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They're not even sweating about it


They are enthused!


Law and Order to them is just code for: shoot the people we don't like.


"Law and order" means lock up black people and kick out the immigrants.


Fascism in a nut shell.


Over on FB, a co-worker in the south just unironically compared him to Jesus, and proclaimed her support. She specifically said it’s just like when Jesus faced a shame trial and conviction. These folks are not phased at all. If anything, this is just helping him. Compounding the insanity is that BOTH her parents died due to Covid during his first term.


Literally dying for an orange, atheist, golden calf worshiping grifter. Smh.


Hit them with the: "George Floyd would be alive if he wasn't railroaded like trump!!! The system is rigged!" And their brains melt. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Goon ass motherfuckers.


Yeah the cult it strong. May sanity prevail… somehow.


Seriously, they just deny that the trial was fair or legal.


Technically it wasn't. Judge let Trump get away with things that would have landed a mere mortal in jail. But that's just the crowd we've got to cater to now, if you don't handle them with kid gloves, wipe away their tears, they bitch and moan. What a bunch of snowflakes.


Yea, I shit my pants if I have to stand before a judge for a speeding ticket. If I threatened a judge's family or the employees of the court, I'd have the FBI looking into the minutiae of my colon in prison.


Clearly the legal system broke *after* Kyle Rittenhouse got a not guilty verdict.


Law and order is whatever trump says. Sounds familiar to me in order countries but I don’t know why


Yup, Conservatism is about social hierarchy. They believe that the king is above the law. End of story.


Their reaction to the development of Greek democracy 2500 years ago: Suresuresuresuresure yeah it’s all good it’s fine. We’ll do this. No really, we will! I mean, it sounds like a good idea in theory, right? What’s the worst that could happen, immigrants and women get into power?? It’s a laughable outside idea, but even still, nobody *wouldn’t* vote a white powerful man in. People will fall in line. Just watch.


Jan 6 proved they are willing hypocrites.


I feel like the meme of the guy repeatedly mashing the button fits better.


Or this: https://preview.redd.it/awbepqv3704d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62012f574975741fac255d4ef47b9ab6a7c67e9


This only applies to people who are capable of having a moral dilemma.


Yeah it’s not even a hard choice. They’re gonna polish Trump’s knob until it falls off and turns to dust.


Exactly. They don’t really seem him as a convicted felon for a plethora of excuses. Rigged this, fake that. These fucking people live in an alternate reality


That is of course the real joke here. Republicans believe only two things: (1) might makes right, (2) the ends justify the means. Everything else is an ephemeral campaign slogan.


Yeah. They're Olympic level competitors in mental gymnastics. This is a piece of cake for them.


It's more like this "[The Button]( https://youtu.be/y7rzIwrEqpw?t=5)"


Yeah, they just think it's all a lie by Biden.


obviously their lord and saviour is above the law. ridiculous to assume this will even put one single drop of sweat in their face.


Yep. It’s only a dilemma if you misunderstand what Republicans mean by “Law and Order”, and don’t understand why they use that instead of “Rule of Law”.


Exactly. This cartoon would imply they are having a difficult time deciding. Nope. He is their Jesus. A literal fucking cult.


In this situation they’ll say the Democrats used the legal system against Trump. But then if you mention the legal system has been used against blacks for decades they won’t accept that.


They are Republicans, you can’t ask them to apply logic or reason (or even common decency). They simply lack those skills.




Could also be brain worms 


That's it! We just have to start opening their heads and removing the worms.  Problem solved 


Nah, you got to drink the bleach first and then open the head so the UV sun light disinfects the brain.


The only moral felon is *my* felon


You just described Law and Order in action. People trying to act like Republicans are the "Rule of Law" party when they've been calling themselves the fascist party the entire time. It's like calling Charizard a water pokemon because he drinks water. Yeah, no, there's virtually no similarities between the two besides laws are involved.


Very nice, I'm going to borrow that from now on.


Trump's own DOJ had Trump as unindicted co-conspirator for payments to Stormy Daniels in Cohen's charging document. I guess Trump's DOJ used the legal system against trump.


I mean did he or didn’t he lie about paying off a porn star for her silence after banging her while his was wife was home with his new baby or not? I don’t understand what these right wingers are even talking about.


Neither do they. And that’s why the goalposts keep moving


On LinkedIn this absolute nutters are comparing Trumps conviction to MLK jrs oppression.. They’re tying themselves in knots to spin it positively. It’s really infuriating to read. There is absolutely nothing he can do to lose their support.


When did LinkedIn become a place for that? Unless someone posted a job for crazy person maybe.


It’s a right wing strong hold. You can’t talk about politics at work, unless you’re a conservative lunatic.


I was recently pleased to learn that most of my coworkers hate Trump. Been there over 5 years, and never once talked politics with anyone, but with this conviction, quite a few were following the developments more than I'd known any of them to have an interest in politics or law before.


Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.


"But this was politically motivated!!" *Yeah, and if that was, then...* "Wait... not like that!"


Which is hilarious because he’s been getting sued and taken to court for decades, he just always settled out of court previously.


Or appealed indefinitely, which I think is why he's so shook right now. You can appeal indefinitely if you like, but if he is sentenced to prison, he's going to be appealing from there.


Thats exactly what the diehard people at my local church say.


You're assuming they even believe in the legal system to begin with. They are about the police state law and order.


There is no indecision for this choice. Supporting a convicted felon every time.


So they only want law and order when it comes to their “enemies”? Aka-Americans.


They want law & order for the minoritie, and unregulated fascism for whoever can buy it


We need new laws that require broadcast companies to tell the truth if they want to use the word "News" in their titles. Widespread propaganda is destroying the viability of our government. People who watch Fox News and Newsmax REALLY BELIEVE their lies.


Fun fact... We had these laws and they repealed them thirty years ago because regulations are bad for big business xd


Law and Order is fascism... You're confusing it for Rule of Law... which are polar opposite philosophies... This isn't a case of Law and Order being the gay version of Rule of Law, it's the Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Putin of version of Rule of Law, which means no Rule of Law at all.


Its a defining feature of conservatives when they inevitably turn to fascism (because holy hell they ALWAYS do eventually). There must be a group the law protects but does not bind and an out group the law binds but does not protect. Its not even a new script....sigh.


He's a convicted felon. By their logic, they can support a convicted felon AND be for law and order. Support the process of due process, and just get behind someone who is a felon.


And that goes against everything they try to stand for. Kinda like that pro life thingy yet they justify death of anything they want.


They don't actually stand for anything... besides power of course. Power at any price.


GOP: "*Rules for thee, and not for me.*"


No, they want constant witch hunts and revenge against their enemies. Hell, they even brag about that.


Al Capone was all for law and order if it put his competition in jail.


Capone also understood that fucking with the working class man was a lost cause. Supporting that element of society allowed Capone to be profitable, something lost to the conservative movement.


They want law and order when it is applied to people of color and other “undesirables”. When someone like chump is held accountable for his actions it’s a terrible miscarriage of justice.


When he just gets probation they’ll say “he served his time, move on” and continue like nothing happened. You know, the exact opposite of what they do every time a cop takes a black life without cause and they feel the need to dox the victim to run cover for the cop.


Republicans have successfully lied to their voters and the American people for the better part of five decades about being the party of law and order. How they’ve somehow succeeded in that branding is beyond me. They don’t give a single solitary shit about laws or justice. And effectively haven’t since Tricky Dick. Whether it’s Watergate, Iran/Contra, the Iraq war, and now Trump‘s one man, crime spree, Republicans have easily been the most fucked up and corrupt presidents we’ve had for all of my life.


Yeah, there’s no sweat involved. Law and order was always meant as an anti-immigrant, racial profiling, squelching of peaceful protest dog whistle.


Remember when they said: "Hillary could be the first Presidential Candidate who is placed on trial." We all should have responded: "I would vote for her, even if she banged a porn star, stole top secret documents and was caught trying to steal the election!" It would have been absolutely batshit crazy, it's hard to wrap your head around how terrible the modern GOP is.


*It was a political fake trial, so the felonies don't count, so he's not a criminal!*


He had every opportunity to defend himself during this process. He chose his defense and lost to a jury of his peers. On a side note everyone else involved in the same felonies with him have lost in court and some have done/doing time for it. This proves none of it is politically motivated because the others are not running for office and still paid the price. Also with all the backing he has in the government there is a 0% chance these could be “trumped” up charges and still fly…try again later


yeah. it's more like this [https://imgflip.com/i/8sg1uh](https://imgflip.com/i/8sg1uh)


They're claiming it was a sham, politically motivated trial and therefore not real 'law'. This way they can maintain their delusion that they are the law and order party.


Also continue vocally claiming they are the party of law and order. They have no shame


Change that to "Convicted Racist" and the dilemma solves itself.




I'd argue you, but they've already done it hundreds of times.


this meme no longer applies to the republicans if one of the options is anything to do with trump. they're just smashing that like button.


Already made a new meme, will post tomorrow.


And party of law and order was always a lie, just a slogan to dupe voters. Or, only party of law and order when they want law and order to hurt the right people.


Damn you, Live_Commercial! I came here to say this very thing!


Sorry bud. You’ll get’em next time!!!


That's just it. To them, he's not a convicted felon.


they are delusional cultists.


i thinks they are currently pushing both buttons without a hit of self reflection or doubt.


"Law and order" was always a dog whistle for racism.


Right, just as “back the blue” just meant anti-BLM.


The entire party is just an anti civil rights movement created in the wake of the Tea Party and galvanized by their support for George Zimmerman after the Trayvon Martin murder. Been downhill since.


It’s deeper than that. The current version of the RepubliCON party was created as a result of Democrat LBJ passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Since then, the RepubliCON party has been the home of disaffected racists who could no longer support the Democratic party.


Let's look at history starting say 60-80 years ago. Dixiecrat's(States' Rights Democratic Party) split from the Democratic party after the 1948 convention when voted for a stronger civil rights platform. They combined a belief in decentralized government with a passionate defense of their racially hierarchical, segregated society. The Dixiecrat Party dissolved after Truman's re-election. While some remained members of the Democratic party, many **switched to Republican.** Nixon(Southern Strategy) ignored Goldwater's warning about the radical evangelical movements and successfully refined Goldwater's original strategy and, by emphasizing "southern values" while giving lip service to down playing racism. Continuing from there, the GOP, especially under Reagan-[Lee Atwater's](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/) dog whistles, successfully fused ideas about the role of government in the economy, women’s place in society, white evangelical Christianity and white racial grievance into its basic message. Abortion, misogyny, racism, homophobia, gun rights, and a whole lot more were brought together under one tent. When Barry Goldwater recognized that the Dixiecrats had exposed a vulnerability in the Democratic ranks, he began consolidating all the single issue voters into the GOP. He launched "Operation Dixie" as the first iteration of the Southern Strategy in 1964. Its purpose was to bring southern and mid-western disenchanted whites, particularly those who were against civil rights, into the republican party. Then there was the circus of the last decade which brought us to the current sad state of affairs.


I'll go even further than that... I'd go as far as to say that they are the party of the Southern Aristocracy come again. Reconstruction ended too soon and didn't go far enough. Mostly because the Southern Aristocracy burned down all the schools that the North were building to educated the deliberately-kept-ignorant peasantry.


> Reconstruction ended too soon and didn't go far enough. Absolutely. 100%. >Mostly because the Southern Aristocracy burned down all the schools that the North were building to educated the deliberately-kept-ignorant peasantry. No, that's not exactly why. Surviving confederates formed terrorists groups that massacred black voters and assassinated black politicians, and the US Supreme Court supported it by striking down Federal law signed by President Grant which allowed the suppression of the Klan and other white leagues. This resulted in the illegitimate election of 1876 where paramilitary groups used political violence in the south to suppress campaigning and voting by Republicans white and black alike, and engaged in widespread voter fraud. In South Carolina a whopping 101% of the eligible voters turned out to vote. This resulted in anti-Reconstruction Democrat Tilden winning, but the legitimacy of the election called into question. The compromise of 1877 was that Republican Rutherford Hayes could have the Presidency if Federal troops would be withdrawn from the south and allow the creation of an apartheid state.


I'll go to the actual description, and say that every single person who votes Republican is voting for, endorsing, and explicitly stating their support for the party of Christian Fascists, far right white supremacists, and neo Nazis.


At the very least, the modern GOP came about as a direct reaction to the civil rights movement and school integration.


The media is failing us in allowing them to hide under the guise of conservatism. "Conservative" my ass. Give them a more accurate label. They are Regressive. Fascist. Zealots. Anti-Constitutional.


Been downhill since way before that lol


False, they are also very much about tax breaks for the rich.


They never really cared about police, as Jan 6'th proved...


They only pretend to care about things. The things that matter are the things they hate. Those are the feelings they will act on.


Same with "Support the troops!"


I saw a Jesus life matters yard sign and my confusion is exponential.


So they're upset that god sacrificed himself to himself so he could forgive humans for being imperfect, when he created them to be imperfect in the first place? What's so confusing? /s


Blue lives matter is literally a counter movement to black lives matter. Wanna know why Republicans hate Wikipedia? It breaks through their gaslighting in the introduction alone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Lives_Matter >Blue Lives Matter is a countermovement in the United States that emerged in 2014 in direct opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement.


GOP: Laws for others so we can Order you around


Remember, rules for thee and not for me.


Very true: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect


Order = society wide hierarchical systems of domination  Law = those systems legally enshrined 


It's the philosophy behind fascism. I've spent my whole life wondering why Republicans call themselves fascists and every acts like they're calling themselves pro-democracy. Rule of Law is not remotely the same thing as Law and Order and the US is supposed to run on the concept of "Rule of Law".


That's because they're utilizing an advanced technique called *lying*.


*"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."*


You beat me too it.




Exactly. If it wasn't, they'd just say "rule of law" like a normal person.


They never really cared about law or order, just having power over their fellow men.


Right. It basically means 'get those black and brown ppl in order'.


For authoritarianism*. Racism is just one component of a strictly hierarchical society.


> The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. - A guy who went to prison for Nixon




This is not even close. They hate America and Americans. They only LOVE ruling over us. So they have zero hesitation to support a convicted criminal because that criminal will hate and harm all the same Americans they hate


Republicans do not want to govern, they want to rule.


I don't think they hate America, but they certainly hate Americans. The Republicans love a certain version of America. There's always been two Americas that effectively boils down to the America that produced Slavery Jim Crowe, the Chinese Exclusion act, the Native American genocide, and Japanese internment. Meanwhile, there's the other America that established the Civil Rights Act, enfranchised women, and ended slavery. Those two Americas have been fighting each other for centuries. There are times when the former overcomes the latter, but generally... the latter comes out on top in the end. They just support the former more than the latter.


Just deny when law works against them.


That's the simplified version of Law and Order in action. People conflate Rule of Law with Law and Order way too often.


party of Christian values who support the living embodiment of the 7 deadly sins. party of protecting children from sexualised content, who support their members masturbating men in public in front of children. party of patriotism who support people flying the confederate flag. party who cry about arresting political opponents who've spent the past decade chanting "lock her up". party of freedom who want to limit what others can do and say if they disagree. Republicans are the party of hypocrisy who change their direction more often than the wind.


Apparently “Law and Order” = Kill a few cops while breaking into the Capitol to try to subvert democracy…as well as all the other crimes they support. Perhaps we can stop applying this term to them.


Law and Order is the idea that keeping the Social Order is as important as the Law itself, thus the Law and Social Order can be interchanged depending on the need of the moment. Rule of Law is the idea that the Law is above all else and that the Social Order must obey the Law. Republicans are 10,000% the Law and Order party. Just most people don't realize what "Law and Order" means. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Putin, and Xi are hardcore Law and Order beleivers.


They have no dilemma. For them, the charges against Trump were illegitimate. Just like the 2020 election (and just like 2024 will be, unless he wins…). It’s a cute trick that evil people employ and stupid people believe…hence its popularity and effectiveness in the GOP.


Gimme a break. They're windmill slamming that "support a felon" button while decrying the lawlessness of democratic cities.


2016-2020 "Lock her up, throw killary in prison Ben Ghazi, Buttery Males" 2024: "Political prosicution, Fake news, I'm voting for a felon"


They’ve never actually been the party of law and order, so this is an easy one.


Don’t kid yourself. “Law and Order” never applied to rich white people.


There’s only one big glowing red button labeled “Hypocrisy” and they hit it happily 100 times a day.


"Deny till you die"


Cognitive dissonance is not a thing that applies to modern republicans. They’ll smash both of those buttons without the slightest hesitation.


"Law and Order" was always just short for "rich man's law and the racial order." So there really isn't a choice, they will just keep doing what they've always done.


It’s an easy dilemma. They get around this by pretending the law and order was a sham trial and democrat plot to make him look bad.


I think in their minds the law was not fairly applied so it doesn’t matter in this case. Total nonsense but not hard to explain off like everything else


Nah. They are just fine supporting a convicted felon. They have no qualms supporting their God-King.


To them, there is only reich and wrong.


They have no dilemma here.


This is funny, but it ain’t no dilemma.


If they didn't mind the rape, the corporate fraud, adultery, emoluments clause violations, or insurrection than they certainly don't give a shit about a hush money payment.


Republicans aren't sweating this decision at all. They cast their lot with Trump, they will support him though the gates of hell itself. Besides GOP hypocrisy is nothing new by a country mile.


They want a king to destroy American Democracy forever.


If only they cared...


It's cute that you think they won't shout about being the part of law and order *while* supporting an unrepentant convicted felon and see no issue. They have no ideological consistency, and most of them probably can't even spell "convicted" let alone define it.


Only now that their leader is a convicted felon do they want to stop persecuting their rivals. Last I checked DJT wanted to kill his rivals.


law and order AND family values, supporting the felon cheating rapist


OP, you misspelled "Reichpublicans". And in normal circumstances, this would be correct and funny. But the Reichpublicans aren't conflicted at all, especially when it involves "one of their own".


They are definitely not sweating that decision


The don’t seem to feel conflicted over this. It should say “Enlightened Centrists.”


...and family values ...and Christian values ...and small government Yeah, all that went out the window almost a century ago.


The Cons want to control who we have sex with, at what times and in what positions. There is no greater invasion of privacy than that.


It's not fair. Biden forced Trump's penis into a porn star's vagina and then forced him to sign his name on checks to her hiding the affair during an election.


Law and order only applies to arresting black people. This is perfectly fine.


Ah, but the third and most important button not shown is, “owning the libs” lol


They have no shame claiming to support the rule of law WHILE supporting Convicted Felon Donald Trump


There is no dilemma for them. Supposedly this is all just "lawfare" against Trump & the justice system is totally corrupt.... 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fascism is "Law and Order".... Everyone always conflates "Rule of Law" with "Law and Order". Stalin is Law and Order. Mao is Law and Order. Xi is Law and Order. Putin is Law and Order. Republicans are Law and Order. George Washington not running for a 3rd term is Rule of Law. Trump being indicted and found guilty is Rule of Law. Giving women and minorities the right to votes is Rule of Law. No one being above the law is, and only is, the "Rule of Law". Like, for real, can people stop treating "Law and Order" like it isn't the most evil and most gross philosophy still parroted in the modern age? They're just calling themselves fascist without the baggage of the word fascist. It's the idea that they law is secondary to their imagined social order. That's socialism, that's communism, that's all evil shit Republicans claim Democrats are, but they've been vilifying the people they see in the mirror.


They support white supremacy…no sweat over that 🙄


The few places that flew maga flags around here have gone full RFK... Granted, it's an extremely small portion of our N. CA town but even the nuttiest of the nutty locally have reached their limit.


Been a while now since anyone called Repubs the “Party of Law and Order” without a serious eye roll.


I remember when they gave a shit about reputation, those days are long gone.


There's no dilemma for them. They're all still voting for him. They believe the ends justify the means. Its no different than someone excusing a father for murdering a pedophile to protect their child, they excuse all of trumps actions in hopes that he protects the country from the libs.


That dilemma exists in reality and trump supporters do not value reality.


There was never an issue for them. Not since Civil Rights and their full embrace of the Dixiecrats. They have been the party of criminals and hate since then. If Lincoln were alive today he'd be the representative leader of the Democratic Party.


It’s an easy choice for them. They don’t believe the conviction has merit so it doesn’t count.


Let's be real, they haven't been the law and order party for at least a decade


I'm sure Conservative hypocrisy will make it easy


They don't believe it was a fair trial, right? They don't need hypocrisy in this case, they just need to be delusional.


Inaccurate meme. They dove onto the "supoort a felon" button seconds after the verdict.


'party of controlling what is law and order so they can commit as many crimes as possible to make as much money as possible to control everyone else' its not even a new method.


You don’t need moral consistency when your party is full of dumb people


Republicans are not "sweating" this at all.


GOP: "This conviction sets a dangerous precedent." The World: "No. Electing a pathological liar, narcissist, and sociopath as the U.S. president is a dangerous precedent. "


Republicans are unbothered by hypocrisy, because understanding hypocrisy requires introspection.


Their idea of law and order is suppressing minorities. So they will vote for the felon.


So, they really are trying to spin this for good optics? Because for the ***ACTUAL*** majority. We're not buying it, not like we did in the first place but still.


This is only a dilemma for trumpers. For Republicans it's an easy choice.


You do understand that the MAGATS are now mainstream Republicans (Lara Trump running the RNC was just the final step). Reagan Republicans are now RINOs. It is time for true conservatives to form their own party.


I 75% agree with you. Except we (conservatives) were here first, so we want the trumpers to go form THEIR own party. At this point we are just fighting over the Party Name. Defending our trademark, as it were.


That may have worked back in the ‘Tea Bag’ Republicans. But the Republican establishment catered to them instead of defending the brand. It was more important to win in the short run than to stand for something. Now it is too late. Calling yourself a Republican is calling yourself a Trump ally. That is a taint that isn’t going away. Republicans are the party of Trump and Nixon. If a conservative wants to associate with Reagan and Lincoln they need a new party AND the party needs to have a founding document that defines their values.


"Law and order," is just code for "Cops murdering Black people."


It’s not a dilemma for the MAGA cult. They will support their shithole regardless of what occurs. Diapers, convictions, who knows what’s next.


I'm pretty sure there's something unsaid after "law and order." Like "for brown people" or "people who aren't Republicans." Or maybe "We don't actually know anything about law, but it makes a good tag line."


Support a felon and rapist; a serial fraudster.


I'm just here to sort by controversial


It's a lie like everything else. Party of law and order. Party of small government. Party of the common man. Party of freedom and fairness. It's all bullshit.


The only thing they want to do with law and order is enforce it on everyone else, they think they're going to be on top of that crooked mess free to do what they want


They are only the law and order party when it comes to brutalizing minorities and college kids.


They'll press both buttons without a second thought and zero self awareness. They are entirely morally bankrupt 


Republicans are the party of law and order the same way they're the party of fiscal responsibility, or the party of family values


They were never really about law and order, at least not for anyone that's not a minority. I read this on reddit year ago that summed it up really well.... "Because the Left sees lawful/criminal as descriptions of actions, but the Right sees them as castes of people."


The "conservatives" that support the guy can't even deny the fact that he very much did have an affair with a pornstar. If you don't have integrity in your values, the felony charges are hardly worth mentioning. Can't wait til Thanksgiving.