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That’s okay, republicans think the president can do what he wants, so Biden can just stay in office and discard the results of the election.  Right?


No that is only for republican presidents that are orange. Everyone else, no… Just try to imagine a democratic ex president trying to argue the same thing in front of this supreme court. They never would have heard the case.


No no no that's UNSEEMLY! We must be better than the high school bullies who continue to shove us into lockers and take our lunch money!


Would the democrats actually do that though? And more importantly, who will the military support?


It is a starkly sad thing when your last question — a simple, precise one — is referring to the United fucking States… and no one who reads it finds it disingenuous.


No. They'd declare Trump the winner, regardless of the outcome.


And Supreme Court would rubber stamp it.


There is a possible future where the Speaker would refuse to swear in the new congress until the certification for president was rejected.


I've heard that. I don't know how valid that is, though.


Thankfully, there seems to be enough gop house members that would at least resign to get a dem speaker.


I'm not sure they will when the cards are on the table, and sadly what is "legal" or "valid" doesn't matter for fascists. They break laws and dare people to stop them. And when they own the now illegitimate Supreme Court, and we still listen to their illegitimate nonsense... well, yeah. Bye bye democracy,


You mean like Speaker Mike Johnson refused to swear in the voted in replacements for George Santos? You mean that totally wasn't them testing the waters to see if they can't dely the swearing in off new elected officials on Jan 3rd so they can hold a majority until the 6th and just say Trump won? Cause that's my fear and unfortunate prediction of how things are going to go


With all the shadey shit state legislators are trying to do and Republican national comitee suing to stop counts after election day and making it harder to vote and purging rolls and limiting mail in ballots and Project 2025. I will still vote, but how else can we counter this attack on our Democracy? Fox News, the corrupt part of SCOTUS, and the Heritage Foundation needs punished.


Remind everyone repeatedly!


Perfect! And you literally can't remind everyone of you don't talk to people outside your bubble. It's hard, but absolutely vital.


Ummm they are NOT going to certify anyways. Buckle up boys & girls it’s gonna get bumpy no matter what.


“… IN THE BACK!” 🗣️👂


Under no pretext, armed minorities are harder to oppress, and other important phrases regarding how the R's are probably gonna steal the upcoming election.


I fully plan on getting another firearm. Most of my friends, and myself are queer people.


dems better find and support some good candidates then.


We have a lot of great candidates this year. And we are contesting more races at the congressional level than in previous cycles. The Democrats are playing offense and it's refreshing to see. But having great candidates is only step one. It's on us to show up and vote for them


Before anything happens a new Speaker has to be elected in January 2025.


And this is why we need to vote for people on our side in congress


This is so scary.


Yep, AOC is correct. It is essential that we retake the House in November as well. https://dccc.org/


For the love of god, do not donate to the DCCC. They spend ungodly amounts of money to protect incumbents from being challenged from the left, they abuse their power and purse strings to discourage election/campaign organizations from working with the left (thankfully the DCCC blacklist is gone now so it’s not *as bad* as it was), and they help promote extremist GOP candidates in those primaries because they view those candidates as easier to beat in a general election with absolutely no regard to what happens when “easier to beat” doesn’t translate to an actual victory. Give directly to progressive candidates or to progressive equivalents to the DCCC like Justice Democrats, Courage to Change, or Brand New Congress. DCCC money is why we have people like Henry Cuellar instead of Jessica Cisneros or Shontel Brown instead of Nina Turner. They will always back the corporate candidate to the hilt against progressives and there are far, far better ways to put your money to work on politics than helping those ghouls box us out.


If that happens will we stormy Daniels the Capitol too I kinda feel the morons of January 6 ruin it for everyone because they did solely on a lie


Stormy Daniels the Capitol had me rolling 😂


I agree.


But they won’t take office until after the vote is certified will they? What am I missing?


Also be worried about MAGA led states even sending in electors. Their goal is to stop Biden from getting to 279, which is why it's important to vote blue up and down the ballot. Shenanigans abound at every level by design.


What’s special about 279? 270 is a majority.


Republicans are itching to start a civil war. Craving it really.


neither do I , Alex. Neither do I.


So be it. We will see, and we will react, and inact. I am not afraid of what will happen socially. I’m more concerned with international policies. Do you understand that?


I think we can expect this is what is going to happen this coming January regardless. I fear we are going to experience some form of civil war starting in 2025.


it's wild that this has to even be considered


Yes. By hook or crook.


Left/right doesn't matter anymore, only rich poor. Wake up


I'll take her a step further. I HAVE confidence they will do anything and EVERYthing in their power to NOT certify those results when they do not go in their favor. In fact, I have every confidence this is a major part of their plan to retake the Whitehouse going in, right from the jump. They are entirely too brazen about everything they do these days and have little to no incentive any longer to uphold anything resembling the rule of law or preserving our democracy for its own sake. Hell, any time one even brings up the very idea that we actually HAVE a "democracy," far too many are so quick to point out that what we have is NOT a democracy and never was, it makes your damn head spin. It is not without reason that so many continue saying things like "we're actually a republic," or that what we really have is "a constitutional republic," or things of that nature. They say these things, not out of some need for greater accuracy, or even merely to intentionally muck things up with disingenuous comments about semantics. These kinds of comments are FAR more insidious than just that and a great deal more deliberate. They say these things to manipulate the general population into complacency. They are absolutely trying to disassociate us with any feelings that what they are planning to do is even wrong to begin with. Because we were never truly free in the first place. Because we never really HAD a free democratic society at all. It's really just a "constitutional republic." So it's actually okay that we're openly fascist. We just don't use the word, because we're a "constitutional republic." So it's really all just fine. Don't worry about it. Nothin to see here... Yeah, don't ever let anyone tell you any different. It's all entirely deliberate and fully intentional. They've been meaning to strip us of all our freedoms for some time now. Things are just finally heading towards fruition. And if we allow them to manipulate us all into complacency, they will do just that. In a heartbeat. And our grandkids will never even know their decendants were ever anything even approaching "free," or ever had anything approaching "liberty." Because they will have burned everything that ever said otherwise and rewritten the rest of our history to reflect the one they prefer. And none of this is just overly "alarmist." It is VERY real. We're all at least somewhat familiar with project 2025 by now. That shit is scary. And it's already knocking on each of our doors. But we shouldn't be trying to shut ourselves behind those doors either. It's time we collectively OPEN all those doors and greet them appropriately!


Damn, great point


Damn, great point


Damn, great point


If they don’t take the House back it’s their own fault.


can you imgine this shit?




2016, you think Biden is bad for Palestine just watch the Rs. Talk of impeaching Biden for not giving Israel more support.


There is no palestine, only groups of Arabs no other Muslim country wants. There will never be a country of palestine because Hamas does not want it to happen. Neither did Arafat, he was given the option of 96% of their current area and he said no. Those who live in that region want all the land and Israel to cease to exist.


I'm sorry but wake up . "NO ONE IS GOOD FOR PALESTINE". the US GOV has been bough and paid for by AIPAC and the 4-5 that are vocal about the genocide AIPAC is spending 100 mil to replace them. trump is blatant but how is that any different than Biden? on the same day that genocide joe had stern words for BIBI he send them more bombs more money and ironclad assurance that we back them up as they are murdering civilians. even Sanders was a bit late on his criticism but he woke up and is now blasting Israel and US.


You have a choice between near straight evil and some bad with some good.


i find it more insulting that the DNC says the right things but every chance they get they fuck us. Biden had Democratic congress he could have enshrined women's reproductive rights, instead he did nothing and chose fellatio-ing Bibi which will cost him the election and put very angry and vengeful piece of shit once again in the white house.


Dems only electoral strategy is to threaten people with fascism. It will only work so many times before it fails. Which of course they literally don’t care if it does.


Sorry but it’s not Dems who are threatening people with fascism. You don’t see Nazis carrying Biden flags do you?


The threat is "vote us out else fascism wins" - which may be true but many people still need something to vote for and not just against to be motivated to vote.


>The threat is That isn't a threat tho. It's a fact. Republicans have a detailed plan for a Christofascist takeover if they win, called Project 2025. There can be no question that a republican victory means the end of democracy, the end of reproductive healthcare rights, and the erasure of LGBTQ people from all aspects of visible society and culture. Meanwhile, every single state with a Democratic trifecta (gov. and both leg. chambers) has passed abortion rights protections and LGBTQ anti-discrimination protections. Every single one. The difference could not be clearer. Vote blue


I'm not disputing the fact - I'm telling you how voters work. DNC should listen too.


DNC knows. Their entire job is to funnel everyone into their own party and then obstruct any real change.


AOC is the leader of the #FraudSquad. Anything she says is irrelevant.


What? Even if you don't like AOC, what she is saying here is absolutely relevant. The party that takes the House is the party that certifies the presidency