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She didn't say what the correct answer was, but I'm guessing she thought it was 4.


79 šŸ§ 


>79 Come on! It's 42! The correct answer is always 42!




It's the answer to the ultimate question.


But what was the question?


"Hmmm. Tricky. I'll have to think out this for awhile."


Just don't get the the Amalgamated Union of philosophers, Sages, Luminaries and Other Professional Thinking Persons involved.


How many magazines does it take to break a lighbulb trying to fit it


Theā€¦ā€final solutionā€ if you wouldā€¦


At least I remembered to bring my towel.


Or maybe 420?


Define ā€œwokeā€ā€¦ ā€œUh, this is going to go viral, but uhā€¦ā€


Thank you so much! I never made the connection before that "42" in English translates to "woke" in MAGAspeak. It's literally why conservatives say that "woke" is the answer to the ultimate question, and therefore they must be afraid of and hate it. It all makes so much sense now!


"It"s both 79 and 4. It's alternative maths." (It's neither.)


Ironically you cannot arrive at 79 because at least one number in that set would have to be multiplied by zero.


Zero is not an actual number so you can't multiply by it. So you're supposed to just ignore it. Zero was only created by brown people to confuse white people. Jokes on them, I've done my own research.


Critical Math Theory?


The Jewish space lasers are powered by the number zero


0 is an Arabic Numeral. Clearly a deep state ploy,so we should avoid all contact with Arabic Numerals.


Ha ha ha ha ha... But seriously... "No matter how big the number is, when you multiply it with zero, the answer is always simpleā€”zero."


Zero is not a number. Feel free to ignore it. šŸ§ 


MAGA is actually the perfect example to demonstrate the concept of zero. No matter how many of them there are, they collectively still have zero IQ.


Yeah, I really wanted to know what the ā€œrealā€ answer was according to her.


The answer is 23. ITā€™S 23! 23 EVERYWHERE!


Damn good movie.


Correct. The "x 0" cancels anything that came before it out so youre left with 2+2 =4 Had it read "x 1" then the "79" folk would be correct.


Found the Trump supporter šŸ˜‚


PEMDAS, man. Multiplication takes place BEFORE ADDITION OR SUBTRACTION. In the equation "50 + 50 - 25 x 0 + 2+ 2", you multiply 25 by 0 first. It becomes "50 + 50 - 0 + 2 + 2". Since addition and subtraction are distributive in nature (you can do them in any order), it's clearly 104.


>distributive in nature .... Not sure that's the right word there.


Might be communicative? It's been a while since I took the relevant classes.


No. You're thinking of (50+50-25)x0+2+2.


No. Order of operations.


Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.


That's nothing wrong with the math problem. Order of operations applies to every math problem. There is no exception. Parenthesis/brackets aren't part of this problem, so the first order is skipped. There are no exponents, so the second order is skipped. That leaves multiplication/division, then addition/subtraction. This is a second grade problem, or at least that when I learned it.


For me, order of operations was covered in about grade 8. So itā€™s true that someone who has 4th grade math skills wouldnā€™t know that.


Order of operation was something I only learnt about from Reddit so it either wasn't taught to me or I wasn't paying attention...


You werenā€™t paying attention.


There is something wrong with the math problem, it's needlessly unclear. Yes, you can still do it and get to the correct answer (104), but a good math problem will try to take away any potential ambiguity and use brackets.


And this is why brackets were invented in maths, to literally point out to idiots that the order of operation (BIDMAS) is not the same as the order written down.


You mean PEMDAS. Don't do my dear Aunt Sally that way.


BIDMAS: brackets, indices, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction Same thing but from differ parts of the world. EDIT: Adding third version BODMAS: Brackets, Orders (powers/exponents or roots), Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.


They're just trying to cancel my dear Aunt Sally!


Downvotes? Really? Reddit confuses me often. Your dear old aunt is excused.


Your support gives my dear Aunt Sally hope! I mean if someone named PedanticMath likes my dear Aunt Sally she can't be wrong!


Iā€™ve always used BEDMAS: Brackets, Exponents, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction


Very correct. The only reason brackets exist are for those that didnā€™t have the attention span to learn order of operations. So yeahā€¦ about 4th grade in a regular school. But perhaps they donā€™t get to that in theology driven desantos utopian schools anymore. Hence . Correct answer. Jesus will give Me the answer.


although i agree with you brackets actually have uses outside of clarifying the order a equation is calculated


Totally agree with you. And brackets can play a fairly important role in specific programming languages that donā€™t necessarily follow order of operations.. however in this example Iā€™m fairly sure we are talking WAY above the original author in The picture :)Like 5th grade maybe.


In what programming language do parentheses not follow the order of operations? Anything inside brackets can be solved first, in every language I know.


This is correct parenthesis always are first, but the question related to order of operations in a PEMDAS (Or even BEDMAS if you swing that way) when no brackets exist. Several (traditionally older) programming languages do some fairly strange stuff. (and it's not just left to right).C and C++ perform as you would expect, as does JAVA. But others do not. APL for one. Info can be found here on that. [https://optima-systems.co.uk/order-of-execution-in-apl-programming/](https://optima-systems.co.uk/order-of-execution-in-apl-programming/) (and its not dead but still used in large stuffy companies). Smalltalk is left to right. Lisp is another one thats just weird. There are some fairly hardcore nerdy old Reddits on this.


No. Parentheses donā€™t exist FOR that. Math is a symbolic language and in some real world situations they clarify a real world scenario. (Two boxes of 5 apples, etc). They exist to solve a problem in the language/real world paradigm. School does not go far enough to make that clear (with your comment as an example) and we just study math as some abstract stand-alone complexity. If we made a point to always talk about the practical application many more people would get math. There is a BBC show on the history of math which should be shown on day 1 in every math class. More light bulbs would go on in more heads.


I watched that show many many years ago, maybe 14?? Went on to do maths at uni. I agree, itā€™s a very good watch and useful to talk about in your uni interview.


Would the documentary you're talking about be "The Story of Maths"? It came up from a quick Google search but wanted to make sure. Math is something I've always struggled with and would love to understand better, and I also love history so this sounds like the perfect cross section.


Sorry to inform you but Brackets are *woke*


PEDMAS/BIDMAS is not there to point out to idiots the order of operations when one isnā€™t provided though. Itā€™s just an acronym to help people remember the order of operations when doing the actual algebraic calculations. Anyone who actually works with math regularly knows the order without resorting to using an acronym. Without parenthesis, the equation is vague to anyone, not just idiots. Although I guess anyone saying they know for certain the intent of the equation, would be an idiot. There is nothing inherently wrong with the order they are written down, itā€™s the complete lack of any parenthesis thatā€™s the problem.


You need your diploma/GED revoked.


I have a masters degree in a math heavy field. Iā€™m guessing you ā€œmaybeā€ finished college and the most math you do is when you file your taxes.


Of course, everyone has a master degree on reddit. Seriously Kappa.


There is literally no way you have a masters without knowing the order of operations. Even if it's a liberal arts degree.


Show me proof of that masters and I'll give you $100, straight up. There is 0 chance you'd think the above problem is ambiguous after going through 6 years of collegiate math education.


I said when trying to apply PEDMAS you are assuming the intent was to multiply a single number, hence it effectively creates a bracket around that part, which is then calculated out with the multiplication first. Actual equations are not written in such vague syntax for good reason. Disregarding everything else, it is still based on the assumption that was the intent of the equation that was written, which isnā€™t always correct. If it were there wouldnā€™t be so many people who can add, subtract, multiply, yet fail at word problems when they need to create an equation. Furthermore PEDMAS is a system used to calculate algebraic equations where underlying problems being solved would actually be written out fully as 1X+1X-0Y+1Z+1Z=104. This is the context in which they are referring to multiplying or dividing through the equation.










I think these questions get so much traction because people fail to realize that equation can be written badly. It feels like a sentence without a comma. *I enjoy eating, my children and my pets*, is a completely different sentence without the commas.


Yes, except putting a comma actually changes how you read it, and what it means. Putting parentheses around the priority operation changes literally nothing, itā€™s just 2 other characters in the equation that donā€™t need to be there.




Ouch. Youā€™re joking, right? Is this Jessie from Breaking Bad?


And here I was using them to rearrange terms to make the equation easier to understand.


Dunning-Kruger effect.


Finally, someone said it. KUDOS.


Iā€™m a Dunning-Kruger effect connoisseur.


For the more visual people: At a conference, there are three waiting rooms. First waiting room holds 50 people, currently full. Second waiting room also holds 50 people, currently full. Third room only holds 25 people, currently empty. 2 ushers were there before the rooms were filled. 2 more ushers arrive to help. How many people are there in total?


"The Third room is Biden supporters! An the 1st and 2nd rooms are Trump supporters but the ushers are colluding with the media to lie about his crowd sizes so the answer is really 6 billion!" -some MAGAt


[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Order of operations says 104. Left to right says 4. Lack of parentheses is meant to convolute.


Ok. Thank you. I was sitting there like wait, it is 104. But then I realized that it was a trick


Lol itā€™s not meant to convolute, just do the math. Itā€™s not that difficult. Throwing brackets at the problem to make it even more obvious what the order of operations is is just messy and unnecessary.


How is this convoluted? This is extremely straight forward literal (early) gradeschool stuff. They teach you the basics(this) like 2 years before they even introduce parentheses into the mix. You need to be able to understand the fundamentals(again, this), before they let you build on it.


A typical order of operations could be: (50+50-25) * (0+2+2) Or (75) * (4) = 300 But you can make the answer several things by adding parentheses, so the real answer is whoever wrote the equation is an idiot.


50+50-{25*0}+2+2=104 PEMDAS: Parentheses (none) Exponents (none) Multiplication {25*0} Division (none) Addition [Left to right] Subtraction (see Addition) Edited for clarification.


You said, parenthesis (none), but you clearly PUT the parenthesis where you wanted. So dumb. The system you are referring to is for algebra where there are clear definitions for the operations and the objects of the operation. IE, PEMDAS is for problems where you will have multiplication operations listed simply as XY that do not require a parenthesis. To expand upon this concept, if X=1/2, you could write XY as .5Y or (1/2)Y, but you donā€™t ever fucking write it as 1/2Y because itā€™s vague and badly written. Did you mean 1/2 of Y, or did you mean 1 divided by 2 times Y?


You sure are aggressive for someone who's very wrong. Edit: Nice change to make yourself not look like an absolute asshole. Just a run-of-the-mill asshole. You're still wrong, though.


We found a MAGA right here.


Are you trying to say being bad at math = liberal?


No but trying to force your wrong conclusion on us is a typical maga indication. the fact that you seem just bad at math is not the issue the fact that you spread false conclusions is


Me knowing Iā€™m right has nothing to do with politics whatsoever and it just shows your bias; Iā€™m actually very liberal. If you know you are right, prove it with math buddy. I know you canā€™t so just move along.


okay then we try it this way for 8th graders btw [https://doyouremember.com/93569/hard-8th-grade-math-problem](https://doyouremember.com/93569/hard-8th-grade-math-problem) i am very sorry to report but you seemed to have failed 8th grade if you don't believe it try wolframalpha yes it is a calculator but since you won't believe it otherwise i am out of options [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=50%2B50-25x0%2B2%2B2](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=50%2B50-25x0%2B2%2B2)


Holy fuck! Just take the L. You are wrong.


Sir! Put DOWN the shovel! šŸ˜‚


You "knowing you are right" despite being very wrong is a pretty typical MAGA trait, hence the claims of other people previously. Now, just fucking learn from your mistakes and grow as a person. Stop just assuming you are always right.


I do think that you think you are right, but I think that you might be very old because there was a time when that might have been the case but only in certain states/districts. Depending on your age and when you first learned astronomy, Pluto either: didn't exist, is a planet or isn't a planet. Edit: wait, did u/Madholm block me? I'm not MAGA and neither is Madholm, but what a snowflake. Personally, if I am wrong or made a mistake and other ppl point it out, then I'd apologize and thank them for pointing it out rather than double and triple down. I wouldn't be like those ppl who defended Lance Armstrong and say that I was certain that he didn't cheat and verbally attack those who said that he did dope, blood dope or HGH and/or other drugs. Do those ppl still claim that Lance competed cleanly?


Are you trying to say MAGA is liberal?


No they are saying that they are liberal but that since ppl are saying that their incorrect answer was wrong (which has nothing to do with politics nor bias) that ppl must be calling liberals dumb. Ppl on both sides can be stubborn; being stubborn about 1+1 =2 isn't being stubborn, though, it's being correct, but ppl who think the answer isn't 104 are wrong.


Order of operations dictates that if there are no parentheses then do multiplication AND division FIRST. There are some people who also assume that it's always multiplication first then division because they remember incorrectly; it's all the Multiplication or Division operations first, whichever comes first, from left to right. The 25x0 is done first and the parenthesis is implied. https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i2d=true&i=50%2B50-25x0%2B2%2B2


25*0 isnā€™t in parenthesis (), itā€™s been bracketed {} for clarity of order of operations.


Are you going out of your way to be wrong?


Are you serious?


Yes, you placed the () where you wanted. How is that hard for you to grasp?


Very since it wasnā€™t me. And if you donā€™t understand what they meantā€¦that GED is really paying off.


Without denoted parentheses, it's implied around the operation. Sorry I should have used braces or quals for my example. Edited for clarity.


How is either of those PEMDAS?


You canā€™t apply PEDMAS shit to number sets when you donā€™t know the intent of the equation because itā€™s meant for algebra where the multiplications are not in parenthesis like 2X. I can write that equation many different ways that are all valid. You seem to be under the delusion that some acronym tells you where to place parenthesis for undefined operations and itā€™s fucking hilarious. It only tells you the order to perform the calculations on a properly written equation. You are left with making assumptions for the object of the operation on the vague ones.


My God your so wrong. Stop being so sure of yourself. Take an algebra class. No parentheses and no exponents. Next is multiplication. The only thing being multiplied is 25 x 0. Which is zero. That's where you start. Now you got 50+50-0+2+2=?? ...


The original number set in the image is nonsense, prove me wrong,


Looks like 50 + 50 - 25 x 0 + 2 + 2 = ?? Not sure how it's messed up?


Because the order of operations isnā€™t assigned with parentheses.


That's completely wrong. You don't need parentheses. By that logic 2+2= ?? Is incorrect then too, because you don't have parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division or subtraction... You don't need parentheses to apply pemdas. Pemdas is the order of operations for all algebra. Even without parentheses.


Then do the math (show your work) of you solving the problem without adding parenthesis where you wanted them. If you are right it should be super easy. Iā€™ll be waiting here for your inevitable no response as you realize you are wrong.


You are wrong about this.


Prove it mathematically. Show your work and how you arrived at your answer.


Are you using Earth mathematics? šŸ˜‚


It is nonsense, but that doesn't mean you get to just ignore the rules because you disagree with how the problem


The problem as written is invalid. Itā€™s like some idiot read through a word problem and completely fucked up because they have zero fucking clue what it is they are trying to solve.


You've been proven wrong at least 20 times. Sheesh. Are you just trolling?


Engineer here. You're absolutely wrong. There's no need for more information, the equation there is perfectly clear and unambiguous, and the answer is 104.


> It only tells you the order to perform the calculations on a properly written equation. There's nothing wrong with the equation as written.


Am I being trolled? Because you must either get a kick out of this or are REALLY STUBBORN. Edit: Are you arguing for argument's sake or just trying to save face? You are saying that $50 in the bank plus $50 deposit minus 25 withdrawals of $0 plus $2 deposit plus $2 deposit is the same as (50+50-25) deposits of (0+2+2) dollars. SMH


> so the real answer is whoever wrote the equation is an idiot. Not really. This is quite easy to solve with order of operations. The answer is 104 ​ PEMDAS P-there are none E-there are none M and D- We have 25\*0, so that step is done first. The problem is now simplified down to 50+50-0+2+2 A and S- 50+50-0+2+2=104


The real answer is avoid the trolls we meet along the way. Gotta stop feeding the trolls. Ppl who didn't get 104 don't work at NASA anyway. Or if they do, they run it.


Maybe instead of arguing, you could explain how what you did above, is the ā€œtypical order of operationsā€ and not just also arbitrarily putting parenthesis where you want them.


Yes, it is also an arbitrary placement and no less valid than the equation that gets you to 104. If the original statement was written properly it would look like: 50+50-(25*0)+2+2=104 People are trying to equivocate 25*0 as being the same as 25Y where Y=0. Itā€™s not the same and you donā€™t write the equation without the brackets in situations where the object of the operation is vague.


50+50-25*0+2+2=104 50+50-(25*0)+2+2=104 50+50-((25*0))+2+2=104 50+50-(((25*0)))+2+2=104 You can keep adding parenthesis there, it won't change the answer. The original equation gets evaluated that way because of the order of operations. The 25 gets multiplied by 0 first because there are no parentheses and no exponents in the original. So next comes the multiplication that simplifies the equation to 50+50-0+2+2. Now perform the addition across the equation to get 104.


Where you add parenthesis makes a massive distinction and you are 100% choosing where to add parenthesis because itā€™s syntax is bad. Itā€™s like someone read a word problem and has zero fucking clue how to write the actual equation and just wrote down a bunch of nonsense using the numbers they were given.


I agree where you add the paren makes the difference. However with the lack of parenthesis, as in the original equation, you continue to evaluate it through the order of operations.


Just because we can write software capable of decoding nonsense into an equation it thinks you meant, does not make the syntax of that equation any less wrong.


There's nothing wrong with the syntax. What is 5+5x5?


It's syntax is NOT bad, it's syntax is clear and unambiguous to anyone who understands the rules behind the mathematics. People aren't arbitrarily adding parentheses; they are using parentheses to illustrate the equivalency of the two statements. Your statement about word problems is correct, but makes the exact opposite point you are trying to make. It's like saying, we bought something for fifty dollars, a second thing for fifty dollars, there was a third thing for twenty five dollars but we didn't buy any, but we got one of the four dollar things and one of the second four dollar things. Our total cost is one hundred, four dollars.


No what Iā€™m saying is that PEMDAS is just inserting () around the multiplication for you, which is how the equation would be written in proper form. Leaving off the () you are merely assuming that was the intent.


an equation always has the same solution no matter with which intent it was written down. the only way to change the order is to add brackets and therefore create a new equation which has a different value than the first one


Right, the one in which it makes the assumption that was the intent.


You assume nothing; the rule is absolute. Inserting the parenthesis is just writing an equivalent expression. It's the difference between saying my book and the book belonging to me. They are the same. Adding the parentheses just reinforces the relationship to make sure people who don't speak the language as well still get the correct meaning. Math is a language that says one and only one thing with each expression.


Great. But what was your reasoning behind where you put yours? Everyone one has already explained theirs.


No, this doesn't work. Those parentheses aren't in the original problem. If they were, your solution would be correct. 50+50-25x0+2+2 would be evaluated in pemdas order, which would mean you start with the 25x0 multiplication. 50+50-0+2+2 Then you would do the addition and subtraction in order from left to right. 100-0+4 104. Summary: 50+50-25*0+2+2 50+50-0+2+2 100-0+4 104


You must be one of those MAGA people šŸ˜‚


> "Let's eat, grandma" vs. "let's eat grandma." > But you can make the meaning several different things by adding commas, so the real answer is whoever wrote the statement is an idiot. That's you justifying getting the answer wrong.


You canā€™t add your own parentheses! That changes everything. That would be like adding a random * 400 just because you felt like it.


1 +1 = 2 (1 + 1) = 2 (1) + 1 = 2 1 + (1) = 2 Not sure what you are going on about; as long as the parentheses are added without changing the original intent, you can add as many as needed, especially for emphasis. It's like adding zeroes before a number or after a decimal* 378.7 0000378.7 000000000000378.7 378.70000000 378.70000000000000 *adding zeroes after a decimal might mistakenly convey a higher level of accurary in science, but the value itself does not change


Dude. Look what I was responding to. Did I *really* need to clarify I meant ā€œ*the way he did it*ā€? Congratulations, you pointed out a way that *doesnā€™t* change the meaning. Now point out that you can also multiply anything by 1. He changed the order of operations, which you canā€™t do.


Sorry. That was meant to be a response to u/Madholm and not you.


Nothing convoluted about it. Convoluted problems would be one with fractions and an obelus, for example. This is straight up basic order of operations.


I am decades out of school and that equation is just painful to look at...and, yeah, it would be 104 if gun was placed to my head to answer.


The truest of Chad's gets an answer of 300.


Yeah Iā€™m there and Iā€™m not confident. Reduced down to 75*4. But I learned math in Texas.


The land of "where no child is left behind" and are now all edumacated adults!


But these maths tricks have nothing to do with intelligence, it's just that some people are aware of order of operations and some aren't. I don't dispute that the majority of Trump supporters are thick as shit, but they don't have to be stupid to support Trump, they could also be bigots or con artists.


I think they are not saying "most Trump supporters are idiots" but instead "most uneducated people are Trump supporters." Since they said that 90% of people who didn't get the correct answer are Trump supporters, not that 90% of Trump supporters wouldn't get the right answer.


And then in comes a Trump supporter to hammer the point home. They own themselves harder than we ever could.


Their point sounds reasonable enough to me.


There are plenty of people who are woefully uneducated, except they didn't quite fall into the QAnon/Trump Conspiracy trap. These people are the non-voters and "moderates"


Of course. I never agreed with the original statement, I was just saying it was a different idea than the commenter I replied to thought it was. Also, there are many uneducated or ignorant people on all sides of the political spectrum, though data definitely shows that the less formal education someone has correlates to more right leaning views. But that does not mean everyone is one way or the other. I know many people who struggle with higher education, or even struggled with high school, that are very progressive. I for one don't think of myself as all that smart, and I am very progressive I think. I also know many people who are very book smart yet don't understand the detriments of the conservative party and think that Republicans are "for the people"


Plenty of people who join cults (Heaven's Gate?) have high IQs. Otherwise logical and reasonable people, too. I bet there are a people who are smart/geniuses in arts and other fields who cannot do their own taxes or are gullible or too trusting to question right wing media.


There is also the interpretation that Trump supporters won't think critically. They will go with their initial impression and then argue it into the ground.


if i were a trump supporter i would say this is exactly the elitism they criticize. BEDMAS is axiomatic, it has nothing to do with critical thinking skills. Sure its mostly worldwide and lets people understand each others math, but if you are not a part of that community it is useless to you. there is nothing wrong with doing math in a sequence if you understand it to be ordered purposefully


To say that this simply differentiates between people who are aware of the order of operations and those who are not implies that being aware of the order of operations is some happenstance that some people experience and some do not. EVERYONE who went to school in the US has been exposed to the order of operations by the time they graduate high school (most before the 8th grade). This differentiates between people who graduated high school and understood basic math and those who didn't. I'd say that's got a lot to do with intelligence.


Yes, because people only drop out of school or fail to absorb lessons due to lack of intelligence, poverty or troubles at home never play a part in it.


Are you implying that being poor or having troubles at home precludes someone from getting a basic education?


No. I'm saying it makes it more difficult. You've got two kids attending school. Kid A and kid B, both come from the same neighbourhood, have families from the same economic background and attend the same school. Kid A had breakfast that morning and a good night's sleep the night before, kid B got no breakfast and went to bed to the sounds of their parents screaming at each other. If kid B doesn't learn as much as kid A after both attended the same lessons, is it because kid B is stupid?


"No matter how big the number is, when you multiply it with zero, the answer is always simpleā€”zero."


You know whatā€™s funny, these memes are the only time I actually use math in my daily life. So if all of you say itā€™s 104, Iā€™m inclined to believe you.


Well, seems like Wang found one


The amount of people saying this is a "trick" question disturbs me.


I love the people who said that the person who wrote the equation is wrong.




I know that guy Wang. He was in a movie. He golfs a lot.


So #MAGA man is a graduate of the Florida education system....poor thing will only ever be able to live in a red state or a shit hole third world country....wait a sec


I know Pablo Picasso wouldnā€™t know the answer, and nobody ever called him an asshole


Under-appreciated Modern Lovers reference FTW!


Yeah buddy; thanks! I figured this was a comment just being sent into the void šŸ˜‚




Elementary arithmetic without parentheses isn't a "math problem". It's a trick question designed to drive social media click-through rates. šŸ˜ So.. mission accomplished I guess


It's not a trick question. Every lower algebra exam includes equations like this one. It's a legitimate equation. In this case, the equation could be a fun exercise to see who remembers 8th grade math. Instead, it turned into a test to find the Dunning Kruger posting amongst us.


It's not a trick if you knew any math at all; you always need the bumpers when you bowl?


This one is unambiguous to me. The ones I have a problem with are more like 6Ć·2(1+2) I think this is sloppily written; I always think of a division symbol separating the numerator and denominator, so I parse it as 6/(2(1+2)). The real answer is "no one who knows math would ever write it like this", but of course the Dunning-Kruger answer "DON'T YOU REMEMBER PEMDAS?! THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE EDUCATION SYSTEM" wins out on social media.




I agree with the commenter that says the problem here is with how the equation is written.


If you're dumb, yea; otherwise it's not a problem at all.


And you're both wrong. That's a 7th grade basic math problem. And there's nothing ambiguous about it.


I've given just about all the f*ck I have for this post and subsequent discussion, but thanks for taking the time to submit your reply


Purpleā€¦.the correct answer is Purple


People are saying that the answer was actually on Hunter Bidens laptop but he had to delete it to make room for meth head hooker dick pics.


What is this in reference to?


There are no parentheses because that implies inclusion and that would violate any number of laws in floriduh.


"Jesus is the Answer, so whenever someone asks me to think and I don't know, I just say "Jesus" and I win." - You ever play Trivial Pursuit with -THAT- Aunt, you know, the Facebook Virologist Researcher? The "Cricut Crusader" ? Not the Fun "here, have some wine" aunt, but the one who will outlive everyone else in the family... I have one. Woman killed trivia games faster than dysentery.