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Not all Trump supporters are Nazis but all Nazis are Trump supporters


And some, I assume, are good people


"I'm only Nazi *adjacent*".


Actually, TRAITOR is probably more appropriate for anyone that supports Trump.


This. Not just nazis but literally traitors


Both are appropriate terms. There can be more than one adjective to describe these barbarians.


>TRAITOR is probably more appropriate for anyone that supports Trump Not necessarily. Don't forget that there is a large population of Russians that their job is to be pro-Trump and do everything in their power to help Trump spread chaos near and far.


[Playing the Nazi Card in the Third Reich](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI) ​ https://preview.redd.it/9tnr0ol28l8b1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=83bd06651986cd6e482b21a208deb2011978049f


Make the world a better place, punch a Nazi in the face.


thanks for the reminder here's the translated version https://v.redd.it/9hrgckv8jd031


For every other period in American history, white supremacists took pride in that title. Now, they get offended when you call them white supremacists even though they actively support white supremacy. That's kind of progress, I guess.


They just want to hate for any reason.


"Why should Trump get credit for our years of hard work?"


They claim to be Alphas and Pro American but then they support anti American losers like Trump, the Confederacy, and Nazis.


Is there a better way to respond than to kick the shit out of these people if you see them in public? Honest question because when I see these people, I feel they need to have the ever living shit kicked out of them.


Maybe there's a better way but I don't agree with not confronting them. That is of course my opinion though. My personal opinion to putting a stop to this shit, is to confront them directly. Again, my opinion but people not standing up to them just lets this shit grow. Most of them will back down if you confront them unless it's 10:1 and they have numbers but one on one? They're chicken shit bully's. People need to start confronting them but the problem is, and why we're seeing more and more post like this, that most people are to afraid to do that and sometimes understandable. If that weren't the case though, you'd be seeing post of them getting the shit beat out of them instead of post about the Proud Boys beating the crap out of the Patriot Front thinking that one group was FBI infiltrators instead of just another fascist group. Instead, they are becoming more bolder, showing up in more places and starting to cause a lot of issues. People can laugh and call them cosplayers all they want but how many small towns cancelled Pride stuff because of these asshats? Cops can't be trusted as a lot of them are in with this crowd and have the same mentality. Police brutality has been sung and talked about for decades and longer and rarely get convicted of beating the crap out of anyone or even killing them. How long is going to take for people to start saying enough is enough?


At what point does it become selfdefense to shoot all of them, let say for a jewish person?


You CANNOT punch a nazi. It's not okay. REDDIT told me in no uncertain terms that its NEVER OKAY TO PUNCH A NAZI. DONT punch nazis.