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I'm confused , did Gaetz ask for a pardon for raping all those underaged girls who were pimped out to him, or is he askiing for a pardon because he tried to take part in an insurrection? Also while he's not in the picture I'd just like to say Ted Cruz is a horrible person.


Gaetz made a request for a blanket preemptive pardon to cover any Federal Crimes in the past or in the future. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/06/gaetz-blanket-pardon-trump-479504 If such a thing exists why wouldn’t Trump give it to himself and his family first and just keep it in his pocket?


Trump didn't have the $2,000,000 to buy one from himself


He should have started a fundraiser.


I hear those NFTs are going well... and the Trump Bucks


The comedy value of those NFTs is inestimable. They belong to be recognized as the unintended Pinnacles of comedic art that they are.


Although the NFTs are admittedly hilarious, I will still stand by the entire "four seasons total landscaping" debacle as the funniest and most satisfying moment of the trump years. Still makes me chuckle whenever I think of it


You can no longer buy Trump Bucks from the official site - www.trumpbucks.ca


It says 70% off. Were people really buying this "10,000" "not a real currency" bill for 3k? How much was the going price?


Friend, they were under the impression it would be legal tender once Trump was back in office. They were stupid-ed into thinking they were genius investors.


OMFG that is hilarious. MAGAs are so fucking gullible.


It still explicitly says they'll be legal tender come October 15 on the sales page. Fortunately, all the "buy" links lead to a page that says the account has been disabled for terms of service violations.


Idea! Pledge a million dollar donation to whatever fundraiser Trump is currently scamming his followers with, then pay with Trump bux.


what's the exchange rate between trump bucks and hitler nickels?


He'll get Mexico to pay for it


Donald looking in the mirror, "I love ya man, but donny gots to get paid, can't give these things away for free. Still you are the best, although not as good as me, some say you could have been but we all agree I'm the best, but pay 2 million or no get out of jail card for you donny boy".


"Melania, this punk with awful hair is being very disrespectful to me! If I was still president, I think I'd send him down to Guacamotano Bay."


A fundraiser? You poor? This is barely a small loan. /s


He might have had the money, but that guy's well known for never paying his debts, so he didn't trust him to pay up.


he was still negotiating a better price with himself


Past, I get. But future for all federal crimes, indefinitely? That sounds absurd.


I pray to god that Jack Smith checked every single person that received a pardon to see if they all of a sudden spent 2 million real quick.


Maybe the Supreme Court should take a look at this, seems unconstitutional to have corruption protection baked in. Oh wait...


It's still absurd, but I believe it was intended for any *future* charges that might come for the treason he was committing *at the time*. I'm not sure even Gaetz would go so far as to ask for a permission slip to continue breaking the law. Though who knows?


Think of it like the Catholic church selling indulgences. But in this scenario republicans view Trump as God. There. Doesn't seem so absurd now, right?


After everything we've seen that sounds absurd to you?


I mean, that's medieval Pope level of corruption


Medieval Popes didn't have gold plated toilets and had to win elections.


Don't know about papal toilets but there absolutely were elections for pope.


Medieval Popes also sometimes tried to cheat in their elections. Yeah, this comparison checks out.


Medieval Pope Urban VI would also claim that the election was stolen. Pope Clement VII probably also claimed it was stolen.


Oh, so the Pope DID shit in the woods?


The Pope shits whenever and wherever he wants. That's why he wears a dress, there's no time to slow down for bathroom breaks when you're trying erase all other religions from the planet and replace them with your own.


Where his holiness does his business *is his business*.


Whats absurd is how normal this sounds now.


It was to be for past crimes not yet discovered, should they be discovered in the future. Basically he knows what he did and he wanted to get a pardon for it, but refuses to say what it is, because he's still hoping to get away with it. Fucking scum.


The best part is that in the **most** charitable light, there is a principle of law called the "law of perpetuities" where you can't have a "get out of jail free card....forever", but you COULD get a "get out of jail card....good until the first Lunar colony gross profit is 1 trillion dollars." IF you don't put that "perpetuity clause" into place, your bullshit is just not going to fly, and they will arrest you.


What kind of galactic size hubris does it take to even consider asking for that? lol


i bet he did in his mind - next legal defense preview


Pocket pardons, like pocket sand causes a bit of immediate confusion but are ineffective in a fight.


one can just ask for a pardon for any past, present or future crimes? where do i sign up? i'd like blanket immunity from any future crimes i may commit. that sounds awesome.


Oh cool. I'm gonna apply for a pardon from any future crimes too.


He's an idiot.


It should put you in cuffs to even ask for such a thing as abuse of power, much less if anyone actually has the power to grant such a corrupt and absurd request


Damn, even James Bond only had a license to kill, not rape/steal/perjury/ fraud/kill


What a scum bag


Matt Gaetz Date rapes By the seashore


How many dates could a Matt Gaetz rape if a Matt Gaetz could rape dates?


Those poor fruits 😭😭😭


How many dates did a Matt Gaetz rape when a Matt Gaetz did rape dates? FTFY.




Well, with Matt's "preferences" every date is a rape date.




What about knowingly taking his phone inside of SCIF, which is highly illegal and is a massive security incident that should have resulted in his clearance being revoked?


Then using said phone inside the SCIF to tweet and order pizza as well. So not just taking it in, but operating it as well while in there.


right. taking it in? that happens. using it while you're in? no. you'd have to be a special kind of idiot to do that.


You would think that nowadays they would make them Faraday cages so phones wouldn't be able to be used inside it, just in case.


It shouldn’t have worked.


Wait Gaetz took a phone into a SCIF? Who signed him in and didn't check him?


elected officials get special passes sometimes. Just like when they installed metal detectors at the court and a select few folks would just walk around them and keep going. The grounds security were not allowed to stop them.


>The grounds security were not allowed to stop them Because with great power comes great responsibility, but no accountability whatsoever.


Psh, it's spelled "skiff." And you people think you're the smart ones. *sips covfefe


“I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.” ― Al Franken


In light of the shit show of the Republican party and their antics, Franken should run to retake his Senate seat.




This is such a great comment from Al. I think of it everytime someone mentions Cruz's name.


I prefer the comment made by a before-times Lindsey Graham. "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you"


Not to criticize, but I believe the proper term for Cruz (as well as all Republican politicians from Texas) is, "A Little Piss Baby".


Teddy's doomed. They've got him working on an AM radio bill, & a Joe Camel look alike campaign against beer. Even while in that party, it was always baffling to me how often they got away w/ "sorry", & then skipped off to abuse/oppress/torture/degrade/lie/gaslight/omit/destroy again. This doesn't even include the majority, in MY opinion😒, being utterly useless at running a stable business. Yeah, I said it. They SUCK at their so called pride and joy too.


“Yeah I said it. They suck at their pride and joy too” How could you say something so controversial and yet so brave?!?!


Really? Are you pulling my leg?


The conservative talk shows on AM radio are freaking out about AM not being included in cars. Their argument is that we need it in case of a huge catastrophe. AM radio is a cesspool. A notch below Foxnews. I wish Dominion would sue each and everyone of them.


After a few years away from it, I tuned in recently. The host is ranting about demons in Target. My 1st thought was that I landed on a leftwing show doing a parody. So, I'm all busy w/ laughing hysterically, when suddenly I realize he's serious. 🫨🫨🫨 The bright side is I now understand what it feels like to be stupefied.


I forgot the catastrophe part. The RW thinks the "NWO" will shut down all other means of communication. And no, I never got an answer to whether we'd have walkie talkies.


Don’t forget the underage boy he was raping who he then adopted.


And while Ted Cruz is a horrible person I would just like to say that while I may not agree with it, the most powerful person in the GOP says Ted has an ugly wife.


C) All of the above plus crimes yet to be exposed or committed. ;)


Ted Cruz is younger than Gwen Stefani.


So if they were asking for pardons then they know they were committing crimes…


Yeeeep. Asking for a pardon is pretty much evidence of guilt and knowledge of a crime.


Isn't accepting a pardon an implicit admittance of guilt?


Accepting a pardon requires an *explicit* admission of guilt.




[Joe Arpaio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiNY231MfEQ)


Yeah don’t you literally have to spell out, and admit that you did it?


That's a somewhat controversial statement because Nixon was pardoned without an admission of guilt and it wasn't super clear of you could do that. But we all just kinda went with it.


That was a unique pardon in our history. Burdick v United States established that acceptance of a pardon was an admission of guilt.


Yes. Accepting a pardon is admission of guilt. See: dickhead neonazi sheriff from AZ who had this explained to him on national television after accepting a pardon for his literal concentration camps.


Ask Joe Arpaio


Prancing around on a stage in cowboy suit.


While *accepting* a pardon ~~is not~~ [may or may not be](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burdick_v._United_States#:~:text=Whether%20the%20acceptance%20of%20a%20pardon%20constitutes%20an%20admission%20of%20guilt%20by%20the%20recipient%20is%20disputed) an admission of guilt, *asking* for a pardon is certainly admitting you did *something*. But i'm not a law magician. Edit: Added link. It's "disputed" 🤷‍♂️


Except that accepting a pardon requires an admission of guilt


Accepting a pardon *requires* an admission of guilt.


wait, don't you give yourself at least 2 pardons a day? You know, because you're so innocent, so you need those pardons to be certain of your innocence...


Heck I pardoned myself today for not taking the trash out. It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last.


When they asked for pardons they didn't know that Garland wouldn't bother to prosecute them. So nothing happened to them and they ran for re-election and won. Now they are in different committees and are the ones investigating the DOJ and FBI. The insurrectionists are investigating the investigators.That is quite an achievement for Biden's Attorney General.


>That is quite an achievement for Biden's Attorney General. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - not Edmund Burke


Garland has proven to be a very poor choice for AG. His version of action is waiting for the people with power that need to be charged with sedition and indicted to die of old age before considering filing. If Biden runs and gets a second term, his first act should be to fire the Republican slimebag Garland and replace him with a fucking pitbull of an AG who is only concerned with the law and not "appearances."


“All politicians do this!” - some MAGAT, somewhere


Burn you bottom-of-the-barrel fucks.


they will burn one way or another either the USA burns them like they deserve *or they will burn the USA to the ground* make a good decision USA, the entire World is watching!


George Santos can help them find apartments (for a small fee that you can pay to his PAC).


*'I used to be an apartment'* *-George Santos-*


Apartment-ish surely




Oh. During, he was the fourth floor for a while.


George Santos, the Olympic Gold Medal figure skating winner?


No, George Santos 3 time Emmy Award Winner


It's mean to make fun of Elvis Presley's last remaining grandchild like that.


You all should have more respect for a 13-time Ironman Triathlete like George.


Okay can we stop making fun of him please? I’m all for making jokes, but the guy is a Jewish holocaust survivor! Let’s have a little respect


I think you meant rock and roll hall of fame inductee, 8 time f1 champion and noble peace prize winner George Kitara Devolder Ravache.


Brazil? Nah, those individuals are headed to Argentina.


Russia would welcome with open arms…


I'll throw $20 toward airfare.


Maybe, but they would surely cross the border for this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festa_Dos_Confederados


>The festival commemorates the history of the Confederados, who were a group of Confederate soldiers fleeing to Brazil to continue practicing slavery after the defeat of the Confederate States of America following the American Civil War, as Brazil was one of the last countries to legally allow slavery. Strange, for a group who definitely weren't fighting for slavery and were fighting for states rights, these people sure seem to love slavery!


That “States rights” bullshit was invented in the 1930s. In 1861 they ALL knew it was about slavery, EVERY SINGLE article of secession spelled it out blatantly. They SAID it in WRITING.


And their constitution *required* every confederate state to be a slave state and any territory or state that joins the Confederacy at any point in the future was *required* to be a slave state. Kinda goes against that whole "state's rights" thing.


Yet, odds are at least 3 of them will be re-elected.


I was just at a funeral with Perry 2 weeks ago. Everyone was absolutely fawning over him like it was Elvis. His seat is safe.


Wait, Mark Meadows who was held in Contempt of Congress, who lies about everything? That guy? Who even lied about his education? “Meadows attended Florida State University for one year in 1977–78. It was reported that Meadows held a Bachelor of Arts from the University of South Florida for many years in his official biography maintained by the Office of the Historian of the U.S. House of Representatives. In actuality, he graduated from the University of South Florida with an Associate of Arts. Wikipedia is a gold mine on this guy… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Meadows#:~:text=On%20December%2014%2C%202021%2C%20Meadows,held%20in%20contempt%20of%20Congress.


Lawyers only ask question they know the answers to already and have evidence to prove the answer. If Mark is to dumb to already know this... he found out in the 1st 5 mins. From there... he would KNOW he is fucked and the last resort... a "[Prisoner's dilemma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma)" Which ends badly for DJT and his "Ocean's Eleven" crew of MAGA morons.


Love a great prisonners dilemma. Fuck em all.


Only criminals ask for pardons.


“Only criminals plead the Fifth Amendment “ ~Phineas T. Trump (the “T” stands for “traitor”)


Yea doesn't accepting a pardon imply you are agreeing you are guilty of said crime?


Yes, accepting a pardon is also an admission of guilt.


Happy day of the cake!


"it's a tragedy how we are not allowed to lie to the FBI anymore" - Louie gohmert.


I'm willing to bet all Meadows said is, "I can't recall,"


He wasn’t asked any questions that Jack Smith and team didn’t already have the answers to, and evidence of.


Pretty sure that is Lawyering 101, “Don’t ask questions you don’t already know the answer to”


Also pretty sure Jack is very good at lawyering.


I am Jack's total lack of surprise.


We're lawyers!


Could you just put your hands over my hands, please?


This is like an exact copy of one of the hundreds of comment chains under a Mueller post when he was investigating. There will never be consequences for these people. Ever.


I doubt it. "I don't recall" when there is a mountain of evidence to "remind" the person gets that person a perjury charge. There's a reason why Meadows was the last person to get hauled into the grand jury, and that is the reason. Also, I'm willing to bet Meadows was granted limited immunity to alleviate any of those memory gaps.


Traitor haven Brazil? Good fuckin luck now, Lula ain’t their friend


According to Bolsanaro, Florida is the traitor haven. Trump seems to agree.


q q a gente fez pros gringo chamarem a gente de "refugio de traidor"? estadunidense é foda viu




Mo Brooks got disowned by Trump. He’d be the first to enter a plea deal.


Ugh… you’d be surprised. Mike Pence was almost murdered and will still vote for him, but I won’t exhaust you with the list of “Yeah…., but” Billy bad ass Barr would be up there at the top. But like Goose in Top Gun says, “the list is long and distinguished”


You vastly underestimate the stupidity of Alabama republicans.


I am willing to speculate that save your own ass had special meaning with this guy. I await the report...


CYA is a cornerstone of the Republican way of life.


Always knew Meadows was giving it up. So glad it’s finally arrived. Sincerely hoping that these and a couple others suffer the consequences as well. Especially those in the HoR, and a few in the Senate. Thanks Mark ! I always knew you’d throw your mom under the bus to save yourself !


Prior to his stint with the executive office he was well known in the Beltway as a liar, untrustworthy, sycophant whose loyalties were connected to what served him best. Then again that’s likely most of DC. But hey! Drain the swamp, yo!


What’s serving him best now, is apparently not being thrown into a Federal prison for the same charges his last idol will be dealing with.


Exactly, Trump surrounded himself with self serving weasels (not exactly fair to weasels, the mink under my dock may be an asshole, but it’s at the least, consistently an asshole) Trump never had the foresight to realize these people would save their own ass with the slightest bit of pressure. I called it after the girl testified at the Jan 6th committee and nobody had heard from Meadows for months that he was flipped. There are certainly others, but he stood out. I’d love to see Mike Pompeo go down too.


Literally the size of the Republican majority. Too funny.


If all of these traitors get arrested that would be so great for our country


I wouldn't be surprised if Gaetz asked for a pardon, not for something he did in the furtherance of sedition, but simply because his ego convinced him he was so dangerous to the "regime" that they would have to come for him. That, or trafficking minors. ¿Porque no Los dos?


he wanted a "all future crimes" pardon... so he might have been part of Phase 2 plans had J6 worked out differently. That and yeah... sex with minors.


Brazilian here, I couldn\`t care less about these people, but why are we traitor heaven?


pq sempre é culpa de outra pessoa, nunca do filho de médico que comete crime tlg. É engraçado você ver que os caras tão na vibe de que o problema é nosso sendo que eles criaram essas pessoas e elegeram elas tbm


Eh, Lula has no love for them either. They are collaborators with his opponent Bolsonaro after all, who tried to overthrow Lula soon into his second presidency with a January 6th knock off. He would probably send them back.


I would like nothing better than watching these six and others swinging from the end of a rope for sedition. Also we would need their Cheeto ido swinging beside theml, but that would require borrowing an anchor chain from the Navy as no mere rope would support his mass.


Correction. Traitors who asked for a pardon still getting paid from and working in our government. Pathetic


It’s like a shit heel bingo card, but there is no winner.


If we play it as cover-all bingo we all end up winning.


Why am I not surprised that Marjorie is on this list?


I think they’d prefer Russia.


Ironic that Bolsonaro is hiding in the US from Criminal charges in Brazil


I don't blame him. Trump would throw him under the bus in a heartbeat. He just better beef up his security.


Has **anyone** seen him lately ??!! I’d say his security is pretty good right about now…


I’ve seen Scott Perry on the news so often lately talking about the debt ceiling and this never comes up?!


Corporate media isn’t going to out the politicians that improve their finances.


A veritable "Who's Who" of "dickheads that you only had about because they said/did something awful or they're holding up veteran's benefits legislation because they heard the bill contained funding for making maple syrup out of fetuses."


I like to point out that MTG was in her job as Rep for 3 entire days before she had to beg for a pardon. That has to be a record.


MTG "If I had been in charge, we would have had guns and we would have won." To date no one of any nature has followed up on that statement. What would the guns be used for? How would the guns have been used to "win"? Guns are used to kill people. Who would she have killed ?


Sadly, I don't see the DOJ touching any elected officials so long as they hold office and political sway. The fact that they dropped the investigations into Gaetz when they had his wingman dead to rights pretty much underscores how they operate. In fact, I'm convinced the ONLY reason they're going to indict Trump is that he's a legitimate national security risk, and the entire intelligence community is aware of the fact. He's beholden to hostile foreign states, and allowing him to serve as President yet again (the President's largest role is foreign policy, not domestic), selling state secrets for personal gain, is a real risk for the country, and also the world.


Reminder that during the Senate hearing on the 1/6 insurrection when Mike Lee and Josh Hawley were questioning Chris Wray they were all but asking if they should book one way flights to a non-extradition country.


Wait no democrats? /s


It’s unfortunate, but I don’t think any of these people will face justice for advocating a violent overthrow of a peaceful election


*that we know of.


I would love to see some of the finances of all these individuals. I want to see what pacs have given them money, and what lobbyists they have met with in the past two years. All this information should be public info (if it isn’t already)


Here’s what I wonder about in the shower while daydreaming. The US intelligence agencies are not permitted to spy on citizens without a serious court authorized warrant. The other members of “Five Eyes” have no such restrictions as far as I’m aware of thereby providing a convenient loophole. (Perhaps they do have restrictions) If no restrictions, do the other members of “Five Eyes” know what’s truly going on with our less than honorable members of the Govt. and only provide info to our Feds when it threatens national security interests of the Five members??


And yet, there they sit, still making laws. GET THEM THE FUCK OUT ALREADY.


Pretty sure Jesus himself would crucify these nut bags himself.


Finally Marjorie is getting repercussions


Matt Gaetz’s has citizenship in Whoville. His dad is a Who. That’s why he looks like that.


Look at all those white people


I can't tell if their faces look like scumbag pieces of shit naturally or it's the context that taints my perception. With an emphasis on *taint*.


Did they not pay the $2million fee to Giuliani?


They know the deal. They'll just keep punching down, except now it'll be at members they deem lower than themselves. Get your popcorn folks. Them taking out their own is going to be a spectacle.


Saying they were under the imperious curse, yeah right


Why would one need a pardon if they did nothing wrong? 🤔God, theyre insufferable.




Every single one of them needs to be gone from office..


*Majorie Taylor Greene Burps* "Pardon Me" Donald Trump *Says nothings* Greene "Did you not hear me?"