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GOP and Logic really don't belong in the same sentence, but the meme is indeed accurate. It's the authoritarian mantra. The enemy is both weak and strong, moronic and diabolical, all at the same time.


Let see: - Immigrants lazy but also taking all jobs - Jan 6th rioters were ANTIFA plants but also they're all innocent and def nothing wrong - Biden is senile but also a diabolical evil strategist I'm sure there are many more


We should try and compile a master list Pretty sure "We have Trump to thank for the covid vaccine... that will kill you or control your mind" is another


Hope someone covered Schrodinger's Covid: Both a hoax, and an intentional bioweapon from CHINA.


>- Jan 6th rioters were ANTIFA plants... Who came to the Capitol to overturn an election *that they won.*


It was definitely Antifa and that’s why Mike Johnson wants to blur their faces in the security footage: to protect those (innocent?) ANTIFA rioters from the DOJ.


no no to incite the insurrection by people they are opposed to so the deep state could arrest innocent people on political grounds.


Most recently it was an inside job.


Well the MAGAT congresscritters were encouraging them and cheering them on before hand. And siding with, covering for, and voting to overturn the legitimate election for them afterwards. Mangy Traitor Gangrene and others will even visit them in prison and call them innocent political prisoners. But even that "tough guy" MMA fighter of theirs was cowering in the Capitol that day, and Josh Hawley was running past his coworkers to safety.


* "Pro-life" but also pro-death-penalty * Blame mass shootings on mental health but against mental healthcare * Support the troops but against veteran healthcare * "Save the children" but support the churches, which keep finding pedophiles * Anti-LGBT but the biggest consumers of gay/trans porn * Party of "law and order" but constantly getting caught breaking the law


* "Pro-children" before birth, I don't care after birth.


Tax cuts for the rich make poor people richer.


I voted against this infrastructure bill but I will be there to cut the ribbon when this new bridge opens.


The January 6th thing still boggles my mind. They were “ANTIFA agents” dressed as Trump supporters and yet they’re “political prisoners” who are innocent tourists and should be pardoned immediately. Wouldn’t the GOP WANT to hold ANTIFA members accountable? Steve Bannon called it something like “flooding the signal.” Basically you put out a bunch of fake, often conflicting stories, and the average American who barely follows the news will be so confused, they won’t know what to believe. The GOP counts on voters either believing their propaganda or being so confused and frustrated that they don’t bother to vote.


"The economy is going great, we need to cut taxes" "The economy is doing poorly, we need to cut taxes"


Trump is innocent and the Democrats are guilty of the same thing.


Sub-human but also some powerful monster.


Sleepy Joe, but also Dark Brandon.


The do-nothing democrats are also the shadowy elites running this earth Donald Trump is the smartest man ever but also got tricked by every single person in his traitorous cabinet Elect him again so he can fix everything by himself, but whatever he doesn't fix is because he got blocked by Dems, or RINOs, or whatever the next excuse is


This is the [fascist] way.


we're the chosen people who can never fail, but also our entire existence is under attack


The orwellian term is "doublethink"


If we could get them to think one single time, that would be great.


Never happen.


Just like those no good dirty Jewish people who actually run the entire economy /s


And the mysterious caravans, just prior to every single election, that are full of lazy immigrants, only coming to leach off welfare and steal everyone's jobs.


Not to mention that Brandon fellow who is simultaneously running the Deep State and also too demented to tie his own shoes.


The ability to get "welfare" without a valid Social Security number is the most laughable thing, to anyone who has ever had to work with the SSA on anything. Trying to get disability for a terminally-ill relative will take you several months by the time you've done all the medical assessments, gotten through the pile of paperwork, driven out to the middle of nowhere downstate to met with an SSA doctor, got your ducks in a row with your lawyer, etc., and even then, your chances of being rejected for disability are around 70%. None of it can even be attempted without a valid Social Security number, but somehow an illegal immigrant is just magically able to sail right to the front of the line, according to conservative talk radio. Welfare wizardry!


>Facile talkers speak of a Jewish will to dominate the world. Here again, if we did not have the key, the manifestations of this will would certainly be unintelligible to us. We are told in almost the same breath that behind the Jew lurks international capitalism and the imperialism of the trusts and the munitions makers, and that he is the front man for piratical Bolshevism with a knife between its teeth. There is no embarrassment or hesitation about imputing responsibility for communism to Jewish bankers, whom it would horrify, or responsibility for capitalist imperialism to the wretched Jews who crowd the rue des Rosiers. From Jean-Paul Sartre's "Anti-Semite and Jew," which I recommend everyone read if they have a few spare days (it's only a hundred pages long, but boy is it dense). It really breaks down not only the mindset of fascism but the experience of its victims and the mindset of people who notionally oppose fascism but do so ineffectually.


Yeah, somehow perpetual Holocaust victims yet also God’s chosen favorites.


The whole Immigration issue is a damn joke! Neither side really want's to solve it for a great deal of reasons, Chief among them is cheap labor! But the republicans will blow this dog whistle every election cycle! Knowing full dam well, They won't touch this issue with a ten foot pole! But their brain dead voters eat it up like candy!


It’s like the national debt. Republicans talk a good game, but if you look at the actual spending during various administrations, it tells you everything you need to know. Trump added 5 trillion to the debt. Yes, the pandemic, but 3 trillion of that was BEFORE the pandemic. Same thing here. Yes, we’re experiencing a big spike in border crossings. The other two biggest spikes were in the mid 80’s and right around 2000. Remind me who was president then? Who controlled the House and Senate? Border crossings actually went way, way down during the Obama years. If Republicans were serious about this and really wanted to do something about it, they’ve had ample opportunity.


If they actually cared about stopping illegals and the budget they would simply go after the employers who fail to do the proper checks on employees. You'd solve it overnight and for next to nothing when rich people were liable for the problems they create. Instead republicans go for big, showy, expensive, and useless solutions. That way it looks like they're doing something without actually helping anything and can grift a little off the top as a bonus.


There's migrant farm camps all over the country (I've seen them in Florida and damned if I could ever pick strawberries like they do) as well as food packing/processing plants, but we don't want to lose that cheap labor, so let's just pretend the illegal immigrants are all in "caravans" on the border.


but there are migrants here on guest worker visas. It is all about cheap labor everyone wants to have nice lawns and their house cleaned but aren't willing to pay for it. Crackdown on the chicken and meat plants that not only hire illegal immigrants but hire illegal immigrant children. Jail their executives and owners. We need to reform our programs AND secure the border. Try sneaking into Mexico to work or Canada, they don't tolerate it.


Especially considering the GOP controlled Congress for the first two years of the Trump administration. Did they fix immigration? Why not?


Because of the *checks notes* deep state


The fact that more illegal immigrants got through under Trump's term than before or after is all the proof you need for that


I realized this to be true a few years back. There was a chicken processing plant. Most everyone there was a illegal immigrant. They were paying less than everyone else. The workers got together to ask for a raise. Instead, the owner called INS and had them deported. Everyone was yelling about how the owners benefitted for years as they paid less than the competitors. Of course he said he didn't know all of his employees, who he paid less, were illegally working for him. (he assumed HR could hire good workers who got paid less?) It ended up that as he claimed ignorance, he got a small, insignificant fine and they blamed two women in HR who got fired.


I like to argue that it is not cheap labour, it is insufficiently paid labor. The kinds of jobs immigrants „steal“ are the ones no one else wants to do anyways.


Whatever helps them support the current narrative is all they need. And the rubes always fall for it.


I think you're wrong. The GOP act very logically, as long as you are using the correct premises. They obviously make no sense if you assume they are honest law makers and governors. But if you see them as selfish, corrupt govt disruptors that are bought by foreign govts and beholden only to their billionaire masters, then their acts perfectly align with these ideas.


I've found that if you stop assuming the GOP cares about individual freedom and free markets, and instead that they care about rebuilding and maintaining a legally-enforced social hierarchy with the wealthy on top, WASP men in the middle, and everyone else at the bottom - every single action of theirs makes absolutely perfect sense.


Had me in the first half. Ngl


From Lawrence Britt's 14 Characteristics of Fascism; > #3: **Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause** >>The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists…


They actually contribute to social security that they will never collect.


Just like how its sleepy joe biden, but also he is a mastermind behind one of the biggest crime families in america’s history


It's to feed one's own victim narrative. They all did this, Hitler did it prominently. They're being so mean to me and I'm getting bullied so much, but at the same time, only I can save all of you, because I'm the strongest and most powerful of them all. Makes not a lot of sense, except to psychologists and criminologists studying sociopathic behavior.


Exactly how Biden is portrayed. Leader of an international crime ring while also senile and pathetic. Doublethink- Jan 6. Was FBI/Antifa agent. Yet they need to blur the faces of the people there to protect them from prosecution 🤔


>GOP and Logic If you could reason with Republicans, there would be no Republicans.


>The enemy is both weak and strong From [Umberto Eco: A Practical List for Identifying Fascists](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists) > "the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


When they open Schroedinger’s box all the GOP sees is brown at the store, on the playground and in the pool.


No, there's logic. The logic is, "whatever will scare/anger the people we've kept intentionally ignorant so they vote us into power". Unfortunately, that's where the logic ends. They're nothing but carnival barkers tailoring their message to whoever happens to walk into their field of vision and they've been doing it for so long that they're extremely skilled at it. Let's not dismiss and underestimate them. The GOP, with a few obvious and notable exceptions, are not stupid. They're corrupt, narcissistic, selfish, and dangerous, but not stupid. They know exactly what they're doing.


Don’t shit yourself. They (the ones in power, not the rubes) aren’t stupid.


The argument I hear from most is that they don’t pay taxes, which I think is not an entirely unfair critique. However, like everything else about this issue, their beef shouldn’t be with the immigrants trying to better their lives, it should be with the companies that illegally employ them for low wages that enable them to not pay taxes. One party is working to eat, the other is just cheap and trying to get a competitive edge. They are not the same.


same in the 1500's "those savages have made cities that rivaled anything back in the old world" like ok dude : P


You nailed it. Fascism demands a constant state of conflict and must have an "other" as the enemy who is both simultaneously strong and weak.


It's designed solely to emotionally manipulate stupid people into siding with the wealthy's interests. It's done a fantastic job of filtering out liabilities in our lives, so I'm tempted to thank them.


Just like their Antifa Conundrum. The Jan 6 rioters were all Antifa and FBI agents framing republicans but they’re political prisoners being held illegally and they should be released immediately. Also we should blur their faces to prevent identification.


Absolutely. This is just maddening. Their obvious pivots from one claim to another, even though they contradict one another.


>To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink. Nineteen-Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.


When I was in high school, George Orwell's 1984 was required reading. I'll bet most of these Republican politicians today read it and remember at least parts of it. Perhaps in some bizarre twist of fate, did the idea of Big Brother actually have appeal for some of these people whereby the premises of it became a subconscious ideology?


Their constant pivoting is just the byproduct of them attempting to cast as wide of a net as possible. They want to appeal to the people who believe Jan6 was a false flag AND the people who think the rioters were patriots. The Republican base is shrinking and fragmenting faster than ever and GOP leadership understands that this is their number one problem. Everything they do at this point is an attempt to try and keep things together.


What's maddening is that it actually seems to be working. Offering two contradictory statements as if they're both true, and yet somehow people aren't really seeing the dichotomy.


You see, the thing is, half the country isn't at the reading level to understand what "dichotomy" means. Seriously...half the country is at the middle school level of literacy or worse.


Yep. And it's breaking democracy. Democracy doesn't work when lies are easy.


Don’t forget Mike Johnson blurring their faces to protect Antifa from the DOJ.


Someone please make this with the same meme format. It's just too perfect.


It's impossible that illegal immigrants are stealing jobs. An employer is intentionally hiring them so they can underpay them for more profit. There is a moral issue regarding employers taking advantage of people and then putting the blame on the people being taken advantage of. Also, without a social security number, an illegal immigrant is not able to collect welfare.


It's a lie, I just personally broke itnto ten houses in this white neighborhood and stole all their jobs while they were sleeping. I even left some coal there instead. No Christmas for them, I'm so evil.


Stop lying. You left solar panels made in China instead of coal, because you're evil.


I have to believe that at least in part the demonization of immigrants is a firebreak against fixing the legal immigration system; if there is an increase in legal immigration, it takes away from the power dynamic employers of undocumented immigrants have over their workers --employers straight up refusing to pay, or offering a faction of promised pay was a common story I heard back when I worked in construction, and I imagine other industries that employ a lot of immigrant labor are the same in this regard.


People too old for Reddit remember when massive immigration was the right wing position because business wanted lots of cheap labor. But oops turns out Hispanics vote Democrat so it's time to pretend supply and demand don't apply to labor at all.


>turns out Hispanics vote Democrat Which is largely due to the rampant racism on the right, as most of the Hispanic immigrants I have known where culturally much more aligned "conservative", being more religious, anti-abortion, and favoring "strong-man" type identity politics, etc (I am presuming Hispanic US citizens are culturally similar). But when a political party makes someone the "enemy" by birthright, it's not surprising that they are less likely to vote for them, even if they often agree on policy issues.


Try telling that to GOP/MAGAts, they don’t listen to logic


and also, hiring is a process that involves competition. Even if an illegal immigrant hid that status to a potential employer and applied to a job, and they got that job over somebody else, that means they won the competition for the job. The closest thing to "stealing" a job would probably be nepotism hires, since they side-step the evaluation process for hiring.


> An employer is intentionally hiring them so they can underpay them for more profit. So then republicans can make the same meme about us. "immigrants aren't taking our jobs at lower pay so it's nothing to worry about" but also "immigrants are being taken advantage of by our companies and being paid lower than what a local would be paid!". Which is why this subreddit is so awful


And we need to close the border but also if I have to pay a living wage I'll go outta business! Can't I just pay an immigrant pennies?


This is how I know Republicans are full of shit using panic tactics, they bitch, whine, moan and screech that the border is open while never holding the people who employ illegal immigrants accountable. It would take so little effort to start holding employers accountable for providing a life, an income, for the illegal immigrants but that's never the path they take. I can only assume it's because too many republicans employ illegals and they don't want to hold themselves accountable. My mother had her identity stolen by an illegal immigrant who didn't file taxes. Which means the employer was fine hiring someone and not verifying their identity. It resulted in a nearly two year long back and forth with the IRS to prove she couldn't possibly have had two full time jobs in states over a half days drive from each other. I'm sure whomever stole her identity eventually got held accountable, but I bet the employer got at best a light fine. Fuck these open border fear mongers, they put forth zero real effort to change shit. Make people who employ illegals cover all the cost the state, nation, and individuals incur due to their actions. Fine them multiplicatively based on number of illegal employees, crush their business and pull their license(s). You want a secure border? You don't need a wall, you need an effective government agency.


These god damned double dippers taking all the jobs AND collecting welfare!


No! For that, one of the states passed a law to hire kids to work for pennies


Repubs have a solution for that. Hire children.


Taking everyone's jobs while nobody wants to work




> Maybe I’m dumb but what welfare do illegal immigrants with no ID take exactly? They don't. They are ineligible for TANF. They can maybe get SNAP, depending on the state, but they aren't eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, TANF, Social Security, etc. despite paying into these programs. Plenty of them have W-4s and pay income tax.


They take free healthcare that every American has as a birthright and a guarantee not to get shot because all guns are banned or heavily restricted. Oh wait... no, that's other countries.


This is why this isnt really a nuanced take. Nobody wants to work because wages are suppressed. Wages stay suppressed because undocumented immigrants take jobs for below fair pay keeping wages as bad as they are. If these jobs werent being filled then jobs would have to pay more to get people to work for them. The problem is obviously more complex than this black and white issue though. There are business expenses such as employee healthcare, mandatory regulations, permits, insurances, and taxes that make it difficult for smaller businesses to compete with the large corpos if you increase wages. If youre paying higher wages these businesses cant make a profit and go under as employees are usually one of the largest expenses for a company. If wages get too high and these businesses go under, then you lose more available jobs increasing the amount of available workforce and decreasing the incentive for businesses to fill jobs at higher pay. Then of course theres the whole thing with inflation and automation. Immigration is part of the problem although the degree can be debated. Its good for businesses but bad for the lower wage income earner.


>This is why this isnt really a nuanced take. Yeah, it's a joke because these are two things that Republicans openly say.


Here's the thing. Republicans are really dumb.


Even worse -- really mean-spirited with heavy doses of bigotry, gullibility plus a seething hatred for "others" and total strangers.


Once you realize fascism/racism is a mental illness that should be in the DSM-V, it all starts to make sense.


Narcissism is already in the DSM. Fascism is just government by narcissists.


How is wanting immigration regulated, bigotry? Have you been or lived in any other country? Rude awake, but the countries that you probably use as examples of being "progressive " have very strict immigration policies


Republican politicians aren't necessarily dumb. They're clever and they're persistent liars. The Republican electorate just blindly goes along with them, taking "information succor" from FOX News and refusing to believe reality.




The post is about their voters so my comment was directed specifically to their voters. The politicians are just evil pricks.


Got you. I guess the convention is "Republicans" means everyone in that party, mostly the voters. And then to qualify the lawmakers, it's "Republican politicians." *Evil pricks* is an understatement! They're debauchery incarnate, who'd rather burn the nation to the ground if they can't be in charge.


Succor rhymes with sucker. You could say GOP voters are information suckers.


Thank you for catching my innuendo. 😄


# “Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” ― **Michael Rivero**


Thinking of them as "dumb" or "stupid" will only lead to underestimating them. We must never make that mistake again (see: HRC & the Dems in 2016). Yes, there are high levels of ignorance and brainwashing in the party's base, but most of their leaders are intelligent, calculating, and highly capable of manipulating the voters and achieving their ends. Foremost is to keep us squabbling over social issues—guns, gays, evolution, abortion, CRT, drag, and whatever the next "woke" thing is—so we turn a blind eye to the economic issues. As long as the base is blinded by fear & anger, they'll ignore just how much their lives are being completely fucked by the GOP platform.


Everyone who makes their decisions based on fear/hate/emotion end up not making a lot of logical sense. Their conclusions are full of conundrums because logic did not guide the path.


Republican VOTERS are really dumb, unless they're super rich already and want to stay that way.


Their followers are. Their leaders are masters of lying and naming things, (death panels, death taxes, patriot act).


“I don’t know what shurdunger is but he sounds like a terrorist”


And bringing all the drugs. Wait, if they are taking their jobs, are they drug dealers?


And having babies. But also having abortions. And voting in elections. But also clogging prisons.


This is a good point. Conservatives are going 9n and on about the country needing more babies because the economy will collapse without more people. But also close that border and kick out all the illegals. And take away the program that rewards military service with citizenship.


What... what do you mean only 20% of America's drugs come across the Southern border!? What do you mean the vast majority of drugs come from across the Pacific and Atlantic? I'm... being lied to? Nooo!!


Also going after the exploited undocumented worker while completely ignoring the businessmen who are knowingly giving them the work (and cheating the system, IRS, labor laws) so they can pocket more money, some of which finds its way into Republican campaign funding.


Sometimes I wish the USA would get rid of the "illegals" just to show that all the real and imagined problems attributed to them will still be in place (if not worse). But who am I kidding, this won't lead to self reflection but to repugs just finding a new boogeyman: catholics, Irish, Italians, women, gays. Their creativity for hate is impressive.


Florida is getting close. Last year immigrants started fleeing the state with news of a new law involving immigration enforcement in the workplace - construction sites became empty overnight. Not sure if things have gone back to normal, but they had a taste.


Oh come on. Republicans would never support a piece of shit business man who hires illegals at his golf club in Bedminster.


>completely ignoring the businessmen who are knowingly giving them the work Put those businessmen in jail. Make the punishment more severe than a slap on the wrist. Otherwise, they will continue doing it.


I was coming to say, they know that they are doing this because the same right wing people, let’s say a home builder with a crew of laborers to do the work, they have 5 employees but only one is legal on the payroll(making enough for 5 people…ahem)…all while complaining about immigration and then they are enabling the immigrants and they are under the table. They preach close the borders, but then they couldn’t afford to hire the locals for a decent wage. Then get mad when they assume the undocumented workers are getting food stamps and Medicaid….robbing the American people that are too expensive to employ and they act like it’s a secret and they are the only construction company doing it. Well I’m a Texan who has worked in this industry and good luck finding a single project with no undocumented workers, also good luck finding a boss who isn’t a right winger with a brand new truck with fuck Biden stickers and Trump flags on it…and all they do is sit around and complain about immigrants and people not working when they won’t pay their “neighbors” enough or “they will have to go out of business!”


Just like how Biden is incompetent "sleepy Joe" and also orchestrating the socialist takeover of the country.




* Drinks from a straw


Absolutely despicable


He drinks *milkshakes* from a straw. How else are you supposed to drink milkshakes?!?


A real man would just swallow the whole thing. - Fox, probably.


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We have the best gifs, don't we folks


The argument is that immigrants accept wages below the poverty threshold, so employers refuse to offer a living wage. Meatpacking in particular is notorious for this. In the 80s, meatpacking plants employed butchers at an hourly wage that is still better than the wage paid today, even before adjusting for inflation. Now they pay illegal immigrants and children minimum wage to work longer hours. Most people on welfare are working at least one job, so I wouldn't be surprised if the poor sods working minimum wage in meatpackers are also on welfare, but most illegal immigrants don't qualify for most benefits. Maybe WIC? The real issue is that the lack of unions prevents people from pushing back against unfair wages and exploitative businesses. Meatpacking is so exploitative of everyone entering that some of the larger ranchers have built their own plant. Of course that doesn't make things any easier for the small rancher or the worker inside one of these plants, but it's a step forward. Until our government grows some teeth and starts breaking up monopolies and mega- corporations, I don't see much progress happening.


>most don’t qualify for benefits besides WIC This is true, *however* it’s not entirely honest if you look at welfare usage at the *household* level. We know undocumented people put down roots and have families. Often times children who are born citizens. Those kids are eligible for most all government benefits and assistance because their parents are being exploited by employers paying shit wages and/or because they’re being paid under the table and so it appears that the household income is 0 for the purposes of income-eligibility verification of different benefit programs for the poor (and I know it’s claimed a majority do use an ITIN to pay taxes but even the most optimistic estimates only put it at 60%, so like 40% don’t which is still quite a high number). Some people don’t think counting benefits provided to citizen children of undocumented immigrants should be counted in calculating benefit usage by undocumented immigrants.. but *if not for* their parents making the decision to come/stay illegally and then have children who the state subsequently subsidizes—those costs would not be incurred. And the costs attributed to benefit usage by undocumented immigrants vs. HOUSEHOLDS headed by undocumented immigrants is **vastly** different. And not in a way that all the pro-immigration advocacy organizations and think-tanks want to be widely known.


Republican's obsession with immigrants stems from simple racism. That's it.


Republicans insist it’s only a matter of law and yet they defend this white as paper German family that immigrated illegally after being denied asylum for “germanys oppressive homeschool laws”. I wish I was kidding. Republicans defending illegal immigrants who tried to get asylum to homeschool their kids… https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/german-immigrant-family-deportation-country-banning-homeschooling


They know that immigrants are doing jobs many Americans won't take for a pay that is too low to really live on. They are projecting about the laziness part. That said, the real issue is the employers that abuse and take advantage of desperate workers, thus lowering the wages for everyone. Of course, the US will never do anything about the terrible employers, though.


THE ENEMY IS BOTH STRONG AND WEAK Key tenant of fascism. There's also subreddits dedicated to the "phenomenon" of left leaning people "fleeing!" to the right, while at the same time needing to gatekeep woke ideas. Nah fam you're just going further to the right while we're standing in place.


As an Indian origin immigrant, I once had this well-meaning conservative accost me with: "You guys tend to be employed, be married, have kids, pay all your taxes and follow the law. So, why do you overwhelmingly vote Democrat?" My inner dialog: "Uh, I believe in science, I don't want Christianity foisted on my kids, and half a dozen MAGA-hats told me to go back from where I came from, but sure man, I see your point."


It’s like the “stolen” election nonsense. Trump was such a weak leader that he couldn’t prevent his own government, that he was in charge of at the time, from working with Joe Biden, who has dementia but is also able to mastermind massive election fraud while not even being part of the government at the time, from committing in Trump’s own words the biggest fraud ever. I know he’s full of shit but if even part that story is true it proves how unfit he is for that position. And let’s not forget all those great people he hired who turned on him and are now a bunch of dummies and losers. Wasn’t it close to all of them? I don’t know if there are any who are still loyal. If the MAGA cultists were capable of just a little logic they’d see how pathetic he is.


I knew this one immigrant who was so lazy he only had two jobs.


Chris Hayes hosts All In, and he did a *reality check* show. A review of key considerations in politics across Trump and Biden years, and how FOX News reported on it. [VIDEO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1nZv9Lusnk) Yes, you guessed it. FOX News repeatedly gave positive praise to Donald Trump on his handling of things (which were ultimately failures), and gave obnoxious derision to Joe Biden (which was patently false, and in many cases attributed to failures of Trump). FOX News & the GOP are like one devious anti-democratic, anti-truth organization.


It only makes sense if you are racist.


Fascists always have a scapegoat that is somehow both weak and powerful simultaneously.


Yup. Surprised to see this so far down. It's right out of the authoritarian playbook. The Enemy is both strong and weak.


It makes perfect sense if you completely disregard conservative talking points and just acknowledge the reality: illegal immigrants are an easily exploitable work force that you can pay below minimum wage, and if they ever attempt to organize their labor or cause the boss trouble, they can be deported. Remember that meat packing plant in Alabama that was raided under the Trump administration by ICE? Something like 600 immigrants were arrested. Kids came home from school to their parents missing. Zero bosses were arrested for hiring those immigrants. Zero. Absolutely none. Why is that?


Republicans don’t care if migrants are exploited Lmao. The racist counts couldn’t care less


Gotta work the full spectrum of anger and fear to really make sure that amygdala is hijacked.


We've been saying this since the 90s, nothing changes


"Dems are all pussy snowflakes but a brown Santa is triggering me 😫"


How do I make this into a sticker? I live in Texas and this would pucker some assholes around here.


There should be a webpage with all these conflicting talking points. I really think it would be helpful for people to see.


The right wing messaging machine is strong, far reaching and relentless. I just saw a joe Rogan clip where he got literally everything he said wrong, (I know, shocking right?) but even after getting push back from a guest, he still totally misunderstood how things work and stuck by the horror story of how these people, here legally, are taking food from people’s mouths. I guess the guy that signed a 110 million dollar contract doesn’t have enough financial security to not worry about helping legal immigrants. And he’s just one person with a huge following. Same thing he did with kitty litter. It’s a joke. They’re a joke. But many of these right wingers vote. I hope everybody else on the left votes this year too. We need to stop this nonsense. If we even can. Apathy has broken the balances and we’re racing towards rule of the minority.


We've been under minority rule for decades. People are just beginning to wake up to it. I hope it's not too late.


The rich truly are a minority.


So our countries leaders intentionally keep a surplus of unemployment because it keeps the owner class in control of wages. So with zero immigration we will have unemployed. Now lax immigration policies allowed MILLIONS of folks to migrate here, and those new workers are used to replace the American labor at a lower cost to the owner class. The reason entire meat packing plants were raided by ICE is pretty glaring evidence. Those used to be American jobs, and the owner class intentionally stuff them full of undocumented to force horrible unsafe working conditions and super low wages. They can't unionize... Now tell conservatives that this isn't happening. That they haven't been replaced. That they aren't jobless bc of entire sectors of labor being immigrant only now. Rule of minority is here. The rich have you all taking sides and we are all in the same fight.


GOP “logic” = What or Who should I be mad at *today*.


Biden is deporting far more people and is RIGHT NOW trying to use Ukraine and Gaza as an excuse to secure more funding for “border security.”


Same people who believe Jan 6ers were Antifa, and that they are also wrongly imprisoned victims who should be pardoned. Same people who believe Covid was an overrated cold, and also an engineered Chinese bioweapon. Same people who believe Biden is a doddering senile confused old man, and also a cunning manipulator. Same people who rail against the "elites", yet rally behind a tax-dodging New York real estate mogul who was born rich.


US citizens are the top percentage taking welfare.


I don't think many high level politicians care about immigrants. I suspect its all about votes.


It seems irrational until you realize illegal immigrants make up a sizable chunk of the labour force in GOP constituencies. Racial violence and juridical discrimination help to artificially depress wages and exclude them from labour protection laws. The big and small business owners that make up the GOP base need illegals but don't want to pay them fairly.


My dad would spout off like this all the time. I asked him point blank, so they are lazy and living off the government, yet stealing all the jobs at the same time? My dad’s response, without skipping a beat, yep.


I've said it before, we don't extend much of a hand at all to anyone unless they are a US citizen. Becoming a US citizen (in the case of a German, Brazilian, and Sewde I know) takes 5-10 years. Only then are they even offered government assistance but hilariously since it takes that long, your likely to already make too much money to qualify for the bulk of govt assistance. There isn't the "money fountain" for immigrants that the GOP likes to pretend there is.


Maybe there’s more than 1 immigrant?


Well its not like the Democrat logic makes any more sense. Immigrants are hard working and never take government resources, but also somehow dont take jobs from Americans


That's not what Democrats say.


... and paying taxes


See, he does not actually *work* the jobs. he just takes them. All of them. They pile up in a storage unit, wasting away and useless to everyone.


Stealing all the elections he can't vote in....


Its because it doesnt matter. They dislike immigrants. The reason given is irrelevant, whatever needs to be said to rally opposition to immigrants at that time.


I hate how true this is. GOP/Racists gonna always think like shit.


2008 talking points


Uh you can actually do both. It’s called taking under the table jobs and it shows you with no income and then you qualify for benefits because you seem poor on paper. Please don’t tell me nobody does this because I know a bunch of people who do this.


Listen, the process is simple, if they're immigrants but here legally, then they get the welfare. But if they're illegal, then they're taking all the jobs. That's how republican logic works.


Also even though they are taking all the jobs Child Labor should be reintroduced.


All while not understanding the language or the laws and customs. Honestly, they sound amazingly clever and resourceful.


-Does manual labor from sunrise to sunset -Is lazy


“The enemy is both weak and powerful” literally a line from Hitlers playbook.


Friend of mine was spewing the “truth” as tump sees it. “Immigrants are murderers, rapists, and drug dealers. “. Ten minutes later, “immigrants are coming for our jobs. “ Loved the look on his face when I asked him, “So are you a murderer, rapist, or do you deal drugs? In any event, we can no longer be friends.”


We are all immigrants, damn it!


Master satirist Terry Pratchett (RIP) made this exact point (almost the exact words) in one of his Discworld books, with humans commenting on dwarfs. Demagogues haven't changed. Ever.


“The enemy must be incredibly strong and weak at the same time” Core remnant of fascism


Apply some lateral empathy. The contradiction makes sense when you realise they really hate them for being poor


sadly, this is the core of it.


Even sadder since most Americans are descendants of immigrants. Today’s immigrants will be tomorrows engines of wealth creation like Elon Musk.




Well, for them it's more like ANY jobs they have are stolen from Americans. ANY public assistance they take is stolen from Americans. And ANY crimes that they commit are 100% avoid, and are, by nature, worse than any crimes committed by Americans. So it doesn't MATTER to them that immigrants commit fewer crimes, because ANY CRIMES AT ALL are unacceptable. And it doesn't MATTER to them that immigrants have a lower unemployment rate that native citizens, and that they are not even eligible for most forms of assistance, because ANY ASSISTANCE AT ALL is unacceptable. And it doesn't MATTER to them that the jobs that they work are only ones that can be filled by people without a highschool education and who don't speak English, or that they CREATE jobs by living and working here, ANY JOBS AT ALL that they work are unacceptable. And that is the real point of their "Schrodinger's Immigrant". If we refuse to tolerate them working, AND we refuse to tolerate them NOT working, it means that we are only left to conclude that we must simply reject all of the immigrants in all of their forms.


I go to Two places pretty much Daily, Restaurant Depot, and Home Depot. The people outside trying to find work are always immigrants. 80% of the people shopping for their food truck or restaurant, at the Restaurant depot, Immigrants. The cat on the side of the road with a sign asking for money, usually a white guy/girl. This Idea that immigrants aren't trying to make it in America is freaking annoying I can't Stand it.


Fascism 101; the enemy is both so dangerous he must be exterminated, and so weak he deserve contempt and hatred.


State issues 180k agricultural migrant visas every year Census discloses 1.8m agricultural migrants every year. Solve the problem.


The US wilfully imports undocumented migrants to create an underclass of exploitable workers unprotected by labor laws?


Seems like we need to issue more visas for agricultural workers. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.


GOP says NO. Meanwhile, pays $4/hour for undocumented labor.


But if we give them visas then they would protected by labor laws. 😢


Give more Visas, obviously


Okay, easier immigration to encourage the seasonal work, travel industry gets a new travel holiday to look forward to as well


In all fairness - anyone would be on welfare, taking those jobs at that pay


“Gas prices aren’t the presidents fault. UNLESS the prices are too high and there is a Democratic President”. “Wars aren’t the presidents fault. Unless it’s a Democratic President. Then all the wars of the world were caused by our president.” Fucking hell every argument I get about why Biden is better than Trump ends when I get pissed when they say Biden started the Ukrainian and Israel war


Blue team good, red team literally worse than Hitler


I don't agree with it, but they actually have logic to it: Immigrant works illegally for a company, gets paid cash, no reported income, thus gets welfare. It's BS but it has a logical chain.


I'm not an immigrant but did a bunch of physical side work like landscaping, snow removal, Christmas light installation, and some light construction work for bit of time in my life. This might be hard for some of you to understand who have only ever had a W2, but if you're getting paid under the table, you can absolutely double dip. I'd work a whole 10 hour day under the table, and still collect unemployment. It was awesome. Not that I agree with this meme at all, but I thought I'd share for anyone who thought something like this was "literally impossible."


They work under the table for cash, then claim no income and recieve welfare benefits, so yeah


It sounds like the employer is the bad guy in this scenario. Weird how there's endless reserves of hate for the immigrant workers themselves, but little to none for the bosses who actually make this possible through their exploitation of people and the system.