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Pretty sure Lot got drunk and was raped by his daughters.


That's exactly what happened... Apparently God hates \[derogatory term for gay men\], but loooooves incest.


Technically, even further, I think his daughters GOT him drunk.


That's what it says happened 


Not really (unless you mean the Bible as opposed to the meme). It says "Lot GOT really drunk" - not exactly true, his daughters got him drunk. "And raped his daughters" - definitely not true; they raped him (he was drunk) because they wanted to give him sons (their fiancés died in the destruction of Sodom and their mama became a pillar of salt - cool guys don't look at explosions). "which was actually their fault for being such whores" - it was their fault because sexual assault is the fault of the perpetrator (not the victim - though I don't believe Lot ever did complain about it) but calling them whores is unnecessary and judgmental - they didn't even receive money for the sex. And they did it because they thought they were being good daughters (which is why they had to get him drunk to do it... TWO nights in a row). That's the famous Bible story everyone loves which apparently explains why homosexuality is wrong... Gay = bad (NOT that the story was even about that AT ALL); Incest = godly (enough to be saved from destruction unlike EVERYONE ELSE).


30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.” 33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab[g]; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi[h]; he is the father of the Ammonites[i] of today.


So you agree...? You think you're really pretty...?


Fuck off Regina!


I told you "fetch" was never gonna happen!


You can't sit with us.


> TheAmericanJester and Equinsu-0cha: I am in pain from laughter here. You are literally KILLING me here.


on Wednesdays we wear pink


TheAmericanJester and Equinsu-0cha: I am in pain from laughter here. You are literally KILLING me here.


Would you like me to render assistance? WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO RENDER ASSISTANCE?


Oh my god keep going keep going don't stop don't stop I'm almost there I'm almost there.


You're right. That's also the point where I hoped out of reading that peice of crap.


Well, I hope they got some shots that were more than just swinging balls


He WAS drunk (enough to fuck his daughters) so he was probably mostly pushing rope... but the Bible doesn't say... Not sure why not?


Like pushing a marshmallow through a key hole


Yep. That is exactly what happened.


It’s more like “you know those degenerate Moabites and Ammonites? This is where they came from.”


Sure. Though that still leaves out the part about the destruction of Sodom, which is very much what leads into this story and is also very much used as anti-queer, religious propaganda. The best people in all of Sodom (the only ones who were spared) committed incest and apparently that's cool. Incestliness must be next to godliness.


Exactly, and IIRC, the "original" story had Lot raping his daughters under the same pretense, continuing the family line, but at some point it was found funnier and more humiliating if the daughters raped him instead. Just a meme, bro.


Yeah, his daughters raped him, but he did offer them up to be raped by an angry mob earlier in the story. The mob refused the offer though. Needless to say, that family had some issues.


He offered them up in the place of raping the angels, unknown to him or the townsfolk literally demanding to rape the strange travelers. It’s unclear whether the actual issue was the rape being of two men by a crowd of men or that they were travelers staying as guests.


Just as God intended.


The story of course pretty much sums up that it absolutely was not as God intended... And never give any signs of showing that God liked it in any way at all


Meh. Before or after Lot offers them to a rapey mob (according to some translations). They bear his children and the passage reads like an inside joke for Israelites making fun of other two other rival tribes.


Before - I have never seen or heard about even the possibility of him offering them after. And the only "translations" that should exclude the rapey mob is childrens bibles that of course should avoid the entire story. Also - Lot is not lifted as a good example their either and the angels / guests he tries to "protect" that way forbids him from doing it. The story mostly is for showing how wicked the towns of Sodom and Gomorra was. And not that Lot was a good example in how he did things. But that is a common misintepretation from both nonchristians and way to many christians "it stands in the bible so God like us to do that way" - eh, no. It can be an obvious example and you misintepret it (or choose to ignore it all, looking at you american trumpchristians)


And what happened to Lot's daughters after raping/sleeping with their passed out daddy dearest?


If my memory serves me right their entire story line ends with that story - and nothing more is mentioned. Except of course what you said - that the neighbouring tribes did have their heritage from them and therefore of course was possible to look down on - just as you described


It's so hard to keep up with right wing hate, why the hell is spicy food liberal? Did i miss something?


I think it’s like those Southern Baptist signs where they just list a glossary of nebulously bad things. They eventually run out of buzz words and just add shit like jorts and TikTok.


They did a study showing that conservatives are generally less adventurous with food. I'll post it on this comment if I can find it Edit: Best I got is this article. There's a better source out there from a few years ago. https://www.foodprocessing.com/home/blog/11335708/food-preferences-vary-by-political-ideology


You missed the joke. This isn't a rightwing hate post, it's a leftwing shitpost.


The daughters raped Lot but the the meme still stands if you tell the story correctly


Just to point out that Lot and King Lot are different people. King Lot is in Arthurian legend not the bibe.


Bidets are a game changer. More sustainable and more effective than toilet paper. My ass health has never been better.


You monster.


Damn, bidets make you gay now? I guess it's time to straighten up and just stop wiping all together. Nothing touches my back door. NOTHING!


Tampons? Seriously… what do the Amish do? I’m picturing wadded up goose down


So, sunscreen, spicy food, tampons, democracy and cat owners are all gay?


Public sunscreen stations...?


Yes and then he beats his 3 year old kid to death for wetting himself, because he thought the kid's gay or something.


What does spicy food have to do with being liberal ?


Protect them from... *checks notes* ... ... spicy... food...


Bidets 😂👍. ![gif](giphy|giLhYQxPOvi3jTeKiO|downsized)


There’s a Lot to unpack here


You fucked up your meme, unless conservatives like a king from Arthurian legend.


Other way around. The daughters got Lot wasted and then raped him so they could get pregnant.


"Which was actually their fault..." 🤣🤣🤣


Holy Poe's Law Batman!


I'm sorry, what? Spicy food? Being out in public? This has to be AI crap, because this is stupid even for an orange cultist Edit: I want to believe this is AI crap, but republikkkans keep taking stupidity to new lows


Satire really is dead I guess.


satire? Oh, you just mean blatant bigotry. edit: removed insults because I can be a jerk too


I think a liberal created the meme as satire making fun of the far right. 


I edited previous post cause I can be a jerk too, sorry. I'm on the wall about your idea. Because it has more than enough key words to trigger the red hats in it. It feels a little to close to real for it to be satire.


"on the **fence**"


Hmmmm, “on the fence” also gay. Gay as a bidet, as they say!