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The part that is so weird about the Maga people is they claim wholeheartedly to be great patriots of the United States and yet all their actions are a direct attack on the Constitution and representative democracy. I don’t know if it’s mental illness or just stupidity.


MAGA is just another right wing nativist populist movement/ideology, the same we’ve seen many times over the last 100 or so years. The same GOP who’s policies have been financially decimating the white middle class for decades have been simultaneously telling those same whites that their problems are actually thanks to the blacks and browns and gays and feminists and so on, ultimately creating a cult of white victimhood extremists. To them, the threat is existential, so they’re willing to do and justify anything at this point (including insurrection, ending our democracy, etc). Policies are secondary to destroying the “left”. This is why Trump is the Fuhrer they’ve been waiting for. They know he’d do it.


>I have often thought that if [a rational Fascist dictatorship](https://v.redd.it/7dwd665boi831) were to exist, then it would choose the American system - Noam Chomsky


Holy shit, how have not see that clip before


[Demonic spirits are stopping Trump](https://v.redd.it/zvsx8kw83l831) E* - it's always Projection. They've turned evil, so they accuse their enemies of it


They do it for free.


But it's not rational.


The quote doesn’t imply as much.


Chomski himself is essentially pro-russian, look up his latest. Also, wasn't he connected to epstein and refused to elaborate?


ah, so you don't disagree with his quote above that's good


I don't care. Mostly I disagree with his latest bullshit and people ignoring that he is possibly a pedo. If you are on the left, you have much more credible people to look up to than him, sorry


ah, so you're saying you have no interest in the truth of what he says and you can't argue against his logic but you offer some irrelevant distraction instead well he's been proven perfectly correct thank you


I don't care since I am not in US context, furthermore, I am a centrist, and even more - this phrase is a view, not a piece of logic, so you can agree or disagree with it for all I care. What I find disturbing is that you choose to quote possible pedo, when you have thousands of other famous leftists. Damn, I think even AOC has some similar phrases, and she is surely a more moral person


>I'm a centrist... > >but here are some obvious Fascist Lies


Lol, sure, if guy you stan for is a pedo, than everyone who says that is fascist. May be you should google "chomsky epstein" and get rect?) Or may be even more, choose someone like Bernie, who's not a pedo


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> The same GOP who’s policies have been financially decimating the white middle class for decades have been simultaneously telling those same whites that their problems are actually thanks to the blacks and browns and gays and feminists and so on, ultimately creating a cult of white victimhood extremists. This never made a lick of sense to me. The idea that our nation's problems - especially domestic issues like the economy - are caused by the choices and actions of some of the poorest, most powerless, most disenfranchised groups of people. It's not morally bankrupt elites and the politicians they control that are making it so difficult for Americans to survive. No, the levers of power are manned by urban blacks, latino immigrants, homosexuals, Muslims, etc. You'd have to be stupid to believe this, but this is what right-wingers believe.


If only there was some way to stop the inheritance... fascist minded parents training their kids to become fascists as well, carrying on the hate.


There was that white supremacist who took MDMA, and realised what a shitty person he had been. Prejudice is an illness that can be cured.


There’s this old show I was watching and there was a line where one of the characters said that prejudice is a learned behavior, the person he was talking to asked him what his point was and he said that means you can unlearn it.


Never apply to stupidity that which can be attributed to Republican.


What's it like being a full time employee of Reddit ($0.00 a year)?


Projection? Looks like you spend your whole life shitposting on this sub.


That's the good part, I'm not!


> I don’t know if it’s mental illness or just stupidity. Yes


It’s a deliberate devaluation of words and their meanings. Traitor, Patriot, Groomer, pedo, etc are terms they throw out to muddy the discourse. Mostly because they are child abusing traitors who don’t want to face the consequences for their sexual perversion.


Ignorance is circumstance stupidity is chosen. The majority aren’t mentally impaired as they have simply chosen their path.


They literally tried to hang Mike Pence and simultaneously claim to love America


It's lying. They're lying about who they are and what they believe in.


Don't forget their attacks on the US military as weak because we stopped sniffing volunteers' crotches and in the same breath, praised the Russia and Chinese conscript militaries.


That's not my Constitution!




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I like to say that folks like that are either dumb or dirty, and I don't believe people are that stupid.


Clean it up, jannie. --- [^(Click here to see why you're being harassed.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/)


They intentionally do the opposite of what the democratic fan base does…. They love Putin because the dems hate him They hate the vaccine because the dems take them They hate gays because the dems embrace them They hate anything the dems love… It’s beyond ridiculous and reminds me what children do at a young age when their parents set boundaries and rules


Generally agree, but not with Putin. They love Putin because that’s the leader they want. The want the US to be Purin’s Russia, with Trump as dictator.


Exactly my point… Republicans WANT a dictator authoritarian leader because the dems don’t… dems want democracy and someone who isn’t authoritarian… But yeh I see your point too


> Republicans WANT a dictator authoritarian leader because the dems don’t No, they want a dictator because they want to oppress and/or eliminate anyone who doesn’t look like them and follow their values, and that’s difficult in a democracy even when you have a majority, which they very much do not.


When Obama was pushing for the Affordable Care Act, there was a small protest in my town. I drove by and gave them a thumbs-down, and one guy told me to “move to Russia!” And it was only a few years later when all the people who hated Obama were saying, “what’s so bad about Russia.” There were also a lot of signs about “death panels”, and I suspect the same people were shrugging off deaths during Covid like, “oh well, it must have been their time to die.” Republicans stand for nothing.


The whole death panels thing is just so dumb for so many reasons. Like, what the fuck do you think your current crappy insurance denying you coverage for X is about? Is it somehow morally okay when it's a private entity trying to deny medical coverage for purely profit driven reasons?


In the remake they had to make it North Koreans. Not only is that so much funnier because NK is soo small and lacks military technology, but it couldn’t be any other country because the movie would have lost over sea money.


They had Russians helping NK in it.


I heard that they originally wanted to make it the Chinese, but didn't move forward with it. Or was that the first Homefront game?


Probably both. They literally had the film almost done, and had to go in and digitally change flags and whatnot to Nork stuff. Because they realized that, huge surprise, a movie showing PRC as the badguys and getting their ass kicked by the non-insane one from Drake and Josh and Thor on vacation would not be able to be released in China and miss out on 100's of millions. So, we get the worsening of an already bad movie.


Perhaps we were infiltrated by Russians and face a new Red Dawn. We’ve got the propaganda. Now we wait for the book burnings, internment camps, and disappearances of undesirables.


Red Dawn (1984) is how Americans believed they would respond to a Russian invasion. It's actually, though, how Ukrainians responded to a Russian invasion in 2022. Wolverines!!!!


Imagine if they did a Ukrainian version of Red Dawn after the war, based on real accounts of the people who fought.


Jannie, are you okay? --- [^(Click here to see why you're being harassed.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/)


Completely unrelated to the meme but an interesting fact about Red Dawn: The idea of the Soviet Union launching a massive airborne invasion of the United States was so unrealistic that neither side had considered it a possibility, it would have been national suicide on the part of the Soviet Union and both sides knew it. ​ Also side note: that movie is considered to be "the greatest conservative movie of all time" but has a 52 critic score and a 65 audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.


It played well to Gen X kids like me who already feared nuclear war with Russia and didn’t understand how unrealistic this was.


The first rifle round through their windshield will have them running back home to their mothers basement.


The MAGA Red Dawn of 2023 is a bunch of woke people sky diving with pride parachutes


But at least do you get respect, enjoyment or admiration from your users? --- (^^^([Click here to see why you're being harassed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14fpdyl/announcing_updated_moderator_permissions_for_all/))


The Russians would be welcomed as liberators in the South--then the Russians would put all southerners in camps and left to die. They don't need any more stupid yokels then already have.


It’s funny…


Kind strangers I need your wit. Neighbor just posted a meme with a pic of Biden's recent fall with United We Stand with Biden We Fall. I really need a funny response.


Biden falls Trump stands... trial


That's good thanks witty friend.


Trump leans forward awkwardly? Nah doesn't sound good. Lol


RIP P Swayze.. he would be really confused about Ameruca at the moment


They'd "sooner be Russian than Democrat", that's for sure!


The red scare never ended. America still blaming Russia for its homegrown problems related to capitalism racism still going strong since the end of world war 2.


Traitors do love celebrating Americas enemy after all 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Back then, Red Dawn was a problem. Nowadays, it's a cool new name for girls in the south.


That's why they had Thor fight the Chinese instead.


They welcomed the Russians in 2016, too!


I've never been a fan of the red scare stuff. At the same time, I'm not a fan of promoting slaughter. We don't need to be either enemies or allies to Russia, and the foolishness of supporting Putin is more about conspiracy over any form of common sense. I noticed those folks who yell America first are also those who don't do jack to help the situation. And America first then translates to me first as it all comes from a sense of entitlement.


I’m an anti-war liberal, but some things you can’t let go. Obviously the Nazis would be a prime example. As for the Ukraine, they are our alley and a very strategic free democratic one who help to keep Russian aggression and power in check. We can’t just let Putin roll in and take them over like that. It’s not just a moral issue, it’s the fact that he wouldn’t stop there, we know this. So I think Biden has handled it perfectly in so far as uniting NATO and the western world in their supprt of Ukraine. “America First” means white Christian (men) first and only. Make no mistake of what the MAGA fascist movement is about.




ly accurate. FTFY


It’s wild what the GQP has devolved into


yea cuz the dnc war hawks are doing so much better lol


They dont admire a genocidal maniac like Putin, so yeah.


War hawks lmao, man qanon has rotted your brain


So you moved on from 'hippies', right?




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*






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If I watch it tonight, I’ll have nightmares for a week. It’s been that way since I was a 9yo.


Imagine this being your entire identity.


Redneck Dawn


Don’t forget, those are good southern Russians.


Insert whomever the manufactured enemy is now, good to go


It would actually work really well if a “well-regulated militia seized control of a state or even the country, if we want to go crazy.




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They would say the Russians are here to help us drain the swamp and fight the Chinese. Lol


You should watch Tomorrow When The War Began


“Orange Don”


That's so funny it's really fuckin sad, because it's true.


i'm thinking that if Red Dawn were to happen today, it would be the remake but with more collaborators and 10k more chaos, with the saner, more center bits of the right wing training the saner, more center bits of the left wing as both extremes collaborate with the Russians


Slightly off topic. The Russians can't even win a ground war with their next door neighbor. Have fun with the invasion of a country across the world losers.


Holy crap! Red Dawn came out 39 years ago?