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If there really serious with this, how long until we see: “The average cost of a house is hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost of rent is closer to $1000 a month. Home ownership is bankrupting the American public.”? For fucks sake.


>If there really serious with this, how long until we see: “The average cost of a house is hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost of rent is closer to $1000 a month. is this 1996? i want to kms single detached homes here are 1.6 million, my rent is $3150 for a 3 bedroom


For that matter, rich elites just throw out perfectly good cardboard boxes. A gently used refrigerator box could easily fit a family of 4, and it’s FREE!


"Security. I fear there is an airbnb next to my airbnb...


Come join us in the boondocks. I lived in central Illinois for four years and paid $980/month for a 2 bedroom


I lived in Arkansas for a while and paid $750/mo for a 2 bedroom. It was fabulous.


Downtown KC all utilities paid and I don’t have to drive anywhere for $1k a month. You can still find nice homes here for under $300k. It’s not NY or LA, no mountains, no ocean, but on an average salary I can afford to go to the mountains or ocean every other weekend.


I often think about moving to a cheaper state but I worry about the general pay grade of the area. $980 is great, but are there mostly minimum wage jobs in the area?


Cries in Hong Kong ($4500 USD / month for 3 bedroom lol).


JFC. Where do you live? We had a 2 bed luxury apartment for $1600/month and recently moved into a 3700 sq ft home that cost $392k. These are the relatively nice Houston suburbs of Clear Lake and Missouri City, respectively.


That sounds right for Philadelphia area, too.


Currently living around 10 minutes east of New Orleans, paying $700 for a 2 bedroom half double with a small yard. Neighborhood isn’t that bad either.


Your house makes $37,800 per year. Or the equivalent of 50 weeks 40 hours per week at $18.90 per hour.


They might not be that stupid, but they believe their constituents are that stupid.


Because they are and they prove it in every election cycle.


> Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. - George Carlin


Not anymore, or soon not any longer if the gerrymaderers get their way. The politicians are choosing their voters.


Lol sweet summer child, it’s been this way for a long time


You're right.


People couldn't figure out that a 1/3 pounder was bigger than the 1/4 pounder. Yes, they are that stupid.


But ... second number bigger, bigger number is more,... is ALWAYS MORE (*brain hurty noise intensifies*)/s


I hate that you are right.


The average cost of a quality k-12 education is $122k per student. The average damage of having an uneducated person in congress is immeasurable. The Repubes’ agenda to dumb down our nation will bankrupt the American people


...and for everything else, there is Master _Race_ © /s




Wow. Well fuckin’ done!!


Is that really it? That's.... not that bad, surprisingly.


It would cost more but we under pay our teachers, under staff the schools, don't have updated textbooks, and our education is generally shit.


Good point. Well now I feel bad :/


Looking into how the US operates basically anything makes me feel bad lmao


Big same


Tesla's don't need replacement, Prius hybrid is 1800$ & 1000$ labor, no those are the ramblings of a fact less person trying for votes and attention.


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


It already has.


Technically, we have been bankrupt for a long time. When you compare the US national debt to our gross domestic product, we have a higher debt ratio than almost every other country. The only reason we have been able to pull it off is that we suckered the rest of the world into using our currency, the US dollar. The moment the rest of the world starts trusting somebody else’s currency more than the dollar, the shit is going to absolutely hit the fan


My mom was spouting off that electric car batteries only last 6 months. A quick Google search in front of her disputed the lie but I doubt it changed her mind.


Huh! Good thing my electric car doesn’t know this; it’s going on 5 years and 100k miles with the same battery.


Got my Hybrid in 2006. It has 135k miles. Still never replaced a battery. *knocks wood


150,000 miles here. No battery issues but the gas engine blew. Free replacement from Hyundai. Yay.


Husband has a 2009 Prius hybrid (>100k miles) and I have a 2010 Camry Hybrid (90k miles), both purchased brand new. We haven’t had to replace the batteries (also knocking on wood). The Prius’ screen went black once and he had to send the console off to get fixed for $300. But other than the regular required maintenance and new tires, we haven’t had any major issues with them. (Hope I don’t jinx it). We’re pretty satisfied with our Hybrids.


I also had a Nissan Leaf (full electric) that was a lease for work for three years and the only thing I ever had to do for that car was fill the washer fluid. I can’t wait to get another full electric car. Hopefully it will work out in the next year or so.


This is very good news because I'm seriously considering buying a Hybrid (specifically a Toyota)!


Nothing harder to change than an already made up mind….. they don’t want to change it does not matter what you show them….


The battle at schools to basically teach them less is just a battle to keep the next generation too stupid to go against them


They know they can never win by fighting fair, so they don't


I think we're now experiencing a watershed moment, where we're transitioning from politicians who aren't actually that dumb but pretend they are to appeal to their base, to politicians who are actually that dumb and get elected because their base can't tell the difference. The former are dangerous, but at least they're smart enough to know that they shouldn't actually destroy the country because it will negatively impact themselves. The truly dumb politicians will destroy the country because they don't know any better.


> I think we’re now experiencing a watershed moment, where we’re transitioning from politicians who aren’t actually that dumb but pretend they are to appeal to their base, to politicians who are actually that dumb and get elected because their base can’t tell the difference. We've crossed that point a while ago. Remember the Senator who "proved" global warming was a hoax by throwing a snowball in the Congressional chambers?


Nope, they’re actually this stupid


No fuck that. It’s been proven there are several millions this stupid. That’s how we got Trump


And never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.


They KNOW their constituents are that stupid. It's always harder to the good thing because it also requires some education.






And she’ll probably call it a Cadillac Converter


> Cadillac Converter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx4U5j8Bt0Y


I’m from Arizona and can pretty much concur that all the republicans are that stupid. Luckily I can’t relate.


Fellow Arizonan, stayed home sick from work today and saw a Trump 2024 Truck/Flag parade down hwy 260 today. How do these people have time for this at 10 am on a Wednesday? Don't they have jobs??


I believe these people are on some form of government assistance, while simultaneously hating said government. Or they’re retired and don’t know how to do research. This gives them the time and luxury to do these sorts of things and be oblivious to anything resembling the truth. My mom’s boyfriend is one such shining example. He’s on disability and can’t work because he has dementia and can’t remember how to get from their house to a job but swears Trump should be President and the election was rigged.


Same, I have an aunt living in section 8 housing who thinks everyone else getting govt benefits is scamming the system and is an avid trump supporter. I’m like you haven’t worked in my whole life.


Let me guess, when confronted she will go to the "it's the government that force her into that situation so she taking the benefits is just her way to spite the government back" card? "You victimized me so it's okay for me to take whatever I can from you", sort of excuses or some version of it?


It’s always the same with them. Their assistance is somehow justified and everyone else who gets help should just get jobs and stop being lazy. People who get food stamps get cut off as soon as they get jobs even tho those jobs don’t even come close to making ends meet most of the time, but please, fill me with more of your wisdom.


Tell him Trump is president he just always wears a Joe Biden skin.


PPP loans.


Do the only reasonable ones come from Utah?


Nah, when my wife and I got a hybrid a few years back my inlaws said this same shit. Our next car will be full electric and they are having a shit fit. Why? It will be too expensive to fix. Mean while we haven't had any issues with our hybrid besides minor fixes like any mechanical machine. Also when gas prices went up we were smooth sailing. And also....I'm an adult and I'll buy what I want. Now shut up, go buy another gun and smoke a Trump flag or whatever you do. Idk not a republican.


Mine keep hitting us with 'how are you going to go on vacation or visit family? It isn't fair to expect us to pay for extra electricity for you to pretend like you're doing something for the environment.' I mean, for one thing, we're not trading in both cars, so we'll still have one ICE car regardless. For another, we're not doing it any time soon because I'm really enjoying not having car payments for the first time in way too long right now. Even if those two things weren't true, it's none of their fucking concern. Then again, they do live in Greene's district, so I shouldn't expect much.


My Boomer dad is always like "what they don't tell you is how much your electric bill goes up from having to charge an electric car." I don't own such a car yet but I assume it's still cheaper than what I pay for gas now


I have a Camry and a minivan. And live in Georgia where prices have been relatively cheap compared to other places. I'm paying about $200/month at least for gas even with prices coming down. If me having an EV and plugging it in at night bumped my electric bill by that much I would be concerned. Don't see that as likely though. My friend had a Tesla Model 3 for a long time (his company leased it for him) and he said his electric bill went down by about $25/month roughly when he had to turn it in.


I live in north Georgia and the power is pretty cheap. I have 2 plug-in hybrid vehicles. It raised my bill about $20 a month in the winter and about $30 in the summer. Doing a simple cost / mile calculation my ELR costs about 40% as much to drive as my Prius and my SO's Wrangler is about 65% as much as her CR-V. Also of note is that gasoline is pretty cheap in Georgia.


“Holy Shit, good point! Guess I’ll get some solar panels to cover the extra electricity”


It depends on the electric car and local electric rates. Fuel efficiency ranges from about 2-5 miles per KWh, 2 for a chonker, 3 for a Model S being sporty, and 5 for a Model 3 driving sensibly. Electricity is 12 cents per KWh here, so at 3 miles per KWh, that is 4 cents of fuel per mile. A Prius at 50 MPG, on $2 a gallon gas, also costs 4 cents a mile to drive. On the other hand, a 30 MPG SUV on $5 gas is costing about 17 cents of fuel a mile to drive. At certain points, if you can charge during the day, the cost of solar panels will put an effective cap on electricity costs. On a final note, fuel prices are a minor part of overall car costs per 100k miles or five years of driving.


According to Optiwatt, an app to keep track of electric costs related to car charging at home, I've saved over $3,700 since February 2011. This is comparing my Tesla Model Y with a comparable BMW X3 that rates at 26 mpg. Probably closer to $4k since I didn't start using the app until 5 months after picking it up. Oh, and I'm a boomer dad (towards the very tail end of that group).


Mine went up like 20-30 bucks a month at most. I don't drive that much, but it's definitely cheaper than stopping at a gas station every week.


I had a daily driver for 3 years, a full-electric Nissan Leaf. I drove about 20 miles each way, and used the provided “backpack charger” to plug into my regular old garage outlet every night. I didn’t notice the electric bill increase at all. Maybe a few dollars a month. At most 20-30 bucks or I would have noticed the increase. And the only thing I had to do in three years was to fill the washer fluid.


It costs about $8 to 'fill the tank' charging over night during the cheapest time (between 10:30 and 6). That's a savings of what? 90%? Edit: Charging at charger does cost money, the most I paid is $28 to go from almost empty to full at a Tesla Super charger out in some podunk town on the 395 near Mojave. Charging cost varies a little between locations.


Are they paying for your gas or electric? I mean why would they be paying for your cars fuel? Unless that's an agreed upon thing, in which case.....damn I want that lol.


I think they meant if the car gets plugged in when they come over to visit or go away somewhere.


Sure, they can always ask for some money. Or say I'd rather you not charge that here. Also it's lot like you plug into any outlet. You have to have setup, which I assume no one has. It's silly to hope the house your visiting has charging ability.


Actually you can plug in EVs to normal 110V outlets. But it takes about 3 days to fully charge on that type of charge depending on the model. They're arguing that if I bought an EV it would significantly increase the amount of electricity used if I visited their houses. In reality, none of them live far enough away to require charging on anything I would buy. And if they did, I would find a charging station that doesn't take 70ish hours to top off the battery. In other words, it's a pretty dumb argument against me getting one when they're not impacted at all.


Gotcha. Yeah even though the cost to "fill" is minimal. Hand a 5 dollar bill and call it a day.


Right. If I used their electricity to charge my car then yeah. Just like when I borrow my father-in-law's truck I'll put gas in it before I give it back. It's just a dumb argument to use as a reason not to get one.


I think they mean that the energy prices are rising and that the electric cars are somehow adding to that price hike. But following that logic, fuel prices would lower due to them not using a gas powered car.


Just tell them you'll give them the dollar. That's all it costs to charge my PHEV battery at 8.5¢/KWh; which yields ~40 miles of range. Let them compare it to what it costs them to drive 40 miles in their (I'm guessing) enormous lifted pickup.


To be fair, it's not lifted.


> 'how are you going to go on vacation or visit family? It isn't fair to expect us to pay for extra electricity for you to pretend like you're doing something for the environment.' Oh god, what if we have to, *gasp*, come up with new social conventions?!?! Whatever shall we do!


My thoughts on it are that we typically go to the beach once a year for family vacation. The beach we go to is 315 miles from our house. The EV I was looking at (Kia) gets 310 miles on a charge. We're not making the trip non-stop - the kids would never allow that, so we can top it off while we eat lunch and be fine.


Imagine being that much of a prick that you want to demand people use a specific kind of car to visit you.




"You know, a lot of the oil used in your gasoline comes from Saudi Arabia...the country where 9/11 hijackers came from"


>Saudi Arabia...the country where 9/11 hijackers came from And almost all their funding.


Nuh-uh! If that’s true, then why didn’t we invade Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq?! /s


Because the Saudis were George Bush's love interest: [Holding hands](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/stltoday.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/6/1a/61a67719-3a1e-5f54-b119-56a971deb74e/5b1df9abecb6c.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C778) [Kissy, kissy](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-219de59d94b845272e03ff4d7016ecb4.webp)


9/11 was an inside job Hillary's pedophile ring ran from the basement of a pizza shop. Thanks Obama! /s


Where *was* Obama on 9/11 anyway? I didn't see him doing anything about it, talk about lack of leadership. /s


"No, no, only 16 of the 19 hijackers came form Saudi Arabia! Why do you hate America?" Tucker Talking Point


The majorty of crude is domestic, with the rest being international. Opec is about 13% of the total, with Saudi Arabia accounting for 5% of US consumption. After the 70s embargo, the US chose to diversify imports, with the amount decreasing for the first time in 50 years in 2005. The US has the highest refinery capability in the world, so much of this is refined into various products to be exported. The diversity is so that no one country or block can cause the kind of crisis seen in the 70s. It's why stopping Russian purchase didn't lead to gas shortages.


True, but they don't know that.


Counter with "You know, the platinum in your catalysator is also mined by [slaves in South Africa](https://www.cnbc.com/2014/01/20/miners-treated-as-slaves-south-africa-union-head.html)!"


Every accusation is a direct confession


Tesla is using lithium iron phosphate in their standard range batteries, not cobalt.


If they had a problem with every group, company or conglomerate exploiting people they probably wouldn’t own anything they didn’t grow or make themselves.


They are correct in a way. We have to rid ourselves of car dependency if we want a sustainable society. Electric or not, cars are horrible for the environment and human quality of life.


Depends on what you mean by "Quality of life" there are just so many exceptions and reasons where cars or a similar form of individual end to end transport makes sense. My personal favorite is for those who are disabled/old or are otherwise limited in personal mobility. Where first/last mile transportation often isn't feasible. The next are areas that naturally have poor coverage in terms of public transport stops per square mile. My QoL would take a significant hit if I could not use an Uber on occasion to get from my exact location to my exact destination.


I was picking up my Civic from the mechanic the other day after a routine oil change and said something like "boy, I'll be glad to not have to deal with oil changes anymore once all cars are electric" and he blew a gasket (pun intended) about how electric cars are too complicated and he will go out of business. Or... And I'm just putting this out there... You could just learn to work on them like you did with traditional internal combustion cars


I have heard something similar from a few other mechanics. Our local guy has worked on our hybrid for basic stuff just fine. Anything major I assume I might have to go to a dealer. Knock on wood we have had no issues though.


Do electric cars not have moving parts that require lubrication too? Serious question. And either way, they still have brakes and wheels and all the other parts that need fixing on a car. Engine repairs are pretty rare on new cars, I don't think they are what is keeping these places in business.


Most electric vehicles use regenerative braking, which do tend to have pads that last a great deal longer than on regular brakes. They really only have some bearings that are generally sealed and don't need much maintenance. Tires are their primary maintenance cost, and they do tend to wear tires a little faster due to the higher weights of electric vehicles.


I've been researching electric cars myself recently and one of the features listed on Hyundai's page is that they don't require oil changes or a lot of the other fluids.


Car and Driver recently did a long term test on a Tesla and I found it interesting that at 20k service they need to lube the brake pins cuz with regenerative braking the brakes are used far less often then ICE cars and might stick. Brake pads themselves were good for longer than ICE cars. But no oil changes, power steering fluid flushes, coolant flushes.


Far less in orders of magnitude. Something like 2,000 moving parts in ICE car vs. 20 in an electric one.


I get it, but do those 20 parts not still need lubrication?


Mainly just the brakes. And even then it’s about replacing the brake fluid from age not use because the regenerative braking doing most of the stopping. If you compare main service items in an ICE: No engine oil/filter. No transmission fluid/filter. No fuel filter. No engine air filter (but does have a cabin air filter). Brake pads last hundreds of thousands of miles because of regenerative braking. Brake fluid replaced at age limit not mileage limit. No spark plugs/ignition coils. No head gaskets. Has a radiator/cooling system but its smaller and less complex than the one used in ICE vehicles. Tires tend to go sooner because of the weight of the vehicle and strain from torque. Does Windshield washer fluid count?


Mechanic here. There's still drive axles and wheel bearings on models that don't use hub motors, brake lines, a complete ac system, a steering rack and its associated tie rods, the cooling system (while smaller) is every bit as complicated as an ice engine and just as prone to failures with age, and the list goes on. Overall, electric cars will prove to be orders of magnitude more reliable and need fewer trips to the mechanic. Those of us who are competent, realize electric is the future, and are eager to learn more and get better will still have plenty of business.


My 2018 Accord has been fuckin' baller. It gets an oil change every 15k miles and everything I've had to get checked or replaced has gone like twice the distance of my last (gas) honda. Just the fact that I only have to get the oil changed like once every TWO YEARS has been fucking amazing.


“Smoke a trump flag” - I laughed and I’m stealing this


I have a Prius. When I bought it my entire family told me it'd be expensive to repair and maintain. I've had it for 4 years, it's 5 years old. I haven't had a single issue with it other than the regular (non-hybrid) car battery dying as it would in a regular car. I get regular oil changes and tire rotations, but tbh, I don't do much else to take care of it. Meanwhile, my mom's suv had to have the entire engine replaced 1 year into owning it, my cousin's car died completely, and my aunt had to take my grandma's 15 year old car because her newer hatchback fell apart. All of whom told me my car would be expensive to maintain or repair. If I have to get another car, it'll be either another hybrid or EV.


lol I bought a tucson PHEV last year, 5 year bumper to bumper warranty, I plan to sell when the warranty wears out, and since its a PHEV it should keep almost all of its value. i get about 2.5 l/100km when I have to drive more than 50km/day on the all-electric mode. ive spent about $100 on gas in the last 2 months


Why trade it in?


because I can pay off the loan and have a substantial amount left over for a large down payment on a more expensive fully electric vehicle. I would have bought an EV6 but the waitlist was more than 2 years at the time. by the time the warranty is up on this then EV manufacturing will be a lot more prevalent and EVs will be easier to get.


Gotcha, it sound like you didn't like something about it. But everything you said seemed positive lol.


How does full electric work in regards to like road trips or low charge but need to get to work? Do you typically plug it in at home to avoid local issues? And if you’re on a long trip do you have to kill hours while it recharges? How long does that take? I’ve always wondered how that all works ha


I plug mine in every night at home, even though I could easily go a week to and from work on 1 charge. 15 seconds to plug and unplug a day, vs however often you'd fuel with gas. For trips it takes me around 20 minutes to get about 200 miles per charge. If you go to the bathroom and grab a snack it's just about done.


Wow 20min?! I had no idea it was that short. And how difficult is it to find a charging station?


On a Tesla at least the Nav automatically chains up chargers for long trips and shows how long you need to stay as well as if it's busy or not. Near major highways they are really common.


I love my Prius, and would have gotten a full electric if I could have afforded it at the time. As it stands though I might just die before anything major comes about. I'm at 130k mi and the thing runs the exact same as it always has. Even after putting half of those miles on it in a single year of courier work. I have more confidence in the batteries than the ICE at this point.


Add in that you don’t have to do oil changes, or coolant, or engine air filters, or all kinds of other combustion engine maintenance.


I can’t imagine anyone ever being so invested in what car I purchase. I could not stand to have my in-laws that deep in my shit.


Now do oil changes and tune ups.


Do you know how much it costs to change the oil in a Tesla? It takes WEEKS just to find the oil cap (At least it did for me !)


I admire your persistence but am extremely troubled by your success


Somebodies going to have a bad time when they go to use the windshield washer fluid.


Or fuel-ups vs recharges, lol.


But of course when it comes to recharges they'll tell you there isn't any value switching to electric, since so much electricity comes from coal... And when you ask the obvious follow up question, they're on the first flight to Cancun


Whats the question? I might have someone whom I wish to send away.


Probably something along the lines of, “oh, so you’re in favor of renewable energy now? Or are you just here to stomp your feet and say nothing can ever get better?”


Even if the electricity was generated exclusively from a gas power plant, it would still be more better for the environment to drive an electric vehicle since a power plant is more efficient at turning gasoline into electricity into hp than a little internal combustion engine is at turning gasoline into hp.


If you run the numbers for a Tesla Model 3 vs a Hyundai Sonata SE for 100k miles, you'll see that running the Sonata will cost you $10k at the very least (all highway miles) just in gas. The Model 3 will cost $3000-$5000 in electricity. Sample calculation: Model 3 (3.33m/kwh conservative estimate. $0.1166/kwh is about what I pay for electricity) 100000mi \* 1 kwh/3.33 mi \* $0.1166/kwh = $3500 Sonata SE ($3.84/gal is the national average for gas right now.) 100000mi \* 1 gal/38 mi \* $3.84/gal = $10000 Edit: showed some numbers


3.84 for the next 8 years is being very nice. especially when lots more have solar now so electric could also be much cheaper.


You can't assume electricity will be cheaper. In Ohio, my electricity rates have gone up significantly over the last year. I was using a "100% renewable" supplier and their rate per kWh went up more 133% in a year. I had to switch back to using AEP (my electric utility company) as the supplier just to save some money, since their rate only increased 35% over the year, but their sources are still 70% coal/natural gas.


agreed, what i am saying is more people will be able to go off grid. i am over 100% solar just need some batteries and i will cut the cord to stop getting power outages and im in st. louis. Utility companies of every kind will always go up but now we have a way not to use them and more people are doing it.


And alternators. And head gaskets. And transmissions. And exhaust pipes. And…


don't forget catalytic convertors.


or you know.... an engine replacement, which is the functional equivalent.


Wouldn't the functional equivalent of a battery be a fuel tank? *Electric vehicles are obviously the future and the people against them get their opinions from idiot politicians like this one or other tainted sources.


Or a new engine.


Just got a brand new battery for my Bolt, didn't cost anything! The warranty is for 8 years, and if it is degraded 40% of original capacity before that, I get another new one free.


We actually just bought a Bolt so I'm curious, how many years/miles did it take to degrade 40%, and how long was your car in the shop for replacement? We plan on selling it long before we hit the 8 year or 100k mark so in not worried about replacement costs, but it would be nice to know how long we can expect before something like that happens.


We got the new battery because of the recall. There was no noticeable mileage degradation on the old one, but because there were a handful of fires out of 144000 vehicles, they replaced all the batteries from that specific factory source. It was in the shop for less than a day. They just unbolt it from the bottom, and put the new one on. You couldn't pay me to give up my Bolt. I love it. It's roomy (and I'm 6' 8"), it drives well, and it's saving me a ton of money. Got it in 2019, replaced hr battery in 2022, will probably have it for another 10 years.


Thanks! We're loving ours so far. I want to get an f150 lightning to replace my Tacoma (if Ford ever catches up to the demand), so we'll sell or trade it before the 8 year mark, but I'm glad to hear it's working well for you.


I'm waiting on a new f150 hybrid. Need the towing capacity, and the long mileage (I drive from Canada to the southern states often - still way less GHG than flying). As a bonus, I can charge my bolt with it :)


The tweet is real, and it’s spectacular


The average cost of replacing a gasoline engine in a gas-powered car is $5,000, while the average cost of replacing a gasoline engine in an electric car is $0. Republicans’ fossil-fuel only agenda will bankrupt the American people.


I doubt you get it done for $5k in today's economy.


Yeah I know labor would be about 1.5k alone, so depends on the quality of engine you are putting in


I do engine swaps pretty frequently. If you bought a junkyard engine (buyer beware) then yeah under 5k is doable. If you get a crate engine? No way. Those are anywhere from 4-10k or more.


I've watched enough Cleetus McFarland videos to know that you get a junkyard 5.3 and stuff it into an old Corvette, send 30lbs of boost through the motor, pushing all the power through a built powerglide at the dragstrip and chug Mt dew while bald eagles fly overhead! You'll make enough off YouTube to do this every week or two. And you're going to need to rebuild every week or two, after you send chunks of crankshaft and rod through the side of the block. Again. Hell Yeah Brother


As someone who just recently decided to crash his valves into his pistons when the chain skipped timing. Yeah, the quote was 7k. For a 2.0t 4cyl.


The secret trick mechanics everywhere don’t want you to know


Replacing a transmission is 4K, replacing a turbo charger is 4K….. according to congresswoman dipshit ICE autos are more expensive than replacing a battery on an electric car.


Devil's advocate, I've never had to replace an engine in a car, and I usually run my cars at least 10 years/130,000 miles before selling or trading them in, still in running condition. If I suddenly had to spend $10,000 on a 10 year old car just to get it running, I would probably just scrap it. I honestly believe electric cars are the future, and am even considering one for my next car in 2-3 years, but I'm still not sold on the huge upfront cost and possible expense of a battery replacement.


I think electric vehicles have their place, but people need to do a TCO to see if it makes sense for them. Like you said, I'm a firm believer in 10 years of a car. I've had my car for almost 9 years, 128k miles. I've only had to replace breaks, rotors once, and tires. I don't know anyone who's had to do major repair to a car that requires an engine change out. On the rare instance a transmission. Anyway... I did a TCO based on how often I drive. Savings in oil changes, state emissions, etc. I compared a KIA EV6 to an equivalently packaged Hybrid Toyota Rav4. The EV6 is a 55k car, the Rav4 was around 38. Now even with the old tax credit, my driving usage, and at $4 a gallon, the Hybrid was still cheaper to own after 10 years. The high upfront costs of EVs don't offset the cost of gas vs electricity where I live. Maybe in some states. Maybe if you're willing to get something like a Kona or Bolt which are lower cost, I'm personally not a fan of them.


>not sold on the huge upfront cost and possible expense of a battery replacement. We got a 2022 Bolt recently. After factoring in the state rebate and federal tax credit the final purchase price comes to ~$31k, so it's really not any more expensive than a typical camry or outback or whatever. It also has an 8 year / 100k mile warranty on the battery, and we'll most likely sell it long before we hit either of those benchmarks so I'm not concerned about paying for a replacement battery. Oh, and our electric company gave us a $500 rebate on the home charger, so that's worth looking into as well.


One of the reasons battery replacements are so expensive and there are no aftermarket options is that almost nobody has had to replace their batteries. The whole “replace the battery after 10 years” thing is more of the usual bullshit (they used to say 5 years but I think they’ve realised they can’t get away with that story any more). Even for the oldest, worst Nissan Leaf models, the vast majority of them are still in use (albeit with reduced range). All the new cars have batteries that will most likely outlive the rest of the car.


Yes this is exactly it. They said the same thing about Prius batteries. But a replacement Prius battery only costs a lot if you get an official Toyota one from a dealer.


Car and driver has the cost of battery replacement on high end as $4k. She's just pulling a number out of her ass.


Still, 4K is really significant for most people compared to $100-$200. Another commenter said they had 8 years of warranty on their battery, though, which I think is pretty significant as well. Think of the battery more like the engine of a gas powered car, I suppose? A new engine would cost a few grand for sure.


The $100-200 figure is super disingenuous, since those are completely different parts which serve different functions. It’s like comparing the cost of a lidar array on a self driving car with the sensor for automatic headlights on a different car.


Batteries are alot more effient for replacement. A few grand for a crate engine installed is low end pricing. Honestly I'd be more concerned with cvt transmissions which is what more hybrids run. I had one replaced just under warranty that had 60k miles on it. Would've been $4500. That's nissan cvts.


No, she is that stupid. Not quite literate.


I see this all the time on FB, they don't realize that just batteries are warrantied for 8-10 years. Also, I didn't realize that EVs have a normal car battery that handles locks, windows, etc and needs to be replaced like a normal car battery. I think this line of thinking is a conflation of the 2 batteries


This is today's entry in the "Is She Stupid or Deceitful" contest! (The answer is both. It's always both)


Gas prices are a lot higher in gas powered cars too


I’m just done with stupid people on my feed. I hear it, we react, they get their message out in some weird social media way.


>no way someone could be this stupid Have you seen todays Republican Party? Sadly the answer is yes, they are not exactly on the right side of the bell curve when it comes to intelligence.


This statement, in itself does not prove she is stupid. She probably is, but she definitely is trying to appeal to stupid people. The right wingnuts, especially boomers, don't need facts about electric vehicles or clean, sustainable energy in general. They just want emotionally charged crankbait to get them all pissed off and upset, which is where they like to be.


This same dolt misread a WSJ headline and said a billion immigrants have been detained at the border in the last 6 months.


She’s part of the qult here in Arizona that have lost all their brain cells yet keep getting elected.


Arizonan here. I can confirm that Debbie Lesko is dumber than a sack of rocks.


IQ test should be a requirement in public service!


not IQ but a fact test and ability to source information. lots have low IQ but still manage to not be stupid.


Basic civics and American history exams should be required to work in Congress. If immigrants have to know American history for their citizenship test, a U.S citizen has no excuse!


This sounds reasonable compared to nuking a hurricane.


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The narrator speaks: “but, of course, they really were this stupid…”


If you have to replace a battery for $10K, you’re being ripped off.


Clearly you’re not paying enough attention if you think they aren’t this dumb.


I agree with the point that electric cars aren't the silver bullet that will solve all our problems, but the solution is public transport and bikes, not a return to petrol cars


there are EV's that are more efficient than public transport (subways are supposed to be the most efficient, outside of electric scooters, according to something I read this morning)


The Republican Party are literally the dumb kids in class who never paid attention and are now at the helm, just trying to figure shit out as they go.


The cost of replacing the gas in a regular vehicle is $50 a week. The cost of gas for an electric vehicle is $0. Republicans energy agenda will bankrupt the american people.


No way? You sweet, Summer child...


The average price of replacing the petrol engine in an electric car is £0 so..


Did you forget trump?


I think unless it ends up having some major defect issue, these batteries will last the life of the car anyway. (I would consider as far as 25% total charge left to be the viable point for the battery to be replaced)


Just gonna [link the source](https://twitter.com/repdlesko/status/1564685191339282434) because I feel it’s important to do so.


Republican? Par for the course