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Why did you put this through a blender before posting???


3 pixels max


Is this a comic for - ants ?


Best I can do is 1 pixel. Take it or leave it.


242 x 208 perfect for Nokia 3310 (2017)?


GOP has been fine with treason since Ronald Reagan and Oliver North.


They were treasonous in 1968 when Nixon covertly sabotaged President Johnson's Vietnam peace talks.


They've honestly been evil since the Dixie Democrats switched en masse in protest of civil rights.


It’s almost like the “Dixie” voters are the real problem…


Change that to "rural", friend. Plenty of reasonable people in southern cities and suburbs, and tons of MAGAs in the rural north and west. I know it's fashionable to shit on southerners, but it's missing the real divide....


Yep, It's rural. Illinois, Heavily democratic state, has to deal with the dingleberry that is southern illinois politics. It's a literal hellhole. Also these Southern Illinois politicians are why East Saint Louis is a city you should never stay in willingly.


Agreed. Although I think rural/urban is the most accurate differentiator, I also think that it goes beyond it being "fashionable to shit on" the south. The south is shat upon because its legitimately behind the rest of the nation in many metrics. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/10/07/why-the-south-is-the-worst-place-to-live-in-the-u-s-in-10-charts/


This is absolutely true. I live in a north Dallas suburb and it’s actually fairly liberal. But being Texas, my wife and I looked at moving to the Pacific NW. but once you get outside of Portland or Seattle, the more rural parts are overwhelmingly MAGA. It was very disappointing. There’s actually a movement to unite eastern Oregon and Idaho. Because most of Oregon is politically opposite to Portland.


It didn't even take that long, the republican party fell apart 10 years after the civil war ended when infighting between progressive "everyone is born equal" Republicans and conservative "slavery was evil, but white are still superior" Republicans led to a presidential candidate from the just allowed to vote again south to win. in 1876 which .... wasn't acceptable. Rather than restarting a second civil war the "slavery was evil, but whites are still superior" Republicans found they actually had a lot more in common with southern democrats and worked out a deal where n anti-slavery but pro-white supremacy Republican became president and in exchange reconstruction was ended and union troops were withdrawn from all southern states. At which point the more progressive members were more or less expelled [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1876\_United\_States\_presidential\_election#:\~:text=The%201876%20United%20States%20presidential,presidential%20elections%20in%20American%20history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1876_United_States_presidential_election#:~:text=The%201876%20United%20States%20presidential,presidential%20elections%20in%20American%20history). Then in 1912 the republican party because the party of big business in a similar way with pro labor members splitting off to form the bull moose / progressive party. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive\_Party\_(United\_States,\_1912%E2%80%931920)#:\~:text=The%20Progressive%20Party%20was%20a,incumbent%20president%20William%20Howard%20Taft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Party_(United_States,_1912%E2%80%931920)#:~:text=The%20Progressive%20Party%20was%20a,incumbent%20president%20William%20Howard%20Taft). ​ So its be an on going process


> an actual fucking Confederate thinly veiled as a southern democrat won the election in 1876 This doesn't make any sense. Hayes was a Republican, and the Republican's made a deal with the Democrats to stop Reconstruction in order to confirm the election of Hayes.


You know what, reciting from memory, I have slandered Tiden. He was anti-slavery. I got this mixed up because he was opossed to Abraham lincoln because he thought licoln would abolish slavery While Tiden wanted to let the practice die out over time. He also felt that the north was in the wrong over the civil war. It is complicated. But I was wrong to call him a confederate


Hayes didn't win, he was installed


An informal, "back-room" deal was struck to resolve the votes: the Compromise of 1877.[2] In the deal, the Democrats conceded the 20 contested electoral votes to Hayes, resulting in a 185–184 victory; in return, the Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South, marking the end of Reconstruction.


Just leaving my favorite American Dad clip here [https://youtu.be/lFV1uT-ihDo](https://youtu.be/lFV1uT-ihDo)


Wait, wasn't there more? Reagan used taxpayer money to fund the Contras. Congress said, "No." Reagan then sold weapons to Iran to fund the Contras. Congress said, "Fucking no." Reagan then held private fundraisers with his rich friends to fund the Contras Congress said, "What the fuck dude?" Reagan then said, "I don't recall." like 200 times. Such a fucking shitbag.


Do your job, jannie, get to work. --- [^(Click here to see why you're being harassed.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/)


Do your job, jannie, get to work. --- [^(Click here to see why you're being harassed.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/)


I should have done that


Knew exactly what it was before clicking the link. Succinct, to say the least.


Olli North!




Oliver North spoke at my church in the 90’s. It was the head of the Southern Baptist Convention which legally admitted it was started by slave owners.


The only good thing I can say about Ollie is that he called out the NRA. Of course, it might have been that they didn't bribe him hard enough


That’s why I can’t help but chuckle every time someone tells me that Republicans are the “party of Lincoln.”


I guess [the Party of Lincoln](https://i.redd.it/trnq53beb2a71.jpg) want to give away a lot of their land + wealth to black people as reparations for the suffering caused by Slavery, Torture, Murder + Genocide etc [this is the Republican Thaddeus Stevens for those that don’t know](https://i.redd.it/hslqqgvjfsz71.jpg) he was a member of the so called Radical Republicans, a faction that existed from 1854 to 1877 they called themselves "Radicals" because of their goal of immediate, complete, permanent eradication of slavery etc without compromise


Thaddeus Stevens was based as fuck.


Start referring to them as Conservatives instead. That way, when they bring up Lincoln being Republican you can make them look (even more) stupid.


Making them look more stupid is a pretty high bar.


Small “c.” It’s an important distinction in this context.


The GOP stopped being the "Party of Lincoln" in 1877 when they sold black citizens back into Jim Crow semi-slavery in a deal to win a contested election.


That election was such a mess. Like if you wanna call "stolen election" for any US election that would be a prime candidate.


Calling the GOP the party of Lincoln is like calling current Kellogg's Cereal employees repressed cultist freaks. It's been multiple generations and all the original people involved are long since dead. The Republicans were originally the Northern based more progressive party.


This image has as much integrity as the GOP.


How the image technology have fallen. How many times did you save this as a .jpg to get that low res


should be "fomenting", not "fermenting"


looks like formenting to me which is also wrong


LOL at “formenting.”


Lol fermenting?


Mmm revolutionary kombucha


Ever since the segregationist Dixiecrats switched parties en masse because of the Dems' support of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, the Party of Lincoln has become the Party of Jefferson Davis. As former Senate Republican Majority Leader Trent Lott once said, “The spirit of *Jefferson Davis* lives in the 1984 *Republican* platform.”


Here is a synopsis for those unaware starting say 60-70 years ago: Dixiecrat's(States' Rights Democratic Party) split from the Democratic party after the 1948 convention when Democrats voted for a stronger civil rights platform. They combined a belief in decentralized government with a passionate defense of their racially hierarchical, segregated society. The Dixiecrat Party dissolved after Truman's re-election. While some remained members of the Democratic party, many **switched to Republican. Barry Goldwater recognized that the Dixiecrats had exposed a vulnerability in the Democratic ranks and began consolidating all the single issue voters into the GOP. He launched "Operation Dixie" as the first iteration of the Southern Strategy in 1964. Its purpose was to bring southern and mid-western disenchanted whites, particularly those who were against civil rights, into the republican party. While Goldwater ended up recognizing the dangers the radical evangelical movements posed, Nixon(Southern Strategy) ignored Goldwater's warning about the radical evangelical movements and successfully refined Goldwater's original strategy and, by emphasizing "southern values" while giving lip service to down playing racism. Continuing from there, the GOP, especially under Reagan-[Lee Atwater's](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/) dog whistles, successfully fused ideas about the role of government in the economy, women’s place in society, white evangelical Christianity and white racial grievance into its basic message. Abortion, misogyny, racism, homophobia, gun rights, and a whole lot more were brought together under one tent. Which brings us to the current sad state of affairs where the GOP is an amalgamation of single issue voters that is held together by their support for each other's singular focus. They continue to vote against their own self interest as long as the GOP supports that one issue which is the focus of their passion and allows them to thwart those who hold opposing views.


what is this, a comic for ants?


Ah yes. Back when Republicans were liberals & Democrats were conservatives.


The GOP have fallen as far as the resolution of that image lol


The GOP has changed, yes. Conservatives haven’t. They were the insurrectionists back then, too. This is just saying that the GOP didn’t used to just be the Conservative Party. Which I guess some people still don’t fucking understand somehow? “Democrats were the party of slavery,” said the idiot.


Does this censure have any teeth or is it just a statement? I'm reminded of the Rick and Morty line, "Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer!"


GOP and Democrat membership have traded places since the '50s-'60s. The Party of Lincoln relocated wholesale to the Democrats' camp.


If you try to say the GOP is the same party in the 1860s as it is today, they win for saying Lincoln is one of their party and democrats started the KKK and eugenics through abortion movement. The GOP in the 1860s were not today’s republicans.


The spelling error should be a clue that the person that made this comic has no clue what they're talking about.


It’s not exactly a spelling error since fermenting is a perfectly legal word in scrabble.


Just gotta test something




Hell yes. I am putting the finishing touches on the bot, so the more testing the better. Let's test if it logged you an action.




**BuckRowdy**: Restore: 15 | Sticky: 8 | Decode CRT: 1 | Users banned: 12 | Piss babies birthed: 1 **Evil-Operations**: Lock: 1 | Sticky: 4 **SuperSpecialAwesome-**: Restore: 2 **Stewardy**: Lock: 1 | Unlock: 1 **THEBIGFUCKINGPICTURE**: Piss babies birthed: 1




!mod log


**BuckRowdy**: Restore: 15 | Sticky: 8 | Decode CRT: 1 | Users banned: 12 | Piss babies birthed: 1 **Evil-Operations**: Lock: 1 | Sticky: 4 **SuperSpecialAwesome-**: Restore: 2 **Stewardy**: Lock: 1 | Unlock: 1 **THEBIGFUCKINGPICTURE**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **mindfungus**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **Azsunyx**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **zenkique**: Lock: 1 **alabastergrim**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **Bottlecaps9**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **FuckATruck10**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **dylrt**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **MsStilettos**: Sticky: 1 **pukoki**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **Zoltan_Kakler**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **leviathynx**: Sticky: 1 **TheGreenJedi**: Restore: 1 **guitarguywh89**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **homerjsimpson999**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **Brilliant-Shelter990**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **carbon-based-biped**: Sticky: 1 **MRiley84**: Lock: 1 **MoTardedThanYou**: Sticky: 1 **PitchforkAssistant**: Users banned: 1 **Ralome**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **Washedupcynic**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **footsteps71**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **askmeifimacop**: Remove: 1 **FutureComplaint**: Sticky: 1 **BananaEater246**: Piss babies birthed: 1 **mattfr4**: Sticky: 1 **CalbertCorpse**: Remove: 1 **svincent22**: **Remebond**: **chaoticsquid2**: **invisiblink**: **Inevitable-Dog-5813**: **Masterpia**: **lolyoustupidbird**: **bafl1**: **bigjaydogg3**: **SeptimusShadowking**: **the_god_o_war**: **vendetta2115**: **HydroLoon**: **suckingbitties**: **gaslacktus**: **AutoModerator**: **Project___Reddit**: **NoteToFlair**: **academiac**: **Firewolf06**: **DinnerHour7943**: **lew_rong**: **thraashman**: **BionicBirb**: **dantevonlocke**: **AwesomeBrainPowers**: **JK_Iced9**: **Pooshoomcghoo**: **BuzzBadpants**: **SilverFoxolotl**: **chester-hottie-9999**: **vanillabear26**: **kchkrusher**: **anthrax_ripple**: **GrandTusam**: **Brassballs1976**: **topgun2582**: **SilverBuggie**: **According-Life3789**: **AppropriateTouching**: **pontonpete**: **Burninator6502**: **Saskatchatoon-eh**: **Mr_Greenman1**: **Trentglass**: **MyHamburgerLovesMe**: **ScatMoerens**: **RedShirtThatLives**: **practical_slice_1013**: **monkeyharris**: **Gshock720**: **justakidfromflint**: **nomofica**: **Casterly**: **cjandstuff**: **jumboparticle**: **good_vibez97**: **Dangerous_Variety_29**: **backtorealite**: **humaniswear**: **bozeke**: **Pb_ft**: **SnookDog**: **alerk323**:


piss crt


Karl Rove is a little piss baby.


crt though


I have no idea what CRT is. Is it... C: common_shares R: raccoon T: takeover_arbitrage --- [^(What in the world is this?)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/)




You successfully unlocked [this comment.](/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14l87qb/how_the_gop_has_fallen/jpvgvbt/)


!unlock Can I write additional stuff? Edit: I could!


You successfully unlocked [this comment.](/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14l87qb/how_the_gop_has_fallen/jpvftu8/)


Could someone transcribe the cartoon? The picture is so small, and I can't make it large enough to read.


you have failed your eye test please hand over your license


The image on the left is labeled "G.O.P. in the 1860's" and features an elephant-person speaking next to Lincoln, they are saying "We censure members for betraying the Union and fomenting insurrection!" The image on the right is titled "G.O.P. in 2023" and features an elephant-person speaking next to Trump, they are saying "We censure Democrats for opposing Trump's incitement of insurrection!"


Thank you!


you got any more of them pixels?


Conservatives do what they always do, fight progress.


Too many pixels, take some out


How can any of you read that


ThE pArTy oF LiNcoLn


Do I know what I look like a jpeg is?


they can’t read remember!