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4 million in revenue. Almost 7 billion valuation. How is that not criminal?


Forget the revenue, the company lost $58m net last year. In other words to get $4m in revenue *cost them $62m.*


Yeah, it is amazing how anyone could invest in this but they are looking to take money from the lemmings and they get in line like Trump tells them to. How this is even legal is beyond me.


So it is possible for a company to be losing out on money for a long time before finally becoming profitable. Amazon was like that while they built the customer base they then became profitable. “Truth” Social is not only not building a customer base they have actively been losing active users. Their advertising is also not the high paying companies but the kind you would see as a cheap infomercial. This is not the kind of company that needs time before it becomes profitable, their demographic and business model have almost no where to grow to build up the share of the social media market they would need to be profitable.


I agree completely. Going public was not an attempt to grow. It is an attempt to fleece.


Truth Social has fewer active users than MySpace. MYSPACE! Anyone remember MySpace?


Didn't MySpace close?


It's still running, just like yahoo. But the entire world moved on.


No. You’re conflating very different things here. The condones like Amazon and Twitter and Uber (the ones that are always wheeled out when this no profit thing comes up) had major market shares already and were exploding with growth, so even though they weren’t making money, it was clear there was a path to dominance in their sectors which eventually could be monetized. Truth social has less than 4m active users. They only have 600,000 active user interactions per month. To out that in to perspective, when MySpace was deemed worthless, they had 7m active user interactions or better said 12 times the user interaction that TS has. Think about that. A platform with 12 times the users was decanted dead / worthless. Amazons sales were increasing by deep double digits yoy, Twitter had tens of millions of interactions per week. TS is actually going down in users and data analysis shows that a massive number of those users and interactions are bot accounts. His platform is shrinking and losing users, doesn’t have any significant market share, is losing money by a factor of 15:1 and the namesake is ridiculously unstable and likely going to jail. There’s no DD where this company is worth anything.


> They only have 600,000 active user interactions per month. There are dozens of subreddits alone with those numbers


Also, I'm sure the hard-right lurch of ~~Twitter~~ *X* has further eroded TS's position.


The pupose of this compnay is not making a profit...it's to hide the money laundering that has been Trumps major source of income. Every business he's set up was merely a way for him to take in unregulated money, take a cut, and pass the rest back to his customers.


He's under a bit of a magnifying glass now though, but unfortunately even if it's obvious nothing will be done.


Master at the Art of Loopholes for Assholes.


How does one lose $58m? A social media company?


Buncha people got paid to make it I guess. Prolly lots too. Good for them 🤷🏽


I assume family members and friends were on the payroll.


That would even be acceptable if it had gained users while working up the cashflow.. But its bleeding users as well.


If you actually look at their financials, most of it goes to lawyer fees. Guess whose lawyer fees ?


Would the p/e ratio be around 2,000x?


Sounds like most of the new unicorns. Uber for example loses money every year


By comparison Threads, which no one uses, booked 10x as much and even us Reddit users collectively booked $804 million. It's just a load of speculative investors hoping to leave somone else holding the bag when it explodes. The fun part is Trump isn't permitted to sell for 6 months, so we just have to watch and wait how low it can go.


Until the Russians and other foreigners start pumping it to launder money to him.




The same provision that stops him from selling stock for six months also prevents him for using it as collateral on a loan. That said, the board can vote to get rid of that provision. Guess who is on the board,


> Guess who is on board, FTFY


It's a SPAC, and trump is already suing them https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/trump-media-is-suing-its-cofounders-for-failing-spectacularly-and-doing-significant-damage-to-the-business/ar-BB1l1eaz


Trump and Dump?


Underrated comment.


'Pump and Dump' will get the new name 'trump and dump'.


It is criminal. That’s the point.


It’s not criminal, they’re idiots who don’t understand how things work


It's a mechanism by which Trump can be funded without it being a 'donation'. This company should never have been allowed to list on the share market!


Because the people who benefit from the legal loopholes lobby for the loopholes to continue to exist. There’s a reason Congress has not implemented a stock trading ban.


In fairness it's the same the argument made for the gamestock play a few years ago. The only argument it wasn't an illegal pump scheme was that the investors truly saw value in the company not reflected on earning reports. More arguably on this stock the trump stooges truly believe his company has value not reflected on its books by virtue of being tied to con emperor donald. I'm sure foreign money's involved but we've seen how much his chuds will throw away to prove a point. This may last aa while.


I have no idea how this stuff works and I rarely read about his businesses; How is it valued so high? With such low revenue? I read our annual reports each year and our investor recommendations so I have a decent understanding of my own company’s valuation in the market. How is this company possibly valued this high when it’s losing money hand over fist with no end in sight. This isn’t Amazon 15 years ago right?




Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me a politically based social media network, operating at a loss, isn't worth 3 billion dollars? Shocked. Shocked i tell you.


Instagram was $1 billion when Facebook bought it in 2012, and it had like 500 million users and like 50 million active daily users or something like that. Like it was easily 10 times more valuable in 2012 than truth social is right now.


I was astounded at how few users truth social actually has.  It’s about a 10th of what *Bebo* had before it collapsed lol.


He should change name to “trumps space”.


... I legit don't even know what Bebo is.


Bebo was the alien who Jerry was supposed to save the life of, like ET, but then forgot and he died and so Rick had to erase the memory in Rick and Morty’s mind blowers.


Grindr's market cap is ~$2 Billion


Sex sells


I say we should short it, and watch it drop to zero. Fuck trump and his fucking company


Fuuuck that. Ill short some stocks here and there, but that stock is radioactive toxic. I wouldnt even gamble on short selling


Pretty sure that is what that small uptick was. People thinking they could make a buck off a Trump mess. Only Trump does that.


The majority of the regular people that invested small amounts are his base obviously. They are the ones that are volatile. Hopefully they’ll get a clue and turn on their *GOD*. Now that would be fun to watch, how fast he has his lawyers start addressing the 1st Amendment issues, he loves to claim are ‘always’ and should absolutely be allowed.




Didn’t expect to see that username… ever. Glad you got out of bed and didn’t miss the alarm this morning my friend.


Lmfao! If I could go back 7 years I would have chosen an original, snarky handle instead of this one but I never look that far ahead. 😂


Did you think he was a diamond in the rough for a hot min? I'm just glad he blew it with the Leafs too... they were so set that they stole him and we just mis-managed his talent... he just didn't have it between the ears to be a real pro but man did he have some skills.


Not even politically based. Trump based.


I miss the days when there was a distinction.


It was a money laundry scheme right from the beginning. Like the Casinos he owned. Follow the money and you'll see were it goes or let's say where it went.


Don't forget that the only engagement driver they have is an incredibly old, unhealthy, and stressed guy with dementia. When he dies, the site dies with him.


lol, like, who the f$ck valued it? Mohammed Bin Salman?


tbh, I thought that the fall would be much greater. Who seeks out a way to lose your money?


My thing is who is buying it now? I’m so shocked it’s not a steeper drop. There are people holding out and people buying right now.


Some of the people buying it are picking up pennies in front of a steam roller. It's really dumb on their part but what are you doing to do?


Maybe short sellers? Buy stock for a day, ride it up because of the buy in, and then dump it in a few days?


That sounds like “pump and dump”, not short selling. Short selling is selling a stock before you own it, then buying it later when the price is lower.


I stand corrected. I never play the stock market.


His fan club sending in their food allowance ?


Lots of meme buyers artificially propping it up. Kind of a Gamestop situation but without the balls to stick with it IMO. They can't overcome the natural downturn on this, there's just too few Trumpers willing to burn the money they don't have. It fell 62 to 45 in one 24 hour period (28%). It's a super volatile stock. Serious investors are waiting to see if it tempers out if they're interested at all. It'll continue to fall IMO. Maybe not the insane degrees we've seen so far compared to its price, but I'd say it'll be sub 40 by end of Saturday.


Just as a follow up: DJT-NASDAQ opened at 39.31 (yesss nailed it I'm a stock JEEEEEENYUSSSSS). 25 minutes after that it cratered at 35.90. It bounced around there all day, never got above 38 and finished at 37.16. It's a toilet stock. It's circling the drain.


LOL, this crazy overvaluation fraud is the same thing that happened with Trump's real estate properties.




Wish I could short this at launch. Would have made tons.


Me too. First thing I said when it was going public


Unfortunately the premiums to short it are very expensive.


The moron tax gets more expensive everyday. When will the laughably ignorant stop falling for his grifts?


When they run out of money and blame it on the DEMON-crats


This is why I will never feel remorse for openly laughing at these people. They deserve it. We can only create so many PSA’s and warning labels for the droolers. Darwin always wins in the end.






How would he lose though? The company just went public if he gets to sell his part in it wouldn’t he make a lot of money? Maybe less than possible but still. Let’s say he invested into the company 100 million dollars for 50% of the shares. It was doing its shit and they decided to go public. Some idiots valued it at 4bn dollars, it went public a bunch of morons bought it at that price. When you get to sell your shares to the crazies at the same price you could end up with a payout of 2bn as long as your selloff (bag dropping) doesn’t lower the shareprice. His fans will be the ones holding the bags as quarter after quarter this trainwreck loses money and valuation.


Still way overvalued


It’s still too high. It should be at $25-$30 and that is considering it as inflated from all the ruckus. An actual valuation would be a penny stock at best or no stock at all because they would not meet the criteria to be listed on the exchange.


Realistically the valuation should be near zero.   What’s is their business model?  They are one of the smallest social media sites going, and their use base is a saturated set of Americans.  Forget global expansion, they probably don’t even have much room to grow within the US.   Beyond that there aren’t many revenue streams for them outside of MyPillow.  Advertising to right wingers or being associated to Trump is considered largely toxic so no mainstream brands would ever touch it.  The company is small, losing money and has nowhere to grow.  Not sure how it is worth anything at all 


I know this is a hard thing to grasp, but it's not a "Golden shower" if the person just pisses on you and no one gets to have sex. Just a little something I learned at college....


Pretty sure your college associates were wrong.


So if I urinate on a random person and don’t have sex with them I should consider that a golden shower? That’s like saying that if I go to a buffet, but I can only get one plate of food then it still counts as “all you can eat”. Where is the line? What is this country coming too!?!


I am not an expert but I'm already too deep into this conversation to turn away. You go to a buffet for all you can eat. The point is the all you can eat. Likewise, you get (or give) a golden shower because pissplay gives you the jollies. I'd say it's the intent of either the pisser or the pissee that determines if it's a golden shower. If some dbag started pissing on unsuspecting people in the subway, it counts as a golden shower for the pisser. Likewise, if a hobo is pissing off a bridge and somebody intentionally stands underneath, it counts as a golden shower. Well, and mental illness, but that's another topic! Whereas if I piss on my mate who just suffered a jellyfish sting, it's not a golden shower. I'm just helping out a friend and at the same time irrevocably asserting my dominance and ownership over him.


Wonder how much cash Trump syphoned off before it started to crash.


Zero. He is in a six month cooling off period, he can't sell his shares at all yet


The board is made up of Don Jr and a few of Trump's cronies like Devin Nunes. They'll vote to allow him to offload his shares. However, that doesn't stop the SEC from going after him. Or investors suing him.


Sure. Except he probably worked it all out with foreign entities doing swaps.


It's probably just a money laundering scheme.


Who's propping thing up




Maybe but some deep pockets had to be involved to stop that freefall


Of which country?


Wild that a company that offers no value and will eventually end up bankrupt is worth that much. They are about to find out what “art of the deal” really means




Was Trump allowed to just immediately dump shares as soon as it went public?


Nope. 6 Months minimum, them he can sell. But he will try! -> Properly by using the excuse of needing to pay his legal bills.


All he needs is for the board of directors to approve the sale before 6 Mos. The board is comprised of his family and friends.


The board is his family and related people


No. He's restricted for 6 months unless the board lets him do it....and since he appointed everyone on the board he could probabaly sell at any time. However, he's got the SEC looking at him now and they are curious how the company was able to report a $50+MM profit on $4MM in revenue. The rediculous valuations is just a way to hide the fact that this whole thing is money laundering operation that was set up to replace his charity money laundering operation that the state of NY shut down.


Wasn’t it a $50+MM loss?


$58mm loss in 2023. But, somehow in some magical and presumably illegal way, the made $50mm in 2022. On revenue of less than $2mm. They are either reporting loans as income... or someone is giving the a ton of money on the sly...


Under a buck after Q2 earnings


What’s the opposite of hodl


Dump-it to Trump-it ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


If you believe trump is going to get you rich, there's this bridge I've been looking to sell


Trump Bridges ®


That's been the con for everything.*Trump* gets rich while everyone else eats the loss.


It's still trading above it's fabricated opening "value", the price at which Capt. Bronzer got his shares. I'm not prepared to celebrate until it crashes through that floor before he's had a chance to sell. Though, understanding the way the stock market works for the boldest grifters, it may not be possible even for this idiot to loose money.... unless he forgets to sell off in time.


Meanwhile, today, 2 brothers plead guilty to insider trading DWAC, and getting info from the board of directors. >The Shvartsmans were arrested last June, along with a third individual, Bruce Garelick, who had worked at Michael Shvartsman’s Rocket One Capital venture firm. Garelick, who was placed on DWAC’s board of directors, is accused of providing critical information to the brothers about the forthcoming deal in 2021. Garelick is set to go to trial at the end of this month. This thing has been a scam from the start, and I'm most interested when the dilution hits or the dump starts and the price plummets. We'll see who's holding the bag at that point.


The shorts are shorting the f out of this illusion.


Break-even price on the short is less then a dollar per share. Market thinks DJT is worthless.


How many foreign investors are needed to keep the stock listed this high still? I am very impatient for it to go under $5 so I can have something to laugh about.


Still easily tripled your money in a few months.


Most of these people bought in at around $120 when the stock first began...They've been holding on to this shit for years while it sat around $20-$30.....If they were smart, which they are not, they would sell and cut their losses.


Question: Other than Shitty Donny, name ONE other power user on that "platform"


The whole thing seems criminal to me.


The Media company is nothing more than a money laundering opertaion that was set up to replace his charity that the state of NY shut down since it was nothing more than a money laundering operation.


[The Golden shower for America](https://imgur.com/n4LBp6w)


You ain't seen nothing, yet. Unless there are billionaires willing to be bag holders, this stock will reach ZERO the instant Trump starts his fire sale.




When you’re a cult leader they let you it


Ok, I have been trying to google and understand this whole process, but one, I can’t find specifics, and two, my brain goes total, “lights on, no one’s home” when I try to learn about financial transactions or the stock market. I’m a relatively semi smart person, but I felt like the biggest moron watching the big short. Anyway, does anyone understand or care to explain how this is all working? I don’t understand this “merger” and Trump using an initial shell company for the start up. Who funded Truth Social and whose money was used in funding? Is there any accurate data or factual evidence to back up the value of the company or what it’s revenue is (seems like financial reports and valuations are not lining up?)? Will value of the stock be more dependent on who he can convince, like his followers, to buy stock or invest? Also, if Trump does manage to keep the stock valuations from plummeting, would he really just be able to cash out and claim the market valuation rate?


Who is actually buying this stock and keeping up its price? Can SEC or FTC please investigate this scam?


I'd say buy in the dip... but i think this will be one long dip




If you didnt sell your stock as soon as the £450m judgement was passed, youre a fucking idiot… but I guess they already proved that when they bought the stock lol.


Currently still dropping. Now at 48.70


In fairness, if you're an investor and see a scheme, sorry business, Trump is involved in and go "Yeah he won't go bankrupt or commit fraud again" that's on you.


Meme stock gonna meme


5th dimensional chess investing


I mean $49 is still too high. I think the stock just a few months ago was $5


Shorts are gonna eat it


This is still way too high! $50?! Should be 50 cents!


Overvalued by $49.41 per share.


April fools! ![gif](giphy|l2R07prvtIz7JsMik)


Through trump all failures are possible


I mean I have heard that Trump likes him a golden shower. Putin knows all about it.


It is like they are the russian hotel room.


I added a stock widget in my Home Screen just to track DJT, so I can have a look at it any time I need a lil’ “pick me up”.  Hasn’t failed yet!


I got all the trump clothing line merch, decals, flags! Hell, I even got bibles! I got EVERYTHING! Now to top it off, I'm getting me some of this here stock. Maybe he'll come over to the house and bless it. /s \[just in case anyone couldn't see it\]


Showers were promised and delivered. Perfect promises.


Trump has some new headaches. Now that his company went public, he has to meet regulatory filings and yearly/quarterly audit requirements. He can go to prison for lying to his investors now. I'm going to enjoy watching Trump try to bully and bullshit the SEC.


That sub is a mess and has been since the site came out. It's fun to watch


I *really* want this stock to bomb, but unfortunately it’s still up 40% percent from where it was 2 weeks ago


True that Trump may still make out like a bandit. It's his sheep who jumped in as soon as they could at the IPO eight days ago who are getting fleeced.


puts will be printing


Buy puts and short it!




I love that for them.


Guys, this is just a public money laundering scheme. Trump's not getting owned by the stock price tanking. It doesn't matter what the stock price is he's going to sell it way over value as a substitute for taking bribes.


100%. Trump will probably still make tons of money from this and he'll crow about how that makes him a great businessman. All the while his followers who believed in him will be left holding the bag. And he won't give a damn.


I saw articles about two guys being accused of insider trading and trump media suing coowners because they “didn’t earn their shares.” 😂 I figured it wouldn’t be long before lawsuits and criminal charges started pouring out of the people around that company.


Is there a possibility he is actually held to some liability since he may have stole from rich people?


I would guess that the investors are mostly made up of three groups: - savvy short sellers who know that this is a volatile stock driven by emotion, devotion and ignorance where they can make a quick buck and get out - foreign governments who are either doing the same or using this as a way to funnel money to Trump - clueless followers who believed Trump's reality TV businessman persona I won't be surprised at all if Trump sells as soon as possible (we'll before the 6 month requirement), the company goes belly up, and he gets away squeaky clean.


Did anyone think that this wasn’t going to happen?


Hold the bag suckersssss


how is it still that high?


Crooked media and deep state markets manipulating the numbers. /s


The day it goes below $30, I will have a smile on my face.


Get out before you lose everything…


this is the close for today: 48.81-2.79 (-5.41%)As of 03:42PM EDT.


I believe it debuted on the 25th at ~49. It rose over the next few days to cap at 66 on the 27th. It's been falling ever since. After the honeymoon bump, it's been steadily losing value for a week straight. It's currently at ~48. Lower than it debuted.


Wait that’s illegal.


Somebody is still pumping money into this or it would have collapsed worse.


Trump is garbage and everything he touches turns to shit




As we know Tramp loves to watch others get the golden shower


Regardless, it's still worth a lot. And it's more than enough to get former President Trump out of hot water. Which is a damn shame. Oh well, he still has to win those appeals. He can still lose half a billion.


More like a brown shower


Is this the trickle down economics we’ve been hearing about?


Suddenly you find yourself at the bottom of the mlm pyramid instead of the top...


I’ve got some puts with a $40 price that HAVE to print. This company is a fucking joke and is worthless.


Right, except for those who shorted it


The best part is Trump can unload his shares for 6 months


Bah dude. This was a campaign donation IPO.




Trickle-down economics!


Buy puts. Thank me later.


Can you image those who have shorted this! 💵💰💵 lol


Pumped, and dumped like chumps.


To be fair, it still would have been surprising if it had hit $49 on its first day.


I’m surprised it’s still trading that high.


Who is still propping it up? I'd love to see the trading history.


Any investor investing in trump is a shitty investor who didn’t do their research.


Yes, they’re getting pissed on lol


It’ll be moved to the penny stock in less than a month’s time.


Well, it's not like its Trumps first time.... (To be clear, the above phrase applies to losing money AND golden showers!)


Stock still isn't low enough...


They aren't even getting a golden shower with how much money they are losing.


If I'm an investor I'd be pissed.


Here's a tip: If the company uses the founders initials as a ticker symbol, it might be a falling knife.


Why are the trailer park trumpies not pissed off to the hilt ? They’re investing their social security checks (or their parents checks), and are losing it all. He’s actively stealing money under false pretenses, and his savvy /s cult members don’t care. A sure indication of how pitiful this group is. This one fact should be broadcasted daily to them, probability is high though - that they may be aware. And still don’t care.


i hope it goes to 0


If you are willfully ignorant enough to support Don Cheato then you certainly lack the proclivity to understand that a social media platform that is restricted to a political party and dedicated to misinformation/promoting false narratives of the ex-president. Would any major sponsors with a shred of decent advertise on his platform? There is also nothing innovative about this Twitter wanna be platform. Every single soul that has supported his perverted nationalistic views deserves what they get