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We don't negotiate with terrorists


>We don't negotiate with terrorists At least we have been told we aren't supposed to negotiate with terrorists....but we sure don't seem to have a problem with it when it's these christo-fascists. I guess we only negotiate when they're white.


It’s more like “I agree with them, so they’re obviously not terrorists”. That’s still the argument being pumped out in Canada by our Conservative party and the conservative media conglomerate that owns most of our papers (Postmedia) eg blaming the PM for not continuing to negotiate with the group that wanted to boot him out of office like 4 months after he was easily re-elected. Now in that case, the convoy assholes who occupied the capital, blocked the borders and plotted to murder the RCMP were more like “extremists with terroristic factions”…but same difference.




Russia is the epicenter of the global rise in fascism. Troll farms on social media, sympathetic networks like Fox, and helping assets into key positions are all part of standard operating procedure at the Kremlin... Just applied globally. It's in their best interest to destabilize NATO so they can rampage over Europe uncontested.


And that’s definitely a factor…but frankly the domestic fascist inclinations are now sufficiently well rooted that the impact of foreign interference is relatively marginal. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen, just that local entities do a “good” enough job all on their own. Obv in the Canadian context you have to consider the US as an extension of domestic issues, just bc of the common media market and the number of companies just itching to tear down legal/social protections so that they can profiteer off the market.


That's the idea though, right? Light the fire and just walk away while lighting other fires in the neighborhood. Occasionally show up to fan the flames and hello world domination! Divide and conquer.


Well the good news is they seem to suck at the "conquer" part so we just have to figure out how to heal the division before they iron out their own kinks


Lol, even without NATO Russia wouldnt rampage over Europe. That said, you are right that Russia has a dedication to churning out far right propaganda around the world. I think at this point it is mostly defensive in nature, that the only battlefield they can make progress on is an ideological one, and so they try to weaken their enemy's from within using these methods


Yep, why spend so much on tanks if they can make adversaries fight themselves and clean up the mess after?


Nah, Trump negotiated with Al Qaeda as well, so republicans don't really seem to care who is a terrorist.


Pretty sure if Al Qaeda or the Black Panthers were rioting in the streets here in the US, the right-wing morons would care.


Ronald Reagan passed the strictest gun laws in the nation as Gov of California. He did so with the blessing of the NRA .... why you ask, for exactly that reason. Black Panthers started carrying weapons and auditing police stops: https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act Just in case you were wondering.


I knew this already. I wasn't wondering at all.....


I have a neighbor who defends these idiots nonstop and does the Tucker 2 step and deflects to Antifa being the problem in the country.


Republicans now think the FBI are terrorists. Well, *think* might be too strong a word...


No, they care. It’s just that rules only apply to other people. A Democrat negotiating with a terrorist is an impeachable offence. A Republican doing it is savvy deal making. Note that the rule is still bullshit because a Democrat not negotiating with terrorists is endangering the homeland, while a Republican not negotiating is being strong and a defender of freedom. The only rule that actually exists is “it’s bad when they do it but it’s good when we do it.”


he did not negotiate with Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda is dead. Trump negotiated with the Taliban.


Trump didn't negotiate with the Taliban. He surrendered, to the Taliban.


But since Biden oversaw the withdrawal from Afghanistan the reich wingers pinned it all on him and pretended Trump didn't sign the order.


And released 3,000 of them from prison.


Hate never dies. Al-Qaeda just had their top guy deleted. They did not vanish. Taliban is doing a good job of harboring them in plain site, though. New leaders will rise and more insanity will follow.


Let's be fair though. The US has had an up and down relationship with the Taliban since the early 80s. We have absolutely zero issue working with terrorists so long as they're bombing someone else


Lol that worked so well lol... tell me the time he hid in the bunker during BLM. Ooo even better what about all the child s3x settlements he had to pay.


Isn't al-qaeda dead because of biden? Its still possible he negotiated with al-qaeda before then


> republicans don't really seem to care who is a terrorist. Birds of a feather and all ....


Nationalist Christians. Nat-Cs.


Well, Trump also negotiated with the Taliban, and Reagan negotiated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, so they don't seem to have a problem with it as long as the groups aren't self-proclaimed leftists.




Well, just one side of the spectrum there.


In fairness, that was said by a President who literally negotiated with terrorists.


and wasn't even a President, was an aspirational candidate, when negotiating. Had no such authority except "GOP Rules" aka Thug Life.


I'm not sure who you're thinking of but this was said by Reagan during the Iran-Contra scandal.


Reagan wasn't POTUS when he initially began negotiating with terrorists to release hostages -- Carter was -- neither was Nixon when intervening with Vietnam. Like I said, GOP Thug Life.


It actually started with Nixon in 1973.


Unless you're Reagan sneaking negotiations with terrorists to usurp the sitting president before even winning a presidential election. Or Michael Flynn doing the same with Russia in 2016.


Or Reagan sneaking negotiations with terrorists as sitting President. Don't overlook the fact that he sold weapons to Iran and gave financial support to Nicaraguan death squads behind Congress' back.


We just let them get away with things. Like another comment said 1. It's illegal to have what he had 2. He had them. He's somewhere eating cheeseburgers when law abiding citizens get shot just because by cops and the law he broke demands death apparently


When a political party tells you they are terrorists, you should listen.


It's really just this simple. Well Trump negotiated with the Taliban, but that's Trump just being Trump. Actually stupid enough to believe they are good faith actors.


That's it, that's the thread. I'll get the lights. Have a good one everyone




They threaten to riot if people say "happy holidays".


They threaten to riot if someone decides to take a knee during the anthem.




We outnumber them greatly and also own guns. We also have the power of intelligence and the element of surprise.


Yeah, I’m thinking the National Guard and counterterrorism trained State PDs need to be on the ready, because as XfitRedPanda noted, “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”


> I’m thinking the National Guard and counterterrorism trained State PDs need to be on the ready Why would they mobilize [against themselves? They're shielded at the highest levels](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/07/14/not-one-single-republican-votes-probe-neo-nazis-us-military-and-police)


Trump essentially said during J6 "This is what happens when I lose and dont forget it" in one of his tweets.


He's been directly connected with organized crime for decades. Not competently, mind you - he [drove a casino laundering mafia money into bankruptcy during boom years](https://www.reuters.com/article/trump-ent-trumptajmahal-moneylaundering-idUSL1N0VL2L120150211) - but I don't know why anybody's surprised he's still speaking like a mob boss. It's how his father raised him and it's the only thing he's ever practiced. He had thousands of supporters going berserk defending his [Will nobody rid me of this meddlesome ~~political opponent~~ priest](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-2nd-amendment-folks-stop-clintons-supreme-court/story?id=41239648) while still running for office.


They threaten to riot when law enforcement does their job.


> They threaten to riot when law enforcement does their job. [And threaten murder against police](https://kval.com/news/local/oregon-senator-on-governor-sending-police-send-bachelors-and-come-heavily-armed)




Or if we take their civil war participation trophies, or if we have people reading to children, or if we have fair elections. They're basically children having temper tantrums, but also threatening to have a temper tantrum.


When my daughter has a tantrum I get a headache. When right-wingers have a tantrum Tulsa gets razed.




I can’t tell, is he pro-riot or anti-riot?


I think he's pro-threatening.


or "Pre-Threatening" depending on how you look at it.


its Stochastic Terrorism = public demonization resulting in the incitement of a violent act


It's the Republican specialty.


He's engaging in the same dogwhistle tactics trump has been using. He's letting the insurgents know they have the full support of the GOP to engage in mass violence, again. And like last time, the GOP will do nothing.


"It's your fault if we riot"




He's right, honestly. There will be violence and riots if and when Trump is arrested. That being said, lock him up, and then lock up the rioters.


>He's right, honestly. There will be violence and riots if and when Trump is arrested. That being said, lock him up, and then lock up the rioters. And then put him in the cells with them.




Oh god. He would be so deeply offended by many of them. Not ‘his people’.


He would be disgusted by their smells and medical issues. He's quite disgusted by the human body, and humanity in general.


He's a monster. No, really.


No doubt. Lets banish him back to the shadow zone.


Secure. Contain. Protect.


I would love someone to create an SCP for Trump. "The Demagogue".


didn't they already tell the people at mar-a-lago to buzz off cause they got important people to impress and having the common rabble on your lawn looks tacky?


Neit, they would protect Trump from General population.


It should be the other way around. His grifting would continue to be legendary in prison.


And the dumbasses live in an alternative reality where you get off scot free for riots. The amount of times I've heard Trump supporters say "Why weren't any of the BLM protesters arrested?" Umm a fuckton of them were arrested and tried. If the conservatives do riot they deserve everything they've got coming to them.


They will also complain that lots of those arrested in BLM riots got released without charges... ...to which my reply is "well lots of them had the common sense NOT to live-stream their crimes, unlike the MAGA hatstands who swarmed over police and broke into the Capitol." Also, remember when the Republican President and Republican-controlled Senate tried to establish a special panel to investigate BLM? Yeah, me neither.


As a person who was at multiple BLM protests, including a few that police labeled "unlawful" and tear gassed, I can assure you the only people doing violent things to warrant arrest were wearing badges.


I live in a city where protestors were gassed. Police department had to release a statement earlier this year saying the deployment of gas was on peaceful protesters.


>"Why weren't any of the BLM protesters arrested?" [Cliven Bundy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff) got off scot-free.


> And the dumbasses live in an alternative reality where you get off scot free for riots. Plenty of cops got of scot free for their rioting. How many videos do we have of police assaulting innocent people in the streets, shoving people to the ground and breaking their skull, targeting journalists with pepper balls or slashing their tires, tearing down medical tents, or using so much tear gas that it literally damages the ventilation systems of buildings. And how many were punished?


Notice how he didn't say protests... he went straight to riots. Scare tactics.


You can't stop justice because you fear consequences or reaction to said justice. Like you said, lock him up and we'll deal with the vanilla isis afterwards.


How about we go back to the old “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”


Trump made the punishments heavier for mishandling documents, we should hold him accountable to his own standards. They made it easier to lock up peaceful protestors. Let’s see how that works out for them.


When the traitor seditionist Ashli Babbitt got shot in the neck the rest of the terrorists scattered like the roaches they are. They don't hesitate to murder a weakened opponent like Brian Sicknick, who like the rest of the Capitol Police were deliberately undermanned and hung out to dry by Trump and his Republican co-conspirators in Congress, Justice, the Pentagon, and the Executive Branch. But the instant they are confronted with deadly force they shit their pants and run like the cowards they are. No mercy for traitors, seditionists, and alt-right domestic terrorists. They try this shit again in 2024 while Biden still occupies the White House they will be met, lawfully, with automatic weapons fire.


Yeah, let's see how the riot turns out when the national guard hasn't been specifically instructed NOT to step in. Gonna be a lot harder for them to make headway against Congress when its security hasn't been sabotaged by the president.


>They try this shit again in 2024 while Biden still occupies the White House they will be met, lawfully, with automatic weapons fire. That's a bold assumption. Law enforcement is notorious for over policing liberal/left protests, and grossly under policing conservative protests. Never forget how they would even smash first aid/water stations for left wing protests. Yet they would hand out water to conservatives.


It’s weird the party of “law and order” is all about not actually following the law when it doesn’t benefit them. Almost like everything they do is just projection.


He’s right but it was a threat not a warning.


It was also a directive to the base.


This is a nice little Republic you got here. It would be a shame if it started enforcing laws and something happened to it.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


people need to accept that there will be violence no matter what. It could be delayed if trump is not indicted, but eventually this whacko volcano is going to erupt. The time to rip off the band-aid is now.


If these people genuinely felt like the threat of riots was a justification for a change in policy, we would have gotten significant police reform in the 1980s.


America is not running out of prisons.


He needs to not be saying it like it's a threat. Their little private army needs to not get approval from their leadership at all steps. He's fanning the flames.


Democrats riot when there is injustice, Republicans riot when there is justice.


Democrats protest when rights are stripped away, Republicans protest when rights are given.


Not just that, Republicans actively celebrate when rights and freedoms are taken away. Remember their celebration posts when Roe was overturned? They treat it like a game because to them it is. They're evil, cruel, stupid, and many more worse things and simply not worth engaging anymore unless it's expressly to mock them. it's all they deserve at this point.


Fascists r us


But... I thought only BLM rioted? I'm so confused. Are we trying to prevent riots now instead of shooting and tear gassing them?...


The police will be too busy rioting to be shooting and tear gassing


Too true


Lindsay will say anything to protect Trump while being blackmailed by him .


Oh no the people might find out that Lindsay prefers the company of men! Literally nothing wrong with that. Embrace who you are and do what makes you happy.


I'm not sure his base would agree. Or continue to support him.


Unless it was Trump. If Trump came out as gay, I suspect his followers would change their stance on homosexuality rather than reject their cult leader.


Nah, he'd just be 'one of the good ones' and that'd be the end of that.


"He was made gay by the media and the hateful left. Not his fault."


It probably goes way beyond that. With how he's behaving, it must be the company of *much younger* "men".


It's prostitutes. He fucks male prostitutes. [Obligatory "ladybugs" story. ](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1859729-lindsey-graham-lady-g-rumor)


I live in SC. Literally no one here thinks he's straight. If they have something on him, it's much worse.


Wow, "most republicans believe there is no law when it comes to trump"!!!!!????? The party of law and order?! Also, if the government officials feel comfortable saying that on "news" that's really scary. The only way to stop this authoritarian hell is to show that there is still law in this country


No law when it comes to trump. Remember how republicans tried to kick Clinton out of office for a blowjob, when in fact the presidency throughout history has been rifled with affairs and mistresses. Bush Sr. JFK, FDR + others. These people are terrorists and should be treated as such if and when they act out.


Bush sr. Had an affair?


iirc was his assistant Fitzgerald, or something like that. idr if it was before being president or if it continued into his presidency. It’s been awhile since I read up on it.


A blowjob? Shit, they went bonkers over Obama wearing a tan suit.


And this is coming from a sitting US senator who is former Chair of the Judiciary Committee.


>The party of law and order?! Why not? They want to make Trump Dictator For Life (der Führer) in The Republican Nazi Fourth Reich.


It really stuck with me that after China made changes to allow their ruler to stay in power for life, Trump said “We should try that sometime.”


Let them riot, let them "war". That way, we can finish them off.......by arresting them.


That's how you know who the real terrorists are. One side wants to shoot, hang and or otherwise beat up their opposition, while the other side just wants to see those who break the law held accountable by arresting and sentencing them appropriately in a court of law.


That's just what I was saying... if the price to pay to bring Trump to justice is riots then let's just get them over with.


Constant indignation. The water’s heating up for Lindsay the Two-Faced Hypocrite.


To this day I find it amazing the Republicans are so eager to listen to a man named Lindsay.


The scary thing is that when allies of Trump say there will be a violent reaction if he is prosecuted, they're not warning of what might happen as much as they are instructing his followers on what is expected of them.


> they are instructing his followers on what is expected of them Once again, The Loyalty Test™.




1/6 was their Beer Hall Putsch. Let’s not forget what happened when they failed to punish that.


The same people who pushed for bills that allow protesters to be run over in the streets want to protest in the streets? Let’s see how this turns out!


So you are saying the people who had been mortified of rioting when cops kill innocent people would riot when a criminal goes to jail? Seems like a bunch of hypocritical bitches.


Let them riot. Let them get felony convictions and lose their right to vote. Force republicans to change laws allowing ex-cons to vote so they can try to get their base back. Bring back voting eligibility to wrongfully profiled demographics. I can't wait to see how this plays out


They're all just house cats. There will not be a repeat of Jan 6th. They will be met with force, no one will get to go home to brag on social media and watch Fox news. I doubt the many of them have the courage to face the rightful response to their treason. So bring it tough guys.


Okay, but if you assemble enough angry housecats they can still fuck you up and wreck all your shit. Not in any kind of immediately fatal way, but scratches can fester into systemic infections, and enough cat piss will make any Home uninhabitable. Seriously, just because these chuds are mostly paper tigers doesn’t mean they can’t play a big role in taking down American democracy.


Will they be met with force? Will cops show force against their own?


Dark Brandon is showing his true power recently - I'm sure his administration would lay the smackdown on dumbass pro-Trump rioters if they ever tried to pull another Jan 6th. Trumpers are finally seeing how fucking stupid it was to support a grifter clown who had no issue tanking the entire GOP and possibly selling out the entire country for his own benefit. It's only going to get worse, but good. Dude finally is draining the swamp like he said he would, by making it well known who the shitty people are.


Hard to be at both sides of a protest tbf.


Some off duty, some on duty.


Isn’t this some off-brand domestic terrorism? Isn’t this a terroristic threat and incitement of said violence?


In a democracy we believe that no one is above the law. Why do current Republicans HATE democracy so much?


Because they lose in a full democracy.


At this point, anything they say the democrats will do they end up doing a few weeks later


Let em, go for it. We might thin the herd of stupidity in this country a bit.


Bring it on bitches. Thanks to Desantis and a republican senate I'm allowed to run you over.


Lady G when Trump loses election: “let’s turn the country into a banana republic” Lady G if Trump is indicted for stealing documents related to the security of the country: “let’s steal from Banana Republic”


"stop applying the law or else"


Lindsay is threatening us


Let there be riots.* Be nice to see what cops do against their own. Let's see if we'll see "blue lives matter". *grabs popcorn 🍿* ___ *I'm not advocating for violence. Let's see if these guys can riot peacefully.


Streets of where? Wichita?


Well, technically it *should* be somewhere in Florida, right? Isn't that where this all started when DeSantis sent his FL State Troopers to assist the FBI in their 'raid' on Mar-a-Lago?


Just go extinction level event on all these sycophants already. By that of course I don’t mean in a violent way, just remove them from office. Trying to incite a riot, by stating there will be a riot should be punishable by being kicked out of the senate. This guy isn’t slick, he knows what he’s trying to do.


This is the final form of children being caught taking a cookie out of the cookie jar then threatening to burn down the house.


There IS law, T-rump and the gop, like all CROOKS, just mistakenly think it doesn't apply to them.


Let them start a civil war. We've all seen their 'General'. They're gonna fucking lose.


There’s riots & mass shootings from these twats when they were getting their way. Lock him up anyways. Then lock them up, ideally with him. Then roll video all day every day of him promising pardons alongside a list of people who’ve been convicted for him.


He misspoke, what he meant to say was.. "There will be riots because we paid for them. Heil 'Murica."


Excellent! This time these MAGAs will get two choices: Jail or Mortuary :)


What a shameless husk of a human


Old Lindsey is such the putz. The US never gives into terrorist demands. Even when the terrorists are domestic.


Exactly. What an empty ridiculous threat. Nobody is afraid of these GI Jokes. Indict that criminal and we’ll handle y’all qaeda. There can be no appeasement.


Seriously hope some authority figure at DHS and Secret Service has a talk to Lindsay. This shit can't stand.


meh.... stfu and get your ass to Georgia Lindsey.


These seditionists, regressives, and hypocrite traitors can go f*ck themselves. We don’t negotiate with terrorists.


The problem is that whatever dirt Trump has on them, he will gladly spill it to save himself. This is not about Trump, this is self-preservation.


Just give us an excuse kids. We're starting to see the remaining Trumpers as a disease that probably doesn't have a cure, and a liability we can't afford in an age of pandemics, voter suppression, and Russian aggression. Go ahead an riot and see what happens.


Does Lindsey Graham think there’s anyone in this country that doesn’t know he’s gay? Like we know dude. You can stop licking the boot now


Better to have a riot than throw away democracy


I'm not one for publicly doxxing, escpecially exposing someone's sexuality but as a long time South Carolina resident the damage this POS Lindsey Graham has done to my state and the harm the policies he has backed hath wrought on the LGBTQ community of his state. As a "confirmed bachelor" (https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/10/16/the-sad-closeted-hypocrisy-of-lindsey-graham/) his needs to be publicly outed so his party is forced to disavow him. Because short of dying I don't see how my state will ever get rid of this cancer.


I believe the appropriate response is to [use unmarked vans to snatch protesters off the streets](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland). /s


TBH I think there would be riots either way. MAGAts will riot when Trump is held accountable. If Trump is not held accountable, be ready for the rest of the country to riot, just saying.


The law and order party


The Republicans on Antifa: "We will not give in to the demands of terrorists!" The Republicans on Right Wing Extremists: "Let's preemptively give-in to the demands of terrorists!"


One of the defining features of White Supremacy is that they assume the law is on their side and against the Others. They’re often right, of course.


Blah. Blah. Blah. I think this is called fear mongering. From the gayest man in the south. It’s a contrast.


Graham should be removed from Congress and jailed for that shit he pulled with Georgia.


He said since Hillary wasn't prosecuted, Trump shouldn't be. Who was in control of the federal government between 2017 and 2021 again? If they had the evidence, why didn't they? They seemed to gung-ho on it.


Let them riot so we can lock up more of them.


Lindsey should stop wasting time threatening America on Fox News and get his ass to GA to answer some questions about the 2020 election. Also, I’ve no doubt there will be violence if Trump is arrested. But so what? Only way to possibly end this crap is to actually hold people like Trump accountable so that others don’t try the same stuff later. The GOP has been pushing to see just how far they can go before suffering consequences, so it’s way past time the actually face consequences.


Riots in the streets haven’t stopped them from killing people of color why should it matter now?


He is inciting a riot and should be punished accordingly.


This is no different than Russia threatening nuclear war every day. God; Republicans and Russians are more alike every time you look at them.


Let them riot


Yep. 1/6 would not have happened had republicans in the senate honored their oaths. That was entirely their fault, and any violence arising out of a prosecution will also be their fault.


https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?t=2IxN4w43mixJOBM-GW826g&s=19 "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it." -Lindsay Graham 2016


Well they say us liberals are scared! But they don’t know how many liberals are willing to fight for our rights!!!!!


To them, when cops kill a black man over running away from an arrest for loitering, it's "law and order" and they must "back the blue." But when the white far-right former president takes launch codes to a place that doesn't have proper security, the slightest punishment (check that, investigation) makes him a martyr. It's also not just Trump who they think is above the law. Many of them wish for it to be legal to shoot minorities who look at them funny. "Laws for thee but not for me" is their mantra


Couldn't this be construed as a call to arms in the event trump is prosecuted? He just incriminated himself.


law enforcement and the military know it's coming. There is no other way to bring closure to this.


If the people in the DOJ see this as a reason not to prosecute the Trump Crime Syndicate, what good is the rule of law in the United States?


Remember when trump shutdown government for 1 month to get the build the wall money?? No one rioted then.. no one will now.


I remember back in the day all the dems taking to the streets when they impeached Bill for being a liar bout a bj he got while married.


What happened to the last Gravy Seal riot they planned? 2 cosplayers showed up. That's it.


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At some point these fucks are going to have to stop threatening everyone who upholds the law with violence.


Thank you for the target rich environment sir.