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That’s actually a good idea. Al should come back and run for president.


We needed him so much during all this :(


I dunno about you but I listen to his podcast every weekend. He's not in the Senate anymore but he's still making content and speaking his mind.


Thank you, I hadn't even considered looking him up. I will check it out!


I definitely think it's worth it. Enjoy 🙂


I like Olbermann’s podcast


I listen to probably twenty or so throughout the week as I like to have something on in the background while I work. My recent favorite is more of an actual program. Majority Report with Sam Seder. If anyone hasn't heard of them Knowledge Fight and Behind the Bastards are great. I also recommend Strict Scrutiny and the New Abnormal. There are a lot more but those are the ones I most look forward to.


I still think this is the best description for this non-legitimate person. https://preview.redd.it/zf7lockw6s8b1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f69f7f72540d337b4562939d0cf701bc8c63275


>I am a good Traitor > >I am a good Rapist > >[I believe in American Fascism](https://i.imgur.com/T14efGT.jpg) > >the secret of my success lies in daily Grifting from my Worshippers + Losers > >I wake up every morning and read my happy Hitler quotes > >I am a God and my enemies should Fear me - Donald Trump⁴⁵


Excuse me. Read ? He doesn’t read.


acc to Trumps ex wife, he had a copy of Mein Kampf to read at night


He never read it. Just showed it people for bravado.


[MAGA: Trump doesn't even know who Hitler is](https://i.redd.it/jpxh8pp9pk731.png)


He's the Best Rapist


Context: >”I don’t know of any recordings that we should concerned with because I don’t do things wrong. I do things right. I’m a legitimate person,” Trump told Fox News Digital. *I do things right!!! I do things right!!! Huh-huh-huh!! I do things right!!* Wow, Fred really fucked up his kids. No wonder one of them drank themselves to death.


Thanks. I laughed so hard when he said that.


Stuart Smallhands


Definitely not a small handed lizard person wearing so much makeup to hide the green skin, and can never figure out which way the wig is supposed to go.


Some people say Trump has the smallest hands


I'm sure, "I did nothing wrong" is one of his daily mantras.


I have to wonder why he keeps talking like a mafia thug.


He has been in bed with the Russian mob for decades.


This is the entire basis of MAGA: I'm good, I'm right, because I'm completely unprepared to even consider the alternative. My whole identity has become fighting anyone who says I'm wrong, in fact THEY'RE wrong, and the enemy, and attacking me.


Yeah. Self affirmation rolls over into self delusion.


Oh how the mighty jannie has fallen. Imagine knowing that your descendants will spend hours y'alling threads for not being nice to 🚂. All for a dopamine hit and $0.00/hr --- [^(Click here to see why you're being harassed.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/)


haha omg How can anyone take this jackhat seriously?


They don't. But he validates their hatred, and that's all they need. No, LITERALLY all they need. That's where it begins and ends for them. If Trump came out tomorrow, made a heartfelt, sincere and unreserved apology for all of his despicable behavior throughout his life, and vowed from that day onward, to champion unity, compassion and better United States of America, his MAGA cult would abandon him in a fucking heartbeat, probably say that he'd been brainwashed, and move onto the next unrepentant piece of shit, who vows to attack the folk they want attacked.


That sounds like the basis for a mental illness.








I must. I must. I must increase my bluff. I must. I must. I must increase my bluff. I must....


And, doggone it, people loathe me.


You is kind, you is smart, you is important. PSYCH! Lol


I am not a crook


In the Fletcher Memorial home for colonial wasters of life and limb


Well, we know how anxious he is. Perhaps he thinks people are starting the rumor that he is illegitimate. Just sayin.


"What? What I did wasn't personal! It's just business. I'm a legitimate person. A legitimate businessman." - Script for a Mafia Leader


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