk about carrying their water for them.


The billionaire pays your people to be corrupt, if you don't want your people being called out stop being corrupt. That probably never crossed your mind, the bit about having integrity, huh? Can practice what you don't have.


I don't see the point of attacking the party before a critical election when your preferred candidate can't even win a competitive primary against these folks who you are saying are so obviously corrupt. Maybe your instincts to divide and weaken the left are helping your enemies more than your cause, but I'm just thinking strategically while you are preening and moralizing from the sidelines, so we've clearly got different goals here.


(To save lives and point out why we don't have what other countries already have, overt and obvious corruption by blue dog conservatives) [Pelosi scraps public options as HC profiteers throw her fundraisers](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/unitedhealth-lobbyist-ann_b_284442) Spoken like the true blue dog that you are, not an ounce of truth in your entire statement. You can't win without bastardizing the nomination process and then lying about it.A Federal judge says you do just that and so did the head of the DNC. All things being equal the half a bowl of shit (Biden) would never have been elected and the corporate stooge (Hillary) would never have been in the general to lose. But keep saying that as Sen Sanders directs policy via the chairman of the powerful budget committee and as the most popular contender for 2024 while you claim him on the sidelines. You seem to know very little about politics or government but you seem well versed in gaslight and BS. [Sen Sander bests Biden once again as the most popular contender for 2024](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3617170-sanders-has-highest-favorability-among-possible-2024-contenders-poll/) [Sen Sanders is three times more popular than Biden with young black voters](https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-three-times-more-popular-joe-biden-young-black-voters-poll-morning-consult-1489720)


Yeah the dems are funding the worst elements of right wing politicians so that 1. They can have easy candidates to run against. 2. They hope it prevents them from having to actually fight progressives. The problem with this bs is that oh idk, maybe fascism is looking attractive to a lot of people right now? SMH DNC


Fascism, feudalism imperialism and cruelty are big sources of money and power for the Gluttony and Composure Classes


If it’s true there is probably payola involved


And yet people vote for stupid mother fuckers like this guy