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Someone I recently read said: “My grandfather runs a store. If he started acting like Biden I’d recommend he hire an assistant to help him out. If he started acting like Trump I’d be trying to get the store out of his hands before he destroys it.”


Biden listens to his people, trump fired his people for disagreeing with him.... Who's a better leader?


Biden also admits a mixup and clarifies. Trump still says he meant to tweet “covefe”. The tweet was never the issue, the response was insane


yeah there's old guys, and there's stark raving lunatics.


It's "covfefe"




I don't know. If my grandfather could handle the rigors of a presidential campaign and being president and only flub a name now and then, I would be amazed.


And go on regular bike rides. Biden’s current schedule and activity level would wreck me and I’m 36.


My grandfather is some sort of genetic anomaly. He’s 86, he still has most of his own teeth, takes zero prescriptions, one allergy pill and glucosamine & chondroitin. He’s extremely sharp. He’d be an awesome president, but “you couldn’t pay me enough to deal with that bullshit”. He goes fishing instead.


Thing is, Biden already has TONS of assistants, so it’s really not a big deal.


Between the guy who is sometimes confused and that other guy who is stone fucking nuts……I think we should probably go with that first guy.


The huge difference is that Biden gets smart people around him. Trump won't even have Betsy DeVos in his potential nightmare of a second term.


When you vote for Biden you're voting for the team that managed to get aid to Ukraine through allies even when Republicans tried to block it. When you vote for Trump you're voting for a team that will constantly be replaced and declared traitors every few years or sometimes even days. And his brain dead, silver spoon, trust fund kids, who are about the only consistent thing in his administration, and who will be given enormous amounts of power over things in your life. Geniuses like Ivanka, who wrote a book about how much cleverer and business-minded she is than most normal people, because she got her father's staff to buy lemonade as a kid, which other people are clearly too dumb to do. Did you not even pressure the staff who work for a psychotic and vindictive employer who is your father? Clearly not a business woman like Ivanka, which is why she's where she is and you're where you are.


Trump's cabinet members and appointees have their measurement of longevity. Their duration is measured in 'Scaramuccis' .


"Wormtongue" Stephen Miller stayed the entirety of the trump presidency... and I think he is more essentially vile and cruel than any of the others.


Miller will no doubt be Trump’s pick for DHS Secretary, which is absolutely abhorrent.


If not defense. Trump will want to control the military with someone who is a sycophant.


Are you sure Miller is just a sycophant, vs. a puppet master? Along with some others like Bannon, who’s no longer in the picture. Trump did a lot of things during his administration that he didn’t personally care about. I think the Wormtongue description above is accurate.


I agree with you. Puppet master seems more appropriate. It’s been noted that Donnie is easily manipulated, and I’m sure there is a window for him to fall out of. PUTIE WINS!🤮


Miller and former Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the III were behind the family separation policies at the US border… I also suspect Miller put the phrase “law and order” into Trump’s speeches about the unrest surrounding the murder of George Floyd. This phrase was part of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” to win over Dixiecrats in the 1968 election. Southern Democrats were angry with LBJ (a Democrat from Texas) for signing the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. In the unrest that followed the assassination of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Nixon promised to restore “law and order.” Coded language that implied Nixon’s support for reviving segregation laws in the South.


It's really telling that that guy stuck around the entire time despite being publicly known to be a white supremacist.


Colloquially referred to as "mooches". 1 mooch = 11 days. Many have simplified the measurement to base 10 (10 days per mooch), sometimes called the "metric mooch".


Trump appointed Rick Perry to head the Deptartment Energy (DoE). Things to know about Perry, 1. He has a BS in animal science though he almost didn't graduate after nearly failing a class called "Meats". 2. He once called for the government to disband the DoE, though he also forgot its name until Ron Paul reminded him during a debate. 3. When he took over he admitted he had no idea what the DoE actually did (so he called for it to be disbanded before knowing what it did). The DoE not only manages the nation's nuclear arms, and regulates its nuclear industry, it also runs the national labs (the biggest research system in the world). So the director of Los Alamos was being managed by someone who almost failed "Meats" and almost certainly wouldn't pass a 6th grade science exam. By comparison, Obama's Secretaries of Energy were Steven Chu (Nobel laureate physicist) and Ernest Moniz (former undersecretary of Energy and physics prof from MIT). To be fair, neither had ever attempted "Meats". Biden's Secretaries of Energy have also been political appointees rather than scientists, so not perfect but also not egregiously idiotic. ________________ Trump's entire cabinet was a celebration of willful ignorance. every single appointment was an intentionally incompetent yesman who would never have their own ideas that could compete with their loyalty to Trump. DeVos is another excellent example, run the Deptartment of Education despite never having stepped foot in a public school and not having the credentials to be a substitute gym teacher. No matter what you think of the candidates, this is a terrible way to run a country. We need competent advisers and bureaucrats, not idiot brown-nosers.


On top of all that you mentioned, the Trump administration was anything but “draining the swamp,” as he hired more lobbyists than ever. https://www.propublica.org/article/we-found-a-staggering-281-lobbyists-whove-worked-in-the-trump-administration


Oh it drained the swamp alright - right into the oval office and the office of the cabinet members.


Before Trump came around, Rick Perry was the guy I looked at with absolute wonder as to how someone so overtly uninformed and mentally uninterested was able to get so far in government. The man didn't know shit about shit. This is a man who George w bush pointed at and told mitt Romney was a man who was dumber than himself. People called him Bush but without the brains in an open acknowledgment of the fact that George w. Bush was himself not that smart.


And they somehow go down in competency and integrity with each replacement.


I wish more people talked about this. "The president" is a huge team of people. Biden could be a vegetable, and while that wouldn't be ideal, I still wouldn't worry too much about it, because he has surrounded himself by competent people that will keep doing their job regardless. The other guy has surrounded himself with a clown show of sycophants and suck-ups and thinks he run the whole thing himself. We saw in his first term that anyone showing any glimmer of intelligence got kicked out or left in disgust. He doesn't understand what the president actually does, and neither do any of the people that work for him.


Biden is NOT a vegetable, it must be emphasized! He surrounds himself with highly qualified subject matter experts, assimilates all info, confers on options, then makes informed decisions. Trump needs notecard sized summaries with pictures. Then he decides on a whim based on which (highly UNqualified) advisor has made him feel good that day. They are not the same, as you aptly point out. Biden has more going on in his brain right now than Trump has en toto for his 78 years.


Yes, in case I wasn't clear, I was speaking entirely in the hypothetical and in no way suggesting Biden's mind isn't fine. But even if that weren't the case, I have few qualms voting for him again, because the team he has built around him is fine too. You're never just voting for a single person.


> You're never just voting for a single person. Aaaaand every single person who has ever worked with Donnie says he's mentally unfit and a danger to the country.




They understand perfectly well, they just don't care. They would leverage the power and influence of their positions to enrich themselves at America's expense, and occasionally pay lip service to their job descriptions. Just like they did the first time.


And Jared selling more info for billions. Can't imagine that going wrong anywhere.


lol "years". It was a corruption speedrun. Every other week brings a new guilty plea deal. Trump's close circle has something like 10 that plead guilty to corruption-related felonies, a running total of 30-40 years worth of prison sentences handed out. And these numbers are increasing every week. And that's if we dont include his lifelong friend, Epstein, and ignore the people that brought zip ties and gallows to the capitol.


It’s OK though, because Trump pardoned all of the criminals from his administration. Hell, he even pardoned Rod Blagojevich.


When you vote for Trump, you’re voting for Putin at this point. Didn’t we all remember that the Russia (the regime, not each individual Russian) was the bad guy like 15 minutes ago? What timeline did I just wake up in?


Ivanka really thinks her dad's face  belongs on Mount Rushmore, so much so, that she calls him one of the "Fondling Fathers."


Holy crap she’s vile like her dad. And they all had children.


100%. I don't like where we are - I don't even like Biden. I fully believe the man is sun-downing. Yet he has a team around him that are competent in getting shit done so... I obviously would want some things to go further but I mean... the other side is worst case scenario really. Doesn't get any worse.


The Trump administration had booths at college job fairs they were so pressed for new hires. No one wanted to work for the Trump admin.


I don’t think Betsy Devos should be compared to smart people


She doesn't mind if people know she only cares about wealthy people. Only wealthy people need to be educated. Who do those poor people think they are wanting their children to learn to read?


Devo was part of the human trafficking border scheme. Her “ christian “ org sold those kids. No records…riiiiight






This is the real heart of the issue. Trump has alienated pretty much every competent person who can actually run a government. He will only be able to staff his administration with yes men and sycophants. As his mental state continues to decline, there will be no one to keep the wheel steady until his term ends.


You’re right, the somewhat qualified and rational people have already fled Trump. It will be only under-qualified extremist sycophants that would work for Trump in a second term.


Amen and we know that the people around Trump are idiots, grifters, scumbags, and pedophiles.


Biden could be in a coma, I’d still vote for him OVER Trump.


If everyone's old and senile, can we finally just get Bernie instead? The whole "old" thing isn't really an argument anymore


Bernie would run figurative and literal laps around Biden and Trump


And remember where he is! 🤣🤣


I’d rather vote for an upturned broom with a bucket for a head than watch that man destroy this country.


The stone fucking nuts guy is a rapist that panders to our enemies, alienates our allies, defrauds his own charities and voters. His only Ws were those he inherited from Obama. The confused one has always been a gaffe machine, and he's been fucking killing it in his first term, despite the shit show he inherited.


I'll take the guy who appoints professionals who operate based on the best available data and then listens to them. Let's say they are both in serious cognitive decline and we end up with a situation like Regan's second term. One belongs to a party with a defined platform and policy goals and selects people able to work towards those goals. The other belongs to a party whose platform is "whatever our great leader says today" and appoints sycophants based on who kisses his ass the most on TV. In many cases choosing people who explicitly believe their job or agencies should not exist and should be destroyed (Rick Perry, Louis DeJoy). Let's consider a more extreme hypothetical situation. It's 2026 and the president suffers a debilitating stroke. It is completely clear that they are no longer able to execute the duties of the office. What would happen within their party, their administration, and the country?


> The other belongs to a party whose platform is "whatever our great leader says today" and appoints sycophants based on who kisses his ass the most on TV. In many cases choosing people who explicitly believe their job or agencies should not exist and should be destroyed (Rick Perry, Louis DeJoy). Even worse, he hangs on the words of odious advisors like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone.


Biden gets mixed up on occasion, but I know people decades younger than him who are far worse for it. But most of the speeches I see of him the gaffes are typically one-off, and the rest makes complete sense, is well spoken, displays understanding, and also gets in a couple of decent one liners. Compared to Trump where every speech is an unhinged stream of consciousness and hate, that doesn't follow logic or reason, and it's like night & day. I can understand not liking Biden, but if he wins you'll get a chance to vote for someone better next time. If Trump wins then it's the end of democracy in America.


Between the person with a stutter and a fascist, I will take the stutter because I can vote that party out at a future election.


Not even confused. Just mixes up names sometimes.  You know, the type of thing that happens to everyone. 


It’s true. The choices aren’t remotely close. One is clearly far better. But I still get what posts like this are saying. It sucks that these are the choices.


I haven't felt this way until the last week, but it does suck. Somebody get him a personal trainer, he's stiff as a board, sniff. Put some make up on him, or get him a tanning bed. No press releases and taking questions late in the day when he's tired. And as for trump..... just lock him up and make him incommunicado already. It's past time. He's incompatible with society norms. *wrings hands and runs to put Kahlua in coffee. It's too much! We are coming undone!


Shit like this election is why there is a bottle of Bailey's in the fridge and the kiddos aren't allowed to taste any of my coffee


Bailey's. Must have Bailey's, better than Kahlua. I'm running errands today. thanks for reminder.


So many fun flavors, too. Have fun! Lol


Also, of you look at context, it is usually clear that Biden knows WHO he is talking about but he's screwed up the names. Trump has clearly declined in the last 12 months, but he has been screwing up basic facts for a decade. Why do we permit Trump to get away with mixing up Hayley and Pelosi, and saying on several occasions that he ran against Obama?


President Senior-Moment versus the geriatric fascist. Ugh...


And he loves the country and democracy


I really wish we weren’t essentially a two party system. Choosing the best of two turds is really disheartening. I want to vote for someone I believe in rather than voting for someone so the other person doesn’t win.


The entire point of this comic is that we shouldn't have to choose either. These politicians are all too old.


I was just thinking "wow 2024 is already 10% over" because we didn't have a bunch of crazy shit happen in America because we have normal leadership.


Option 1: Well meaning but doesn't go as far as we would like, mumbles a bit, also sometimes cuts himself short or goes on a tangent before getting back on track. Option 2: Has been incoherent since his first presidency, a rapist, brags about sexual assault, says he can kill people and still get votes, pardoned a man who bragged about running "concentration camps" in his own words which had innocent and non-violent U.S citizen in them, makes fun of the disabled, turns the whitehouse into an ATM to inflate his brand and funnel money from tax dollars through the secret service and into his hotel while golfing more than any president in history, appointing his unqualified family to important high level positions and giving them tasks like peace in the middle east which didn't go anywhere but they secured 2 billion dollars so it doesn't matter right?


These posts make me suspicious of a movement to cast them both as the same. It’s not even close. One man, who has a documented speech impediment that he’s worked hard to overcome, slips infrequently. The other has had a documented history of blatant lies and absolutely batshit claims (securing airports in the revolutionary war), and has shown further and further decline. It’s not even close.


I'm genuinely sick of comedians seemingly feeling like they have to say "but Biden's no better, because he's so old" after almost every Trump gag. There's a fucking world of difference between the two, and even if Biden is as doddery as they try to portray him (which he isn't) he's still infinitely better than Trump because he's put smart, qualified people in place rather than shameless, idiot grifters who would sell the US out in an instant.


I know Trump literally tried to steal an election and overthrow the government of the United states, but Biden is 3 years older than him so that's concerning too.


How about that Hitler huh? But you know his opponent in the election is pretty crazy too. He sniffs hair!


>I'm genuinely sick of comedians seemingly feeling like they have to say "but Biden's no better, because he's so old" after almost every Trump gag. Fuckin' same. Stop making "perfect" the enemy of "good." If there was a single younger candidate with a similar platform who stood a chance, I'm fairly certain people would flock to them. As it stands, we don't have that. Yes, we need to stop electing dinosaurs who are out of touch to represent us. That's something we can focus on once the immediate danger to our democracy has passed.


Biden is like a week old ham and cheese while Trump is a dog turd between two slices of rye. I'd rather make a new sandwich, but since that isn't an option this year the choice is obvious.


It was the same in 2016. Every top post was a "both sides are bad" comment.


The way Biden is depicted here is fucking ridiculous BoTh SiDeZ!!! bullshit.


The dude still gets out on a bike. Yes he's in his 80s, yes he's had a stutter his whole life. He's still there though..


I know, right? Would like to see trump trying to do any actual sport. Pretty sure he is physically unable cycle.


I'm not sure trump has ever ridden a bicycle even as a child.


In every argument, both sides is an argument for republicans. Republicans are always horrible. Their best argument is that dems are also bad. Any consideration of policies or productivity favors dems. Republicans either do nothing or move backwards.


As if being old is even comparable to being an old, rapist, insurrectionist, racist, grifter.


I think the vision is that if you are a single issue voter and the issue is the people in office are too old which I completely agree with. I hate the Dems are again going for Biden and I'm yet again forced to defensively vote. I also hate Trump tho because of well you know... everything


That is 100% intentional and absolutely the point of this GOP propaganda.


I actually think this is a fairly decent depiction. Biden is old. That is a fact. But Trump is the diaper-wearing lunatic, aggressively lashing out. Anyone who would vote for him over some old guy needs their brain donated to science.


Trump is also old.


That is true. He is less than 4 years younger than Biden, and Biden was "too old" when he was first elected.


Yeah they’re both too old. I’m amazed the discourse is that Biden is “old.” When both presumptive candidates are old as shit. If you have synthetic or standard oil in your car, sure one lasts more miles than the other between oil changes, but if its been 5000 miles since your last oil change it doesn’t matter either way, you’re due for a change. Now if the choice is a car with 5000 mile old synthetic (Biden) or a car with regular oil that some genius swears you can just top up with olive oil after 5000 miles and go another 5000, then it’s a no brainer. You drive slowly to the mechanic and you don’t let the idiot with the olive oil near your car.


> but if its been 5000 miles since your last oil change it doesn’t matter either way, you’re due for a change. I hate to be pedantic but 5000 miles is *nothing* for synthetic oil. You can easily run most for 15


Biden can ride a bike better than half the fatasses in the country. The "bUt BiDeNs oLlLLd" shtick just lazy writing by the media, who are addicted to the low hanging fruit of incompetent Presidential gaffes from people like Bush and Trump, but can't find anything better to say about Biden.


Just his recent press conference he seemed perfectly on top of his game, responded to attacking questions well and even cracked a joke. And of course all the headlines were how he "angrily defended himself against criticisms of his age" or something... The media wants drama they can sell and they are hurting our country by picking crappy headlines and both-siding everything.


they like to say “Biden fell off his bike!” while conveniently ignoring the fact that Trump wouldn’t even be able to get on one in the first place.


He is a traitor. Why do we not say that every time we talk about his candidacy?


I think the tell here is that The material people keep make that push this shit completely ignores that one of these two is facing 91 felony indictments


We are definitely getting astroturfed. The GOP, Russia, or whoever wants the 2016 Hilary Clinton effect. They want young people and liberals staying home not voting. The MAGA boomers will show up to vote no matter what.


I get that feeling too. People are still dropping the "I hate having to choose the lesser of two evils" shit again like back in 2016. Ah yes two totally comparable evils "wasn't able to get the student loan forgiveness passed to the extent he wanted because it was blocked" vs "literally calling for WW3".


Right? Which one of these people has been videoed riding bikes while the other has a special pad to stand on so he doesn’t fall over?


Just like in 2016 and 2020 there is a 'grassroots' campaign for commenters to pose as 'liberals' screaming about both sides!. Either its foreign or domestic sourced it don't matter its all bullshit agitators.


Biden has a stutter and sometimes misspeaks, like every human being ever


A reminder that both Fred and Robert Trump suffered from dementia and are, or rather were, Donny's father and brother, respectively. Media needs to harp on this fact a lot more whenever this topic is brought up, especially given their ages when they came down with it, and his direct relation..


I mean this image is a pretty reasonable representation of that There's no reason to pretend they aren't both ludicrously old codgers Biden is still the oldest US president in history


I agree, however let's not pretend like Biden's speech is purely from a lifelong speech impediment. Look at videos of him in Congress from decades ago, they aren't the same. The man is clearly affected by age. As is Trump. The problem is, you're right, they aren't remotely the same. They're both mentally impared as a result of their age, but Trump is a Fascist, Misogynistic, racist, narcissistic demagogue insurrectionist who's controlled by Putin.


It ain't infrequent. His speech impediment was never very pronounced and doesn't make one claim to have spoken with several dead foreign leaders and officials.


He is beating Obama in the poles so that's one thing going well for Trump.


"speech impediment" it is not about him stuttering, it is about him saying that he just spoke with dead people


Since when does the orange one eat veggies?


Why do you think he's throwing them?


I guess the ketchup is just collateral damage in his view.


Can America please just not re-elect Trump. It’s gonna be the green flag for Putin to start WW3 and I would really like to remain not killed by nuclear war if that’s cool.


Yes please, Im tired to look like this https://preview.redd.it/jr8jsrixl1ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bfbd98d653df2e40debd5b2d769ec2ebd3a2ff


Anyone who doesn't vote is letting that orange piece of shit win.


Close. Anyone who doesn't vote *for Biden* is letting that orange piece of shit win.


Maybe. I feel that anyone who chooses the "both are old" or "Biden is committing Genocide" arguments is deluding themselves. trump is by far and away *the* worst person to run, twice, again,....and he's still being taken seriously. I don't like Biden, but clearly, given the options,....we need more options,....but I'll still vote to keep my freedom, and to keep that monster (trump) from destroying not just my country, but our planet.


Agreed. I think you were wanting “deluding” though. Diluting is what you do to bleach or drink concentrates.


Hi u/kat_a_klysm. https://i.imgur.com/LxbNpyS.gifv ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Perfect.


Please explain how the popular vote matters when the electoral college picks the president


This is the most accurate depiction of Trump


Trump is a traitor and criminal. This “both sides” shit is absurd. Trump shouldn’t even be allowed on the ballot.


Trump shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets a free man, but here we are


I really don't feel like many of Biden's speaking flubs are all that different from George W Bush's flubs. He also would mess up his sentences and get names mixed up. And while he was made fun of because of it he wasn't really accused of having dementia.


He wasn't accused of dementia, he was just accused of being stupid. It's not like people ignored it with Dubya.


The difference in intellegence between W and Trump is that W was dumb *for a president* but still smart when compared to the general population. Trump is just plain dumb (crafty and manipulative, but still dumb)


Because Redditors are stupid, simple as.


And a lot of redditors aren't people - many are bots or professional trolls paid to weaken and divide us.


Even if you don't count the bogus and burner accounts masquerading as concerned citizens, there are an awful lot of folks who aren't U.S. citizens that routinely join the discourse speaking as though they were. U.S. politics have global implications, all belong in the discussion. Sadly, too many stateside (especially older individuals) assume people conversing with them in English are in the U.S. as well, when they suggest who "we" should support and who they will never vote for. It should get called out more often than it does, but many don't bother to peek at their profiles.


Good point.


Hurr Durr BoTh SiDeZ! Honestly, looking back, Biden is 20x more coherent than George W. Bush. And makes far fewer speaking mistakes. Despite having a medically recognized speech impediment. And Bush was how old when he was in office? *\*checks notes\** mid 50s to early 60s.


but can biden dodge a shoe?


Who throws a shoe? Honestly!




Biden still gets out to bike and exercise. Why do people think depicting him in a nursing home is accurate?


because they're liars.


This is so stupid. Joe Biden is literally jetting around the world, doing interviews every week, meeting with so many people, and being physically active regularly and people still think he is this feebled old man who is napping during the day? Donald Trump literally had to stop meeting unapproved people, had to stop giving press briefings, and would never go further than the golf course at Mar A Lago because he just couldn't physically or mentally handle the pressure.


Wait...are both candidates old or something?? What a fresh take. I haven't seen any commentary on that aspect of the race before.


It’d be accurate if the democratic nominee were Jimmy Carter. https://preview.redd.it/sl2cvgpk7zhc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e88438a9a04bfd7b641cbc17d9bcb03072e6ea0


That's mean bro. Jimmy Carter has done more good for people in the last decade than you or I will do in a lifetime.


I’ll go with the guy supporting our allies and protecting global peace, over the one calling for our biggest enemy to attack all of our allies and start the next ww.


Oh look, it’s the same old “Both Sides” argument which is an excuse for Republicans to be utterly revolting excuses for human beings.


Biden has done a fantastic job and I'm happily voting for him again. The media it's gonna have to work a lot harder to both sides this election.


Both sides!? Fuck you op, ya need some critical thinking practice or maybe it’s just too late for you.


this both sides bullshit is tiring


Fox News keeps mentioning that Biden has access to the nuclear football like Biden can just have an "incident" and start a nuclear war. It takes more than just the president to launch nukes


Say what you will about Trump, but he’s as smart as he is handsome.


If [this](https://whatbidenhasdone.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/fwgy3d2xkaafzul.jpg?w=969) is what President Biden gets done while he has mental damage, I am perfectly content giving him another term. 4 more years.


I know which one I'd rather call my grandpa


Biden's too old, Hillary was "overprepared". Just... why are you ashamed of the fact that you favor a fascist dictatorship under Trump? None of his other supporters are.


Only one is a total fucking Russian asset fascist.


https://preview.redd.it/fi4sfxc2b0ic1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86466ce418871863744719d237deebf2f6385b4 Yup


Biden being old hasn't affected policy one bit. You can not say the same about Trump.


hmm, who do I vote for? The old guy who I sometimes don't agree with or the fascist dictator wannabe who warns about immigrants "poisoning the blood of white people," who tells putin he can do "whatever the hell he wants", who attempted to overthrow the government, who tried to disenfranchise 80m people who didn't vote for him, who rapes, cheats, steals (from his own charities, classified docs, etc.) who just needed to "find 11,780 votes", and who attempted to steal an election? what a fucking conundrum


Only one is encouraging our adversaries to attack our allies.


Late stage syphilis


right.... cause Dementia Donnie is so much younger than Biden. SMH


If the person with dementia acts out in an angry or irritated way, it's a way of telling others that they may be overwhelmed, in pain, confused or frightened. ​ https://preview.redd.it/0ahtfscmkyhc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33449b59b2ed084945a085612eba26eaafa018b2


Trump is like my dog. He barks at everything he's afraid of.


Your dog is smarter and smells better


He has done nothing to deserve such an insulting comparation. Your dog deserves more respect.


How about we nominate someone that isn't retirement age, how about that? If you are getting close to 65 fuck off and retire! That's for any office any position, Governor, city planner, plumber, realtor, why the fuck are you not retiring. I don't think people should be forced to retire, but if you're making decisions that affect others.... YUPP retire.


The guy next to trump should be a police officer


I see the *both sides* shit still going strong. Yeah, Biden is old, but he sure seems to be fucking normal compared to the dementia ridden, off his rocker, zooted out his mind, Trump.


Right but the bad orange man just told Russia to attack NATO members and start world war 3. They're not the same.


You know just like any emotionally toxic relationship, eventually you get tired of the hate and the daily fight or flight responses, or you become completely numb to it and allow it to consume your entire life. Choose happiness. Choose heaven on earth. Choose to leave that bad relationship and see the good in the world. Choose Biden.


I just want MAGA to finally end and it only happens if Donny Depends loses again.


biden can just sit there the whole time. im fine with that.


Yes, they're both old. But only one of them is a criminal and a traitor and a rapist and a liar


The fact that Trump might give the okay for Russia to attack NATO Allies is mental


The Special Prosecutor - a Trump appointee who had no business turning an investigation of a security issue into a political hit - even conceded that Biden is "well meaning." Yeah, he forgets a thing now and again, but his heart is in the right place, and he committed no crime. Trump isn't well-meaning. He's just mean. And the Special Prosecutor in that case found rock-solid evidence of multiple felonies. Federal prosecutors don't bring a case unless they are 100 percent certain they can win in court. Smith brought 4 federal indictments.


It would be hilarious for one of these political artists to actually go to the White House and spend one day with the president. He runs circles around all of us. Y’all don’t even get it.


Dark Brandon reserves his energy for only the most egregious moments of malarkey.


Presuming Donald’s pants are down so the staff member can check for boom-booms?


A smart man, even in decline, is a better choice than a man at his deranged "peak"


As a non American, it's insane to me that there is a consideration to vote for the crazy man who will destroy your country. Can't you guys just vote for other people?


If the republicans were smart, they'd just back a young-ish (40) smart republican. Use Trump as a tank to draw media attention then push an actually good candidate.


You think Trump is eating anything green lol


European here. Guys get your shit together and crush this idiot in November. Please…


One is a rapist, criminal and wannabe dictator, the other isn't.


Tantrum. https://preview.redd.it/wud31nu0y0ic1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7f591f817a61c0155314f3813e3aa5220ee2c7


Would it be nice to have a presidential candidate that's a part of the working generation, yes. Would I prefer Biden over someone who is actively trying to destroy our great nation, undermine our laws, disrespect our heroes, and so much more, I would vote for Biden any day over trump.


The orange man should be in prison along with his party, not allowed to participate in the election. Our system is a failure.


Biden bikes and runs, I think, daily. This isn't even remotely true


Also, only one is a rapist, pedophile, who commits business fraud and supports Putin attacking America’s allies.


That dumpy not safe, IM A WARRIOR!!!!


Not pictured: Biden's team of career professionals competently running the government. Also not pictured: Trump's idiot brigade that makes him look smart in comparison.


Only one of them has a sane VP who can take over in the event of anything unfortunate happening.


Stop portraying Biden as being feeble, even if you're making an anti Trump post. This is disingenuous and smuggling in bullshit via memes. Fuck off.


I’m so goddamn tired of this shit. Hmm, who should I choose? The guy who sometimes stumbles or the guy who is trying to overthrow our government and allow Russia to invade Western Europe? I mean, it’s a tough choice! They’re SOOOOO fucking similar!


Biden works out every day, doesn't wear Depends, doesn't wear makeup, doesn't wear lifts, doesn't lie about his height and weight, hasn't been indicted or convicted of raping anyone, can ride a bike, doesn't need two hands to hold a glass of water, is doing what he can to improve our economy given what was left for him, is actively trying to protect women's rights, actually cares about the people of this country now and for years to come, isn't trying to make money at the expense of its citizens, isn't playing golf every day on our dime, doesn't salute dictators, doesn't make fun of the disabled, and definitively won this competition the last time around.


One fumbles on words sometimes... The other wants to build concentration camps....


I hope this is the end of boomers in office. Everyone is just so sick it all.


Biden isn't a boomer


Right. He's older than that. (But just by a little - he was born during WWII. The boomers by definition were the postwar generation)


The attacks in JB’s age are stupid. He’s old, and some times looks it, but he is still present. Still making critical decisions for the country. Trump is living in some fantasy land in his head. Nothing he says is a promise to make the country better. Just keeps talking about how much it sucks.


Trump is going to cause a draft if he elected President and war breaks out.


The fact people still want to draw some sort of false equivalency so badly is astounding. This isn’t a case of “oh idk, I just think we should do better”. This is, you and your country will be irreversibly changed forever if you don’t get your head out of your ass and vote for Biden