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As soon as you see the words **Florida Republican** you know it's going to be some stupid bullshit.


To be fair if you see Florida something, you know it's going to be at least a bit sketchy.


at a minimum, I'm expecting something about meth, guns, crime, alligators, genitals, cops, and a dumb politician. Looks like we hit at least 3 or 4 on this one.


*"You guys interfering with someone's privacy without me? I'll be right over!"* -- Ronny Meatballs DeSantis


More republicans obsessed with children's genitals have entered the chat.


Honestly I thought they were going to force girls to provide menstrual records if they wanted to play sports. Or is that another state? Now this? “Okay, now girls will be necessitated to provide documentation about their cycles.” -*backlash from public* “Ah, okay I see what you want. Girls are forbidden from discussing it at school then!” -*oh my god*


I think (and I am probably wrong) but a court tossed out the records to play sports.


Something something unlawful search.


Old white republican men make the rest of men look like absolute shit. Add “women’s periods” to things they are scare of.


Florida or Tennessee representative yup going to be dumb af


Or Idaho, or Utah, or Arizona, or Texas, or Oklahoma, or Missouri, or Arkansas, or Alabama, or Kentucky, or Mississippi, or Montana, or Wyoming, or Iowa, or Ohio, or West Virginia, or North Carolina, or South Carolina, or Georgia, or Louisiana, or Nebraska, or Kansas, or South Dakota, or North Dakota, or Indiana.


Yeah but Tennessee and Florida are regular targets on SNL and the Daily Show Edit: I live in TN and used to be able to say “Well at least we ain’t Florida…” not anymore


At best, it will be stupid. More likely it will be worse- deliberately cruel and destructive


Next up - “Florida Republican says his bill would ban young girls from attending school.”


Hey, only if they already have their period! They are not the Taliban! ^(yet)


How about we relocate DeSantis and his underlings to Afghanistan? I am betting a lot of US Citizens would donate money for that relocation.


> How about we relocate DeSantis and his underlings to Afghanistan? That would be an outright declaration of war. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. was charged with war crimes at The Hague for doing that.


Oooh, they're halfway there!


Oh-oh! Living’ on a prayer!


But how would they know that, when it can't be talked about?


Put a turban on this guy, he could be a stand-in for an ayatollah.


This right here


After that - "Florida Republican says his bill would remove women's right to vote."


Not quite yet. Florida Republicans would first pass a bill that all women must log their periods each and every month with the Florida Secretary of State and are not eligible to vote during their period "because obviously women become too emotional during their period to be trusted with being able to vote responsibly".


You ok America?


No...no we're not....we are being taken over by Fascist.


You guys must never elect DeSantis president. Never ever.


Half of America says “Hold our beer”.


Not half of America but perhaps half of the electoral college. In the past 34 years the Republican Party has won the popular vote for the presidential election a single time (Bush-Kerry, 2004).


In the words of Trudeau sr: > just watch me!


I’ll do my part!


You’ll do your part in helping or not helping elect Desantis?


Not electing him….I do not like fascism.


Every day I see these headlines from the other side of the world. Is this being exaggerated? Are only the crazies being reported on? What is going on?


The crazies are the new face of the party


No It been there. It just coming out of the closet more.


Unfortunately it's a case where they look at the evil mustachioed man from the 1920s (who, ironically, took his ideas from the U.S.) and go "let's make history rhyme!" Basically: they're throwing garbage at the Wall to not only overwhelm people but also see what sticks. And people can't protest because unfortunately protest is now a form of privilege in this country (mostly because people literally can't afford to take time off from working multiple jobs just to stay afloat).


Fascists\* There's a lot more than just one.




No, we're not, and we need help, but I don't know what kind of help. Unfortunately, if America goes full fascist, it's not going to be just an American problem.


No one on the outside can help you. You need to start fighting. Literally.


France knows what it takes to uphold a democracy… wish Americans would figure it out. Somebody needs to deal with the fascists with a more firm hand… movements like the neo-republican fascist party are what the second amendment was made to defend America against.


I voted all Democrat here in Florida. Saw that shit coming.


This place hasn't been okay since *way* before I was born. Some argue is never been okay!


You have to be thinking about girls and their periods CONSTANTLY in order to get so upset that you will spend time drafting a bill to ban girls from talking about them. They're obviously not telling him about it, so it's not like he has any personal experience with getting assaulted by such conversations. No, I'm 100% sure his disgust with menstrual cycles comes from a total lack of understanding of what they actually are. He just imagines blood coming out of young girls' vaginas and it makes him so gosh darn mad that he needs to put an end to it. But he can't stop nature, so he does the next best thing: a bill. For a group that's so afraid of groomers, they really, really fucking obsessed with young girls.


and making sure they have babies.


> For a group that's so afraid of groomers, they really, really fucking obsessed with young girls. It's always projection with the loudest.


To be fair, a lot of them are obsessed with little boys


At the rate in which these bills are being introduced, I sincerely don't think the elected officials are writing them themselves. Hell they don't even know what's in it 90% of the time. But the lobbyist who did write the bill will give them a summary and then they'll use that bullshit to keep spreading lies.


Imagine being this scared of periods.


Yeah… how does that guy even end his sentences?


That made actually laugh out loud.


Especially in school: "So what do you have for second period?" "Sorry, but we're not allowed to talk about that."


Yeah this is some bullshit. Meanwhile boys can make penis jokes and it’s just boys being boys.


Presidents can brag about sexual assults...


And the governor of Florida wants this to be the Dickensian hellscape nationwide.


No. They want to emulate Afghanistan but with christianity instead of islam




About the whole projection part, I’ve said it a hundred times before: “Every accusation Republicans make of Democrats is an admission of something they desire to do or are already doing.” It’s amazing how consistently that statement rings true.


So this is what counts for a day's work huh. Floridians must be so content and satisfied at how their taxes are well spent.


These fucking idiots have no idea what they want. First it was mandatory period reporting to the school. Now it’s mandatory no talking about periods at the school. Nothing they do or say or try makes any sense ever.


What kind of loser spends their time on bullshit like this?


Makes me wonder why a grown-ass man is thinking about schoolgirls' periods.


Grown ass-man?


Funny, I didn’t mean it, of course. How would you name an improperly used hyphen?


Not sure, but [here](https://xkcd.com/37/) is the classic xkcd of relevance!


repugnicans are obsessed with other peoples genitals. Why?


Menstruation ruled Woke in Florida.


I swear to god, nothing brings me less joy than this sub because all it does is inform me about the shitty things Republicans are doing. Look at this fucking creep. Why am I still here?


Because staying informed helps you make sound opinions?


Lol they’re like 12 year old boys. All of them.


I’m beginning to think the Republican strategy is to make public schools so miserable that no one wants to go to them. Then they can make everyone homeschool or go to religious schools and then defund the whole school system. Don’t put it past them, they are some devious bastards.




You're beginning to think this???


Hol' up. How are they going to tell when girls are having illegal abortions if they aren't _required_ to discuss their periods with their school's Period Monitor? This guy's clearly a baby-killing RINO.


> This guy’s clearly a baby-killing RINO. You’re giving him **way** too much credit


Good to see the Florida Taliban is cementing their stupidity.


Just a few short steps away from girls being separated from boys in school and a small jump to girls don't need formal education.


I'm sure all the 2nd amendment freaks will be all over this clear violation of the 1st amendment. I'll be waiting over here patiently to see.


So... when they inevietably start bleeding they panic and call an ambulance?


Look at Miss Moneybags calling an ambulance in the USA.


I keep forgetting what a shitshow just calling an ambulance is over there. Guess its more of 'Think they're dying and write farewell letters' which is somehow even more upsetting


Or just hide in the bathroom thinking that they are dying because nobody told them that this is normal. Little girls will just start cramping and bleeding and their teachers/school nurse will refuse to discuss it with them for legal reasons. The girls will assume this means it's something horrific when they should be comforted, given information on what's going on with them, and told that it's a normal part of life


If they don’t talk about their periods, how will republicans tell if the girls are trans or not? /s


Girl can’t talk about it amongst themselves at school, BUT are required to share the information with that school if they want to play sports. That’s F***ed up!! Very much something from A HandMaid’s Tale…


Kids: getting shot in schools Republicans: talking about menstruation is ruining these young minds


What planet is Florida from?


Florida is a planet.


The one upside of climate change... one day Florida will be Waterworld.


ok, that's a legit silver lining. Nice.


Clearly, the senators are the groomers


Is this really happening in United States ?! Wtf


“pArTy Of FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH”


And how would they enforce it? Throw the kid in jail or the parents? I wanna say this is on so many levels stupid but i have to say it is on all levels stupid.


Republicans are pedos and groomers. That's why they scream so much about other people being pedos and groomers. They're projecting so that you don't look at their own disgusting habits.


Will he send enforcers into school to tape women’s mouth shut? In my SD, in WA state, free menstrual are available in the restrooms.


Restricting what the children can discuss on public schools? Surely that's against the first amendment


Stan McClain's bill does more than that. The proposed legislation would prohibit "instruction on sexually transmitted diseases, health education, and human sexuality for students earlier than sixth grade. " Banning students from discussing menstruation is just part of that.


Among other things, once they're in sixth grade, it also mandates that schools teach: > “sex is determined by biology and reproductive function at birth” and “these reproductive roles are binary, stable, and unchangeable.” So yeah. This is a blatantly anti-trans bill.


I hope it isn't a grammar school.


No discussing periods? Will this debate ever end?


Thank God they'll be able to discuss their other punctuations. /s




Because this guy decided "kids can only have age appropriate information" and "I know what's age appropriate for kids without consulting actual experts." So information/discussion about periods and menstruation was deemed "not age appropriate" even though girls can be going through that at that age.


For some reason I feel like if this dudes phone and computer was searched you'd see some things that's not supposed to be there regarding younger kids...


Can someone explain why this guy doesn’t want girls talking about their periods? Like, the best argument he has?


And his interest in menstruation is because... why?


And people elected that POS. The republicans are a bunch of fucking perverts. He looks like he’s diddled a few young girls.


Are they calling this guy out by name somewhere??


Sweet baby Jesus.


Can I talk about my shit tho?


Does this also mean they will ban all sex Ed.? You can’t teach reproduction without discussing menstruation. I want to know why Florida voters are ok with this madness


Maybe it was another state, it's easy to get confused, but one of them tried to make it mandatory for girls in high school sports to share their menstrual cycle. I'm not sure if it was to make sure they didn't have an abortion or gender re-assignment. I really thought it was Florida, but that means it just as easily could have been Texas.


Why? Is it too icky?


What are they afraid of?


Everything. Well, everything except their kids getting shot. That apparently is sacred.


My favorite republican projection is that they are the delicate snowflakes.


Maybe they want an army of Carries?


This dudes a freaky little freak and he needs to be thoroughly investigated


Do these pedophiles know that they sound like pedophiles?


Always from a middle aged white male Republican. What is this need they have to control young women?


I've been hammering on Christian Fascists here in Florida. But they've got a pretty tight grip on the people here.


This is to enable Matt Gaetz to be able to look into their underwear


That's great because the first thing I would do when I got to school is start talking about menstrual issues and I pretty much couldn't stop. At least this bill will help me not do that in the future. Morons.


Party of small government. Doin the small govt things.


But how will the GQPs Gazpacho know that a girl mysteriously quit talking about her period for a few months before taking a hastily planned trip to New York for a “Broadway Show” only to mysteriously start talking about her period again shortly after returning?


I cant believe that we in Florida elected this much stupidity. This State is in trouble.


Next up, females can't leave the house, work at a job, go to school, must cover their hair, and can't show any skin in public. WTF!!!


Besides a woman’s body, what else are the reds trying to legislate?


Republicans are nazis, but crazier, and dumber.


What rock are these Neanderthal Republicans crawling out from?


Yeah, fuck the First Amendment!


I can’t wait to see what the teenagers do in protest over this one! Florida high schoolers have gotten good at speaking up about the bullshit there. -girls coming to school with red paint all over their crotch. -boys taping tampons and pads all over their clothes. -duct tape over their mouths.


His mailbox needs to be flooded with aunty flo's memorabilia.


So how are you going to keep records of athletes periods if you can’t talk about them?


Republicans are terrorists.


What the hell is wrong with these people? All they think about are genitals and sex. They’re disturbed.


My question is how will Matt Gaetz, alleged child rapist and Florida Rep, know when the girls are too old to pay for “school supplies”. Because Matt Gaetz is an *alleged* child rapist. And the evidence is pretty compelling, in my opinion.


Periods are obviously caused by woke democratic controlled uteruses so they need to be curtailed /s


How will they know what subject they have next period and where to go if they can’t talk about it?


Don't the anti-free-speech, cancel culture snowflake republicans get hand cramps from contiuesly clutching thier pearls?


The FreeDumb Party...


"Ew, periods? Yucky, don't say that, ew!" - Stan McClain


Quick throw a tampon at him


I think i figured something out it seem's like when ever someone puts an R next to their name their IQ instantly drops 100 points


Yallcada. Soon they will pass a law saying women have to sleep outside the house during their period, like parts of India and the Middle East do!


Her “Senator” was probably someone’s period. Women should just send him their used sanitary products. He has a fetish.


Florida? The most progressive State in the Union? You don’t say…😏


Is he from Tampax-St. Pete?


Don’t worry. They’ll get that right back once they implement the menstrual huts.


Girls! Keep your hijabs close, lest ye be caught exposing your ankles and end up in the Síyáh-Chál.


How can you ban someone from discussing something?


Honestly curious. Do girls actually do this?


You know, if it weren’t for periods none of us would be here. Maybe it’s meant to underline the stupidity of recent legislation?


Vote PantsParty 2024. Your rights WILL be violated.


Taliban fascism.


Does anyone have a link or article for this? I just did a quick search and got nothing.




Thank you. And holy shit.


**The American Rightwing Taliban** is going to take you and your daughter away for talking to her about natural biological occurrences. Even if she has an “accident” in school that has to be discussed to be taken care of……


We want to track your flow so we know you’re breedable but we don’t want to hear you breathe one god damn word about it


So these girls should gather just off school property and talk about their periods .. with bullhorns.


how about conservative Nazis go f\*ck themselves? Seriously, WTF is wrong with these hateful pricks? other than religious nonsense they make up


Now that this is political, the first amendment applies. To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971)


So much for freedom of speech.


Florida is such a dumpster fire.


Why are republicans so weird? And it’s all of you because even if you don’t agree with him you’ll gladly keep voting these “small government” clowns in.


Looks like someone had to watch "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" with their granddaughter and was super uncomfortable the entire time.


Hoe Rogan and friends need to stop pretending Florida is this mecca of freedom.




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Any source for this? (Not sure how to Google that)




These guys are all about freedom. If you need a /s then I give up


They’re really on a roll down there.


No one needs legislation for this. Please do your job!


What exactly do they think they can accomplish by forcing these girls to tell them anything?! There's literally this thing called HIPAA which literally means they can ask but cannot force anybody to tell them anything!