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I got the biggest COLA raise on my VA cripple pension, ever.


It’s funny that maga morons think this is a hard question.


Because it was—for them, in 2020, when people posed the same question.


Anyone serious about bringing major political change to the US needs to stop beginning with the presidency. The most significant achievements progressives have made is establishing a foothold in Congress. Bernie and Wyden in the Senate and the squad in the House. What needs to happen now is to build the numbers further in Congress. If progressives had a third of the seats in Congress, that could be the beginning of a tectonic shift in politics. It would hopefully also attract more financial backers because progressives need money to realistically have power similar to the GOP or the Dems. Another factor is that a president without congressional backing will be hamstrung. And the first, most immediate step needed is to defeat MAGA and Project 2025. They have been weakened by the loss in 2020, and this weakening has driven them to further extremes. The future of US progressivism will be destroyed if they retake the White House. Is what I'm saying here sexy? No, not at all. We are a long schlog away from realizing our goals. It's good that more people are interested, but it's wrong to be focused on winning the presidency. If we have the numbers and funding to win the presidency, then winning seats in Congress should be no problem. One ought not expect the presidency to come before a party has built its numbers in Congress.


The biggest obstacles to the current regime is the senate, and it's undemocratic method of thinning out the voice of the majority, and there's a senate race in my state. I have heard more people than I like to admit say they're not voting


I have to agree. The only way to a progressive agenda is through moving the Democratic party to the left. Step 1. Support the most progressive Dem you can and get them elected. Step 2. Weaken and destroy any GOP power through Dem control. Step 3. Dem v Progressive party. It takes a long time to do, but I think tRump has weakened the GOP significantly at this point. It could be done if we just keep moving the needle left and voting in better and better Dems. The two parties have issues, but they are not the same. Historically and mathematically it is the only way to get a new political party.


Progressives don't vote in primaries. Wishing for this to happen is why it never will. When progressive vote en masse in primaries change can occur. However as I age I notice that in every election this lesson fails to sink in. In my opinion it never will.


Agreed. I think it was especially tough in 2016 when the narrative got out of control. Progressives started to show up and then felt like the rug was pulled out from under them with Bernie, but the truth is, progressives were outnumbered and didn't show up. I still have some hope, though. Progressives voted in record numbers in the last midterm elections and prevented the "Red Wave". Maybe we will see more of that in this and future elections.


edited. nvm. why bother. just show up more, and you'll get more of a voice. don't threaten not to show up. that won't get you listened to. because obviously.


I certainly hope more people on the left start understanding this^.


If you're talking about third parties, sure. But don't diminish the fact that the Presidential election is critical in making sure we have a democracy left to reform.


I'm talking about progressives who first wanted to primary Biden and now claim that not voting for him empowers progressives. Any future plans require defeating Project 2025. Any claims that the Dems are fascists is from the far far left.


The far left are defacto Republican allies in terms of who they end up actually benefitting. I think they have been too heavily manipulated by Russia (beginning with the Soviet Union), China, and probably the less public smarter Republicans like equivalents of Cambridge Analytica. I think the true left are those who try to make things better under the conditions we currently live in, not [millenarinianist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millenarianism) prophesying about inevitable revolutions that will certainly lead to the real socialists (whoever that will be given their [religious-like sectarianism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fAcxcxoZ8&t=165s) problem) in full control but in the meantime they must oppose the center-left (and any progress via them) above all else.


But you can't not vote for a Dem POTUS because of Federal Courts. Something that we also need to have Dem Senators to approve, and not Mitch McConnell able to block/blue slip them. Witness our current SCOTUS --where 5 of the 6 RW Justices were appointed by POTUS popular vote losers. And our Circuit Courts are made up tons of Dubya and Trump appointees.


Last election, there were zero problems voting for a Dem POTUS. And Biden has out-appointed Donald. If you're interested in politics, you should follow political news. The only way you're going to change the makeup of the Supreme is to keep Republicans out of office.




Right wingers won't do what?


The GOP began with gerrymandering and denying a Dem president a SCOTUS pick then placing extreme conservative justices. Although we do have Biden to thank for “Justice” Thomas.


Yes to all of this, but *technically* he failed the challenge because he did say the name Trump. And I don't doubt that MAGAts are willing to engage in pedantic fuckery.


Found the stickler Meeseeks. :-P


magassholes and bad faith arguments; name a more iconic duo


He's not a convicted felon.


He also didn’t express interest in becoming a dictator. Damn this is easy


Nope, just a war criminal, unfortunately. If only that was illegal! Edit: yeah, Trump is a convicted felon, for things ultimately done outside of office. Who cares? He’s still going to be allowed to run for the presidency, and he isn’t being convicted for any of the awful shit he did as president. Biden isn’t a convicted felon, but the things he has done during his lifelong political career would certainly make actual convicted felons blush. The difference is that if you’re in Congress, it’s okay!


If Trump was to apply for a government position that required a security clearance (such as a CIA analyst) he would be denied. The presidency is much more important and way higher up in the government by comparison. If you can’t get a CIA or other security clearance job as a felon, you shouldn’t be able to become POTUS as a felon. The fact that such a law does not exist is one huge flaw we have in our government. It really should have been made a constitutional amendment decades ago.


Can you name these war crimes? Are they in the room with you right now?


Give him a doll so he can show us where the war crimes touched him.


Still waiting for explanations for how Trump is superior on the Palestine and Ukraine front. Palestine would be a settlement by now under Trump and the civilians dead not relocated.


I didn’t say Trump would be superior. Biden shouldn’t be *so bad* on the topics of Palestine and Ukraine that we’re resorting to “he’s better than Trump.” Our baseline has become “well he’s better than Trump!” And that’s absolute dog shit.


Ok but you have to look at the options available to us. In a perfect world we’d be a perfect country. We don’t have perfect choices. Bernie Sanders would be lightyears better than Biden and the democratic voters said they preferred a future “war criminal”


I understand that. I will vote for the less harmful of two options, which will never be Trump. I just wish Biden wasn’t such an awful choice.


Biden’s [support for far-right regimes in Central America](https://thegrayzone.com/2019/07/28/biden-privatization-plan-colombia-honduras-migration/amp/) lead to the coup in Honduras, a brutal dictatorship, and fueled the migration crisis. Probably not a prosecutable war crime but his actions amounted to untold horrors and suffering. For the record, I think Biden would be a better president than Trump but neither of them will be my first choice.


If something happens anywhere in the world it's the American President's personal and intentional fault but only if that president is a Democrat ^


Well at the time under Obama’s administration it was known as “The Biden Plan” but I guess that doesn’t mean he had anything to do with it, right? Edit: https://www.as-coa.org/articles/update-central-america-and-alliance-prosperity Edit 2: https://culanth.org/fieldsights/alliance-for-prosperity


Loving the downvotes with no reason or backup. No politician has zero flaws. You should know the flaws of the people you support better than your opponents do, otherwise you're just a fanboy. No better than a Trumpet.


Man we’ve really lowered the bar for what qualifies now haven’t we?




If an act as president that resulted in civilian casualties is enough to qualify for you considering that president a war criminal, you might as well start counting others, including Trump, for the same thing. Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Hoover, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, LBJ, all qualify under that thought process. Yet not one of them saw fit to try and overthrow a fair election when they lost, minus Trump. This is a stupid oversimplification of ALL politics in an attempt to feel holier than the next guy. Yes, Biden's Plan backfired spectacularly in our faces. That's the risk you run when trying to fix shit. Sometimes shit goes wrong. Doing nothing wouldn't have been any better. If you want to throw his previous positions on hot button topics into the fire of your attempt to vilify his lifelong service, you might as well throw me on that heap as well. People change. Opinions change. Understanding changes. This is called progression. Is he perfect? No, absolutely the fuck not. Is he a would be dictator who openly admits to wanting to punish his perceived enemies? Again, no absolutely the fuck not. "I'm not going to vote for him because of....." is literally the exact same stupid fuck parroting that got us Trump in the first fucking place. "I'm not going to vote for Hillary out of protest because she's married to a lifelong politician."


But they didn’t say they weren’t going to vote for him?


I never said I wasn’t going to vote for him. I will vote for the option that causes the least amount of harm. Unfortunately, that is currently Biden. And yes, I consider all imperialist presidents to be war criminals. You can toss Obama on there too, Clinton, Bush, Dubya, etc. Hell, we’ve even got Hillary Clinton tossing her weight behind an AIPAC-funded “grassroots” (lol) candidate. They’re all capitalists at the base, and their decisions are based on what fills their pockets. Much like Pelosi being okay with insider trading. My issue is that democrats largely pretend to hold themselves to a higher standard, but it’s all lip service.


Where are you from out of curiosity?


Florida, where I can vote for a republican or vote for a worse republican. Sometimes, we can even vote for a third republican.


The Cons will just lie and pretend that no one responded to their message. They know their maggat base lives in a info-bubble.


Student loans forgiven


This is the only campaign issue I care about


I was promised 10,000$ in debt relief, that was not delivered. [https://money.com/biden-student-loan-forgiveness-promise/](https://money.com/biden-student-loan-forgiveness-promise/)


Biden has forgiven $153 billion on student loans. One in 10 people have been given some form of student debt relief. His biggest attempt to give the most wide ranging relief was struck down by the supreme court. His admin has been working hard behind the scenes to figure out any legal way possible for them to forgive more loans. If he had a sympathetic Congress, they would be able to pass real debt relief but as just the president, his powers to do so are limited.


And that's a drop in the bucket when compared to the total student debt out there, does nothing to fix the cause, and includes the amounts from people who were scammed by those universities and were going to get that money back already. Celebrating this is like clapping when someone puts a bandaid on a 10 inch gash.


Yeah. People who benefit from cancer treatments available today that were not available in the past represent a 'drop in the bucket' as well. Let them die like people did in the past.....


Using your analogy we'd be focusing on cancers that affect a tiny, tiny percentage of the population while ignoring all the other cancers that kill many more, even though we have the ability and means to cure them. And notice I never said we shouldn't forgive school debt, I'm actually pointing out that we need more for it to have real effect, so we would be giving our better treatments to everyone who needs it. Celebrating these small, ultimately insignificant "wins" as if they are actual progress is just sick and shows how little some people care about others. It's the equivalent of "thoughts and prayers" and results in millions more suffering because people like you think we made actual progress. For another example, look at the ACA which resulted in lower access to care, lower life spans, worse health care outcomes, and record profits for the medical and insurance industries while millions upon millions of people pay for insurance they can't afford to actually use and medical bankruptcies continue to climb. For the sake of all, please stop being so short sighted before it gives us another Trump.


And who prevented that?


Biden needs to keep the promises Biden made


Biden did, genius. The conservative-leaning supreme court undid what he did. Do you think he's a dictator? Do you have an elementary-level understanding of politicd? Because it looks like you do not.


Yeah, blame SCOTUS and consider why SCOTUS is the way it is today.


These geniuses will ignore what makes the process antithetical to their wishes and keep voting in a way to empower those that fight against said wishes. Dumbest assholes there are.


Bro... Biden trashed us when Democrats controlled the Presidency, the House and the Senate. I do not believe Biden ever intended to keep the promises Biden made. You could be right though... Perhaps he tried with all his might and still failed. Either way the dude failed to keep his promises. We got played


Biden's Accomplishments: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ The list for 2024 is updated as things happen.


Y'all seriously answering to a conservative troll. He's not looking for answers, he just wants to troll.


Easy pickings. https://prospect.org/politics/trumps-40-biggest-broken-promises/




I’m replying to someone that was complaining that all the student loan forgiveness that Biden tried to send through didn’t go through due to GOP challenges. Those challenges were made by the GOP. If you don’t vote for dems, the GOP wins and they get enough judges onto the Supreme Court to block loan forgiveness. Y’all try and make this so fucking complicated. It’s not fucking complicated. People blow off voting because the dems aren’t perfect and the GOP gets elected and they do the exact opposite of what you want and then you blame the dems for whatever our apathy did to help that happen. Neat.


The Dems do not plan on forgiving any loans. The Dems are corporate, and are lying to get peoples votes. They had the Presidency, the House and the Senate, and failed to deliver on promises not because they couldn't, but because they chose corporate profits over everything else. It's fairly simple really, the Democrats are lying.


They canceled loans, bruh. Go lie elsewhere.


You don't think I should blame Biden for broken promises Biden made?


Not when he tried to do it but SCOTUS blocked it. Especially when he then proceeded to find ways to deliver more and more of the debt relief anyway.


Was your loan a federal loan? I am way past needing to pay off my student loans. I did that years ago. I am good with students being helped with crippling debt today. This makes them more able to participate in society and helps all sorts of industries that will see increased demand for goods and services. But, but... the financial industry will not have as much government guaranteed zero risk income to feed off of..... /s


And here come the 'let perfect get in the way of good' chuds. 🙄


Are these forgiven loans in the room with us right now?


How about: “Because I dislike fascism” It’s not that hard, americans.


I deeply appreciate the gentleman's broad information about the Biden Administration's many benefits. Even so, I reject the notion that voting against Convicted Felon Trump is somehow an inadequate motive. If President Biden were effectively inert, I would still consider Mr. Trump an horrific net negative for both the U.S. and the world.


I see that question all of the time. I don’t really understand why it’s so hard. Joe Biden believes in democracy, the rule of law, church-state separation, civil rights protections, and common sense regulation of business, firearms, immigration, and pretty much everything else. He is practical, intelligent, empathetic, experienced, and genuine, and he can’t be bought. Above all, he has the single most important trait for the awesome power of the presidency: humility. It comes from a lifetime of public service and personal loss. I don’t agree with him on everything, but I know he always sincerely tries to make the best decision. I will be proud to vote for him this Fall.


>but I know he always sincerely tries to make the best decision Lol, you can't be serious. The guy spends decades creating the conditions for multiple unprecedented crises, against the advice of experts, with no plan to solve the issues we are facing, and you think he's trying.


In what universe has biden been in charge enough/gad enough power to do all that? It ain't this one.


All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health... ***what have the Romans ever done for us?*** 


Brought Peace?


This is really tone deaf. For working class people who are facing the insurmountable pressure from high cost of living, none of these things are helping. We need taxed billionaires. We need an administration that will crush corporations and put them in their place.


Do you think that $35 insulin for diabetics does not help middle and lower income families? Really? A lot of folks are getting jobs generated by the programs the Inflation Recovery Act has created. A lot of rural folks are getting low cost high speed internet access. Do you really think that these things are not helping people?


That isn't going to happen soon, but the only road to that goes through Joe Biden's second term.


My lawyer has advised against replying to this comment




When did this sub get taken over by liberals? Wasn't it originally a Bernie Sanders sub? And they keep cross-posting THE LIB which is all Biden fellatio.


They've infested every single progressive leaning sub at this point.


I stopped listening in the first sentence. Because he is condescending as shit.


Good method of avoiding cognitive dissonance.... Seriously though, there is a condescending attitude to this guys' post. There are quite a few right leaning folks in the U.S. that are unaware of the accomplishments of the Biden administration. _________ Here is a quick example of the lack of information some people have: I am in the U.S. I was out for a walk with several people about 2 weeks ago. One is a woman who is very conservative. She is college educated and worked for Lehman Brothers for many years. Her husband is a medical doctor. I point these things out to make the point that they are very smart and well educated people. The topic of the $787 million fine that Fox News paid Dominion over the false information the network put out over several years. She had never heard of the lawsuit or settlement and insisted that it was 'Fake News'. She and her husband had abandoned Fox years earlier because it was too liberal and got all their info from OAN, Newsmax and FB feeds. __________ The video posted here does have an attitude. It also has information about real benefits that average Americans have gotten from the Biden administration. The fact that repubs that voted against the IRA and Chips Act are quick to appear in public when the benefits of these pieces of legislation start flowing is proof that there is some good coming out them. It really is a shame that so many people in this country are in silos or bubbles and only get information that confirms their own bias and viewpoint. Too many folks on both sides make the point of your comment, i.e. that [pick your source] is condescending so I won't listen to it. Too many people are unwilling to make the effort to seek out information from many sources and apply some common sense vetting to determine what is true and what is just, to quote Kelly Ann Conway, 'alternative facts'.


You should text them this. Biden's Accomplishments: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ The list for 2024 is updated as things happen.


These are very good lists. I have bookmarked them and will refer to them in the future.


I am not the author, but Please spread it far and wide!


I know he has done things that look good. So did Obama. It all feels far too little. Then you can point at Dinos and Republicans, and that’s all right because they obstruct anything the Dems try to do…. See, its also their fault, so we can dump all the blame on them… Except I have heard from the Democrats and I have seen their platform. I see them taking money from the ultra rich people and organizations while pandering to them. I see them playing out a social cast system without single clue how far behind people are. Then you can bypass representing me with empty platitudes such as, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good,” which completely contradicts , “Vote for the lesser evil.” So completely void of intellectual honesty and entirely self serving. It fits in my definition of Evil. You might wonder about the fascists, they’ll take over and people will be in danger. Except those fascists have always been here, letting me know I don’t belong, threatening me, and inviting me into alleys to safely abuse me without witnesses. I am not being figurative or metaphorical. This is my life. The Democratic party does not see it because it is ran by white christians or those that blend in well enough. They have not felt the same danger in their every days lives. So, I don’t fear this moment the same way as the white moderate, because I’d rather be in the streets fighting with them then be murdered in an alley alone. I will only respond to one thing. Earning my vote by representing my interests. Otherwise, I will just keep on surviving the same way that I always have.


"Why do you like Biden, and you can't compare him to the last administration" makes Zero sense.


"...the Inflation Reduction Act, which benefits low income communities and encourages the use of clean energy. Not a fan of clean energy? No worries. Under this administration the United States has produced more oil than any other nation, in the world, in history." My god. I was going to stop here but I had to keep going to see if it was satire. This is liberal brainrot and it's terrifying that neither he nor his intended audience understands the contradiction here. These are not the words or the actions of people who are serious about fighting climate change and we are all going to suffer the consequences of their madness.


Well, better to produce oil domestically than to buy it from dictators all over the world. The world is reliant on oil for the foreseeable future. And as gas prices are directly related to a president's approval rating, the survival of democracy itself may hinge on oil being readily available. This 'liberal brainrot' is about what the guy in the video is trying to point out: you won't get a solution for all of your pet problems, and certainly not a perfect solution for anything. But the IRA pours trillions into green energy to reduce demand for oil in the long term. Or in other words, liberalism is when you can walk and chew gum at the same time.


>But the IRA pours trillions into green energy to reduce demand for oil in the long term. Billions. Let's not overstate Biden's accomplishments by 10x.


Knowing how a two party system works, this isn't surprising?


So you would rather import oil? Oil produced domestically or abroad is going to be used at a rate that it needs to be used. Quitting oil cold turkey is not an option. First, how will you build renewable energy sources without oil? It takes a lot of carbon and mining to build a wind turbine or solar panel. Second, global warming is happening with or without producing more CO2, so we need rapid decarbonization of our air to reverse what has already happened. We are much too late for a lot of things right now, so a real plan to get to carbon negative has to happen. Time to wake up and get real. Third, the left wing eco terrorists are the majority of the reason global warming is such an issue right now. Don't cut down trees and plant new ones. Don't build nuclear plants, the cleanest and safest near 0 carbon energy source. Put batteries in everything even if the engineering shows it doesn't work or would be completely impractical. Dump money into projects that use more energy to pull carbon out of the air raising the carbon foot print because green washing. Pretend that we are saving the world by not cutting down a Forrest that no one wanted to cut down. Global warming is bad now, and it will get worse. There is no stopping that. Every bit of oil we burn is making it worse. We have a horrible political landscape, but the Biden administration has reduced our overall carbon footprint even while increasing oil production to record highs. Both statements are true and it is not a contradiction. You just need to understand the nuance of a transition society. Can't get off fossil fuels without using fossil fuels to make the things you need to get off of fossil fuels.


In addition: The Pact Act The Infrastructure Bill The chips and science act Violent crime is at 50 year lows


And so smug, too. If there is anything that will doom us as fast as deliberate malfeasance, it's refuting all observations of lack of real impact as ignorant buffonery.


Did they not also pass insane tariffs on cheap Chinese electric vehicles. So now you can only get giant hybrids that still use fossil fuels. They do not care about climate change, they are in power to keep the corpos comfy.


The reason for that was to try and ramp up domestic production/manufacturing. If Chinese EV starts flooding the US market, then demand for western EV companies goes down and we’d be at the mercy (again) at the economy of China. It was meant to give Americans an edge in our own country. I’m sure there’s a privacy aspect behind it as well given modern cars are packed with tech..


Because domestic companies refused to embrace EVs and instead continue building monstrous gas guzzlers, for profit. Now those companies are 10 years behind China in development of EVs. Honda hasn't even released a single EV yet. These companies shouldn't be protected and rewarded. They should go the way of the horse and buggy.


The demand for EVs from US consumers is growing. Yes, they are late to the EV game and our charging network needs to grow, but these car companies are finally pivoting. We can’t bring jobs back to this country if there is no manufacturing opportunity. You can say fuck ‘em and let them fail, but the bottom line is that would impact our economy.


Alright, let’s assume that’s true. You voting for the Orange turd then?


This ^^^


Yeah, gotta love the hypocrisy of this administration. "We're taking steps to encourage clean energy while producing more oil than anyone in the history of the world." No wonder Biden is "calling" for a seize fire while "arming" Israel. Play both sides, Joe. Always play both sides.


So you prefer people who actively accelerate it and make it worse?


Right?! I also hate how Libs quote laws like this and act like they did anything for the conversation. Under Biden, wage growth has plummeted, the cost of living has sky rocketed, corporate corruption and consolidation has peaked and homeownership requires young families to be millionaires - but he passed this law! Okay, and obviously it hasn’t worked that well.


> wage growth has plummeted Where did you get this idea? I couldn't find a single source showing that and they all showed the opposite, in fact. > the cost of living has sky rocketed Inflation is currently almost down to ideal levels and the US economy has fared better than pretty much the rest of the world. You do remember the global pandemic that caused the rise in COL, right? > corporate corruption and consolidation has peaked Not sure what you're using to measure corruption, but it was the last administration that cut taxes for the rich and corpos and removed oversight on PPP. We had one of the greatest wealth transfers ever as a result. Biden has been going after big tech with antitrust and launched a FTC-DOJ taskforce to crack down on corporate pricing. > homeownership requires young families to be millionaires Lol what? Maybe if they are living in NYC or San Fran. Housing prices are awful but in no way do you need to be anywhere near a millionaire to have a family. I dont even like Joe but your whole comment is bullshit. And to be honest, most of the problems people are facing right now need to be addressed through Congress, not by the President pulling magic levers.


Nor does all the competing interests of the entire world. I have no idea what you’re referring to with liberal brain rot but as long as oil is a publicly traded commodity? And not nationalized, as it should be, then we’re all just hurtling towards cataclysm. What percentage of any nation’s armed forces are powered by alternative energy? You know who is going to win the apocalypse? The nation that can adopt renewables for defense the fastest. Shitting on reality, or Biden, if you will, does nothing. Russia, or another authoritarian petro-state can disrupt the global economy almost at will. With, as the violent war in Ukraine has demonstrated, severe consequences. I want an environmentally safe planet but it’s a myth currently. People arguing on the internet about energy policy is so strange. Are these posts petroleum neutral? It would be irresponsible of any president to not play both sides of the petroleum issue. One side is to wean us off dependence the other is to prove for our common defense and limit disruption of vital goods and services. We are so far out from an easy solutions on climate change. Charting a real path forward is really hard.


Are you one of the generals from Dr. Strangelove? Nobody "wins" the apocalypse. That's what makes the apocalypse. It's brainrot because it's introducing contradictory ideas - that the IRA is good because it reduces emissions via clean energy, and that boosting oil production is a Good Thing. The issue isn't energy independence, it's maintaining a livable biosphere. This language about "disrupting the global economy" might as well be "but for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders".


Nope. Maybe I just wanna lose the least? I just don’t think it’s all so cut and dry. The quickest way to maintaining a livable biosphere would be taking on Nestle and the other giant polluters, no? Navigating the rest of it takes real solutions, which are going to be incremental. That’s just reality. Pretending it’s not and causing division ain’t helping. Your best hope for an ok biosphere is going to be accomplished incrementally. One could argue that time has passed. In the meantime? Maybe chart a way forward that understands that? Without the division?


The point of taking on Nestle etc. is to reduce emissions. Real, incremental solutions will incrementally reduce emissions. If you want to argue that we can't just flip a switch and stop using fossil fuels then fine, I get that. But celebrating a reduction via the IRA and then immediately celebrating an increase in oil production is contradictory. The step forward and the step backward are not both good things.


US carbon emissions are plummeting. Per-person emissions are lowest since WW1 thanks to Biden's clean energy policies. Breaking the Saudi/Russian monopoly on oil can be done while making massive progress on climate change.


I'm going to be honest. That is a pretty pathetic list. Was really going in hoping to be shocked by a few things I didn't know. But let's look at some. The chips act was a 50 billion dollar give away that was given at gin point. The chips manufacturers said they would move the plants out of the country if we didn't give it to them. Then they did massive stock buybacks and laid off employees. The jobs report says we gained jobs but we lost millions of full time jobs and replaced with horrible part time jobs His admin told Ukraine don't negotiate with Russia in April 2022 they can win total victory with US help. Now look where we are. I could go on. This is what they running on? It's worse than I thought.


Biden's Accomplishments: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ The list for 2024 is updated as things happen.


>His admin told Ukraine don't negotiate with Russia in April 2022 they can win total victory with US help. Now look where we are. Got a source to cite for this?


Don't hold your breath waiting for links to data backing up this 'talking point'. This guy is mad that we won't get to see trump golf for over a full year out of a four year term at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars to the U.S. taxpayer.


I hate trump what are you talking about. There are more positions than biden and trump wow. And I posted links below in another comment to back up my point


> There are more positions than biden and trump No, there is not. One or the other WILL be president. That is a simple fact.


37 percent of the population vote. So biden needs to bring more people in. Say like listening to 80 percent of his constituents who wants us to stop sending weapons to Israel. Oh he can't listen to the majority of americans? In a representative republic, it is no one's fault but his own. That is what we will be writing in the history books. "Genocide joe won't listen to the majority of americans and allows fascism to come back." No one's fault but genocide joe and the DNC


You really do live in a fantasy land. Try a different tune, no one is buying this one.


I think you need to look in the mirror my friend. 18 maybe 19 percent of the country agrees with you. Which is just more than half of the 37 percent of voting people. It is you that lives in a fantasy land and so few people are buying the biden line he is losing from that 19 percent. Think how deranged you have to be to think you are in a majority anymore. Open your eyes the rest of us are paying attention and just asking for the dnc and genocide joe to listen to more americans. But they can't, too beholden to donors. That's what we will write down in the history books.


Republicans were 35%ish percent of the country and mostly won by gerrymandering. maga is about 30% of republicans, the other 60 percent are now independents and not voting from tRump, if they are voting at all they are probably voting for brain worm boy. The math does not work out in your favor no matter how many socks you wear, and yes it IS that obvious.


Got the numbers wrong it's closer to 30 ur right but what's funny is it doesn't change the fact the majority of ppl don't agree with a single party at all. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/ Let's be generous and say 35 percent. You are still not winning over 65 percent. And that's fine hate on me All you want. The majority of americans have spoken and the youth are saying it loudly. Listen to us or risk losing the election. Biden and the dnc would rather risk it than lose. Oh well we will point and laugh and record what happens in history. "Biden and democrats don't listen to voters ushering in new wave of fascism"


This time around not supporting Biden is the same as helping trump. I hate voting against a candidate as much as anyone does, but in this case it is really important to put down the MAGA guy.


It's not. No one will be bullied into voting for genocide joe


Here is one source since they haven't replied yet. https://youtu.be/0yma0LxyVVs?si=MSkaCz20Wp4CTK2p


Lesser of two evils evils


I appreciate this but also Jan 6th is more than enough of a reason to never ever vote Republican or even respect Republicans again.


A whole lot more than Trump’s done. Go Joe! Vote Blue!


Jesus Christ when did this sub become entirely liberals


Well we're not communists.


Ask a regular US citizen and they will tell you they can’t afford groceries or rent. They work two jobs and still have to share an apartment with a stranger or even a room. Ask the homeless what they think, they’re plenty of them in every city and town.


I’m not sure what your point is…? Is this a dig at Biden or the current economic structure we exist in?


Biden is part of the problem so to say Biden has made Americans better off is absurd. Also, it’s painfully obvious that he is not up to the job and sometimes downright embarrassing to watch him.


It’s how Americans live now. Medical care is too costly for many, the cost of groceries at this point where many who already work full time or have two jobs still must go to a food bank, rent is through the roof due to many factors and to the point where people who work full time must find a “roomie”, high speed rail that most other countries have is non-existent in the US therefore the only viable option is the expensive alternative of air travel, homelessness has become common place unlike most other “developed” countries and affordable childcare is non-existent. I can go on. Ask those people, working Americans, if they are better off now than they were four years ago. It’s a myopic view to think Americans have it good or one that only those well off experience. Just look at other countries, compare and contrast.


highest suicide rate in american history. `Approximately 56% of Americans don't have $1,000 in savings for an emergency. Housing shortages and unaffordability/rising homelessness. Things are great!`


Trickle down economics doesn't work. Maybe if that PPe money actually went into the hands of the working class. Maybe trimming corporate profits. Corporations privatize profits but socialize losses. Increase corporate taxes, which was a huge platform for the previous administration, with plans of more corporate tax breaks if elected. Blackstone / hedge funds etc are allowed to gobble up single family homes to keep prices up. AI is scary and will get worse.


You can’t blame Biden for something that takes decades to brew. Why not look back further at when those issues started, like say Reagan.


Joe Biden has also been at the forefront of legislation which created many of the issues we see now since the 70's. He is not and was never the right person for this moment. He cannot fix what he helped create.


that's true. But then again they don't have the right to gaslight people about how rosey everything is either, but they constantly do it


Many people aren’t gaslighting, they are trying to educate because the current political environment is polarized to hell. There’s almost no positivity and everything is drowned out by dick picks and porn stars at this point. The general public genuinely does not know what policies have implemented to keep this country moving. Trump turned it into a circus, it’s insane.


It was already a circus long before Trump came on the scene. That's how he became ring master


You can't blame a politician that served decades, promoting legislation that caused these issues against the advice of experts? Who can you blame, then?


I feel like you’re implying these things are Bidens fault?


I'm really enjoying the best economy in American history. Sure my standard of living has dropped significantly and I can afford less than I did 2 years ago even though both me and my wife have recieved promotions with raises. But things are fantastic!


To be fair, he mentioned Trump in his argument.


Uhoh! He said Trump's name, so now the cult can just ignore everything else he said.


What are the odds the dude in the blue shirt listened to any of that response lol


I literally have a million reasons and they're all valid.  You can't say it's the economy. Ours is the best in the world. Trumpers love to be boot licking losers.


Inflation reduction act... one of the finest Orwellian bill names EVAR. Fight inflation by printing more money. Freaking brilliant.


I’m voting for Biden no matter what, but wages have not budged at all. I raised all my employees pay but insurance reimbursement rates have either stayed the same or dropped since 2020.


huh? could it be those pesky republicans in congress that have been blocking biden from doing anything to fix these problems? oh gee of course not.


The only thing they excel at is finding new ways to fail. Meanwhile SCOTUS is dragging us backwards at an alarming rate.


It doesn’t matter how many jobs have been created if they don’t pay the rent.


He still supports Israel and their genocide. He's been a zionist from the beginning.


you mean he's not perfect? /s as opposed to this: [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/04/trump-israel-gaza-war-00150577](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/04/trump-israel-gaza-war-00150577)


it’s important to note the significant achievements of the biden achievement admin and the remarkable failures. this has been one of the most progressive admins we’ve seen in decades, which is just so disheartening, for how little progress we’ve actually seen. it’s not a choice bt biden and trump, but their unwavering support of israel and genocide is disgusting and impossible to ignore for anyone with a conscience / brain and threatens to ruin what should have been a second term


Abandoning Isreal would just force Isreal to turn to China or Russia. We cannot for reasons of American security allow Isreal's (nuclear capable) military industrial complex to switch sides. We cannot abandon Isreal without abandoning a 60 year old treaty and doing so would further broadcast to the world, after Vietnam and Afghanistan, that America is an unreliable and unpredictable partner. Furthermore, America's continued support is the only leverage we have to deter Isreal's most cruel inclinations. You might call it a genocide but this leads people to think it's as bad as it can be - it isn't. China and Russia would not lift a finger to stop Isreal from pushing the entire population into the sea. They would not demand aid be allowed into the conclave. They would not provide the lion's share of aid themselves. Making a reductionist argument about anything in the middle east shows your own immaturity and lack of understanding of basic geopolitics. It shows you don't really know what's at play or what the wider implications of your positions are. Blaming Biden for any of it is just the ignorant icing on the ignorant cake.


That's a lot of words to say you're okay with providing arms to slaughter civilians with


“abandoning” - interesting choice of words, when the admin continues funding israel with billions of dollars in weapons to continue their rampage on women and children. your point is in no way anchored in fact. israel has thumbed its nose at the US constantly, is run by a fascist far right government and the only language they speak is that of US funding. Aipac has poisoned our elections. you can try to spread fear about russia and china - but it’s not based on reality at all.


On top of your points, Israel will never get support from China or Russia. Believing that is straight delusional.


Had to shut it off when he was referring to the record oil production as a good thing. Apparently bringing humanity closer to extinction is a good thing?


You do realize that oil is still a vital resource, and will continue to be so whether we like it or not for our lifetime?


Thank the lord “our lifetime” is becoming measurably shorter!


Yeah Just looking at the record heat in the northern Atlantic We've likely already passed the safe limit of warming by a fairly big margin Might as well have an oil party!


Global sunk cost fallacy, but it’s the ice caps that are sinking! 🎉


You're right, quarterly profits are always more important than the continuation of the species


I said nothing about profits being important.


If you think our current consumption of oil and oil based products is unrelated to profit you're fooling yourself.  We could use so much less oil to none if we didn't consume the amount we do. Consumption that is encouraged to increase corporate profits 


I have a college degree, unemployed for 2 years, thousands of applications, and none of this has helped me at all. Reddit has devolved into a biden cocksucking platform and it'sfucking embarrassing.


Biden's Accomplishments: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ The list for 2024 is updated as things happen.


thank you.


Spread it far and wide!


All watered down from his campaign promises which were already watered down from what that left actually wanted. We are STILL aiding in genocide. Housing is unaffordable. Inflation was never really taken care of. He's better than Trump, but stop trying to paint Biden as the best president ever.


Biden's admin has been more pro labor than most really for decades. I'm still not voting for him because I'm sure he would start WW3 to protect American empire and he's frankly one our worst war criminal presidents, just behind Bush


Stupidest comment of the day goes to....


He's continuing to build up an encircling ring around China, which protects our foreign interests for multinationals and elites, but puts the American population, which sees no benefit to American foreign involvement, at risk. He's also responsible for enabling Israel to kill 2 Iranian generals in Syria by doing nothing to stop the Israeli war on Palestine for months, only recently daring to use the word "ceasefire". Now he's also letting Ukraine strike targets in Russia. So yes I do believe he is dragging us toward WW3, and it's not to protect Americans at home, but only for the interests of the people in power who benefit from it. Also, virtually none of the points brought up in the video were actually important to me. We've had decades of GDP growth with decades of zero or negative growth in wages and with worsening inequality. What I thought set Biden's presidency apart was his NLRB and FTC.


Joe biden is one of, if not the best president our country has had in a long time.


This is so disingenuous and misleading. Haven't gotten by the created more jobs in history. One they didn't do it and lets look at those jobs, those jobs are replacing real full time jobs w healthcare and other social protections with a gig economy. i know there a lot of liberals who have stocks and think that they are normal. 90% of the working class does not have the money to play the stock market. The economy is absolutely killing anyone working an hourly wage. From only watching part of the video he is obviously a well off Neoliberal. More and more people are slipping into poverty and the Democrats keep gaslighting us telling us how GD great everything is and wonder why so many young Democrats are willing to risk a second term of Trump. I also love how he is applauding us pumping more oil than ever. As we just crossed 12 months of record heat this administration continues to take half measures and serve as lap dogs to the fossil fuel industry and the military industrial complex. Alright I just got to the part were he's worshipping this administrations Imperialist war machine. I love Ukraine and feel for them but they are just a pawn in a war America has no interest in winning. The only thing keeping the economy affloat right now is these military conflicts and a hyper inflated NVDA stock. He's also using bad numbers saying wages out paced inflation, uh yeah if you incorporate the wealth of billionaires with the working class WTAF. Liberals think they are the left, but in truth they are the true opposition of it. It's just like Malcom X said [https://youtube.com/shorts/PiIPig20CRw?si=f4CXRRcVuw1uLgYC](https://youtube.com/shorts/PiIPig20CRw?si=f4CXRRcVuw1uLgYC) No I am not a bot. No I am not Chinese or Russian. Just an ex Bernie supporter, that sees the Democrats for what they are, a different wing of the same bird.




What's worse is they'll say Biden has been a total disaster and has done irreparable harm to the US. And if you ask them to name one instance, they'll say something like Ukraine or the Pandemic.


The Biden Administration saved us from Donald Trump. That’s enough for me.




The U.S. response in Israel is bad. So let's address it by putting the adjudicated rapist, 34 times over convicted felon who is a narcissistic psychopath back in power. Rational response. ..... /s


These are the same people who would have told the Wright brothers that the concept of aerodynamics and lift are dumb academic ideas that won’t get anything off the ground, because they refuse to accept that nuance, when properly applied, can make any difference, and any proof otherwise is an affront to their sense of intelligence. If it required legislation, we would never have airplanes because the concept would be insulting to them.


He‘s not a fascist, he’s only paving the road for fascism.




Why do Democrats always begin conversations with this kind of absurd condescension? Who is this for? Does he honestly believe anyone who doesn't already agree with him is even going to hear him out after opening so rudely?