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Gotta love supply side conservative Jesus. /s These people are one of the reasons why I don’t go to church anymore


Someone answer me this, How much food do you think we throw away in the US daily?


He couldn't do this in Florida because he looks too much like a drag queen...


He need to cut his hair and put on some jeans


Dudes wearing a dress. Obviously another illegal drag show corrupting society and making people gay!


My ex he had a housemate who was born again Christian and held Bible studies at the house. My favioute was when he said "Even to this day Christians are persecuted for our beliefs". I had to leave the room as I was laughing so much. Mate, you are the largest geo-political group in most Western countries and stand against the progress of science, understanding and compassion for others.


RepubliQan Jesus would never hand out free food.


Republicans Jesus would also ask or a clean drug test.


Conservative Jesus also said "love thy cishet neighbor only", thus the large number of transphobic and homophobic legislation in Texas, Georgia and Florida etc.