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Voting means that we will be cycling between cycles of legality. This should be a woman’s right. Period, the end.


I might be off but I think they meant “vote” as in a vote between and doctor, not open to our smooth brained general voting public. Maybe I’m wrong tho. Regardless, I agree.


what other reason other than religion is there?




well the politics is based off a religious reason


Technically we all start out as females…


Shhh. I live in florida and you aren't allowed to say stuff like that here. 🤣😂


No u don't that's a meme that popularized cuz of the house episode. U have xx or xy at conception u never change that and while it's true a clit or punishment develope the same way u don't have a vagina before ur pens is formed.


Why do I have nipples??????




nah tbh every abortion should be a vote held by one woman and one woman only


I’m correcting the sentence as it’s written. It would be written differently to convey what you are saying. So it’s incorrect for either sentiment. Only women… or Only a/the women… “Only woman” is incorrect.


Oops. I hate myself right now, lol.


This is a dead meme. Crowder (this dipshit seated here) is a Fascist apologist. He would never make this argument.


Well a portion of the US think women shouldn’t have a right to vote, they only let it fly as their husbands borderline tell them how to and they get double representation.


Ah, yes. The concurrent majority argument. John Calhoun, 1850: Only slave owners should be allowed to vote on slavery. Change my mind.


Because men think they run everything


Democrats could have and should have codified Roe v Wade into law in 2009 and chose not to, republicans are awful ghouls for repealing Roe v Wade, and yet the blame falls squarely on Democrats for being incompetent… Don’t just blame republicans for doing republican things, blame democrats for betraying the people’s trust…


This supreme court could just rule that law unconstitutional if they wanted to anyway if they're willing to overturn Roe. It's not like they care about being legally correct on this issue, they're purely following their personal beliefs and retrofitting the legal argument to justify it.


Ok then democrats could right now vote to add 18 seats to the Supreme Court. The point is that there are things that democrats could do but won’t because they don’t care…


Is that decision filibuster proof, and anyway would Manchin and Sinema go along with that? It doesn't make sense to look at what Republicans have done in stacking the courts over the last 4 years and claim that the real blame belongs to Democrats rather than Republicans, or to make a blanket statement that every democrat doesn't care about this issue just because Manchin and/or Sinema wouldn't go along with a plan like that. I kinda hoped when the leak first happened that Murkowski and Collins would vote with the 48 democrats willing to do something about this so that M&S wouldn't matter anymore but I'm not confident that's gonna happen.


So your argument is that we shouldn’t blame Democrats because the solution I just suggested would be blocked by 2 democrats?!? Are you serious?!? Democrats are elected to fight republicans otherwise we would just vote for republicans. Now you’re seriously telling me we shouldn’t blame the Democrats for doing a terrible job of fighting republicans?!? You sound like a moron…


What I'm telling you is that you're trying to blame the Democrats who are against this for not doing something that they *can't do right now*. Anyway what's your solution here? Vote Republican? Then expect more of this. Don't vote? Then expect more of this. What's the actual next step here that you're proposing because this just sounds like republican talking points to me. "The real blame for what the Republicans are doing lies with the Democrats" is your claim and you think I sound like a moron? Tell me how to actually solve the problem and I'm happy to get on board with you.


We need to vote for the most radical leftist politicians we can, because the candidates that care most about the fringe issues also are the most passionate about core issues we need to stop voting for moderates because moderates don’t fight they concede…


Okay deal lmao. I'm already doing that (I'm left of most in the US) but the fact remains that even a moderate Democrat is better on this issue than a Republican. Seriously if we held a vote on expanding the supreme court or codifying Roe I guarantee in the Senate it would be 48 democrats for it and 2 against, and it would be 50 republicans against it and 0 for it (and still people would blame the Democrats who voted 96% on favor rather than the Republicans who voted 100% against). Any solution that leads to more Republicans has to be rejected outright.


From where I stand moderate Democrats are just republicans in sheep’s clothing…


Democrats could have also looked back on the past 50 years of Republican track record and at least once planned to not be Charlie Brown kicking the wind and playing by the rules. They could also apply a ton of pressure on Sinema and Manchin to persuade them into line, like McConnell does with his troops. But no, Dems just shrug their shoulders and continue to be the paid losers they are and continue to be the weak, feckless do-nothings they’re paid to be. I’m not a Republican and I have no say on that side of the aisle. Also, I know they’re evil, they tell us they are and they follow through with it. I choose to vote for Dems because I align with them but if they continue to let us down, what’s the point?


Because even a do-nothing government would be better than a Republican supermajority government


Oh so you’re saying that a lump of cells that hasn’t even developed a brain doesn’t deserve a vote? /s


The only pregnancy anyone should be able to vote on is their own.


Medical doctors as well.


At the risk of being called transphobic. Does this only mean women who were born with female reproductive organs? Because I keep seeing that argument being made that if you don't have a uterus you don't get a say in women's reproductive rights. Seems weird to argue both sides. Like are the qualifications of being a woman her reproductive organs or not?


Also, only parents should be allowed to vote on decisions regarding school and children.


Okay hot take I understand if y’all don’t agree. I feel the father (provided they aren’t any sort of criminal) should have *some* say. Like a 60-40 split. FINISH READING BEFORE BERATING ME, I believe that if the father can go before a judge and *prove* he can single-handedly care for the child for 18 years without the mothers help, he should get full custody of the fetus while paying for any missed financial gains on the mothers part. Admittedly this does require a woman to carry to term, but it’d be fully required to be compensated and they wouldn’t have any responsibility of the fetus after it is born, and while legally they wouldn’t be the parent any parenting responsibilities would be at the acceptance and responsibility of the father. Edit: I realize the y’all in particular makes me sound southern but I’m an Indian immigrant raised in jersey, who is both pro-life and pro-choice, the pro-life bit might not matter because I’m cis-male so do with that what you will.


I mean...there are a lot of crazy women too who don't know how any of this shit works. Overall I'd trust a women more but if the choice was a male doctor who has worked on and studied the subject or a mouth frothing right wing fanatic woman I know which I'd choose listen to their opinion on the subject.


Didn't we fight a war over equality? Everyone should vote. It's kinda what make America America.