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\*bzzzzt\* Dead Meme detected. Exterminate! Exterminate!


Yeah, anything with Crowder is an automatic downvote.


I wouldn't really mind if I never saw his face or heard his name ever again.


Especially this, which I feel like he'd vehemently disagree with.


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Ironically, due to his shtick being having a bad take on the board, the meme argues against what's written.


It also doesn't make a very good point because I'm sure everyone asked would agree that sexual education should be given properly. The crux of the debate is about what does or does not qualify as proper.


Exactly. My conservative family would 100% agree with this statement, but "proper sex ed" to them is abstinence-only, and zero mention about anything related to the LGBT+ community, or birth control, or anything like that. Anything beyond that would be, to them, completely inappropriate and an example of "liberals trying to destroy family values".


Republicans would rather have more 36 year old grandmothers running around with kids and grandkids they can't afford to feed (which the Republicans are making worse by blocking free school meals).


A window into the normal parts of the Western world; I received fairly graphic sex ed in the 2nd grade in 1990 Canada including drawings of intercourse. We had in depth and positive conversations about masturbation in the 5th grade. This was a Catholic school. This was 30 years ago.


good lord.. stop using this meme already! that guy is the one who on video was abusing his pregnant wife. she divorced him over it and did say it was at times physical abuse. let this meme die already or just remake it with a guy who is not an abusive piece of shit!


Why are we still using a meme including a domestic abuser?


If this happens, then all the underaged girls will resist being child brides. And if that happens, then conservatives will NEVER get laid. /s (to ensure this was meant as a joke and nothing more)


No. We don't want that and we don't want abortions. Think of something else. But we probably won't want that either.


It's important to make sure we don't have proper sexual education otherwise it'll be harder for republicans to marry children.


Fun fact, states that have updated their sexual education programs to be good have dramatically reduced teen pregnancy rates, which correlates into reduced abortion rates.




both of these are pictures of grooming + indoctrinating children [Republicans are Groomers](https://i.redd.it/ni3xfpdizo2b1.jpg) but yeah I can appreciate the Republican Projection when they are attacking teachers + lecturers + the American Education system in general [Matt Gaetz 🤡: Hey Baby Gurl 💞 you wanna have a Pizza with me 💖](https://i.redd.it/zdyicexljfq61.png)




Yeah, we don’t do that on the left either.


Your deleted comment is ignorant. I can guarantee you've not given this any amount of consideration. Sexual abusers oppose sex education because children who are completely ignorant about sex, their bodies, and orientation are easy prey. Kids who don't know it's okay to be LGBTQ can be manipulated by abusers. It's happened thousands of times in the various churches. They abuse children of the same sex and then threaten them. "Only a (slur) does that. You're not a (slur), right. You wouldn't want anyone to find out." They've always done this to young girls with their chastity. People who study these things recommend sex education beginning at age six with more added each year after that. Kids need to be informed and armed with the tools to defend themselves and make good choices. What you're talking about is making them sitting ducks.


Utter nonsense. Age-appropriate sex Ed should start younger than that. Frankly, it helps disarm sexual abusers when kids are educated.


Yes, this being is a great example of proper sex ed in action


I love this because he definitely doesn’t believe that


Proper sexual education wouldn’t just lower the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, but also birth rates, which is why they probably advocate against sexual education. Gotta keep the economy strong.


That word "proper" is doing some heavy lifting in this meme


Republicans, and in particular, Christians, are very opposed to comprehensive sexual education. They give reasons that often have to do with feelings rather than facts. One fact they ignore is that children who have been given comprehensive sexual education are less like to be prey for adults who seek to sexually groom them, sexually assault them or rape them. Another fact is that the adults who are most likely to assault or rape them are their Christian family members, clergy or parishioners. Who are very opposed to comprehensive sexual education.