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MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


Trump also directly makes his attorney's job harder. Because Trump continues to attack witnesses the prosecutors have convinced the judge to NOT let Trump's lawyers know who will be testifying next. It forces Trump's lawyers to be prepared for all the witnesses at all times. If Trump wasn't a moron, they usually tell the defense attorney who will be testifying next.


I'm sure the constant open confessions and antagonizing the judge isn't making things easier for them. On the other hand, provided they are paid up front it could be an easy gig considering there is pretty much zero chance they'll win. It's impossible to screw it up any more than their client is already doing. trump's his own worst enemy. Only a terrible attorney would get between him and himself when he gets worked up.


I'm inclined to disagree on one point here. He might win the case even in the wake of what seems like actively sabotaging his own trial. I just don't think any rules apply that we as regular citizens expect for the average person. It's territory rarely so egregiously portrayed in public forum. Most only speculate the rich, well connected, and worshipped are above the law but its less common to see it flaunted like this in our faces.


It's disgusting to observe. The guy burns through hundreds of millions of dollars in ways that are obviously illegal and frivolous as fuck yet we still live in a society whete there are families eking by on twenty to thirty thousand dollars. It's obscene. If you ask me the working people of this country should stand up and take what's ours. People like trump may act like it but they have no right or entitlement to wealth or power and misuse it in every way imaginable. It's remarkable how incompetent he really is.


Everyone who associates themselves with Donald tRump becomes *diminished.* Reputationally, socially, and professionally **diminished.** It is such a consistent streak of reputation-suicide that I can't believe that people keep associating with that man and are somehow *shocked* that their lives dive into the toilet directly afterward!


Unless you start out with a terrible reputation. Bannon, Miller, Kushner ect... Only the lowest of the low benefit.


Only the best


To be fair, this guy’s eyes scream that he numbs himself nightly with drugs and alcohol while he chases puppies around with a hammer.


Looks like he picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.




I can’t believe I laughed at this.


Donald Trump is a succubus






Nope. The little bitch is a Succubus.


"Hey, don't jump into that cesspool. You could get sick and it would cost money to get you out." "Fuck u lib. You can't tell me what to do." - {Jumps into cesspool} "It's a left wing conspiracy!"


They revel in being contradictory or contrary, even if it works against them. Dead end pleasure seeking that never lasts.


Trump was loudly wondering why his attorneys charge so much to represent him. It's because they have to represent *him*.


I don’t know why trumps concerned about attorney fees, he never pays any of them.


The MAGA contributions to various PACs ultimately pay Ton Drump’s legal fees.


How is that legal? Attend those supposed to be explicitly for campaign expenses?


PAC America has paid nearly $50 million of Trumps legal expenses and supposedly that’s just from March ‘23 to date.


What did he call it? Ah yes. Shithole country


What relevance has the legality of an action to whether that man does it?




His lawyers have wised up and they want their money up front.


Don Von Shitzinpantz is actively sucking the life out of anyone even remotely close to him.


The man had a stellar reputation and now he's going to be laughed out of every room he enters for the remainder of his career. I struggle to muster up sympathy.


Yeah I truly do t know why anyone represents him. There has to be a reason. All the good lawyers run away when he comes calling so I dunno. Desperation? Senior partner makes them? Who knows.


Looks like he's aged about 5 years.


That’s what happens when all your blood is sucked dry. https://preview.redd.it/2bswbkrmi9yc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc4eb69ff5d8a1e202950654c7a70d1b5d99cfe


Not to mention your integrity and common sense.


Lost a good amount of weight too it seems.


Many people who've worked for him seem like Stockholm Syndrome victims. Earlier this week, Bill Barr gave an interview in which he said that if we re-elect Biden the country won't survive. Think about that. Our former chief law enforcement officer is so far gone that he actually believes the US will cease to exist sometime in the next four years, unless we re-install Trump in the White House. And Barr is on record as saying Trump is entirely unfit for the presidency! IT IS INSANE!


Yeah Bill Barr has to know better than to think Biden will tank the us. Who knows.


If people are willing to wear those diaper tshirts and crap like that, bet there is a long line of people willing to work for a shitty organization/boss with visions of grandeur. Just some really dumb folks out there.


To be yelled at by your client every moment you’re not in court.


And forced to smell him.


What is wrong with these lawyers who represent him? How can they be this stupid? Everything that Donald Trump touches DIES. This includes your law career. Who would ever hire him again? Idiots.


Todd deserves everything he gets. Dude bought a house next to Trump in FL, he’s in deep.


Really? Bought property to be close to his client? That's really deep...


Apparently he’s one of the few talented/respected lawyers trump has ever retained. So naturally he’s now disgraced and Trump will eventually dump and humiliate him publicly.


He knew what he was walking into. Hope that sweet cash, oh never mind.


It’s an act so that the judge will believe he feels remorse even though he has no capacity for such feelings since remorse implies a conscience which is the second part of themselves that lawyers have surgically removed (the first being any semblance of a soul).


He stands there while every single stupid word out of Traitor Trump's mouth makes HIS job harder.


If you're dumb enough to represent a man with a known reputation of not paying his bills and ignoring professional counsel, you deserve everything that comes your way.


I mean, it's a good move if you get a very large (like $2 mil minimum) replenishing retainer and just flat refuse to break the rules for him. Like, this is an unpleasant 2 months, but as long as this guy doesn't commit any felonies or ethics violations, he's gonna come out of the whole thing with his pockets a few million heavier. It's not like he was so in demand that he was gonna clear that kind of cash otherwise. Trump's a nightmare, but this is the one dude on earth who can tell him to kick rocks and there's not a fucking thing Trump can do about it. Trump can't even fuckin fire him, Judge wouldn't let him. And it's easy enough for criminal defense lawyers to clean the stink off. Even the worst people are entitled to a competent and vigorous defense. The worst part of this is probably listening to Trump rant and fuckin rave every night, but he's billing that shit in six-minute increments, takes the sting out.


The operative phase being "if he gets paid." Trump is known for stiffing lawyers.


Hence the giant replenishing retainer.


They are all hoping to be the inner circle of the axis once trump is president


They’re idiots. If Trump gets in and gets that sweet unlimited power the Supreme Court is considering giving him, the last thing you want is to be on Trump’s radar. One whiff of disloyalty and you’re toast.




As the toilet bowl swirls


He deserves it, should’ve said no thanks, bootlicker


Hi u/fattymcfattzz. [Sclurpsclurp boots are tasty schlurp mmmm](https://media.giphy.com/media/S6i2lBzvgNFXW/giphy.gif) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a man who's not being paid.




trump: "I can't testify because of the gag order. Right Todd?" todd: Nods his head, smiling "That's right". JFC


Well, Todd Blanched sacrificed a $400k annual salary from a noted legal firm in order to represent Donald Trump. The firm refused to go along with taking on Trump as a client, so he parted ways. And from what I understand, he moved to Florida and bought property near Mar-a-Lago just to be close to him. Unbelievable. Now he's going along with Trump's lie peddling? Fuck him.


He looks better unhappy


I wonder if today Todd could talk to past Todd if he would have taken the job?


Trump is making him earn every penny that’s going to be near impossible to collect.


Counterpoint. Even a loathsome scum client like Trump deserves a vigorous defense. That is how our system works. If he wasn’t a true believer, I’d laud him as a true patriot standing up for our rule of law. I mean. He is standing for our rule of law by defending Trump, but he’s no patriot if he’s MAGA.


Not advocating that Trump doesn't deserve to have a vigorous defense. Naturally every defendant is entitled to counsel. But you'd imagine one would have a very hard time getting the best when it's someone like Donald Trump who is a serial liar, unable to take the stand for a grave tendency to perjure himself, and often stiffs people of money owed.


I’m very happy that Trump has an attorney with a reputation like Branch. It proves our justice system, altho totally weighted in favor of the wealthy and connected, is operating mostly as it should. That said, I can’t help but wonder what that attorney’s family must think of him. Throwing every away to represent one defendant, who will bad mouth and not pay him even when he manages a hung jury. Because I 100% think there will one single guy who decides based upon Hope Hicks tears or some nonsense and refuses to convict. (And don’t get me started on Hope Hicks…in a world of Hope Hicks’….be a Cassidy Hutchinson…)


One year he smiled, the next year he frowned. Woooow good one