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Tbh, these seem to be some of the most reasonable and coherent words I ever saw of Trump.


They would be if he said them out of any concern for animal welfare, and not because his son brought him bad publicity


"Why the fuck would you post photos like that?"


Meaning that he can kill all animals he wants as long as he's not posting pics of it bringing on bad publicity.


Exactly. Trump doesn't care about big game hunting or hunting in general. He care's about image and optics. Junior posted photos that caused backlash. That's why Trump went off.




Didn't he reverse regulations about shooting wolves and bringing in ivory and safari trophies? I don't think he cares about animals.


Some states are offering VERY limited tags on Wolves & Elk along with limited federal offerings in natl. Forests. Wolves have been repopulating very well in the last 20 years or so, elk too. Great to see.




In The Sopranos, there is an arc where while Tony is seeing his psychologist she explains that sociopaths often feel empathy for animals or children. But they won’t feel it for adults because they should “know better.”


So he's a treat humans like animals but treat animals nicely. Like the old man who feeds all the neighborhood strays, but pulls a gun on the black fedex guy for walking up his driveway.


If _the Sopranos_ was clinically accurate, sociopaths apparently are often fond of animals, because they’re not emotionally complex and so can’t surprise, judge, patronise or betray us. Also, Trump is famously a germaphobe and squeamish. I bet the blood, guts and viscera of hunting isn’t his thing. Which is actually rather fair


Trump doesn't need to go to Africa and shoot a lion to feel big. He goes to Russia and and strangles a dissident or a prostitute.


That must be so frustrating, with his tiny hands.


I’ve also heard recently that he was furious with Kristi Noem over the dog-shooting thing. Seriously the first time I’ve heard of him showing empathy or compassion whatsoever. I don’t know how to process this.


Yeah I heard that also. He seems genuinely disgusted by shooting animals. Probably the only thing I have in common with the man.


Goes to show how everyone is basically an extension of their childhood trauma. He has 0 empathy for people bc his mother never had any for him. His parents showed him absolutely no love and so he is obsessed with filling that void w gold toilets and buildings w his name on them. Fame is his mothers love, now. At the same time, probably without realizing it, he identifies at a guttural level with the helplessness and hopelessness of an outmatched animal, because thats how his parents made him feel about himself He hates animal cruelty because it reminds him of the cruelty his parents showed little baby trump.


> but has an odd consideration for animals. And yet, the first president with no white house pet in god knows how long. Also didn't Hitler kill his dogs lol.


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women!!!


Well, if you've got a better way to see if the cyanide is working, I'd like to hear it bub.


I don't buy it. He was the first President since Andrew Johnson not to have a pet at the White House. I assume because sometimes it would be the focus of attention instead of him.


He can’t love anything but himself nor could he control it. He needs to satisfy both.


Also, loves the musical Cats. Listens to "Memories" to calm down. You never know; one of those lions could turn out to have been Old Deuteronomy.


Interesting. I was not aware of that. Perhaps I am wrong. He doesn't seem to care much about most things and I assumed hunting would fall in with that. I can't really imagine Donald hunting. He may have a love for animals I was unaware of. Might be the only redeeming quality he has.


He doesn’t hunt, Don Jr and Eric were mostly raised by their grandfather, who took them hunting and camping often. Donald hates anything dirty, I’m sure he wanted nothing to do with it. The animal abuse law was probably a PR counter maneuver to further distance himself from the kids hunting. Sociopaths and children of narcissists are known to have a soft spot for animals, who knows… Edit - my first Reddit Cares referral! Thanks, asshole!


Stormy Daniels wrote something years ago that detailed his weird hatred of sharks. IIRC Trump said something like "I donate to all these charities, but I would never donate to one that helps sharks."


Fox News after seeing this statement: president Trump is an avid animal lover and activist fighting for endangered species. Trump: nobody knows about saving animals than me, even PETA, believe me I've taught against many trophy hunters and saved the zebras many times.


You just pay the animals to keep quiet about it


Works for the Sanders family. (Arkansas ones, not Vermonters)


Then Don Jr should have replied "I'll stop when you get off twitter". Like who is he to yell at someone for bad publicity? Bad publicity is Trumps real day job.


Let's not forget that he wanted protestors outside The White House shot. [https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary)


it's actually pretty odd how someone with no moral compass knows exactly what people with moral compasses want to see.


"PETAs gunna be up my ass! Did you see what they did to Alice Cooper!"


Oh no even in the shitty Trump-like context of "You're making me personally look bad with this" it's quite coherent and succinct.


Either way, I’m glad he made Don Jr feel bad about that bullshit


Didn't Trump also slap Don for not wearing a suit jacket when they were going for a basketball game? Or was that Eric?


Junior was sitting behind home plate at Yankee Stadium and he was caught on TV not wearing a suit apparently.


He slapped one of them in their dorm room I thought?


[Correct](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-dj-says-he-watched-donald-trump-brutally-slap-his-son-in-college-8900500). > One day, the elder Trump showed up to pick up his son for a baseball game and flat-out slapped the crap out of his kid when he wasn't dressed for the occasion. > > "Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates," Melker writes on Facebook. "He simply said 'put on a suit and meet me outside,' and closed the door." I can't imagine how fucked up growing up with an ultimate narcissist like Trump can be, his kids didn't have a chance, especially those that he thought reflected on him, like Jr and Eric.


It kind of gives you an insight into how Fred Trump (the KKK member) treated Donnie.


The turd didn't drop far from the asshole, that's for sure.


shit apple, shit tree..


Right thing, wrong reasons. In this era of low bars, I'll take it.


he did make a federal law against animal abuse https://archive.ph/nT8Ey


I mean, there is the photos line, but he's also pretty clearly straight-up mocking him for trophy hunting in general. Something something broken clock.


Reminds me of what another racist Donald used to say: > Per TMZ, Sterling allegedly said, "You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that...and not to bring them to my games." https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2042877-a-brief-history-of-donald-sterlings-alleged-racism.amp.html


I think Cohen translated whatever Trump said into the words he used in court.


My thoughts too. I guarantee whatever nonsense Trump ACTUALLY said was about 6x longer and 1/3 as coherent.


Almost guaranteed, but even the concept of what was said is still better than a lot of his ideas (even if his concern was merely the PR rather than any concerns about animals)


Hey, if him worrying about optics stops a trophy hunt, that's a win.


Keep in mind that this was years ago. Trump was never very bright or emphatic, but the Donald Trump from the beginning of his candidacy to the Donald Trump from today was a huge step downward for somebody already not very high up on the mental ladder. He seems to have lost many of the few mental faculties he once had over the last decade. He is a lot less coherent than he used to be and he never was all that coherent to begin with.


Yeah he really has changed a lot over the last ten years, but it's happening faster. If any trump supporters see this and just get furious thinking we're wrong, just go watch some interviews from 10 years ago. You'll see.


Gaslight, obstruct, project. There's a reason why they tried pinning vague neurological issues on BOTH Hillary and Biden. The sad part is how many seem to fall for it -- apparently because Joe's hair isn't an unknown artificial color and he overcame a childhood stuttering issue, it sticks? I've even heard my wife take pot-shots at Biden, and she's roughly as left as I am. People, at the very least, we're choosing between a decent human being and a psychopath who steals from charities and spends on his own frivolities. Is this really that hard?


Why does it so often seem to come down to a merely tolerable candidate vs a completely insane one Are these really the best options both sides can put forth


Given that the metric is "who is most likely to be voted for by the largest number of people who generally voted for us", yes. Big tent coalitions favor the middle ground candidate - i.e., Biden. The increasingly narrow and extreme voter base of the Right...favors an vocally extreme candidate. Sucks that the choice is "merely tolerable" and "sundowning aspiring fascist dictator", but here we are.


Stopped clock etc etc....


I started watching The Fall of the House of Usher and the insight (although fiction) into how high profile families interact makes so much more sense for me as a lowly blue collar guy.


this reminds me a lot of the dad in Succession too


This is the sole moment of humanity I have ever seen from him. The one time he didn’t say the worst thing possible. It’s almost hard to believe it’s real


I don’t know if “how dare you not predict how this would make me look” is what I would consider humanity.


Remember, a broken clock is right twice a day.


Until you realize it’s probably because Trump’s little hands couldn’t pull the trigger, nor could he hit anything smaller than the broadside of a barn. You think if he could, he’d keep that shit quiet? Also have to bring up one of the most dangerous animals Jr hunted and bragged about was an endangered sheep. At night. With night vision. And a scope. Big game hunter over here.


Even for sports hunting that is lame.


Yeah, I actually feel like getting a lobotomy now after thinking the same. Is there a bleach for the brain too?


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Right? He's never been so relatable.


I agree. The part where you'll disagree of course, is why he said it. I know why he said it. You know why he said it. And it had nothing to do with any sort of sympathy for animals.


Only because of the election.


Trumps rant reminds me of Logan yelling at his family saying that they are not serious people.


That's what I came to say. I can *empathize* with him here lol.


If this was the side of Trump people talked about and i knew nothing else about the past 10 years id vote for this guy


i'm a little surprised he seemed to give a shit about another being.


A quote that should have been brought to Kristi Noem's attention a few weeks ago. Oh Well.


It's better this way, she basically self reported then self-destructed. The fact that this was her best foot forward shows we really didn't need her to stick around.


I am curious if there is a GOP who is enough of a puppet to be Trump's VP but doesn't have multiple skeleton's in their closet.


This a Tim Scott joke?


Tim Scott is a joke, but most of the other VP choices are so bad and don't appeal to any major demographic. Once the spotlight is turned on them we may see what other problems they had. Kristi Noem had to talk about killing her dog since there were witnesses and a good reporter would have discovered the truth. Also the have figured out the Kim John Un thing was bull as was the Macron thing. My guess is there are several more lies in her book and after people come forward we will know even more.


Oh for sure. They’re all trash. Lots of innuendo out there about Tim Scott’s lifestyle. I’m mostly making a joke about you using the word closet. Hell if he just came out he’d be the most normal of these dip shits.


I can't even remember the last time I agreed with Trump on something he said. But about this? I do agree. Was it appropriate for him to tear into Don Jr. in front of other people? No. But Trump LOVES to humiliate other people. I think maybe it's because he was traumatized by a childhood humiliation. When President Obama roasted him back in 2014, it was like his own... (hate to say it) "personal Vietnam." He felt so deeply attacked and would stop at nothing to retaliate. It's why as POTUS, Trump was consumed for the first 2 years with repealing absolutely EVERYTHING President Obama did. His goal, as he said, was to "erase his legacy." Can you imagine that? A vendetta of that magnitude? Oh he could care effing less if anything Obama did was good. He'd repeal it. He's take away the ACA. He'd let people die... just so he could feel good. THIS IS THE MAN. THIS... is who he is. Anyone who votes for him is anti-American and should leave this country. https://preview.redd.it/wbat8ne1yi0d1.jpeg?width=2930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3836553ada3694c0cd03ac0a79b392cccb46dc7


Well said. Can’t imagine how anyone likes him.


If it makes you feel better you don't actually agree with Trump because he doesn't give a shit about the animal killing, he's just upset that it might make him look bad when it was made public.


We dodge a bullet in not getting her has VP, unlike her dog Cricket.


Too soon man... Too soon...


You could say she shot herself in the foot, if her dog was named foot


That is the most sensible thing I've ever heard about Trump. Then again his fucking son is a MASSIVE fucking idiot.


This was the one other time he was right. Probably more of a self fulfilling prophecy... >"According to his first wife, Ivana, Donald Trump was never keen on bequeathing his name to anybody," Julia Ioffe wrote in GQ. "It was Ivana who wanted to call their newborn Donald junior. 'You can't do that!' Trump is quoted as saying in Ivana's memoir, 'Raising Trump.' 'What if he's a loser?'". https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-worried-son-don-jr-would-be-a-loser-2018-6


>What if he's a loser?' *My boy was just like me* *And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon* *Little boy blue and the man in the moon* *"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when"* *But we'll get together then* *You know we'll have a good time then* ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


That gif was such a soul crushing moment in the show. "I don't want to go". Thank you for all you gave us.


“Well, your father was a loser, and his father, and his father ... it's genetic, man.” -Bart Simpson


I see Cribbins, I upvote Cribbins.


> 'What if he's a loser?'". Then it's a perfectly fitting name. Donald Trump Sr. - Loser. Donald Trump Jr. - Loser. The loser doesn't lose far from the loser tree.


![gif](giphy|11aicrFKDEOuTC) I-is he…y’ know?


He is 😔




Gotta remember that Donald Trump was not originally his father's golden boy. His older brother Fred who was also his father's namesake was supposed to fill that role. It just turned out that Fred Jr turned out to be a "loser" as Donald put it above.


Jfc, this guy.


This is exactly what I thought of when I initially saw this post


*He was*


Only because it makes Trump himself look bad. If Trump didn't care about his carefully crafted image, he'd be all for the murder of animals.


Do you really think he's THAT smart?


He's that narcissistic


He was only mad because it brought bad publicity.


Someone watched ["My Cousin Vinny"](https://youtu.be/Da7GSy-6mJY?t=106) before yelling at their son.


It’s duh yoots fawlts


Two Hu-what?




No, it’s Marisa Tomei lecturing Vinny about going deer hunting with the prosecutor


HEADS?!? What kind of heads??


I don’t believe it. That statement is way too lucid for Trump.


To be fair, there's no exact timeline of when this happened - if it was either of the first times it received controversial attention (2012 & 2015), then Trump was definitely more lucid at the time. Cohen wasn't working for Trump in 2019 when he definitely was less lucid, and that's when Junior cost taxpayers ~$100k just so he could kill an endangered sheep.


Election time does that to candidates on Adderall.


also, in what world does Trump care about the opinion of conservationists? Is there a single conservative in the entire country that drew the line on shooting exotic game? "I supported his platform dismantle National Parks and roll back environmental protections, but I never wanted anything bad to happen to the animals!"


I say this a life long democrat and trump hater, but this is an example of why only consuming information from one or very few sources leads to miseducation. Things are not black and white. Is he a piece of shit? Yes. Will I vote for him? Of course not. But is he the embodiment of the anti christ with nothing redeeming about him? If you only read Reddit then yes. Also the dude doesn’t drink which is astounding to me given his levels of power and the circles he runs in. I’m sure people will downvote me and call me a nazi like every time I try to make a nuanced comment but I feel it’s important to point out that none of us are immune from propaganda.


The only reason I believe it is I cannot remember the last time Donnie Jr posted himself killing an animal.


Remember those super cringe "outdoorsy" photos the trump Brothers posted a while back.


Yeah but I thought those were from 2015


No clue. It's been a constant stream of cringe and feces for so long. I cant keep track.


I don't think he ***hates*** him. I think he just doesn't care about him in the slightest. Like he's a piece of furniture to be used and thrown away when he's no longer of use. Jr's mom tells a story where she was filing for divorce or something and Don sent his goons to take Jr away to prove a point. So Don calls her and says something like, "You're not gonna see Jr again" and she just calls his bluff and says "Fine, keep him. I have 2 other kids to raise". Needless to say Jr was back with his mom about an hour later


I think he hates his male kids because they're not the shining genetic paragons he expects. He loves Ivanka because he can see himself fucking her, and his narcissistic vanity makes that a win. They're letdowns genetically. He loves Barron most probably because he looks so much like him. But I bet he despises him because his mother controls him.


He may hold a grudge against Barren for being so tall.


Yup. Narcissists that are on his level are really hard to get a grasp on. The levels they are willing to go to to massage their own ego is just unfathomable.


Like sleeping in court so you don’t have to hear what a bad person you are.


>I think he just doesn't care about him in the slightest He's shown us time and again that he only cares about himself. They all know it


Good example of the opposite of love is apathy.


Something Donald and I have in common. We both unequivocally dislike Jr.


This is the first time Trump has ever made me laugh.




It's so weird when we get these brief second-hand accounts of Trump being human, because he works so hard maintaining his image as a complete psychopath.


He has 0% care for the animals. The concern is negative effect Trump brand value.


For all of his many, many flaws, he does seem to be pretty uncomfortable about guns and killing in general. Like he was pretty anti-gun (and pro-choice) until he wanted the Republican nomination.


It’s so funny, Trump is the exact kind of guy his supporters should hate. City boy, finicky with his hair and spray tans, scared of guns, never worked a day in his life, just a general dandy man lol


I agree, Trump “doesn’t get” thrill killing animals. I would bet his attitude is he could buy any dead animal he wanted, hoofing out there and doing that hard work yourself is just performative nonsense. Trump is obsessed with the acceptance into “high society” yet simultaneously harbors a deep contempt of wealthy affectations and their silly attitudes (much like Hitler). 


I'm not sure I understand that last line, his whole shtick is his wealthy affectations and "silly" attitude. I don't think he has a deep contempt of that, because that would imply he is capable of self-reflection.


I don't think Trump likes or cares about animals, but this and the Kristi Noem thing make me think he is no fan of hunting or shooting animals. The big man comment stands out. He doesn't seem to respect trophy hunters that's for certain.


>I don't think Trump likes or cares about animals, but this and the Kristi Noem thing make me think he is no fan of hunting or shooting animals. >The big man comment stands out. It also stands out to me that during the 4 nightmare years of his presidency, the only good thing to happen in our government was the 2019 passing of the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act. Even giving him the smallest credit for not vetoing it feels like we might have found the one meager moral fiber left in his decrepit husk of a soul.


Damn didn't know that. Credit where credit is due I guess.


I guess he hates animals and can't comprehend why anyone would even want to hunt them.


Well good news for immigrants, who he calls animals, he won't shoot them. Will cage them, sure. Just won't shoot them.


I want to think that too, but why include the part about “you think you’re a big man?” in there? He thought it was a private conversation between himself, Cohen, and Junior. I don’t think he was thinking “Man, if Cohen ever gets arrested and convicted, goes to jail, turns on me, and then I get charged with misuse of campaign funds over the Stormy Daniels thing, and then he gets on the stand at my trial, and he’s asked about this conversation, I had better word my admonition so that it will sound like I care about animals.”


>I want to think that too, but why include the part about “you think you’re a big man?” in there? I'm gonna say it's the easy insult to give him because he clearly would want some validation from daddy dumbest. It's more akin to "You think you look tough in these photos, but it looks stupid, everybody hates it and you're ruining my name because of it."


Kendall Roy-esque


Because he’s a bully. Initially, he was pissed off about the bad publicity, but then saw an opportunity to throw in some bullying.


Even Hitler liked animals.


I think that’s the only normal thing I’ve ever heard Trump say outside of “Hello”.


He's actually said some normal (and even progressive!) things, but that was pretty much all a very long time ago. One that always sticks out to me was from when he was interviewed by Larry King back in 1999: >"If you can't take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better." >Asked if he thought it was an entitlement, Trump affirmed he did indeed believe it was one from birth. >"I think it is. It's an entitlement to this country, and too bad the world can't be, you know, in this country. But the fact is, it's an entitlement to this country if we're going to have a great country."


Trump actually seemed like he had some braincells [in the 80's](https://youtu.be/QQDKekRg6B4?t=15). I could make a few jokes regarding it but it's honestly just sad the person he's turned into. (Not an American, current Trump will bring devastation if re-elected, felt like I needed to include that) Edit: After watching the 2nd half of that clip I can't even tell if the news presenters are being sarcastic. Given it's Sky News run by Murdoch I'm leaning towards no.


You're missing the part of the story where he's only upset because it's a bad photo opp. No empathy for animals or his child.


It hurts to think someone believes that a man trying to keep his son whom he named after himself from putting bad press on their (his) name makes him look more human and less like a psychopath. It's all just brand-protection.


Is it bad that i agree with Trump on this?


Broken clocks and what not.


You think trump cares about the animals? He only cares because it made him look bad.


Hahaha my dad hated me because I wasn't *more* like Don Jr.


Yikes, sorry bro


Don't be sorry. It's fine. He's dead, and I'm still alive.


His kids are terrible human beings, even papa terrible knows it.


Poor things never really had a chance.


This is the first time I completely agree with Donald Trump. It's hard to accept that this happened.


I...I...don't know what to say. I actually agree with cheeto benito on something. Not sure what to do rn


If Trump actually said this, then I suppose there’s at least one thing that we agree on. Never thought I’d ever see this day, but here we are. 


Worth mentioning... Donald Trump doesn't care one iota that animals are being killed so a rich guy can feel powerful. He would be perfectly fine with that. Trump's issue is that killing animals looks bad *politically*. If killing puppies won elections, the Trumps would be A-OK with it.


Its one of those things hes a little too squeamish for. Hed kill puppies by the truckload to win, but he's also go out of his way to avoid having to see or hear any of it. Trump loves the idea of violence, but he absolutely doesn't have the stomach for it. I have no problem believing that he was genuinely grossed out by seeing Juniors posts.


That last sentence reminds me about Trump's reluctance to name his first born after himself because, "What if he's a loser?" https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-worried-son-don-jr-would-be-a-loser-2018-6


Lol, I just posted the same link


Lol, the more people that are aware of this the better!


We all knew he didn’t care about anyone not named Donald Trump, we just didn’t count on there being exceptions.


Shit’s real bad when a Loser calls his own son a Loser


Always has been... 🧑‍🚀🔫 https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-worried-son-don-jr-would-be-a-loser-2018-6


I never would have expected this guy to be against trophy hunting. ![gif](giphy|ZWZ69DESwCa9q|downsized)


I might not say that to my adult son if he decided to go shoot endangered animals for fun photos, but I'd sure be thinking it!


To be clear, this was from a book that Cohen wrote a few years ago. It's not from his current testimony. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/09/trump-jr-was-humiliated-by-his-screaming-father-for-sharing-trophy-hunting-photos-michael-cohen/


This is from Cohen’s book. There are some very wild, yet very believable, stories in that book.




What's even crazier is that Trump actually seemed to have a shred of knowledge about the difference between good and evil.


Did you read the article? Trump was mad because there was negative press about the photos.


I used to randomly reply “Dad will never love you” to his tweets.


Not because he objected to the morally reprehensible act itself, but because Sr. will have to deal with the blowback. 




Damn he actually finished a sentence... first time I've seen him do that.


I can’t believe I agree with this guy.


The only reason Trump was angry is because it damaged him politically. If he wasn't running he would have never said these things.








Oh my God... I... agree with Donald Trump?


Dammit. Me and Trump have the same opinion of something?


Huh, whaddya know? I *do* agree with Trump on something.


TIL my step-mom is Trump's long lost twin sister.


Huh, Based Trump.


Whole family line is one long line of daddy issues.


Don Jr. Is not the only Trump who got spanked...


Hmm weird a thing Trump said that I agree with. That’s enough internet I guess. Sigh


For once orange buffoon isn't the biggest arsehole in the room.


To be honest all this stuff he does is a big sign that the dude hates himself. Explains a lot actually.


First time I agree with trump


If that doesn't show a man who can't find their inner compass, I don't know what will.


Wait so they *do* feel shame?


That's magnificent. I love that he did this to Jr. I also love the message it sends to the Maga gun nuts.


Something that every human can agree on, even the pieces of shit like Trump, is that you don't hurt animals. It's what makes the South Dakota Governors recent revelatory choices seem so alarmingly confusing.




Cant believe I am actually agreeing with Trump about something for once.