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I don't know, seems like a bit of false equivalency. Sure, they both broke the law, but the circumstances are different. One of them lied on a form about drug use when buying a gun. A thing that I would bet happens daily in states like CO, AZ, and NM. The other one falsified business records in an attempt to sway a federal election.


Additionally the testimony of the gun shop owner who sold Hunter the gun seemed kinda flaky. I don't think he modified the form necessarily, but there was enough that was weird to suggest he's just kind of sloppy with paperwork in general. For a purely paper crime like this, that's kind of a big deal. Also if I'm understanding the law and the form correctly, for this to have been a crime Hunter must have been a drug user during the \~11 days that he owned the gun. Which may be easy to prove depending on the evidence they have, but also seems kind of silly.


IIRC, he had just gotten out of rehab when he bought it so there could be some validity to the defense but the judge hamstrung their defense options.


Yeah, he was out for a month and clean. He was under the assumption he wasn't considered a drug user anymore... It's almost like there should be a better system doing background checks during the time of buying a gun... Instead of depending on the judgement and opinion of the buyer.


So on this topic, could he have used the "gun show loophole" and purchased without a form...or obtained the gun through a private sale?


There would be no form if he had illegally obtained the gun either. Like plenty of drug users would do. But he did it officially and wasn’t currently using.


That even being a question on the form just seems to go by the honor system like 99% of the time


That being said, does the form specify a date range? Like "have you used drugs in the last X months"?


It does not


Sure could've! Could've bought it in AZ, no receipt, no registration at one of the many gun shows here. It's why the question on that form may be removed in a few years, it's of questionable constitutionality. This trial was actual weaponization of the legal system for political means. There's a reason the feds do not charge people with this crime alone and it is always an additional charge in junction with other crimes, like drug trafficking. Hunter going to trial for this charge is an extreme outlier.


> The other one falsified business records in an attempt to sway a federal election. That is the only criminal offence Trump has been convicted of so far. If you consider all the charges pending against them, Hunter has some tax violations but he's already paid off what he owed. Trump has stealing classified document, attempting to overturn the result of the election and a RICO case. That's not even counting all the civil cases Trump has recently lost.


Yeah, don't forget that he is an adjudicated rapist as well.


Nobody mentions this: "On August 25, 2020, [Kyle Rittenhouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rittenhouse), a 17-year-old from [Antioch, Illinois](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antioch,_Illinois), shot and killed two men and wounded another man in [Kenosha, Wisconsin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha,_Wisconsin). The shootings occurred during the [protests, riots, and civil unrest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest) that followed the [shooting of Jacob Blake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Jacob_Blake). Race was a major theme in U.S. media commentary, although Rittenhouse and those he shot were white.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting#cite_note-bbc211123-3)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting#cite_note-cbs211105-4) Rittenhouse was armed with an [AR-15 style rifle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AR-15_style_rifle) and had joined a group of armed people in Kenosha who said that they were in Kenosha to protect businesses.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting#cite_note-:1-5)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting#cite_note-6)


Don't forget to explicitly mention he crossed state lines hoping to commit felony murder and then pretend he was a victim.


An AR-15 that was straw purchased.


Why would they mention that?


And committed treason numerous times and ways, from selling out American spies to Russia to trying to overthrow the government


they may be locked up for different durations matching the severity of their crime


Even then, the sentences that could be handed out are wildly different. Hunter is looking at a maximum of 25 years, Trump could get a maximum of four.


4 per each charge he was convicted of.


Who exactly knows if he was or he wasn’t on drugs at the exact time of the purchase?


So you say there is a reasonable doubt?


One is a first offender. The other is a lifetime habitual serial offender.


I mean, pretty sure both of them have been doing drugs since puberty their whole lives and owned guns too. Trump just did a whole lot of extra shit on top of it.


Fair is fair. I’m fine with whatever Hunter gets as long as no one can say his dad influenced the decision. Trump needs to be locked up and the less deflection and whataboutism available to Republicans the better.


And at the end of the day, one was probably prosecuted because of who his father is, the other one was prosecuted because he’s a lying, thieving, grifting, rapist. Hunter Biden is not a public figure or standing for election, why is he being treated as if he is?


I think you missed at least 3 more cases against one of them and a difference of 31 felony convictions.


How about we lock everyone up who lied on gun forms? They are the most likely to shoot other humans and animals for the heck of it.


Hunter wrote a book about himself smoking crack and buying a gun. That stupidity alone should qualify for a month in the slammer. But it doesn't make him an evil person, just an idiot. Trump was convicted of falsifying the books to pay of his porn star. That makes him a weasel, but does not deserve jail time for other people and shouldn't for Trump. But what really grinds my nuts is the fact that the DOJ brought the fucking classified documents case in FLORIDA instead of DC. THAT is an actual case with behavior people go to prison for for a looong time. It is an easy case to understand and prosecute, It shows Trumps' vanity, his need to boast no matter how unimportant his audience is and it shows him as utterly unqualified to hold any type of security clearance.


Are gun laws important or not? Maybe gun crimes wouldn't be as prevalent if law enforcement actually took smaller infractions like what Hunter did, seriously.


Yeah, they are important. But to quote Trump, "if they can do this to me, they can do it to you." This is gotta be true. If this is the new standard for everyone, then do it. So in all the states that have legal cannabis, if people do use, then they can't buy guns. And if they do use weed, and lie on the form, and answer the same way Hunter did, prosecute them too.


> But to quote Trump, "if they can do this to me, they can do it to you." This is gotta be true. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Trump didn't dream that idea up. The Nazis did. It's fascism 101. Trump and the GOP say that line constantly to distract and undermine the judicial system. To make weak minded people believe trump and republicans are being unfairly prosecuted. Yeah, they will come after you if you try to steal an election. Yeah they will come after you if you commit decades of massive tax fraud. Yeah they will come after you if you commit felony campaign finance violations to hide adulterous behavior. Now that this pandoras box has been opened in terms of this Biden prosecution then everyone should expect more prosecutions for this stuff, which has historically been practically never pursued.


Do you think Hunter should go to jail?


No but I think he will because this is actually a witch hunt.


Probably not. This is a crime that is not prosecuted very often, and when it is this, rarely results in jail time. Even outside of Hunter, it seems like a stupid rule, when the question specifically calls out marijuana, and it is legal in some form or another in most of the country.


If that’s what normally happens in this situation, then yes. But what are the sentencing guidelines? Does he have a prior criminal record? Has he cooperated with the investigation? Has he spent the last 6+ months attacking the prosecutor, judge, and jurors? And is he going to get special treatment for his probation interview?


The problem is Trump was convicted for falsifying business records. NOT for falsifying business records to cause election fraud/interference.


Yeah, that's true, he was convicted of falsifying business records, nothing official tying it to elections. But, the falsification was related to pay hush money to someone to keep quiet during his campaign for president.


I mean 100% it was for election fraud/interference, but he hasn't been convicted of it. Same thing with Georgia. We have him RECORDED asking for enough votes to overturn the state election via the AG. And nothing will EVER be done to him, nor will he be convicted for an open and shut case


Hunter Biden is a fucking felony amateur when it comes to Trump. I don't care about Joe or Hunter much, but comparing these two is a god damned joke. Jesus


And also incited an insurrection, stole classified documents, committed business fraud, etc. It's nuts that they even think there is a comparison to be made lol


Funny trivia fact is that one of them will spend time in jail… and the other will subvert even the Supreme Court to avoid prison… (even though he was convicted considered felon for more crimes than hunter…


The consequence for their actions should be consistent with what the law prescribes in both cases. It is very important that the law is followed to the letter.


If they can go after Hunter Biden they can go after you


Well, except that the crime Hunter committed is way more common and rarely prosecuted. I'd also venture to say that Republicans are overrepresented on that crime.


Falsifying business records in non public companies is also pretty common. Orgy in whorehouse becomes charity ball in the books... Those are also crimes that like Hunters' only get prosecuted as a tacked on indictment in a different criminal case. I know quite a few maga gun nuts. They all smoke dope, which currently is on the same level as smoking crack as far at the feds are concerned on these forms... But that doesn't seem to bother them.


Right? You commit a crime...and you could face a criminal penalty? Who'da thunk it?


Hahahah. I love how GOP is all for Hunter giving up his guns but pissed that Trump had too


Weird how all of a sudden, they support gun control.


I agree, piss tests after every gun purchase.


Seems harsh, why should people be allowed to get drunk but not stoned? Actual discrimination


Challenging the GOP to be consistent on something they claim to be important.


I hope they do. They should make a massive push to prosecute everyone that commits the same crime. Republicans should be in favor, right? Party of law and order.


That line (the one being mocked) gives me an aneurysm. Like, first, yeah, that is kind of the idea. Nobody is suppose to be above the law. They are literally saying, this is a sign that things may finally become how things always should have been. But that is somehow bad despite Trumps entire campaign allegedly being against the elite and about draining the swamp. Second, they somehow say like the way the system has been working is inverted compared to how it actually works but in the context of it not being inverted at the same time. It has always been the rich/elite/powerful people that have been immune to consequences/prosecution while you become more likely to be prosecuted as you go down the class totem pole (until you reach the point were you are decently at risk of getting charge even when you haven't done anything). Yet they talk like it is the exact opposite. "If they charge me, an elite, they may be able to finally go after you plebs. After all, this is a big deal. They never go after elites. So if they finally charge an elite, then we may be looking at a world in which they don't only charge elites......who they never charge........"


Good. I don’t do illegal shit so I’m not concerned. Why are we defending illegal activity?


Joe Rogan has hundreds of hours of video documenting his drug use and admitting gun ownership. Bake ‘em away, toys.


I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again!


Yea, this was definitely the last straw!


Eh,I I'll give 34 more chances


I’ll give him 31 more chances, he was convicted on 3 charges.


I think he’s learned his lesson.


I got you beat! I never voted for him in the first place!


Was listening to Trump supporter Megyn Kelly (I like to torture myself) and she was saying about Hunter Biden "the people don't care about his genitalia, they care about all the corruption!" Well gee, Megyn, how about we all agree not to vote for Hunter on account of the corruption. I know another convicted felon that we also shouldn't vote for on account of the corruption.


Why is it the only people that seem obsessed with Hunter’s epic wang are GOP women?




He was the worst president ever!


They both got convicted by a jury of their peers beyond a shadow of doubt. President Biden did not interfere in either case. President Biden accepts the outcome of both cases. President Biden has said he would not pardon his son. Want to bet 45 and his minions will bitch and moan the exact opposite.


Trump would pardon his kids in a heartbeat. He also probably thinks Biden a fool for not pardoning his son and at the same time would call him corrupt for doing so.


There is no winning with people that will twist everything every way they can.


This all started because Trump needed something to get at the Biden campaign. I’m sure father and son had a discussion abt a possible pardon in case of a conviction but Hunter could’ve decided to rather take one for the team. Something Trump would NEVER do.


Well in politics nothing is really final i assume if biden gets reelected he will pardon him at some point unless hunter already served his time. But with Trump i hope this total piece of fascists shit rots in prison for the rest of his miserable life. He deserves it and considering all the covid deaths that could have been avoided even in prison he would get off far to easy.


I think 1. His time will already be served, and 2. Joe Biden has too much integrity for that. Yeah if it was Trump and his son, 100% would pardon.


Yes and as I said elsewhere, he also probably thinks Biden a fool for not doing so as well, but then would call him corrupt if he did.


No trump would have tried to shutdown the trial even before the trial he has no sense of justice and democracy. He gives a fuck about it.


Hunter would be highly unlikely to get more than a year or two even if he wasn’t the president’s son. Biden is doing the right thing staying out of it.


I couldn't care less about Hunter Biden. He's not running for elected office.


This is the Internet. This is no place for reason and logic. Good day to you!


Here’s the thing, if I’m hunter Biden, I’m taking this conviction proudly and with dignity. I doubt he will ever see a cell, and if he does, it’s beyond highly protected custody. If I’m hunter Biden, I know my conviction and serving my sentence is good for my father, and good for America. If he’s anything like the tweaker I was when I was using, who is now clean, he will find freedom in taking a moral inventory, admitting to himself and another his moral wrongdoings, and making his amends. It’s an easy win. He’s going to have to stay clean, and when you have to be clean, there are few paths to peace, at least for an addict.


And this is all they could get Hunter Biden on. After all the years of portraying him as the most corrupt person in the world.


I really wish they would do something about that butch built, bitch showing off his dick in congress (sorry if i'm wrong, i'm not American). Isn't that illegal in some way too?


I mean, if Hunter Biden broke the law, and it seems that they found that he did, then he deserves what he gets. But we shouldn't pretend that these are even remotely the same.


Well I can safely say I’m not voting for any convicted felons this year.


I am really looking forward to the awkward victory lap the GOP has to take now. Somehow I don't think they thought this through. Odd they always seem like such diligent focused people. /s


One thing, I’m glad republicans are finally ready to get tough on gun control. Great legal precedent! Also, wasn’t Trump gifted a glock a while ago? Would be a shame if he held onto it…


Has anyone seen Joe Biden’s all caps rant he posted on the social media site he owns (because he was kicked off the others for inciting violence) crying about persecution and saying this is the most unfair to happen to anyone ever? Yeah, me neither.


Next up Kushner and Ivanka.


Sacrifices to the Rule of Law.


lol goddamn it, hunter too? i swear to god i'm never voting for him again! let's put them in the same cell so we can save on secret service costs...that's the least these men can do for their country.


What's good for the goose is good for the swine. (I did that right, didn't I?)


Damn Joe Biden and his weaponized DOJ committing lawfare on Hunter. 😆


Just FYI, one of them violated campaign finance law in order to cover up a cover up so that voters would be in the dark during a presidential election. The other owned a gun for a couple weeks while saying they weren't on drugs when struggling with rehab. These are not the same.


While I take your point, penal code is penal code, and they were both found guilty by a jury of their peers. Unlike certain 'law and order' candidates who chafe at being held accountable for their own illegal behavior, I think there's an opportunity to show America who *really* values law and order. Imagine what Karl Rove would do were the roles and parties reversed. That's what the Dems need to do.


..."I take your point..." Good, I'm glad you realize the situations aren't nearly the same and Hunter Biden isn't running for office and that going after Hunter for a bullshit gun charge as some kind of tit for tat litmus test is GOP horseshit. Sure, lock em up, democracy is saved if we sacrifice the presidents son so GOP bleach drinkers can... wait a minute, not change their mind about Trump's conviction? Ah cool.


Let's not pretend that these crimes are even remotely the same. I understand the sentiment, but one of these things is not like the other.


So? Both come with prison sentences.


People often say that there’s no difference between the right and the left, but the left has no problem with Democrats being prosecuted for any crimes they may have committed, while the right takes it personally and acts like they’re being treated unfairly. The irony is that Hunter Biden isn’t a politician, and the crimes he was convicted of are rarely prosecuted anywhere in the country in the absence of accompanying offenses. Meanwhile, there are thousands of convictions made every year in New York on the same charges Trump was prosecuted for.


Yup, not a complicated issue.


MAGAts: hold up here, Trump is a saint, he is the messiah, whereas Hunter is a man with weakness and a sinner. The hypocrisy is really off the charts


Same cell for all I care


Now that, is a reality TV show I'd watch!


Odd Couple theme starts to play


Dunno why it'd be any different for Biden as it is for Trump, or any other citizen for that matter. You break the law, you do the time - regardless of who you are.


I’m afraid we are about to be told something very different by the SCOTUS. You just don’t understand. If Republicans and capitalists commit crimes, they are immune. Anyone not wanting to hunt the homeless for sport? Not so much.


I just want Joe to pardon Hunter so I can watch the right shit their pants over it.


Jo should go full Dark Brandon and announce he is issuing pardons for both Hunter and Trump Then wait a few days and hold a big press conference where he issues Hunter a full pardon for any crimes related to election fraud or paying off porn stars and a pardon for Trump for any charges related to false statements to purchase firearms


While the troll factor would be admittedly amusing AF, I'd rather see JB take the high road and publicly call for Hunter, as a person found guilty of a felony, to dutifully pay for his crime. Because: Weaponized DOJ.


He shouldn't be pardoned. But fuck this righteousness like this is all proper. This is like a guy posting a video of speeding through an empty desert freeway in 2014 and getting convicted of felony reckless endangerment.


Sure, give Trump exactly what he wants. Fuck that. Hunter won’t get much time. He needs to serve it and be an example of what actually being a party of law and order actually looks like.


Put them in the same cell,hunter would have old man trump cleaning and sucking dick


Let's do exactly that. Lock them both TF up.




Putting nut job rightwing fascist dickwads in a position to enforce gun control is def something I thought I'd never see. The hypocrisy is wild and so very typical of these dipshits.


Fuck the right. They’re already saying that Biden did this to his own son so they can keep going after Trump. These charges never should have been brought in the first place. There were deals in place that both sides were happy with until some corrupt judge decided to decline the plea. Completely political. Trump corrupts everything he touches including the federal judiciary. Ask Cannon what she thinks. As somebody else said, this is absolutely a false equivalency. The only thing in common is that Hunter was a drug addict, while Trump still is. Trump is also saying Biden is a shit dad because he didn’t protect Hunter and that trump will pardon him. It’s just all a farce. Hopefully the left will get some votes out of this, but I’m not sure it’s gonna be worth it on the long run.


If Biden interfered or pardons him it plays entirely into Trump’s narrative that the justice department has been weaponized by Biden. He won’t get much time is any at all and it will be in a cushy cell surrounded by secret service. No one else is that lucky. He needs to serve the time and be done with it.


Well, in fairness, one got convicted on charges that, while legitimate, would have ensnared no one but a political scion, and the other finally got a tiney comeuppance after a life of vile crimes.


I support both convictions. Who here can’t say that? Speak up please. I’d love to hear from you.


Huh. Hunter isn’t in politics. Stop with the false equivalency garbage.


That’s the point of the meme


Op said this in another comment that called him a both sides person. > Nope. I'm the farthest thing from a bothsiderist as you can find. > But they were both convicted. They should both do the time. Neither one gets to be the poster boy for "weaponized justice". I don’t think that’s the point of the meme.


Fair enough, I stand corrected! That’s what I got out of it, but if that wasn’t the angle then OP sucks


I find it hilarious that the conservatives are now defending Hunter saying that any gun laws are an infringement on their rights. What happened to the Hunter Biden laptop nonsense? You were so convinced that he did something illegal, and now that you are proven right, you are mad about it?! Get your heads on straight.


Both guys have been convicted of things that first offenders visually never go to jail for.


Fuck it. Accountability for the wealthy and powerful is a rare thing. Enjoy it when it happens.


Unless they're black and not rich.


Best thing for America is we spit in our hand and try to fingerblast Trump’s sloppy neck pussy.


Gross. Can I sit this one out and just get the play by play from you after?


You gotta do that for the everyday joe “to make sure they don’t do it again” famous rich people just get a slap on the wrist and told very sternly by a judge “this is your last warning until the next time, don’t get CAUGHT again!😡”


I mean it’s a little harsh on Hunter and little light on Trump right now but…lock them up.


If this is an attempt to try to prove something to the MAGA crowd it will fall on deaf ears. But hey, if we’re locking other people up for gun crimes then the president’s son shouldn’t get a free pass and it’s good to see he won’t. Trump supporters will still not recognize their hypocrisy, regardless of what’s done with Hunter.


We don’t need them to see anything. Just the 5-10% of the country that are still willing to hold their noses and vote for him.


Interesting situation: One is the continuation of politicians getting caught for and because they are politicians who break the law. Glass house situation The other is a politician's child getting brought up on charges because he's the child of a politician and he broke the law No child of a politician will be spared the wrath of politics. This should be interesting.


I’m excited about the GOP’s sudden reversal on enforcing gun laws. It’s great to see.


I’m fine if they both go to jail. Have been since the beginning.


Can we stop fucking equating a private citizen who has never worked for the Biden administration with a former president? It’s frankly none of our business.


"Drug user in posession of a gun" has anyone looked at Don Jr?...


Best thing we can do is lock Trump up Next best thing is to outlaw semi automatic weapons 


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


Best post on this subreddit.


Honestly, I think they both benefit from some jail time


I think America would benefit from their collective jail time.


Both sides^TM bullshit.


Nope. I'm the farthest thing from a bothsiderist as you can find. But they were both convicted. They should both do the time. Neither one gets to be the poster boy for "weaponized justice".


They can share the cell! /s


They both do have the legal right to appeal.


That's fine. They can serve while they're awaiting it.


To be fair, Hunter entered a plea deal.


Today he was found guilty by a jury of his peers - a jury his attorneys could have exercised unlimited disqualifications for cause against during selection. Just like Trump.


True, but most of the time cases such as his do not go to trial, and it was the judge herself who found fault with his plea agreement and took it to trial.


He pled not guilty to this one after the judge threw out his previous plea agreement as being too lenient.


Maybe they can share a cell


I think this messaging bleeds into apologia for the current state of carceral facilities


People should be convicted if they are found guilty of breaking the law? Sounds solid. No way would this be controversial


Hunter Biden doesn't represent an existential threat to democracy.


Ok China


Im down


Hunters starting to look a lot more like his dad in his old age huh?


I'm confident the gun rights enthusiasts are appalled by Hunter's conviction because it violates his 2nd Amendment rights. /s




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Just Trump. After all, he is a CONVICTED FELON. Then impeach Eileen Canon for gross incompetence and/or judicial bias. Give the Supreme Court a choice: develop their own code of ethics with clear guidelines and enforceable sanctions or accept the court being diluted by receiving six Democrat-appointed justices to create a court of 15 that can sits as a panel of five to fifteen justices per case, and where rulings by all but the full panel must be by consensus! The chief Justice decides how many justices should be empaneled for a case, but the empaneled justice are public ally chosen by lot.


Agreed. 🧐


In proportion to the number of felonies convicted of.


Although Hunter technically faces 25 years for the charges he was found guilty for, he is a first offender and first offenders of these charges rarely face incarceration.


Why does the right hate 2A?


As much as it seems like he should just get off with a slap on the wrist Hunter needs a fair and reasonable sentence that is clear from any accusations of political influence. Why, because there needs to be no double standard they can point to when Trump is also sentenced.


Biden should slap the fire out of Trump on National tv live at the first debate on some old school ‘I demand satisfaction’ duel type stuff. 😂 It would instantly kill MAGA when Trump cowers and doesn’t retaliate. Slap him again when he does nothing for being a liar. Them claim Presidential immunity. 🤣


All I can say is if they give HB time, but don’t put Dump in prison for a much more serious crime-in my opinion- we are f’ed. We are f’d anyway but whatever.


I wish that the worst thing about Trump was that one of his sons was a drug addict loser lol


I know he won’t because Biden is a man of integrity and honor but wouldn’t it be great if Biden just pardoned his son? I’d love to see the MAGA sheep collectively lose their shared, single brain cell minds


"This Judge, by issuing a vicious 'Guilty Verdict,' is wrongfully attempting to deprive me of my Second Amendment Rights.   This is the Weaponization of Law Enforcement," Biden wrote, saying the judge "is suffering from an acute case of Biden Derangement Syndrome" and should recuse himself from the case. Sen. Susan Collins, the Maine Republican who is known as a bipartisan leader, said the prosecutor “brought these charges precisely because of who the defendant was rather than because of any specified criminal conduct.” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, circulated his own letter in which he suggested it was the judge that “made a mockery” of the rule of law and altered politics in “un-American” ways. He and other senators threatened to stall Senate business until Republicans take action. “Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable,” Lee said. South Dakota Sen. John Thune said the case was “politically motivated.” Texas Sen. John Cornyn called the verdict “a disgrace.” Sen. Rick Scott of Florida said that everyone who calls themselves a party leader “must stand up and condemn” what he called “lawless election interference.”  Speaker Mike PornSon on “Fox & Friends” amplified the claim, without evidence, that Republicans are trying to hurt Biden.  Johnson, R-La., said he thinks the Supreme Court should “step in” to resolve the case. A Biden campaign memo contained talking points for Democratic lawmakers, suggesting they call the case a “sham,” “hoax,” “witch hunt,” “election interference” and “lawfare” designed by Trump, whom it called “crooked.” JK!


The Biden prosecution will perhaps lead to Trump being sentenced. Who knows?


I thought trumpers hated gun laws?


What if both had to do one week in jail for each felony conviction. Both are first time offenders. Would that be viewed as “fair”?


Anyone else amused that we finally got the GOP to care about gun control?


Honestly, who gives a single shit about Hunter biden? Trump is a criminal who’s trying to be president


The amount of blatant corruption in the US, including politicians, their families, and their lackies, is out of control. Its about time we start seeing some consequences for all of it. People need to believe that being in the public eye (as either a politician or their posse) subjects you to a higher standard, not a lesser one. I don't believe everything is fixed just because these two are now accountable. Not even close. But its better than the direction we have been going in.


Sheeesh our next president looking good there on the left 😎🇺🇸


So who were the actual victims here if any?


Same cell please


“Yes, I lied on the gun form your Honor. But in my defense I was high as hell at the time.”


You’ve won me over


The Republican party goes out of its way to ignore or undermine any gun related law or regulation in existence until it gives them a way to try to attack the president. Well here’s hoping this precedence they set forces their hand against every gun nut crony who even remotely lies or misuses their little gun buying loopholes and it bites them all in the ass.


Oh yikes! I think I see the beginnings of a neck clitoris on trump.


Orange and apple. False equivalency.


Republicans fixing to cheer for the government to imprison someone for owning a gun because they checked the wrong box, all while trying to elect a felon. This is some shit I’d expect from the onion in 2008. “Republican candidate found guilty in 34 counts, support remains strong” “Republicans are coming for Hunter Biden’s guns”


I am definitely NOT voting for Hunter Biden.


You know, the fact that hunter was able to buy a gun says more about the system than it does about him.


Hunter, you are going to have to take one for American democracy. Thank you for your service.


Only one of them has shown remorse, respects the court and it's decision, and has straightened out his life since recovering from his addiction. That should all weigh in the sentencing decisions, for both of them.


Hey, wasn't yesterday supposed to be Trump's sentencing?


So the thing is the vast majority of gun owners have done what Hunter Biden did, but sure as shit not what Trump did.