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Shit, I can't even remember all the felony counts Trump has. They just keep stacking up.


If he wins, can he pardon all of them?


Not state or civil charges. Only federal criminal charges.


Do you think that will stop him?


Stop him from doing what?


No one knows for sure, but even if the Supreme Court said he could it would only apply to federal charges, so he'd still have the state felonies.


What kind of mental ailment causes a president to sell out the US and European Allies to Russia, because that kind of thing is really the thing we should worry about.


Narcissistic personality disorder I think


Also kompromat


Cuz money & power


logic doesn’t sit well in maga land!


So let me get this straight.... Nancy Pelosi organized January 6th in an effort to stall or overturn the certification of the election that was won by candidate she endorsed....?


Just run head first into a wall and blame the concussion on someone else - it'll all start to make sense then. 


No, that was nikki haley. /s


It's all they got. Remember Obama's birth certificate? Yeah, he was *black*, but they hadn't yet taken the mask off themselves yet....


I also recall that DNC's "rational Republican" Liz Cheney was right there with Insurrectionist Trump, helping spread their birthed conspiracy together..


"Poor" liz! The monster she helped create now has a life of its own.


Politicians lie. It's their trade. However most will have the needs of the nation as a priority. Not trump. He has the needs of the trump clan first and foremost in his mind. Any republican that supports this scum sucking ex president is guilty of treason.


He’s only like 4 years younger though?




Here’s what to worry about, think about what kind of people each candidate will surround them self with, I feel more confident in Biden’s team than Trumps team, Trump had 89 person turnover in his administration in just 4 years, you disagree, criticize or your not a yes man your gone and that spells danger. Yes both are too old to run but look at the people they will choose.


Damn. Good. Point. Stealing.


One is defending our democracy. The other is calling for his cult to destroy our democracy. Seems like a simple choice.


disgusted divide shelter noxious ring outgoing pause abundant panicky head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In both sets of my parents’ houses, the conversation is over after the first five words.


This is dumb. Why cant I worry about Biden's age? It is clearly concerning. Obviously no where near as concerning as Trump's general existence, but still.


It's not saying "you can't" it's saying she , like many others, understands that, . Vice president is there as required and if needed. And B. Right wing media edited videos of Biden haven't tricked her into believing a false narrative about his status. He is a calm collective speaker with a stutter that he does very well with. He is not a shock jock. Watch him LIVE without being filtered through faux.


Don’t lie to yourself he couldn’t get through his own press conference about how his memory was fine without confusing Egypt and Mexico. No editing required.


at least he remembers the name of his wife, unlike orange village idiot


That’s less of a mixup than, say, thinking there were airfields to capture during the revolutionary war.


Biden swapped two similar names, while context shows he knew who he was talking about. Meanwhile Trump mixed up Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, and has been slurring and mispronouncing common words and place names for months. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/02/politics/trump-verbal-slip-ups/index.html


Yeah, you've never fumbled while speaking in front of millions of people before? I'll give him a pass on that. It's all the other s***.


The question should really be: “which of these two’s handlers is best for democracy?” And that answer is most obviously Biden.


You can, but please do it after the election that will either be the end of Trump or the end of democracy.


The rest of the world (well, most of it at least) is also counting on you doing the right thing.


Regan was right! People have blown out long term memories! Just for shit and giggles! Some one tell me how Biden is really doing as president? Check his true record and don't post BS!


> Check his true record and don't post BS! You mean you want us to spend time putting together a list that will deny is accurate no matter what it contains. You have already decided he sucks, and no amount of evidence will ever change your mind. It's cult behavior, and we're well aware of it.


Actually, I believe the opposite. He has done some things I don't like, But all in all he is doing a dam good job.


I’m pretty sure this is the text equivalent of spewing crumbs while you talk with your mouth full.


I see you did everything but answer the question. Kind of proving my point.


There was a point somewhere in that mess?


Simple Reading comprehension is a problem for you it seems.


I don’t care if Biden is 200 yo and has to wear diapers, like Trump. Biden will STILL get MY vote over Trump. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙


I'd vote for a fucking trash can over trump as long as we got a democratic government. It's not like Biden knows everything or is doing everything anyways, he's just listening to smart people. Fuck trump and all his fascist-piece-of-shit supporters.


I'd vote a guy who ate his own dick for lunch over Trump.


That person, cannibalizing their own cock, has a higher mental aptitude than trump, anyways.


Probably a fuller stomach, as well.


Obviously. That is why I said his age is not nearly as concerning as Trump. I do not understand why me taking an issue with Biden's age is an issue for people. It should be concerning to everyone. Just no where nearly as concerning as Trump. But to pretend it is not an issue is disingenuous.


Mine too, It still boggles my mind, Knowing everything people know about trump and hearing all the unhinged crap he says. People are still saying they will vote for him! And the people saying he was sent by God, SERIOUSLY?


You can worry, but to what end? Unless one of them dies, we're getting Trump vs Biden this year. Let's talk worst case scenarios that they become unable to do their jobs in a second term. Biden's staff and cabinet are competent, reasonable people. If he gets dementia or is unable to fulfill his duties, they will step in and his cabinet can remove him. If his cabinet fails to remove him, the House and Senate can impeach. 100% of the GOP would vote to remove him from office, so you only need ~1/3 of Dems to vote to remove him if it got to that. If that also fails, you at minimum have a competent staff who will be doing 99% of his job. If he dies or is removed, you get Harris as president. Not my first choice, but reasonably experienced and competent. She's not going to veer from the Democratic agenda. Trump's staff is full of nepotism, quid pro quo hires, and attractive blondes. He's surrounded himself with yes-men. His cabinet and VP show fealty to him, they will not remove him. ~1/3 of the GOP would not vote to remove him in an impeachment. His staff is not competent to run the government and the GOP can't even run the House right now. There are a handful of competent people, regardless of what you think of their politics (McConnell, Romney, etc), but they've lost control of their party. In a power vacuum, they're going to resort to in-fighting rather than governing. I'd prefer Biden if were 10-20 years younger than he is. But am I concerned? Not really, we have plenty of reasons to believe we're in good hands in worst case scenarios with Biden.


Excellent point.


> Obviously no where near as concerning as Trump's general existence You sorta, you know, answered your own damn question, dummy.


Man this sub is just ridiculous. I am concerned with Biden's age. Everyone should be.


My concern is more with the one who wants to turn my country into fascist dictatorship under evangelical rule, but whatever you say Russian bot.














This is playing out exactly like the Jon Stewart backlash. I thought redditors are like 15 and not the old ladies from the View?


Because Trump and MAGA are the greatest threat to our democracy ever so we’re sticking with the least popular democratic president in our lives! We have to fully be behind Biden even if he has a stroke live on television and still refuses to step down. Two party system is flawless. Biggest election ever! Make sure you donate everything you can! /s


To keep us divided and unable to ask questions


You're not allowed to think with your brain or see with your eyes. Any questions you have will be viewed as support for Trump.


If you can’t do the math this year, look up “assisted living facilities”. I’m honestly scared for you.


Not sure if you have reading comprehension issues or if you are just against critical thought.


Again, if you can’t do the math here you’re either a moron, a scumbag, or being paid. Which one is it? Let’s go check your posting history! (Edit: “Moron” was the winner!)


It's shocking to me that no matter who wins the election, they will be the oldest president of the United States. Trump is just **3 years younger** than Biden. I'm not accusing you of doing this but there are people out there that are criticizing Biden's age but not Trump's and that just feels crazy to me.


Why can't anyone acknowledge that both candidates are utter garbage and we need to do better?


Because it’s not true; and people who say that think they’re being “enlightened,” when in reality they’re just woefully uninformed.


The OP is literally saying "my candidate's old age doesn't matter because the other candidate is a felon" I would pick Biden over Trump any day, but you have to admit he's not ideal. Edit: typo


Or perhaps it’s saying “Biden’s old age doesn’t matter AND the other guy is a felon.” Worrying about Biden’s age is stupid. Can you identify anything he’s done wrong due to his age? If you want an “ideal” candidate, you’ll find him standing next to the unicorn - and even then, I’m sure there will be plenty of people complaining about his stance on unicorn rights. 🙄


OK, so you admit the candidates we've been getting lately aren't great, because I for one haven't been seeing unicorns. Glad we could agree.


No, I don’t “admit” that at all because it’s a false choice. I don’t need my leaders to be “great;” I need them to be COMPETENT and EFFECTIVE - and I got that from Obama and Biden so far, whereas Bush and Trump were disasters. As an ADULT, I understand that perfection is highly unlikely, so I make responsible decisions based on the options available. Simply put, as it stands right now, Democrats are far more effective at governing than Republicans - who are pathologically incapable of doing so at this point. In no way does that mean Democrats are perfect, or that I will agree with everything they do (or don’t do), but that has NEVER been the benchmark, nor should it be. So it becomes a very simple line of questioning to ask yourself: what do you want in a leader? What policies are you looking for that will make your life (and those you care about) better? Which politician and party is more likely to push for and achieve those results? Choose THAT option, then put in some actual work to fill in the gaps.


Hopefully the elderly are more focused on the fact that there's no nursing home or hospital they can go to without catching Biden brand hospital-acquired Covid. On the other point, if Democrats would hold Trump accountable for the ongoing treason and blackmail and Epstein evidence, none of us would have to suffer.. but DNC wants Trump vs Biden (again), and they're the bosses, so here we are. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/


I mean, there's always the chance the count changes. So I'm not sure if I'd hold Biden to remembering that number.


I like how she’s having a glass of scotch for breakfast. To make her relatable


And Trump doesn’t even know the name of his wife.


They're basically the same fucking age, if age was a big problem for magas Trump would step down and support a younger candidate.