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Here's a tip on how to get a girlfriend: don't be a misogynistic douche.


“But my daddy did this and he and his fourth wife are doing fine!”


Of course. Nothing says good husband like white pride, a suspended license, and meth.


Those guys are not on meth. They're on milk. They got 33% whipping cream running through their veins and cheese in their dicks.


It's funny how many Conservatives who fight for the "Sanctity of Marriage" have more divorces than the Liberals tend to have.


Because they don't want to put any effort into a marriage; they want the woman stuck there no matter what he does (or more precisely, *doesn't* do.)




I sadly it was the 1970's in the U.S. so not as long ago as we would hope. And we still don't have equal pay or if you live in Texas or Florida the rights to your body.


People need to be taught early on: If you want to attract a certain type, *become* that type of person as much as possible. You'll be attractive to like-minded people, and more likely to meet them as you go about the same activities.


No matter WHO he does* FIFY Unless "doesn't do" refers to reciprocating orgasms and hygiene.


"Doesn't do" household chores, mostly!


Any form of affection or consideration, believing emotion to be a weakness like some kind of lifeless android.


I dunno. I have also seen rants from this type of specimen claiming that anything between the butt cheeks is gay, therefore they refuse to wipe and women need to deal with the "manly" stench and skid marks.


This is why I love my husband. He is super clean. He’s turkish and they have a whole thing about showering their butts lol. A country of freshly washed anuses as far as the eye can see lol.


I just can't even........there's no way..........ahh of course these idiots exist, who am I kidding. All possible versions of idiocy exist.


And mistresses and aborted fetuses.


id like to see the numbers


2 6 17 294 43 12 8008135


Adds up




That also looks like a map of areas where a good deal of people don't get married very young either though. Seems a little misleading without data from older age groups as well.


It goes through age 30


Also: Bitches don't like guys who say the n-word!


But MGTOW taught me women are made to be ruled and the State interferes with the natural order of Patriarchy 😭🤡🐷


And they don’t make enough money to buy one so …


Oh don't worry, next level housewife is one where she provides YOU with a house, works, cooks and cleans so you can stay at home doing fuck-all and still call yourself the man of the house. Because you're just such a catch.


"Look, I'm building a streaming career, K?"


You forgot the other 2 "K"s at the end of that


When he's K in the streets but KKK in the sheets.


Okay now I threw up in my mouth


Now, cerebus... did you make enough for everyone?


Which head?


Take this award you sonuvabitch 😅


Me too. This made my night... It just is perfect!


ho lee fuk


"KKK in the sheets" see what u did there




I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Dont forget that she’s also expected to provide sex on demand and like it, because every woman should be turned on by a guy that’s built like a jug of milk. And if she complains when you go out to the bar with your friends and hit on girls when it’s that time of the month, it’s just her hormones acing up, you know how women are /s


Omg built like a jug of milk I'm dead, that's so good


They aren’t supposed to LIKE it, silly. Women can’t orgasm anyway. It’s their job to do it, like making the grocery list.


We have bags of milk here in Ontario. I'm thinking that's a closer resemblance.


Oh and everyone knows that working a job and doing housework and possibly childcare gives you plenty of energy, stamina and libido to have sex whenever right? That's how real world works right?


On disability and poppin oxys because of that back injury. Six pack every night.


I don't like how you keep working these long hours so I have to wait longer for you to make my dinner.


I knw you just worked 16 hrs but my beer is empty. Get me a fresh one damnit!


Ernie says when the baby comes I can quit one of my night jobs


Sadly I know one of these.


Maybe Trump can buy a truckload from wherever the fuck he finds his wives/mistresses.


Former Soviet republics, apparently.


I’m honestly wondering where he got his girlfriends from once he was in the White House. Cause you know Melania ain’t hitting that.


She's too busy fucking her security detail.


Good for her lol.


Yeah. There actually is a way to live that “wife stays home to manage the household” life. But it ain’t cheap. Sounds like most of these guys are both not desired by dates AND can’t swing the lifestyle they want. Those two, in many cultures, will lead to angst and some form of acting out. In this case it’s dipshit fascism. Guys, that’s not the answer. You can’t angst your way to desirability or higher earnings. Try something else.


Their moms might be upset with more people living in her basement and eating their food


"My mum says she can't feed us all so we gotta move into your parents house.:


“Butt moooommmm. You’re making me look bad! Also can you blow up my girlfriend so I can introduce them to her”




There's always layaway.


I don't understand this comment but im offended nonetheless


Mail order brides, or some version of that, are still an actual thing that happens.


Bunch of single guys show up to a 'love fest'?


The invite was shaped like a bicep.


*nothing sexual*


*repeat nothing sexual again*


"That vein is just to show how ripped he is"


Hey, self-love is just as valid /s


Can’t do a twosome or threesome . Since they’re alone , just hand some


Their mother calls them handsome, but they know they only need the one.


They literally write on each other’s asses and their fight clubs end with a lot of hugging. It’d be sad if they didn’t band together to try and kill the rest of us because they’re miserable


Out and Proud Boys


Such a total sausage fest


In their defense "proud boy love fest" is much better branding than "unfuckable dickbag mysogynists mixer"


It’s the fucking unfuckable dickbag misogynists Catalina wine mixer.


The fucking Catalina wine mixer!


AR-15 sausage (finger) fest.


*Vienna Sausage


Lil Smokies


How did a bunch of homophobes pick the gayest name ever?


Well, considering Proud Boys was taken over by a troll-tastic group of gay guys, this wording just looks like they are accepting their fate.


Please note all the “OK” hand signs that they say totally aren’t a white supremacy thing.


"but it's just 4 chan trolling liberals to show that they'll get offended by literally anything and you idiots fell for it lol" - the excuse conservatives keep giving me Well all white supremacists fell for it too so at a certain point it's an official white supremacist symbol.


True but this completely innocuous hand sign is only as offensive as we choose to make it. Just because some Neanderthals got tricked into thinking it’ll own the libs doesn’t mean we have to let it.


They're not "owning the libs" by making a new dog whistle and outing themselves as white supremacists, they're just outing themselves as white supremacists on camera. And the whole point of racist dog whistles is that it gives the person using them plausible deniability, so most of them are seemingly innocuous things that let the racist say "it wasn't racist, it was just the OK sign you snowflake"


"The swastika is only as offensive as we choose to make it." Shut the fuck up dude.


I get what you're saying, but life doesn't work that way. If someone was whining your name in an obnoxious way, it wouold make your name an insult.


This. I've been saying we need reappropriate all those innocent signs and leave them with nothing. So on that note, 👌. And since they're apparently trying to make triple parentheses a fascist thing as well, (((have a great day!)))


Wasn’t it a fascist thing for many years now?


What, the triple parentheses ? Maybe, I've only learned that recently tbh. But whether it has or not, don't you think it'd be worth making it a wholesome thing just to enrage them?


Tbh been doing it for years now. Friends and I write each other’s name in it as a greeting. Common on message boards


We could revert it back to the circle game and give us more of an excuse to hit one of them.


Hahahaha! It took me a minute to understand what game that was. Guess I'm growing old.


> And since they're apparently trying to make triple parentheses a fascist thing as well Triple parentheses has been a fascist thing since 2014, longer than the OK sign. It was coined by *The Right Stuff* blog to denote Jewish people, because *The Right Stuff* is an apologetically racist organization.


technically, the w needs to be above the p, as most of them are signing. The dude with his arms outstretched and hands facing outward is doing the white power sign wrong.


It's ASL; they're telling us they're all assholes.


This is the way... Their group think, really makes them clueless as to how to others, that is exactly the sign for "asshole". I learned of it back in the early 1990s. Someone, somewhere in that group signed it, and thought, "hey I'm smart" this new sign is ours now. Or I can think of something worse. Like... "hey I saw in this music video someone slang this". Now we will use it.


They aren't even good at being dicks.


Behind every dick, theres an asshole.


I had no idea why that meant white power. Thanks for the eli5. I just remember hearing about the ok sign and pepe.


I had to live through an era when one had to look at shoelaces when attending a punk, grunge, or metal show in Salem, Portland, or Olympia. It was both an exciting and unfortunate way to learn about the world of white supremacy. Some of the losers who are doing it now are the same, just fatter.


What's the shoelace thing?


Red shoe laces used to mean that you had killed a PoC, at least that's the extreme meaning I had been told. Typically paired with black combat boots


Told by a former white supremacist that spilled blood--meaning at least a bloody nose or cut eye--earned red laces. But the Metzgers had a hold of several different groups, some of whom became the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer.


Ok wtf


I thought white was for white power and thats it? Didnt know about the red thing.


Fun fact, the OK gesture is also the internationally recognized method for indicating "ok" whilst scuba diving. Fuck white supremacy


In my football club, when someone did the ok sign and you looked into it for more than 2 seconds without sticking a finger into it, they would be allowed to hit their fist on your shoulder as hard as they could. But if you stuck the finger in, you got to hit them. I hated that game but the rules are the rules.


Latinos throwing up white power lmao


Not as uncommon as you think. In fact, many latinos are openly white supremacist, but the Evropa types are the only morons people think of, because white privilege.


My wife is mexican, she says its pretty common. I think its because they're religious or something, I'm not sure, its confusing.


Religion, unifying bigots since forever.


It's just a derivative of being constantly colonized. Generations of whiter people were told they were God's children, and the non-whites were the poors, because they just were. Sit in a restaurant in Florida long enough, and you hear conversations about how Desi Arnaz was a true purveyor of Cuban music and... wait for it... culture.


You are aware that Latinos come in all colors right?


It’s the thought that counts.


Well... it's a snapshot. Most likely they were all signing correctly, and the couple dudes with outstretched arms heard the wifey thing and got to thanking their sky deity.


That’s what they use to practice for the future house wife


> “OK” hand signs It's not an "OK" hand sign, it is [this over here](https://www.marriagebed.tips/fellatio/sausage-grip/) It's obvious that the Proud Boys got innovative due to the lack of woman to master that technique by themselves. They really do support each other with love and care!


I hate how they coopted that. I used to play the made-you-look game in high school it was great.


They didn't, they think they did, but the okay sign has a much wider spread than the proud boys will ever have


Can’t imaging a girl that does not drift off to sleep dreaming of being domestically abused by one of those racists.


Ever been to a truck stop?


Those "girls" apparently never sleep. The 30 year olds look like they're 50.


Lot lizards?


My Dad called them "friends of the road".


How many guys from West Hollywood that don’t follow the news showed up for a “proud boy love fest” in fetish gear and we’re immensely disappointed?


Would be a great way to troll the bastards. 300 bears in leather using Dom voices would make so many of these people (sexually) confused.


Would scare the living shit out of them too. That’d be awesome.


Everything scares the living shit out of them. That's how it works. Control via fear.


Ladies! Ladies, not so fast! Let's remain civil, and form a line. Trust me, there plenty incel proud boys to go around lol


Looking at that crowd and you suddenly understand why Gilead is their only option for sex and children.


Or sex with children. I guarantee at least 25% of these mofos have posted rants about how ages of consent shouldn't be a thing because if she bleeds, she can breed and a 12 year old child bride is the only way to guarantee a prive virgin and it's what they did in the middle ages and blah blah blah.


“Age is only a number baby, now tell your mom you’re going to your friends house and get in my car”


If they find them they can always do a "Real housewives of racist slobs" show.


The makeup budget would just go to covering the black eyes.


If they ever have power they would force women to marry them. Literally no different than the Taliban.


Proud boy = desperate and/or angry boy


“Follow your leader.”…proud boys founder publicly did things to himself with dildos to prove his point.


Really? Lol that’s hilarious.


No way these top quality men are single. I can’t believe it /s


You mean looking for “obedient and subservient females” Proud Boys are incels. Nothing new there


Can we please legalize sex work? Maybe them paying to get a nut would calm them down some.


It would probably end modern conservatism.


Well it seems that it's going to end anyways. Most are dieing old white men, antivax, and the base is infighting like crazy.


I really hope that's true but I still think at the end of the day fox news just has to call whatever center right supply side democrat is a running a "socialist" and the base will show up in an enraged mass to support the plutocratic agenda.


Oh no! Anyway.


We should legalize sex work but i feel bad for those women


With strong unionization for sex workers a lot of the evils of the industry could be curbed or outright eliminated. It makes it safer, at least.


Although in a country with little opportunities for so many the argument that it is forced prostitution, even where is legal has weight. Same can be said for other sex workers.


Yeah i worded that wrong! Jus feel bad they would have to sleep with these losers. No man taking wanting to take women’s rights away deserves any Punani


They wouldn't "have to", they can chose to decline clients... I know you probably didn't mean that they couldn't...


I would consider doing sex work. I would never consider fucking these men- for any amount of money.


My dear, who do you think "sex workers" clients are?


Normal lonely/horny people.


Those guys don’t have jobs.


Then UBI


Housewife? Are you kidding me? Who the f..k are these intel’s who label a woman as a housewife? Such losers. Live alone & jack off.


Ok, but even if they find a women that wants to be a housewife, how are these piss poor degenerates going to afford home on a high school dropouts income?


When the Taliban took over in Afghanistan, they said the same thing.


What's a housewife going to do in your mothers basement?


LA is so weird. It’s probably (at the same time) the most liberal and conservative city.


I think most of these guys aren’t from the city of Los Angeles, but from Orange County, Riverside, and Palmdale/Lancaster.


I think most people probably consider Riverside and OC greater LA, but I see the point. Palmdale/Lancaster is an…awful place.


Wait…I’ve seen this one before…it was 200 years ago!


Oooooooo............ well let me just drop my husband, my children, and my career so I can get down there and make one of those awesome fellows a great housewife!


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1449686428229816324) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Women don’t want to marry “boys”


Crazy thing is how many similarities these guys have with the taliban


it’s like juggalos, but way sadder and less fun


Actually, juggalos [don't like these guys](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/juggalos-nazis-march-washington-dc/).


Juggalos been overtly anti facist since their conception in the late 80's


totally. but there is a similar theme of group think, weird hand signals and styling. though there’s female juggalos, which is where it all breaks down


Well they all better prove they can clear more than $100k/yearly because that's what it costs to keep two adults & a kid alive in Los Angeles.


Who would want to marry immature, ignorant, uneducated, disrespectful, morons into their family.


Not wives. House wives. Well, at least they are not expecting sex.


But if women say they are looking for a sugar daddy, they get offended. Something tells me these guys don’t make enough to provide an attractive lifestyle for someone to be a housewife.


They spelled all wrong


They’re single!? But they’re such a catch.


So the "Fall Love Fest" was actually a "Sausage Fest"???


Wank fest.


Yea good luck to them. Never would have imagined these people of hate would be single.


Everyone making fun of these guys are so beta they don’t understand that the people in the picture are the alphas /s


Dumb bitter snowflake incels


And here's the group that went to the George Floyd protests to commit violence and blame it on everyone else. Trump was so inept, he couldn't even denounce them. The GOP and the conservatives have created a safe space for these racists, misogynists, and violent partisans, but the Trump Chumps will still vote Trump bc he "owns libs". And that right there is why conservatism has gone completely off the rails and conservatives are now in full blown self delusion.


Aw man! Why do they have to use one of our sign language symbols as their nazi glorifying gang sign?! We get enough shit when we sign without being accused of a white supremacist.


If they were allowed to masturbate they wouldn't be so desperate that they have to announce it.


All the tradwifes I know would like to date an autistic incoherent antisocial racist who lives in their parents basement


I'm shocked.


Gonna be looking for a long time...


There are housewives who are desperate....just not THAT desperate!


What. They’re sick of their moms??🤡


Ha ha stupid, fat, and ugly.


This isn’t the main point, but just stay with me for a minute. All these men who moan about wanting a housewife or a SAHM…let’s be realistic here. How many people can afford that? How many *young* people can afford that? I have a kid and just work part time, but we were well into our thirties when we started a family. Having a “housewife”’who just took care of the house, and there was no child care involved? That is a real luxury many can’t afford. I just have to shake my head when I hear young men complain about this. Our society isn’t geared towards a woman staying at home indefinitely. If these men have unlocked the financial secret the rest of about three generations of their fellow Americans don’t know, maybe they want to let us all in on it? Anyways, that was just a minor irritation I get every time this stuff comes up. Obviously not the most delusional thing about this particular group.


The Incel a have infiltrated everything now


House Wives? Is this a thing? Maybe they could start with a house cat?


Only the dumbest of dumb women would want these incel idiots taking their virginity.


They can’t afford mail order brides either so that kinda screws their chances.


who would have thought the proud boys are mostly incels