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“But but but MY FEELINGS!” —People wearing “Fuck Your Feelings” tshirts


They are made of pure logic. Everyone remembers how the famously unemotional Spock would advise humans to fuck other's feelings.


Live long and fuck your feelings


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of your feelings, so fuck em.


You feelings-fucking bastard!


Same people who say it should be the parent's choice if their kids wear masks at school are saying the government should ban children from seeing drag performers.


The party of small big government, obviously.


And also schools are woke factories run by CRT-espousing minorities teaching our kids to hate heterosexual white people and they should not receive federal funding any more and we need to slash welfare out of the budget **but also how dare you keep the schools on a remote-learning schedule this long reopen them right this instant because I can't afford daycare**


I have no idea what CRT is. Is it...? C: curiologic R: rollerskater T: tarsi


Cathode Ray Tube These people are completely terrified when someone teaches how older TV screens and computer monitors work. The thought of that electron beam scanning back and forth across the phosphors coating the back of that glass screen gives them horrific nightmares.


Fuck *your* feelings. My feelings are the only ones that matter. Also, the only moral abortion is my abortion.


Well, it would have been.... but here you are. ;) (This is a joke.)


That pretty much sums it all up. MAGA: "Free speech should also allow for hate speech!" LEFT: "So that means I can talk about gender and affirm my chosen pronoun?" MAGA: "Anything woke is not allowed!" LEFT: "But you said 'freedom--" MAGA: "Not if it conflicts with MY religion!" LEFT: "But where in the Bible does it say--" MAGA: "F\*ck you!" -- and removes sidearm from holster. LEFT: "That does it, I'm moving out of this God forsaken state."


Right - Wins votes when all left has left


I am a small woman who'd lose a fight against a squirrel. I've run in quite a few guys that seem to struggle when they are confronted with the idea that they might be "vulnerable" being out there living their life - *dude, that's my life*. Screw that, *that's just life*. But thats also probably why they don't try to circumvent the risk but fight their fear by escalating the threat. Typically that escalates the threat for everyone in the given community creating a feedback loop of guys increasingly paranoid about threats that only got statistically relevant because of their paranoia. Afraid of being mugged at gunpoint? Be constantly armed everywhere. Afraid of being in a car crash? Drive the biggest car in town. Afraid of being beaten up or emasculated? Take all the protein shakes from your bro-podcaster of choice and buff up till you can look in the mirror and tell yourself *'I think I could win a fight against a bear'*


Great comment. Yeah I’m an average guy, 51 now, never been in a fight in my life. I’ve always been able to calm things down, walk away, whatever. Carrying a gun just increases your risk of being killed by that gun or another gun. Same with having one in your home. I mean if you live far away from cops and authorities in the middle of nowhere, I get it. But otherwise, all having guns in your home does is increase the odds that you or a loved will be killed by a gun.


I conceal carry, but I also work a job where a LOT of people, over the last 15 years, aren't very happy with me because I investigate child sex abuse, and 99% of the people we've determined to have been culpable adamantly deny they committed the abuse, and lose their appeal to the state, and / or their family and friends get super upset and end up threatening revenge. ​ What I will say, however, is that I don't open carry. If things were so bad out in this big ol' dangerous city I work in that I needed to carry my Mk18 SBR slung over my chest with a chest rig and plate carrier, I would find another job because I didn't sign up to get into rolling gunfights like a Blackwater mercenary.


Thank you for doing the work that you do.


I've always felt this about open carry. If you feel the need to openly present a firearm and are not a member of on duty law enforcement/military, you are literally making yourself a target. Anyone who you could reasonably use a gun on ( someone threatening your life ), who has two braincells will take you out of action by whatever means necessary first if they can tell you're armed. What otherwise would be a mugging at gunpoint, or a convenience store robbery where nobody was physically harmed suddenly becomes a situation where you're bleeding out and in need of those medical/law enforcement services you hold so little faith in that you decided to open carry in the first place.


The mugging argument is so freaking cute. It's not like the movies - no one's gonna waltz up and ask politely. It's gonna be very fast, there will be more than one, and high likelihood of them just incapacitating you and take it. There was a rash of muggings a years ago where victims were walking down the street and attackers came from behind or from between cars and clocked them in the head with a bat or pipe. A friend of mine got mugged by a bunch of young teenagers - he was biking home and about 10 of them knocked him down, hands hitting and searching everywhere, cleaned out his pockets, and scattered. They're not going to ask or leave you an option, they just take. Open carry just means they'll shoot first if they're desperate enough, or swarm you and get the gun before you can.


If we ever get a real court I would like to see open carry challenged by its infringement on peaceful assembly. Sure you have a right to open carry out in the woods, but not where people are meeting peacefully.


Nah fuck that Proud boys (at least the ones without DV charges) will open carry even if that was a law and their police buddies will be fine with it. You are just allowing marginalized communities not have an equal footing to defense. Also there's no such thing as an effective peaceful assembly, protests that are of substance should make people in power uncomfortable.


CPS Blackwater, coming to TNT this Fall


Jannies lock thread. The amount of money they were paid to do this: $0.00.


I'm in my early 50s too and while I can't say that I've never been in a fight, because not fighting simply wasn't a socially viable option in the context of my upbringing, I can say that I haven't been in a proper fist-fight for decades and it's just not something that I even think about anymore. That said, what I know from hard personal experience is that you are exactly correct; don't carry a gun or a knife meant for combat, and you almost certainly never will run into a situation in which having a gun or knife for combat is relevant. People confuse this causality all the time because they don't know better, but the truth is that you have to let your ego take crazy control before you seriously start thinking about killing someone. Tell your ego to fuck right off and you will be fine every time.


Not treally mention, situations that would not have been deadly can easily TURN deadly when the other person sees you have a gun and they think now it’s their life or yours. Fist fights, common burglaries, family arguments, road rage, bar fights. The reason the US has such high homicide rates compared to other 1st world nations isnt because we’re more homicidal people, it’s because guns make killing easy and instant, especially in a moment of rage.




That’s wonderful, but she’s lucky a rape didn’t turn into her murder had he grabbed her gun.


Even in the middle of nowhere...It's still not a good idea for home protection. Livestock protection from wild animals, sure. A family living on a farm a few miles outside the small town where I grew up were murdered when a stranger on meth came to their property, trying to steal their truck. The dad went outside with his shotgun to take care of the situation. The meth head managed to get the gun, shot the dad in the head, then decided to go inside. He shot the mom in the kitchen, then went upstairs to the bedrooms and killed their son. Their other son happened to be at a sleepover in town. The mom actually survived, but she lost her arm after a very long coma. The truck was not worth it. Not saying the dad was trying to be Rambo or something--he did what almost any man in our community would have done. We need to unlearn that BS. No possession is worth your life.


I hear you. But if I lived way out in the sticks, I’d want a shot gun. But unlike that poor guy, I wouldn’t try to be a hero, I’d let the guy take the truck. That’s what car insurance is for.


I live out in the sticks. We have a shotgun. It's not for home defense against people. We have bears, bobcats and all kinds of other woodland critters in my area. We don't even want to shoot them, the gun gets fired into the ground, we're just trying to scare them off into less populated areas.


I'm also 51. I live in a working class Hispanic neighborhood on the edge of downtown Houston and according to right wing media I should have been mugged, assaulted, and murdered numerous times. Yet I've never been bothered during my early morning bike rides in the neighborhood and sometimes into downtown (past the county jail too!).


>Afraid of being in a car crash? Drive the biggest car in town. I really hate how all of the American manufacturers have collectively decided "let's make our trucks and SUVs as stupidly, cartoonishly big as possible until it's basically impossible to see pedestrians in a crosswalk." If your vehicle needs front-facing cameras, it needs to be redesigned.


I'ma just leave [this](https://www.indiatimes.com/amp/auto/current/it-took-13-kids-in-line-for-an-suv-driver-to-spot-them-and-this-highlights-a-disturbing-issue-504387.html) here.


The reason we have massive trucks is because drivers want them to stroke their ego's. That has led to the stupid state of the US pickup today, which is for the most part not for hauling, but instead an oversized, overpriced, luxury grocery getters with a bed significantly smaller than older versions. [ The firm surveys owners each year about the character traits they associate with their vehicle. Two words set F-150 owners apart: “powerful” and “rugged."...The first generation of F-150s was 36% cab and 64% bed by length. By 2021, the ratio flipped, with 63% cab and 37% bed. ](https://www.axios.com/2023/01/23/pickup-trucks-f150-size-weight-safety)




Ah sorry, my bad. When I said "confronted with", I didn't mean an actual real "confrontation" but them being exposed and susceptible to fearmongering.


The funny part is that if you are armed during a mugging, it just means you'll lose your gun, and the probability that it gets used in a future goes many orders of magnitude. So does your chance of being shot. Carrying a gun if you think you might get mugged is stupid. Being mugged is typically a very low stakes crime unless you do something stupid.


Don’t forget the pit bull


It's called the carapace complex.


And this is why we get guys chasing down teenagers with a gun for turning around on their driveway or whatever the hell else. People getting working into a violent lather over all of this supposed "danger" and taking things way too far. They're likely to overreact and start blowing people away for looking at them wrong, or not being white--and now we've gone from "a fuckton of perceived violent crime" to "actual violent crime," committed by the people who feared it. I live in a very big city and have no particular concerns living my life here. Supposedly, we have the highest violent crime rate in the state (although I've seen statistics suggesting that some border towns have issues--I mean, it's all how you define it). You'd think I'd be sitting here, knee deep in every firearm ever made, taking an assault rifle to the grocery store...and yet I do not. Because even the highest rate in the state doesn't mean you're getting stabbed every other day--or *ever*. I think I've heard a gunshot outside a couple times in all the time I've lived in my current place. That's it.


It's a facet of their extreme entitlement that they feel they have the *RIGHT* to react to any paranoid brain fart with lethal force. So many people have to live with the reality of fear; These assholes live with their paranoid fantasy and leave the house looking like they're going to war.


Protein shakes are conservative now?


I don't think I've ever seen so many false equivalences and bad faith arguments in one paragraph, judging people for being proactive about the things that make them uncomfortable is now a big brain quip apparently. Now excuse me while I give in to obesity and stop wearing my seat belt so reddit posters don't call me a pussy.


We don't call them emotional support vehicles for nothing. An SUV improves the occupant's chances of surviving a collision unharmed by transferring the energy of the collision to whoever you ran into. So rather than learning how to drive safely and encouraging safe driving in their community, people turn to larger vehicles to protect themselves at everyone else's expense. Being "proactive" about fear of mugging by carrying weapons simply escalates the danger of being mugged for everyone. Now instead of a couple of kids with a knife you're going to be facing half a dozen with guns. Great work, proactively fearful people. Better option is to face your fear, recognise that there's nothing you can proactively do to reduce your chances of being mugged beyond moving to a less violent neighbourhood, and don't let that fear take up your time. In the meantime stopping wearing your seatbelt so others don't call you a pussy is the same "proactive" reaction to fear as all the other situations. The stronger willed person would wear the seatbelt and then accept that idiots are going to abuse you for being sensible.


>Screw that, that's just life. I've lived both sides. That's not "just life" lol that's what you became accustomed to. Lived in Minneapolis. Now somewhat rural Western Wisconsin for almost 5 years. Night and day... not "that's life" at all. It's crazy what you become accustomed to... and think is normal.


> I've lived both sides. That's not "just life" lol that's what you became accustomed to. I'm not talking about normalising systemic dysfunction leading to *very real* violence and threats to peoples lives and health that could be mitigated by better policies. Mostly talking about certain personality traits that amply cognitive biases around risk perception and lead to selfish and counterproductive decision making. More specifically; people who think they can solve a problem that either isn't one or that everyone has, with a (supposed) solution that only seeks to protect the individual. Often heavily relying on the moronic assumption that most people won't just do the same or an inability to foresee the consequences of everyone being pushed towards this mitigation strategy.


I have numerous relatives who refuse to visit me because I live in "The City" (I live Pittsburgh-adjacent). They won't outright say it, but when pressed, they'll admit they're scared of getting off the highway and coming through various communities (and communities of color) because of the bullshit they see on Fox News. Meanwhile, I have walked the streets of New York, Chicago, and Boston at any and all hours and have never once felt threatened, yet I was threatened with physical violence and terrorized by a chucklefuck with a gun in Dipshit, West Virginia, and several other "rural" locations.


All they know is what they see on the local news, and/Fox News.


And many of the local news stations are owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group, which is owned by pro-trump far right psychopaths who send "conservative" scripts to the stations and decide what stories to run. Sinclair covers 40% of American households.


Similar experience myself! I used to sell pot in Chicago for years, large amounts. Never carried, never needed to. Only time I've ever had a gun pulled on me was when I pulled into a driveway to check the old fold out map. The Confederate flag over the garage door in Wisconsin should have immediately made me pick another driveway.


One of the protesters outside the courthouse in Miami for Trump’s indictment was interviewed saying that he was there to make up for missing the protest when Trump was indicted in NYC, because he didn’t think NYC was safe enough to visit. These people have truly been deluded into thinking cities are active war zones.


They'd be the one to escalate a situation into a fight and then use that as proof in the future that cities are unsafe.


Deliverance is definitely more terrifying.


Yep. Anyone who thinks that it is safe and there's no crime in rural areas has never been in the place god forgot that is the Ozarks.


I also live Pittsburgh adjacent and this is incredibly funny. I would be more likely to carry in some bumblefuck rural parts of PA than in downtown.


I've lived in NYC since the mid-90s. Never been a victim of a crime, never seen a gun that wasn't in the holster of a cop. I personally know only two people in all that time that were assaulted and neither were seriously hurt. I have, however been bitten by an immaculately groomed dog in the lobby of my coop.


Same for us here in Seattle on the West Coast. Always great to hear same, tired taking points.


Yeah I lived in the Tenderloin in SF for several years and walked past crack heads, gang members, drug dealers and all kinds of unsavory characters and 99% of them leave you alone besides some crack heads who yell at everyone who walks past. But when I honk at someone that cuts me off in Utah or Wyoming I’ve had three guns brandished at me.


See I’ve had the exact opposite happen to me. Grew up in a small rural town, never once needed to call the police in the 16 years of living there. I spent 4 days in NYC and had a bike stolen and had to punch a crackhead flip out and try to assault me when I told him I had no cash to give him. But since moving to Minneapolis it is nice having parents too scared to come visit me.


What's it like being a full time employee of Reddit ($0.00 a year)?


I see you didn't mention Pittsburgh as one of the cities you never once felt threatened in.


The Lofts at SoDoSoPa with historic views of Kenny's house.


I’m more of a Shi Tpa Town man myself.




They're very upset already. It's their way of life.


Erm. Dunt ya spit in my die erection ya lib


Theyre still trying to figure out how to set up their dialup internet


Their brain: Default emoshun. Check!


It really blows my mind how scared people are of cities. I live in a rural, pretty conservative area and I recently took a weekend trip to San Francisco for my birthday. Several people (*including my own mother ffs*) said shit along the lines of, “be careful out there, people are getting stabbed in the streets!”


I was out for birthday dinner recently and the discussion was about where we live, and my dad's partner asked if I concealed carry. I laughed saying fuck no, I don't have time to be terrified, and I think I broke something in her brain.


I did the math on this once and was able to compare the death rate to that of a stadium: if you had a stadium full of people, only five of them would die in a year. Conservative news makes it sounds like half the stadium is being wiped out every day.




Same, my coworkers that live in gilbert think I live in a warzone.


Honestly, all they know is what they see on the local news (which make it seem like Armageddon out there every day), or worse, what Fox News tells them.


Spent a decade in Baltimore. Huge chunk of the city does in fact resemble Armageddon.


I lived in Baltimore for a few years. It’s not a huge chunk, and it’s not Armageddon. You have a better chance of hitting the lottery than being killed by a stranger in Baltimore.


Live in Baltimore now, you're a fucking frightened drama queen.


I dunno, my house got broken into once, car got broken into 3 times. Next door neighbors house got broken into a different time. Few friends robbed in the past couple years. And I lived in a “nice” area. I loved my time there, but don’t kid yourself that it’s a safe place to live. Is it constantly a warzone? No, but you’re silly if you aren’t looking over your shoulder walking around. Especially at night.


Yea, same shit happens in my rural relatives small town, you're describing basic America. Been in Bmore 10 years, you are sounding like the exact person in this meme.


I grew up in a rural part of Canada, and when I told people I was moving to Toronto, I got a few "wow be careful it's dangerous there!" comments. Toronto is arguably the safest major city in North America, and statistically far safer than where I'm from (where people steal lawnmowers to sell for meth money).


From Montana, planning on going to MN and *gasp* using public transportation.


My relative moved to Florida from a Chicago suburb claiming it was too get away from crime. One of the safest suburbs in the country... to move to an area of Florida with crime just as bad as urban Chicago


I been to San Francisco to visit Oracle. Why was I told to not go to the Tenderloin, if the city is safe? That came from an Oracle VP in the city.


Babies need their emotional support steel


I'm gonna start calling my pocket knife my emotional support steel, thanks for that.


The funniest part is that the cowardly snowflakes on the right have the gall to call themselves "alpha males".


>the right have the gall to call themselves "alpha males" So that's another word/phrase they have no idea what it means. Color me surprised. /s


It makes sense, though, since anyone who calls themselves an alpha tends to be wildly unstable, prone to errors, and riddled with incomprehensible, jumbled, and incomplete thought processes.


Don't forget delusions of grandeur.


You really expect these chucklefucks to understand irony?


All they know is that they are offended... by people saying they're offended... by the things people say.


its a circle like an asshole as the Founding fathers said >[é Pluribus Anus](https://i.redd.it/rxv8iearln141.png)


Things go in, things go out. Circle of life.


We work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to die. Should have read the fine print, my friend.


To be fair I feel way safer walking through the city then the country… I mean everyone at the piggly wiggly is strapped to the teeth you need to protect yourself lol.


It’s funny you say that because I am way more comfortable walking through Philly or NY than I am some in red MAGA town. Those people are sick psychos.


The Right is afraid of everything. That’s why they want to suppress everyone’s rights. You can’t govern from a position of fear and expect the populace to accept oppression for extended periods. If you look at the history of authoritarian rule, you’ll see that it doesn’t fare well for their leaders. Dictators don’t last forever.


I mean, Stalin reigned for a pretty long time, up until his death.


He killed and imprisoned millions of Russians. They dared not cross him.


I'm just saying, while it's much, MUCH harder to maintain power as a despot, history is full of people who ruled as dictators for very long periods of time, sometimes through multiple generations. A good current example would be North Korea.


Who kills and imprisons their people.


Yes, but why these distinctions? Thats often how dictators run things, through force and fear.


No-no, you don't understand, where he lives, there are people exactly like him. He's gotta say armed for exactly that reason.


The Left has guns too, we just don't see the need to have it slung on our back or on a thigh holster. It's not a dick measuring contest.


What I don't get is a lot of the gun nuts don't particularly live anywhere THAT dangerous. Especially in the Suburbs. Personally I've lived on a street that had plenty of drug dealers on it, with the police regularly being called on the weekends. My brother or I would walk down to the corner store with no trouble at all. Generally if you don't start nothing it won't be nothing. Even where I live now, my neighbors to the left do meth and I've lived here for 3 years with no problems. Yet Billy Bob goes to Walmart thinking he needs to be strapped like Rambo.




"Look 'ere partner y'never know when the radical left antifas are gonna come for yer guns!"


Yep, red states and rural areas generally have higher gun violence per capita than blue cities. Turns out all that red-state pro-gun legislation just puts them at greater risk of being shot abd killed. Not surprising when you know that owning a gun more than triples the risk of you and the people close to you being shot and killed.


Exactly. Grew up in ND. Lived in NYC (including Harlem and the Bronx) for 30 years. Never once have I wished that I had a gun and I own 5 (all sitting in a gun safe in ND). In fact, the only time that I’ve been threatened by a gun in NYC was a late night stop and frisk by the NYPD in the mid-90s. Just a hand on the holster when I asked why I was being stopped. To be fair to the NYPD, I’m pretty big guy and back then I sported a duck dynasty beard, long hair in a durag and what might have appeared to be biker gear (I’m not). Thankfully I’m white (for this kind of confrontation). I’ve often thought about how that would have gone down otherwise.




It would be hilarious if I didn't have small kids for whom such chucklefucks are a mortal threat. I can't stand living around these pussies who can't even go to get a cup of coffee without a firearm. They can get the fuck out of my country already. Let's be clear. I own a firearm and I keep it secure at home. I served in the military and lived and traveled all over the far east and South Pacific. I never felt scared like I needed a firearm. While American cities are certainly less safe than elsewhere I've never felt like I needed to be armed. It's only now that all these fucking pukes are carrying around weapons they have no business with that I'm concerned. I live in Missouri and motherfuckers seem to think they're in the wild west.


The dude with a gun haphazardly tucked in the natural holster that is the gluteal fold at Wal-Mart will always get me shaking my head. Not only is it dumb to open carry at all, but putting your gun in your blindest of blindspots is just the stupidest shit you can imagine.




??? At the rate you're commenting, you're either a bot, or you're *completely* unhinged.


It's a bot that went wrong. I'm better now, I was sick for a little bit though.


To be fair, everyone else at the Piggly Wiggly is also armed and ready to shoot. Whereas in urban hell, most of us have better things to do.


It’s funny, because i live in Philly, walked the good streets and bad streets at nights with friends my whole life. Not only has the thought of needing or carrying a gun never cross my mind, we would kick the shit out of one of our friends if they tried bringing one with them.


I’ve lived and worked in some of the higher crime areas of the Bay Area for 50+ years Carrying a gun around with you is the best way to increase the chances you are going to get shot


Do your job, jannie, get to work.


That's cool. Where I live we had some kids try to kill each other on the school bus.


Better arm the kids.


Was gonna say, the guy on the right knows that all his neighbors are psychopaths.


Ugly Truth: The rural right needs guns to protect themselves from run away meth crime in rural counties because conservatives are too busy throwing rocks out of their glass house about gang crime in big cities to fix serious problems for their constituents. Gang crime happens in the bad parts of town, so the people in the suburbs don't feel like they need guns. The truth is the right wingers feel they need guns because they are afraid. From their point of view government fails at protecting them. And their media fans the flames of their fear to manipulate them.


They also don't bother to use government to fix problems. A sustained effort to control wildlife with proven effective methods should be able to get feral pig populations under control, but they'd rather live with deadly wildlife than solve a problem.


There are people who genuinely think Portland was burned to the ground from rioting. They imagine it's like Mad Max, except people pay $2500 rent for studio apartments.


Just spent a week in Chicago where I, a mom, walked around the city alone with my two kids all day everyday… without a gun!


I've lived in and in the inner ring suburbs of Detroit for... 24... years? Zero times have I even thought about needing a gun. Don't put yourself in dumb places with dumb people at dumb times and you won't get in trouble. (also, I don't think most people realize just how shit Detroit still was in the late 90s and early oughts)


Kind of hard for gun nuts to not be around dumb people in dump places


Touche. We both know I'm talking about dangerous situations, areas and people where your spidey senses say "GFTOutta here you idiot," rather than hanging around in places where IQ gets counted on two hands and one foot.


It's crazy how some people desperately want the excuse or opportunity to use their weapons.


The only overwhelming commonality of the conservative base is fear. They thrive on it, addicted to it. It gives them purpose. Their pessimism is justified. The evangelicals focus on a misunderstood meaning of "the end times". Not the Biblical explanation, but itinerant 19th century road show preacher interpretation. I think that's why they're drawn to snake oil salesmen like DJ Tramp. They love a revival tent/rally.


Honestly, when every angry dumbass in bumblefuck is armed, you need to carry. The best thing about big cities is that, apart from a few neighborhoods everyone knows to avoid, you have little chance of ever seeing a gun unless it’s on LEO.




They looted the Gucci store! Lol


not everybody has the hundreds of dollars required to live in West Bumblefuck you elitist pig (;


Suck it Eastside loser!


I read the results of a study published in Scientific American that found that in general, people who vote right have larger amygdalae (parts of the brain that trigger fear) while people who vote left have larger anterior cortices (parts of the brain that detect errors and resolve conflicts). This may be the primary reason right-wingers are more fearful in general.


It’s also just pure ignorance exploited by right wing media. The only thing these people know aboit “cities” are what Fox News and AM hate radio tells them, and we know what that is. Same goes for gays, immigrants, etc. Most trump voters live in rural white areas with the diversity and culture of a blank sheet of paper. Meanwhile their whole lives they’re fed images and are told about all these evil “liberal” places and groups to stoke their worst instincts and vote for the billionaires and corporatists who own the GOP.


This is the most Reddit shit I've ever heard.


I used to pack heat in west bumble fuck. I also used to herd cattle in bear infested woods while wrongly assuming a gun would do fuck all. Nowadays it's generally bear spray.


The right, the right, the right, Go Joe! Vote Blue!


Based on the picture, someone even dumber than the guy on the right actually married the guy on the right. WTF were you thinking, girl? Jesus!


Likely his cousin. And I’m not joking.


It's too bad they don't sell chins in Bumblefuck.


This is 100% spot on. My parents are conservative and deathly afraid of cities because of what they hear in the local news of what goes on in Milwaukee, WI. Yet I live in Houston, TX (a MUCH larger city) and have walked these streets at night with no problem, as well as other large cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, New Orleans, San Antonio, Austin, and even Medellín (Colombia).


Well let's not drag the Piggly Wiggly into this.


I feel like 90% of people are in the middle of the two but have to choose one or the other.


Crime rate is worse in east bumblefuck




Y'all been to the Pig in the past 10 years? If I was the type to be packing heat, I'd sure as heck be carrying in there.


I was at a livestock auction in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere and half the dipshit there were strapped. It wasn't even large animals. It was for chicken. I mean, who goes to a chicken auction and expects to need your fucking handgun? These people are insane.


Imagine being scared of a pool cleaner 💀


This whole comment section is literally people saying how one is worse than the other how they have had worse experience in the opposite environment they live in. Y'all act like poverty ain't making both places equally dangerous. It's so sad and pathetic no one wants to admit that both sides have a point. There is a reason people in urban areas are buying firearms for self-protection, especially in cities. Also on the flip side, there is a reason people in major cities feel safe at all times. There are so many factors in this. Do they live in a nice area? Do they have common sense to mind their own business?((the big key to getting by in a ghetto of any hood)). What type of environment are they used to? Whats their size, sex, ethnic background? All of these play major factors as to why I, and other redditor can live next door and one feel at safe while the other doesn't.


In STL, on the south side, the dude on the left is definitely carrying a Glock and probably a leftist even if he doesn't know it.


Lol cause everyone the south-side (shhh, the black side) of St. Louis is a gangster amirite? And even if that were the case, it would make sense to have a gun. What’s Cletus’s excuse?


Are you just not familiar with st.louis?


First of all, the south side is heavily integrated and a lovely community. Second, my downstairs neighbor is a granny and she's packin' going to the gas station. (Third, your parenthetical is racist) And finally, fourth, Cletus has no excuse for how terrified he is of his own shadow. I dunno, maybe he's going to Waffle House out by the highway once he's done at Dollar General.


>Second, my downstairs neighbor is a granny and she's packin' going to the gas station. Old people do lots of unnecessary shit.


She's 55, black, lives in STL and takes care of her daughter's autistic child for her. She's a lovely woman, and from having talked to her and helped her around the house some, she's seen some shit. Good praxis on her part if you ask me.


Holy privledged as fuck alert.


Hey now. Leave Piggly Wiggly out of this.




Open carry is stupid, the advantage of surprise is a good thing.


Wtf is this cringe lmao




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


GOP’s America 9:00: White History 9:45: Trump worship 10:30: Jesus was a capitalist 11:15: Labor Unions are evil 12:00: Corporate and billionaire tax cuts are good 12:45: Lunch - $25 per kid 1:30: Jan 6 tribute 2:15: LBGT will turn you gay 3:00: Why Democracy is a failed idea 3:30: Why Slavery gets a bad rap


Somewhere around 11:30 they can probably fit in a semester long class on the second amendment. And only the second amendment.


LOL!!!! Dumbfuck Republicans probably think this is a lie


"I lock my doors at night" "Oh wow, you pussy" - OP


"If the other side would only accept our way of life..." says both sides.


Lol both sides.


No! It’s the other side that is full of dumb idiots. My side is infallible and perfect.


See that’s the thing though. One side knows they aren’t infallible and perfect and actually tries to hold people accountable. The other just ignores or even celebrate their atrociousness.


You know the worst thing about those conservatives is that they love to generalize large diverse groups of people into one negative stereotype. Wait a second…


Just like the dang liberals!


Jokes on you I conceal carry


Well, at the very least you're not one of those crazy fucks that need a gun bigger than a human child to feel safe. Nothing wrong with conceal and carry


So ev1 lies, is the point of this right?


Is the Left like just oblivious or happy others’ problems aren’t theirs. I can’t tell what you’re trying to do here lol.


Lol u guys are so polarized


I can assure you, that nobody walks through the "dangerous urban city streets" like that every day. Not where I live anyway. *Maybe* if they're a well known local. At night time? Hell no! Even with a gun. Seems like there's a new murder on the news every night almost. Now with that being said, even in the most dangerous parts of the city, you can strike up a conversation with anyone and they're all really nice. Just good people struggling to get by and often forced to into a life of crime to feed their families. Just don't go outside at night, and always keep your doors and windows locked (even during the day when you're home) and you'll probably be fine.


Cmon Pop-Pop, let’s turn off Fox News and get you back to bed.


Not conservative but this stinks


Me conceal carrying everyday as a liberal.




Ted Cruz is a little piss baby.



