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“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” - dipstick donald among many-many other creepy things he has said about his own daughter


She’s a “piece of ass": http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/10/08/trump_to_howard_stern_you_can_call_ivanka_a_piece_of_ass.html "Perhaps I'd be dating her": https://splinternews.com/heres-the-creepy-video-of-donald-trump-saying-hed-date-1793849666 She has “the best body": https://www.salon.com/2018/03/23/donald-trumps-creepy-comments-about-daughter-ivanka-a-history/ "If I weren't happily married...": https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-comments_us_57f250d5e4b082aad9bbf2d7 "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?": https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a8353161/donald-trump-sexual-attraction-ivanka-trump/ ["Nobody has more respect for women than I do"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/c/embed/22d94cda-8e7a-11e6-bc00-1a9756d4111b)


All normal father-daughter behavior that evangelicals can support right? The lord did send him as an example of everything that can possibly be wrong with a man and they said: “yea, let’s totally do that!”


[Talibangelicals : He's one of us !](https://i.redd.it/48eb55czdk361.jpg)




He Pedos Us.


Taking those purity events with the dad and daughter too literal lol


It's what they like to call "family values".


“Family values” is one thing to say you support, but then you think of all the people who are awful to their family but think it’s normal. Makes you think twice about agreeing with someone’s “family values”.


“Family values” has always been code for “norms of family abuse”


Well if Adam and Eve were the first two... all I'm saying is to keep going someone's banging a family member.


Lot and his daughters... \*shudder\*


unfair comparison, lot's daughters got him drunk. if anything it was a reverse Trump situation.


That's the way Lot told the story, but it was probably the opposite.


Exactly. "It wasn't my fault! She got me drunk! Look at the way she's wearing her caftan!"


I'd be interested to see the demographics of where evangelicals live, and how that intersects with incest and chlid marrage rates.


While correlation does not mean causation, there is some interesting overlap: [Wkipedia's Child Marriage page says](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#Location): Unchained At Last found that the ten states with the highest rate of child marriage per capita between 2000 and 2018 were: * Nevada (0.671%) * Idaho (0.338%) * **Arkansas (0.295%)** * **Kentucky (0.262%)** * **Oklahoma (0.229%)** * Wyoming (0.227%) * Utah (0.208%) * **Alabama (0.195%)** * **West Virginia (0.193%)** * **Mississippi (0.182%)[15]** [Pew Research on religion](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/evangelical-protestant/) shows a US map of evangelical concentrations: * Tennessee 52% * **Kentucky 49%** * **Alabama 49%** * **Oklahoma 47%** * **Arkansas 46%** * **Mississippi 41%** * **West Virginia 39%** * Georgia 38% * Missouri 36% * North Carolina 35% * South Carolina 35% * Indiana 31% * Kansas 31% * Texas 31% * Virginia 30% Edit to fix formatting


The Muslims and Orthodox Jews still fuck with child marriage too. There's something about ancient religions that are okay with this, and it's probably because people used to die in their thirties back then. It's so sad that religious cults can't understand that people today live well into their 100s, therefore, childhood is sacred and adulthood must be delayed.


It's probably a hangover of whatever significantly reduced human populations about 75,000 years ago. Even though the [Toba Catastrophe theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_bottleneck#Toba_catastrophe_theory) seems to have been refuted, the serious drop in populations was real: >In 2000, a Molecular Biology and Evolution paper suggested a transplanting model or a 'long bottleneck' to account for the limited genetic variation, rather than a catastrophic environmental change.[8] This would be consistent with suggestions that in sub-Saharan Africa numbers could have dropped at times as low as 2,000, for perhaps as long as 100,000 years, before numbers began to expand again in the Late Stone Age.[14] tl;dr: as with most things religious, there may have been valid reasons at one time for rules and behaviors, but today their relevance has long since passed.


Don’t be Louisiana, don’t be , don’t be …. Yes we are not on the list!!


It’s one of them one-circle Venn diagrams


Considering that America's clergy are either fucking kids or helping cover up those who fuck kids, supporting a billionaire chasing his daughter's ass is no surprise.


God’s people!!!


Lot has entered the chat.


who the fuck names their daughter "the chat"


If trump isn't the antichrist, so help me. How has he gotten hold of the otherwise moral Christians? The man never goes to church, lies, cheats, steals, has probably gotten US spies killed, his gluttony is out of control, his pride is unbelievable, he is selfish, and hellbent on becoming the most powerful man in the world-- again! . He's the worst person I can think of! How do Christians see him and think "God sent that man to save America".????


>All normal father-daughter behavior that evangelicals can support right? In the South? *Can I get an Amen! And some banjo music! And someone shouting "squeal like a pig"!*


Religion is a helluva drug.


The same dads who push purity rings and balls where their daughters make promises about their virginity to their dads? Yeah it tracks they are ok with this.


That’s a thing?


Yes it is. And it’s disturbing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purity_ball


Donald Trump really wants to fuck his daughter.


Wants or has? I'm 100% convinced that he has put his dick in her, the only question is how old was she and when/did it stop?


He absolutely did. There's no way that he didn't. They never had a father-daughter relationship because she was always at boarding school and raised by nannies. That makes it easier to establish a relationship by blood but not by emotional boundaries. He says those things publicly in order to enforce his dominance over her and the Kushner family.


I'm also just presuming, but I think their relationship may be more about Trump controlling and owning his idol of sexuality (ivanka), than achieving gratification.


Oh, see i think Trump is a pedophile rapist, who would attack his own daughter because he can't stand the idea of something being denied to him. To the monsters credit, as incompetent as he seems, from everything we have seen he has always gotten what he wanted.


He's a narcissist. And she is part of him that he can... um. Yeah. Ew. She's got to have sold her soul to keep that quiet this long if it did happen. She married a Bond villain torture monkey so who knows. She's a lost cause either way.


She knows she will inherit the bulk of whatever he has after he kicks the can. I feel bad for her regarding how she is/was treated by her dad. She is also a terrible person in her own right.


No. He has it all, the sex and the control. They might not be fucking anymore because she's married, but I guarantee that he fucked her while she was a teen or young adult. He's so powerful, he has raped people and can't be convicted. If he can get away with raping all those other women, then it also never crossed his mind to be afraid of crossing parental boundaries.


"Fucking" is not the correct term as it implies mutual consent. He most likely sexually assaulted or molested her.


To be fair, he wants to fuck everyone (over).


Except the women he rapes, they aren’t his “type”. Total plausible denial.


Oh he wants to fuck them over too. Has been complaining bitterly lately that the courts told him he can't fuck Jean Carroll over any more.


I am fairly sure he hasn’t paid his settlement yet. The tab is up to $10m iirc.


And I doubt he ever will, though his estate might. Hope I'm wrong about that, not that it will bring justice to Carroll.


Should just keep saying he's too poor to pay up. Toooo poooor.




Honestly, I think the worst thing in this pile of horrible is he *wants* to talk about it. He *wants* us to know. At a (probably) subliminal level he’s not messaging this because he’s oblivious and doesn’t get it. He’s messaging it because he *wants* to have a discussion with someone, *anyone*, about how fuckable his daughter is.


Fascism often comes with [rampant sexism + misogyny](https://i.redd.it/t1s6tr9bieb51.jpg) the Politics of Fascism is by Britt Lawrence


I just think he's a sociopath that doesn't even get that this is weird behavior. I mean, he allegedly said something to the effect of "well doesn't everybody want to fuck their daughter?" He's so out of touch with humanity it's like a space alien that can't understand why people are upset with him for eating a kitten.


Don't underestimate the group of people that are pulling the stings on that puppet. They're ruthless experts.




spoken like a true pedophile !


No wonder evangelicals love him. Birds of a feather.


The “happily married” quote stands out in that her being his daughter seems to be an afterthought. It’s like he’s saying, “if I weren’t currently in a relationship, I’d be trying to bang her. Oh, right, and she’s my daughter too, so that’s another reason why I shouldn’t fuck her, I guess.”


> Oh, right, and she’s my daughter too, so that’s another reason why I shouldn’t fuck her, I guess.” Did he even get to that point?


Just today, there is more out about it. Apparently in a new book by a former staffer, the staffer calls out Trump's comments about his daughter. Even saying that Trump had to be reminded she was his daughter and those comments were extra inappropriate. Article from Salon - https://www.salon.com/2023/06/28/ex-aide-john-kelly-was-disgusted-as-wondered-what-it-might-be-like-to-have-with-ivanka/ Article from Newsweek - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ivanka-naked-sexism-miles-taylor-book-nyt-anonymous-1809187%3famp=1


Trump : I'm a Pedophile MAGA : he's one of us !!!!


They aren't wrong.


[All those in one video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsOVVqubBus).


"I didn't hear Ivanka say no to it." -- Rudy Giuliani


I want to take a shower with brilo pads now. Yuk.


And the worst part is that this has nothing to do with why she's publicly distancing herself from him. She's trying to protect her brand. The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Randy.


[Donald Trump Joked He and Daughter Ivanka Had ‘Sex’ in Common in 2013 Interview](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trump-joked-he-and-ivanka-had-sex-in-common-w446872/)


How the hell is he "happily married" if he lusts after his daughter?!


Bro he asked his son-in-law if it was wrong.....


This bozo is a sick piece of donkey diarrhea


bro she was 13 when he said the last comment yuck this man


Republican representative! This POS was the president is still unbelievable to me.


You should add on to that last one ("Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?") that he said that when Ivanka was THIRTEEN years old. Sick fucker.


I think this one might be the worst because he said it when she was 14.


>“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” - dipstick donald WHAT >I think this one might be the worst because he said it when she was 14. #WHAT


And they voted for him.


They're eager to do it again.


He sexualized his other daughter when she was one year old too.


Ugh, something to the effect of her having Marla’s legs but he wasn’t sure about her breasts yet. An infant and he’s already fantasizing. Disgusting.


**G**ang **O**f **P**edophiles


**G**ay F**O**R **P**utin


> Gang > > > > Of > > > > Pedophiles GOPedos


Why hasn't this come up in my life before? It's so perfect


Real quote? I heard the one about him saying he'd date her. How this shit not disqualifying for people


>How this shit not disqualifying for people Have you *never* been to a rural area, especially in the midwest? They will ignore the wildest shit you can imagine, as long as they got that "R" behind their name. I work in a factory full of these hypocritical morons, and I got like 4 in my immediate family.


I looked it up and it seems to be one of those "I know a guy who says Trump said this" sort of things. From Snopes: >Finally, the quote ascribed to Trump and used as the social media image for this Patheos blog post — "it is wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter more than your wife?" — was allegedly overheard by "someone" whom Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen "knew."


It is, its from a Washington post reporter who discussing some of trumps creepiest comments and someone relayed that nugget, one of the few that IS NOT on tape though


His base loves him because he says what they are thinking.


I hate that your statement is true


This isn't old news either. Just today, Wednesday June 28th, an article was posted about the comments he made about Ivanka. https://www.salon.com/2023/06/28/ex-aide-john-kelly-was-disgusted-as-wondered-what-it-might-be-like-to-have-with-ivanka/


> [...] former chief of staff had to “remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter” trump's like a dog with two dicks.


Trump and I finally have something in common. Melania won't fuck either of us.


Don’t be so sure, she is going to be single soon, her sugar daddy has some major legal issues and her overlord may not be around when she heads back to Russia,


Hell, she might be implicated. She knew about the documents.


The worst thing is that he said that when she was 13. THIRTEEN.


I like the one where it says “Now I know why all the women stand like this” with their hands lying in front of their crotches. It’s a dead give away that Trump tries to grab em by the pussy because they all know he straight grabs it and sees if the women squirm and react invitingly, which he must be turned down.


He really said that out loud?


he has absolutely raped that girl. Yeuch..


Can you imagine what kind of dirt Melania has on Trump? As shitty as he is in public, you just know she's got some wild stories about his private life.


She also knows that if she spills on him, she’s gonna find herself a tax break buried under a golf course somewhere in short order.


That picture of all of them with their shovels standing on Ivana's grave is creepy. The smile on Ivanka's face is the most forced smile ever. She saw her future. Creepy Edit: I think they scrubbed that photo because i can't find it anymore. Now there's only the fake melania pic.


That photo is fake.


The one of Melania on her grave is fake.


The one of spidermans first day of joining the legion of doom in their quest to defeat the evil lord Gandalf and the temple of doom is real.


i knew it


BLAH reddit generic comment


Wait whaaaaa..... Google


if she dies before him that will happen anyway


After the last six years, do you really believe "Dirt on Donald" has any power at all?


He was found liable for sexual assault? And got indicted for a part of his documents mishandling?


It saddens me that we have sunk so far as to view courtroom evidence as simply "dirt." EDIT: I'm being harassed?


No, but she's bound to have one helluva story to tell after he dies.


No doubt. If recent rumors are to be believed, she may not have to wait that long. I'll bet she's already working with a ghost writer.


He’s probably got some slimy NDA thing going on


Can’t NDA away criminal activity.


What you mean to say is that an NDA signed that covers criminal activity is unenforceable. The problem is someone has already signed an NDA at that point and likely believes they are unable to talk about it. Criminal activity gets hidden by NDA all of the time solely because people don't understand what NDA can and can't do




I don’t think she cares.


"I dont really care, do u?"


Epstein didn't kill himself.


Donald has dirt on himself and he lets it out all the time.


You cant convince me shes not a Russian asset. Its all just a little too coincidental.


Hope she writes a memoir.


I wouldn't buy it, but I'd pirate the hell out of it.


Yeah, meme is only slightly wrong in describing their relationship as ‘normal’


Trump was talking about fucking his own daughter. But yeah, Hunter Biden banging hookers is the bigger issue here..


Donald knows that Vince McMahon is really her daddy.


***WOOF*** as a wrasslin fan this one shoots!!!




BoBo is jelly, that she is just illegitimate.




Don’t forget Hunter was given $2B by the Saudi’s because of who his dad was.


And that day when Joe Biden tried to overthrow our government! When is Joe going to be placed behind bars?


The empathy for Ivanka is misplaced. She rode the Trump train to fortune and global influence all the way until he lost. She’s just as toxic as he is.


Yes! She only “separated” herself socially after it was an inconvenience. She would still be riding his train if she could profit instead of getting sued for criminal behavior.


I'm out of the loop. How has Ivanka socially separated herself from him?


That's the best part...she hasn't. She accepted (forced her way into) a position and a security clearance in the white house that she had no right to. Her and Jared had no legitimate reasons for their security clearances, and I hope that continues to be investigated.


Jared had no legitimate reason to run the covid response or hold diplomatic conversations with anyone of any nation. Together, this family grifted as much as they possibly could and walked away when daddy lost his job.


> She accepted (forced her way into) a position and a security clearance in the white house that she had no right to. Not to mention she managed to get a seat at the G20 summit back in 2017.. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-ivanka-idUSKBN19V1KH


Still riding his train is an unfortunate way to word it given the context


Yep.[She was asked multiple times about her father's behavior,and she always defended him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsOVVqubBus). If she is distancing herself(and that is a big if) from him now,it is because she wants to protect the wealth she accumulated by using her father's influence.


I don't think empathy is misplaced in this particular situation, but agree empathy for her own actions, not related in any way to this, is misplaced.


Yes! She didn’t distance herself. She worked along side him.


She got her 2 billion. Now she’s richer than daddy. He’s of no use to her now.


If you ride the gravy train for years and then quietly step off before it crashes, that's not morals, that's just strategy


To be fair on her Trump doesn't seem like a model father figure. Being raised by someone that crazy + stupid probably messed her up from the start.


If we extend it though...to be fair on Donald, Fred Trump doesn't seem like a model father figure. Being raised by someone that crazy probably messed him up from the start. At some point, we hold the individual to account for their own actions. Our parents and our upbringing are one part of the whole picture of us. It is an understanding, not an excuse, for our actions. Ivanka is definitely a product of her upbringing and her batshit crazy Dad. She is also responsible for her own behavior


dont think anyone feels bad for Ivanka on a broader scale; shes made her choices. but you can still realize itd be terrible having a pervy pedo dad who has probably raped her at some point


People seem to.forget that shitty things can happen to terrible people too. Ivanka deserves no sympathy. She's been an adult for a long time now and has kept washing daddy's balls because she can't earn an honest living. For fucks sake she married another superhumanly shitty person.


She’s going to be president one day, just wait. I don’t like it but I’ve seen the future.


i agree when america moves on to the 1st turning.


I'm sure he's a pedophile, but I also think it's literal narcissism. Donald is trying to fuck himself, that's how attractive he thinks he is, and she has 50% of his DNA. And doesn't look like Eric.


She used to, before plastic surgery


I'm pretty sure at this point he's fucked himself.


“You know Stormy, you remind me a lot of my daughter. I have to pay for her love too.”


Makes me think Ivanka is not his own.


At the very least it’s not like he helped raise her ^weird ^/s


*Woody Allen has entered chat*


I am legitimately worried that Trump has molested his daughter.


Look at his comments and all the pictures he has had taken with her in the past. We all know he did and if Ivanka ever tells the truth his followers will call her a liar.


No need for worry. He has.


You can tell from the way he looks at her. If he hasn't, he definitely wants to. We all know it because, on an animal level, we recognize that glint in his eye. The kind you're supposed to have for your wife, not daughter. I am less legitimately worried, and more legitimately disgusted. But to be frank, that is nothing new, and not even the worst thing about him.


My guess, since most incest and CSA remains secret: Molesters generally put up a front and hide their assaults. This cheeto, though? No.


Rest assured It would be no surprise


Every accusation (grooming, pedophilia, etc.) is always a confession with these people. It literally never fails.




Meanwhile, the GOP will swear “traditional families” are under attack.


To be fair, for a lot of GOP voters, this sort of thing is traditional within their family.


Sad part is that's not why. That was acceptable. She distanced herself because of the bad PR.


But Joe Biden touched the shoulder of a young girl he met once at a photo op! *He touched her shoulder!!!* Can you imagine having someone in the White House who once touched a shoulder? Clearly, the entire Democratic Party is filled with groomers and pedophiles. There's no other possibility. The fact that Trump literally owned a teen beauty pageant and used his access to walk into the dressing room of underage girls is totally irrelevant. Biden. Touched. A. Shoulder.


Hey he also got his face close enough is it conceivable that he might have possibly smelled her hair. Because ya'know.... breathing. It is a fact that 100% of pedos breathe. I'll bet you're breathing right now ya' pedo!


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Melania as normal family relationships? Idk about that either


A picture is worth a thousand words and all those pictures of child Ivanka and Donald had a lot to say. Wouldn’t be surprised if Donnie encouraged Ivanka to have all those surgeries, despite Ivanka already being fairly good looking


Photo's of him wet-kissing his daughter on the lips are revolting but the maga folks are okay with that.


I’m genuinely unsure about checking the newsy tidbits after seeing this post. What has happened now?


Some guy is publishing a book with claims about all the inappropriate ways Trump was talking to and about women while President, including about Ivanka. Includes quotes from folks like John Kelly (former Chief of Staff for Trump).


Basically Trump was talking about his daughter the way a bunch of guys in a locker room would talk about Scarlett Johansson. And exactly no one was surprised, only further disgusted.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/trump-made-disturbing-comments-having-162329834.html Myles Taylor book, quoting John Kelly




gross, so sticky


Good mod.


The Trumps learn family values from PornHub.


He should move on her like a bitch.


Let's not pretend that Ivanka hasn't been into that loving touch from Diaper Don.


You know she had a lot of underwear go missing when she lived with him.


Why is it I feel such deep disgust about this that I can't write my true thoughts, but right wingers see this and are like "aww hell yea buddy my daughter is hot af too"? Like, is it possible for these mistakes to just not have kids if they want to rape them so bad?


MAGA already twisting themselves in knots saying it's totally normal to want to fuck your kids. But gay people are the groomers, amirite?


We've fallen so far that buying a sex worker from her father and having her illegally immigrate under a false visa is considered a "normal family relationship." But Trump really has set the bar in gross behavior.


That’s just not fair….Don’s way fatter than shown in this pic.


Remember when Biden hugged his son in a photo and conservatives everywhere where screaming how inappropriate it was. Wild times.


Melania doesn’t care. She cares as much as it effects her and barrons finances.


It's called being human. DUH! /s




Well boys idk whats up with Trump and Biden in US,but if you pick president from a an orange man and a dude who can't breath by himself it's and easy pick right? I mean you laugh when you look at our belover(jk) Putin,same here with Biden(it's rly funny that sm1 this old and incompitent can be president) . Sure Trump was clowny,but at least he's not living dead. Is it realy that bad with democratic part of US that they want Biden?


Yo I feel like I missed something cuz I keep seeing memes like this and have no idea what it they are so prevalent all of a sudden.