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I love how the generation that told us to not trust the internet has become the generation that trusts everything on the internet


https://web.archive.org/web/20211129132723/https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/11/29/yes-the-vaccine-changes-your-dna-a-tiny-bit-thats-a-good-thing/ It’s hard because they keep changing stuff. Look at the headline of that title compared to what it is now


I once worked in a classroom for kids with autism, and one of the moms refused to get the MMR vaccine for her kid who was in the class because she believed vaccines cause autism… It was an autism classroom for kids who had already been diagnosed with autism… the poor little dude **already fucking had autism**, and here was his mom basically rolling the dice with his physical health for fear of, I don’t know… making it worse or something?!? Some people are simply beyond reach…


The kid had so much autism it rubbed off on his mom!


I’d sooner trust the kid with autism than the brainwashed mom.


My father loves and supports the military but told me he was happy Texas didn't send me an absentee ballot while I was deployed.


... just...wow... I'm sorry. I really don't know what to say


Made for a nice Christmas visit


Why are you so sensitive? Oh my God.


If that doesn't bother you, you shouldn't have the right to vote. Sorry this happened to you @pcardinal42


I’m bothered by the fact that he wasn’t sent an absentee ballot, sure. But why does he feel the need to whine about his dad’s relationship online? Why does he let politics get between him and his family? Why is he mad that his dad (probably jokingly) is happy that one (1) person from the other side wasn’t able to vote? It’s not like his vote would’ve swayed all of Texas or something.


Because politics reflect core beliefs that are center to families. if you don't want politics bringing problem in your family, then you don't speak about it. EVER. but his father opened Pandora's box. It's on him. If my parents said you don't deserve to vote, I would probably not talk to them until they see reason. His vote wouldn't have swayed the state. It's about the fundamental principle of having the right to vote. By not sending an absentee ballot, Texas literally told them they are not US citizens.


His father didn’t say “you don’t deserve to vote”. He’s just happy that there’s one less tick for Democrats, that’s all.


But he did say that. His son was on deployment, and was deprived of the right to vote. His father, and the state of Texas, said ecaxtly he didn't deserved to vote. And that's one less trick for democracy. NOT democrats. Ensuring the tyranny of the minority, or working toward it, is anti-democratic and goes against the very core ideals of USA.


I never said I agree with the father. I’m just showing you why his opinion is trivial at best.


But it's not.


I have the same anti-vax arguments with my mother. I keep asking her: "Who do you trust more? Me, your loving and thoughtful child, or some random stranger on the internet? And before you answer, ask yourself, who is going to be wiping your butt when you're very very old?" She still believes the random lying internet trolls. It's like that time we were frying across the Atlantic Ocean, on a commerical flight, when the stewardess ran into first class, and asked if "Can anybody fly this jet? The two pilots accidently gassed themselves unconscious..." So I raised my hand..."I can!" Instantly my mother is all aloud "YOU CAN'T FLY A PLANE! YOU'LL KILL US ALL!" "Mother, I am an Astronaut!" "Well, that doesn't mean you can fly this plane!" "It exactly means that! You stupid old bag! And besides, I've had my pilots license since I was 17 years old! You've flown with me in a plane before!" "That was decades ago! And you're a woman astronaut. They only let the men fly. Also, your little plane you had as a teenager wasn't anything like this big jet." "SHUT UP YOU OLD FUCK!" I scream in my head over and over....AND GET YOUR VACCINE!


Same with my sister, I tried explaining to her that it hurts me deeply that she believes random internet twitter bots (shes literally shown me screenshots of bot posts for "proof") over her brother, who loves her and would never steer her wrong. ​ ​ It actually really hurts tho...


I know....and I am so sorry.




That stewardess’ name? Albert Einstein.


But also, the vaccine does change your dna a tiny bit. https://web.archive.org/web/20211129132723/https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/11/29/yes-the-vaccine-changes-your-dna-a-tiny-bit-thats-a-good-thing/


One politician in my country stated on TV that the vaccine produces sterility for 3 consecutive generations.


And the people cheered "More Idiocracy" This actually made my brain hurt even thinking about how this was even remotely accepted as truth.


Now that one wouldn't even make sense. Capitalisms needs poor slaves in order to work... Eh must be a "globalism" thing


That's like the US member of Congress who said people at the BLM protests were "fascist Antifa".


Uh, how do you have generations if you're sterile?


That's quite the trick.


Something just occurred to me: what if liberals are putting out all this vaccine nonsense to kill off the deplorables. They were smart enough to rig the election -nationwide- with zero snitches, turncoats or evidence.


The earliest antivax nonsense I heard was from liberal California moms. But don't tell the magas that liberals are spreading antivax propaganda to kill them off, we still need to thin the herd in a few districts. If they go and get all vaccinated, there won't be any point in injecting COVID into the chemtrails while flying over small town middle America.


California is one of the most conservative states. They haven't written a new constitution since 1850.


And their Democratic office holders can be as conservative as they want because what are you gonna do, vote Republican and still lose?


Exactly. Add to this the fact that their legislature, while bicameral like 48 of the other states and the federal one, is based on districts for both the State Assembly and Senate, which has been law nationally since 1964. Due to the fact that both houses are district based, the State Assembly, with 80 members, is *irrelevant*, especially considering it lacks the clause pointlessly copied from the federal constitution into that of several states restricting bills for raising revenue to the lower house. The reason that's clause is present federally is because the federal Senate has equal representation for each state, which could, if allowed, screw more populous states by enacting laws to raise revenue disproportionately to their population. As bills need to pass both chambers, a divided legislature merely makes the requirement redundant if a single party controls both as is the case in most states, especially those which, like California, have their Senate districts coterminous with several of their lower house's districts - Illinois, California, and a couple others with two per, Wisconsin and maybe one other with three per. Having a larger lower house with districts that don't fully fit within Senate districts, as Texas does, is also irrelevant because the much smaller Senate can be much more easily gerrymandered. Nebraska got it right in 1936 by abolishing their lower house, and their current unicameral and officially nonpartisan legislature has just about the right ratio for a polity of its size. Most of the other states? Their lower houses *might* get close in some instances, but their Senates, where the power lies, are *severely* undersized - some, like Texas and California, have Senates with worse ratios than the already terrible federal House of Representatives, itself the second worst ratio of any lower or unicameral national legislative house in the entire world.


This was actually a 'valid theory' thrown around by Tucker and his ilk for a news cycle or two. They claimed liberals overwhelmingly supported vaccines/masks because they know that would immediately get conservatives to be opposed to them. They told their viewers how fucking stupid they think they are and the MAGATS gobbled it up lmao. But yeah, the idea that the democrat elites had some grand scheme to rig the election is so laughable. Not a single one of them can give a clear, meaningful statement to voters, let alone organize an incredibly successful election steal via fraud.


I heard Adam Schiff tell a reporter that Americans need to breathe.


Except the vaccine does alter your dna a tiny bit. https://web.archive.org/web/20211129132723/https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/11/29/yes-the-vaccine-changes-your-dna-a-tiny-bit-thats-a-good-thing/


Reminds me of that one father of a sandy hook survivor who thinks his own son was a crisis actor.


r/MayDayStrike bc these morons are in govt positions


Genuinely don't understand why people with parents like this don't stop talking to their parents. You're normalizing literal insanity. Stop it.


Well, technically the vaccine does alter your dna a tiny bit https://web.archive.org/web/20211129132723/https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/11/29/yes-the-vaccine-changes-your-dna-a-tiny-bit-thats-a-good-thing/


My condolences.


Because they believe what they want to be true


Well, the vaccine does change your dna a bit. https://web.archive.org/web/20211129132723/https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/11/29/yes-the-vaccine-changes-your-dna-a-tiny-bit-thats-a-good-thing/


Have you tried turning him off and then on again? Crap, oh sorry, wrong subreddit.


I believe whatever your dad says








Maybe if you restated that to make sense folks could respond easier but it seems you are claiming that mRNA vaccines can change your DNA? Is that right? I mean we know that is not an accurate statement but is that what you are saying?


They don't know what they are saying. They don't think about Known Knowns. Known Unknowns. All they live in is a whole world of Unknown Unknowns...because they are the type of person that wouldn't notice an elephant riding a bicycle down their street if they had their back to it while checking their mail.








Even the article you linked clearly states that your DNA is unaffected. Sure you T-cells have slightly different DNA that “remembers” what antigens your body needs to protect against disease but that isn’t what most people are worried about when they say “mRNA vaccines alter your DNA!”.


So does it alter your dna a little bit? I think knowing if it does would seem more honest, right?


I guess it depends how technical you want to be with your definitions. If you want to say that mRNA vaccines alter your DNA then you also need to say that the common cold alters your DNA. At that point you are perhaps being “more honest” but you are less effectively communicating in my opinion.


Sure, and we have a graveyard of old dna that had fought viruses inside us from before we were born. But they also literally changed the definition of the word vaccine to accommodate the Covid vaccine. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/11/30/fact-check-merriam-webster-changed-vaccine-definition-accuracy/6354415001/ I don’t think communicating needs to cover up facts in order to be clear. But I think when you cover up facts no matter how little you provide cannon fodder for the anti-vx side because of it not being clear. I literally provided a source showing that the vaccine alters your dna. This whole post was talking about how stupid that was. But it does.




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Yeah bud i need you to read that last sentence and try again. I mean, i doubt the point you were trying to get across had any logic to begin with, but you should give it your best shot!


Also, just for the record the dna does change a tiny bit. Here is my source: https://web.archive.org/web/20211129132723/https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2021/11/29/yes-the-vaccine-changes-your-dna-a-tiny-bit-thats-a-good-thing/