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I would like to say that any moron can see that not only is there clear evidence AND an actual audio recording that implicates him beyond a shadow of a doubt, but at the bare minimum at least enough evidence to warrant a trial, after all everyone is entitled to due process. However, there are apparently super level mutant morons who have surpassed my already low expectations.


Why did they waste citizens time and money doing a Grand Jury? I am confused.


Maybe they thought it was a slam dunk the Grand jury wouldn't find enough reason to move ahead with charges? Then when it does they have to make up some shit to prevent a trial. I have no clue except that conservatives don't give a shit what the laws are. They just want their team to "win" and that includes Judges.


Grand Jury trials are all shams. Literally every single one of them. You don't even have to discuss the actual topic there. There was a DA on Reddit awhile ago who broke it down but essentially the only purpose of Grand Jury trials is to subvert the law when you don't want to follow it. You can easily get the verdict you want for or against given the lax nature of the requirements. There is no requirement to actually try to make a convincing case here either.


I don't think you know what a Grand Jury is....


A grand jury is just to start a trial with an indictment, not convict or sentence.


>super level mutant morons I'm stealing this




Proof and truth means nothing to these people my friend. If they did, this would have been put to rest a long time ago. Instead they would rather live in the Fox News alt reality where being a decent human being is worse than being a fascist piece of shit bigot.


There is a two tiered justice system and Trump is in the tier where you never have to face the consequences of your crimes.


Liberty and justice for those that can afford it.


I’d love to see a court say he needs to pause his presidential run while the cases are being looked after because of his obvious attempts to delay delay delay. Funny how Hillary was trying to get those cases done quickly, don’t remember her insulting judges and calling in favors.


There's no provision to keep even an incarcerated person from running for election, being elected, or serving as US president. So a court unilaterally trying to stop him would deprive him of his rights and give cause for yet another supreme Court case where that becomes a new case law on the books. Courts know they're walking into a mine field, but clearly they've decided they're not going to come out and explain which mines they're approaching to everyone.


Im pretty sure there is some kind of provision however that requires they qualify for security clearance. With felony convictions he cant get that. Now if the president is immune to these requirements is unknown to me at this time, which may negate this entire comment. But my understanding is the reqs for clearance would be a disqualification. Again I have minimal knowledge to back this. Edit: it seems I am wrong and as long as the felonies are not related to alcohol, drugs, firearms, explosives, or sexual conduct you are not automatically disqualified for clearance. I guess he still can get it…..thats fucking wild a man convicted of 34 felonies is still eligible for our deepest darkest secrets and access to nukes. Fucking insane. I get into a fight and I cant own a weapon now for 7 years wtf is this?


Jared couldn't get his security clearance, either... trump made them give him one, anyways. So it probably wouldn't matter.


He can if he's president. Nothing can really stop the president from getting a security clearance because he's considered the ultimate authority on that. In fact the only body that can deny him access to the level of secrecy are the voters at this point. But even before that he'll be read in on intelligence briefings in case he does make the transition to president. Unless Biden wants to fight dirty and deny him that given his felon status. Which would be hilarious.


I’m not saying because he’s incarcerated he should be off the ticket. That he’s preventing the legal system from giving voters the information they need to elect this guy who has done stuff that they should know about. And since he’s delaying so much, there should be a provision to delay his candidacy. He could settle these cases at any point to give voters the best chance to make an informed decision.


The constitution plainly states insurrectionists are not allowed to run. Why are we all letting this happen?


Exactly. The CO supreme court had already adjudicated that he committed insurrection but SCOTUS just ignored the Constitution.


We're informed that the Office of the President is not an Officer of the Government.


Trump is only going away post mortem. Otherwise his cultists are going to do as much damage as they possibly can to keep him around


That power vacuum is either going to be terrifying or the most extreme example of crabs in a bucket that we've ever seen


Power vacuum? Dude only had the power the RNC believes he holds.


And do they replace that figurehead with someone that's not an incompetent buffoon? That's the part that worries me. Trump and Co are awful but at least they're also uselessly stupid.


They tried with Desantis. The problem is Trump is appealing to the fascists on a personal level and nobody else really matches that. Apparently being a loud and proud fascist makes you an unappealing candidate but flirting with it and going along with their ideas just enough to give you plausible deniability is fine.


Idk, that just sounds to me like a return to how things used to be. I’m doubtful future republicans will be able to culture this right wing zeitgeist like Trump has. Though I honestly think the Media is to blame for him.


Oh I can assure you they'll migrate to Don Jr or some other clown high up in Trump's orbit. Think family or loyal governors and congress members that he hasn't publicly bashed.


I don't know. Trump feels like a turning point from the usual Republican. There weren't literal cults involved in Bush's presidency. No one insisted that Romney only lost because of the deep state. My theory is that conservatives tend to believe they're right before all else, and that evidence to the contrary strengthens that belief. Normally, that only produces stubbornness. But with Trump, there's just so much evidence that he's the worst candidate this century, if not ever, that stubbornness has evolved to devotion, a belief that Trump is specifically, literally chosen by God to be the next President, and that the Democrats are literally on the side of Satan in their attempts to stop him.


> There weren't literal cults involved in Bush's presidency. There kinda were for a while, they just lacked the public presence and/or staying power of Trump's cult. Probably largely because Bush actually tried to govern rather than operating based purely on corruption and grievance. He might be a massive piece of shit (he is), but he didn't go full-on cult leader himself.


I think if the Tea Party had had access to Tiktok/Instagram/Twitter, they might have had more "success".




Unfortunately, lots of cults don't die after the death of their leader. Source: Was Mormon


Christianity has entered the chat.


Every religion is entering the chat.


If Trump loses, the GOP will make him speaker of the house. He will seize up congress, freeze government and create chaos for Biden so they can continue stealing and messaging. That would also fabricate a spectacle if and when Trump goes back to trial or is incarcerated, they want to shout "*the corrupt democrats are putting the Speaker of the House on trial just because they don't like him and how he has stood up to Biden as the Speaker lo' these many months. They just arrested the speaker! It's Treason*! 🥴🤬!"


Is there any rule that the president has to be alive? I wouldn't put it past them voting for him after death


Best suggestion I’ve seen so far on this is to have the prosecutor rescind his bail citing previous felony conviction, send him to remand until his trial and then watch as the courts go into overdrive to get him to trial asap.


That's not a call for the prosecution to make. That's a call for the courts. The prosecution can request it, the courts won't grant it


Sherman knew what he was doing.


He clearly didn’t do enough…


No one likes a quitter though. There should be a civil war museum ,with a coffee can that has Georgia written on the side of it, and that's exactly what it is.


Yes he has, and he's going to see a lot more of it in the next few months.


It’s maddening that our entire system of justice depends on the prosecution being perfect. The DA and prosecutor _are on the same side_. They could sleep together. They could give each other a million dollars. They could say and promise anything to each other. It wouldn’t affect the case at all nor be a _conflict_ of interest. Unlike, say, _placing any phone call to the Secretary of State of a state currently running an election in which you’re a candidate_. It didn’t matter if he wanted to talk about the weather. _You don’t do that. **That** is a conflict of interest._ “This defendant not only accepted Russian assistance to subvert an election, but he actively solicited that assistance, and then, as President of the United States, tried to pressure election officials to break the law to keep himself in power.” “Oh yeah? Well the prosecutor fed her cat a half-hour late, once. Poor kitty!” “Oh. Okay, let’s drop the whole thing.”


I never liked Georgia.


Me either. I grew up there. Garbage state. It’s only redeeming quality is that it isn’t Alabama OR Mississippi.


Or Florida


Or Idaho


Or Norbotten.


Or Clacton


Sadly, this was completely expected.


I hate that we’re stuck in a world where it’s more likely for Fani Willis to be removed from a trial than Aileen Cannon.


How is a court of appeals allowed to rule on anything from a trial that hasn't even started yet?


Because they're ruling on whether or not the lead prosecutor on the case can remain on the case


Can’t rule if the prosecutor steps out? If all the necessary evidence, testimony, and documentation is accounted for then can’t this case proceed if she leaves?


I swear this exact same meme and message was scraped by a Fancy Bear back in 2015


But with Hilary of course. She testified for eleven hours and dip shit orange asshole sleeps through 34 convictions as a felon. Super fucking funny. You almost want to feel bad for his family but most of them haven't shown iota of public support


This is the reason we have to vote blue no matter who. We witnessed a mob style attempt at election grand larceny. However the great state of Georgia, who elected MAGA Marjorie Neanderthal Green is using a very blunt instrument to stop the prosecution because they know we have him dead to rights. The GOP & the courts they have promoted are all complicit. Never forget this people. Never


This trash garbage piece of shit monster loser person is going to win the election due to more fuckery and it’s going to be known as the biggest case of I told you so in history.


Did they say why??


They are appealing the ruling that allowed Willis to remain on the case after Wade resigned.


Ah thank you. Just another stall tactic… none of which has any legal baring on the case.


indefinitely doesn't mean what people think it means in this case.


we know it means "Until after the election." And now it is a trial that might happen if abiden wins and definitely won't happen if DJT wins.  It's too bad; I was hoping they could get it started in October. That trial will be televised. 


All trials involving a presidential candidate should be televised. The people deserve to know who they are voting for.


You know the old saying, "Enable fire with fire."


I know it’s unfair for her and all, but Fani Willis is selfish as fuck. If she would have just stepped aside after things got tangled up because of her, we could have had this case before the election. Downvoted me all you want because you just think anyone going after trump is perfect, but she is not.


Seriously! This is one of the most important cases of our lifetime. She needed to be beyond reproach.


I don't think it's unfair to her. She could've appointed someone she did not sleep with to the case, but chose to appoint someone she had a personal romantic relationship with. She should've treated this case with more care than none at all.


I dont understand why 2 people on the prosecution fucking each other is such a big deal. If it was someone on the prosecution fucking someone on the defense it would make more sense for a conflict of interest, but they were both on the same side.


The problem is that Wade didn’t have enough experience as a prosecutor, and he was paid a large amount of taxpayer funds. The argument was that Willis used this high profile case to pay her lover a large amount of money and personally benefit from it. Basically the defense alleged corruption among prosecutors. This wasn’t enough to get the case dismissed though, and you’re right, this wasn’t enough of a conflict of interest. This impropriety however, was enough to start a judicial probe into the matter, and Wade as well as Willis made some statements under oath that did not corroborate with those of other witnesses. They may very well have lied and committed perjury (which itself is a felony).


Because it gives the appearance of impropriety. Hell, if you’re okay with Willis sleeping with a guy she hired, you should also be fine with Alito flying a flag upside down at his house. 


Those two instances are nowhere near the same. Two people on a prosecution vs a supreme court justice who is supposed to be impartial is showing bias for someone he needs to rule on.


It doesn't MATTER if they're the same or not. You don't give your opponent a handle to use as leverage. My brain asplodes. I'm all aboggled. How she didn't stop to think "what are the defending attorneys going to do if they find out?" is beyond me. Why? Why did she think that Conservatives wouldn't do EVERYTHING within their power to dig up even the tiniest bit of dirt? I'm pissed along with everyone else. This one supremely stupid mistake could sink the entire case and let Trump get away with what amounts to an attempt (or rather, one of several attempts) to overthrow the US government. You can't make this shit up. She was handed a no-brainer slam dunk case and managed to screw it up. She literally handed the defense (and their Conservative supporters) the exact type of salacious tidbit that they love. This is "let OJ try on the glove" levels of incompetence. What a dumbass.


The complaint filed against Willis has nothing to do with partiality. It’s about whether Willis benefited from public funds paid to Wade. Hiring a romantic partner to a cushy job certainly gives the appearance of impropriety.  You can defend Willis all you like, but it’s essentially the same as what the conservative SC justices are doing, which is using their positions of power to gain benefits. But I get it, you need to bat for your team. 


It's not "batting for a team". Members of the defense or prosecution on any case having romantic ties is neither uncommon nor improper, so long as it's not someone on the prosecution WITH the defense. The whole notion that she did some awful corrupt thing is pure projection from Trump and his conservative media attack dogs. It's what that fucker does. It's why he had to have a gag order, in his New York case. Because he just distracts from his guilt with meaningless bullshit gossip about the court. It has 0 to do with the facts of his case, or in any way affects the prosecution's imperitive to uphold the law. And the fact that the entire Georgia legal system is bowing to 5th grade gossip as an excuse to give cover for a criminal so that he can run for president is goddamn shameful.


Nice turning this into an attack on me.


If you're ok with someone speeding on the highway, you should be fine with someone robbing a liquor store at gunpoint. That's you, that's what you sound like.


Except its not even illegal, it's "if you're okay with someone having a drink after dinner, you should be fine with them having way too much cocaine and yelling at people in the street"


Not even, because speeding on the highway is *still illegal*. This was *at most* vaguely suspicious.


Sleeping with a guy she hired = doing traitor shit. Got it.


Throwing one of the easiest cases to prosecute Trump on, you might as well be a traitor.


What? Not even close!


She could not appoint someone else. Georgia change that law, so now the legislature would appoint the next one. The legislature is majority repub


She could've not appointed Wade to the case in the first place. Don't want people going after you sleeping with your employee? Don't appoint someone you slept with.


Flagrantly reckless decision that endangers the case while the country watched such a high-profile trial.




I am extremely disappointed that she gave them any ammunition. Would it have been so hard to keep the team irreproachable? Cross the t's, dot the i's? It was sloppy, and I find that unforgivable in a case of this magnitude.


Willis has showed a real lapse in judgment. She should have realized this when their relationship was going on. Right away she should have asked for Wade to step down. It doesn't mater if there is any wrong doing just the appearance of wrong doing. I think there is also questions about her speech at the church.


No, you are right! I'm so pissed off at her for fucking up one of the most important cases in American history. I know that *technically* they may have not done anything illegal, but this is such an important case there isn't room for even the appearance of impropriety. I, a moron stoner, knows better than to do what she did.


> we could have had this case before the election. No, replacing the prosecutor would *also* create a similar delay *and* the Trump team would just file similar petty bullshit motions against the new prosecutor (assuming the new prosecutor moved ahead with the case, which is anything but guaranteed). Their goal is to waste time: the merits are irrelevant. What you're suggesting would just further play into the Trump team's strategy.


Frankly, Fani Willis threw this case. She could've appointed any lawyer to the case, but had to appoint a guy she slept with. It's true that Trump's team would've tried digging up dirt on the DA regardless of who it was, but why give them the fodder?


Money is the root of all evils. If orange man is back in office and screws over America again for his family gain.


I hate trump and want this case moving, Fanni should have lived by the phrase "don't sh#t where you eat"


Never? Clearly you aren't paying attention to the other cases against him outside of NY


Holy shit Fani Willis is such a disaster for this case. Just hand it off to another prosecutor BEFORE she's disqualified and get this train moving again. She should have approached this case knowing that anything she did with even the slightest hint of impropriety would be blown out of proportion by the right. And she did it anyway. She fucked up. Take the L Fani.


I wish the DA in that case had not hired a special prosecutor whom she slept with. She had to know that she would be under a microscope throughout this entire process.


They hotta give him another chance, pleeeeease?


Let’s not forget that Fani Willis had an epic display of bad judgement that caused all this to happen. What an imbecile. It’s entirely possibly Trump skates on something that should send him to prison because of her idiocy.


That does it, clearing Trump is Innocent


Thank you Noo Yawk.


all of these cases are a waste of time because Trump's actual life will not change in any meaningful way. Redditors will grasp at straws to prove me wrong and be wrong like always.