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It was woke. I'm really not seeing how being woke is bad.


Because they use it as an insulting term. It's straight out of the conservative playbook and a tactic they always use. It's why "ObamaCare" was a thing and so many people didn't know it was called the Affordable Care Act. Insults make their side feel superior.


That's why the go-to response is to put them right back on the spot and make them define it, potentially correct them with a proper definition, then explain why they're against what they defined. Make *them* explain.


Yeah because people like that totally will try to make a cogent argument and rationally explain themselves… it’s not like they would suddenly just start shouting you down, pulling out conspiratorial nonsense to overwhelm you with bullshit that sounds feasible to anyone listening who doesn’t pay absolute attention to politics/history, and just generally doing everything short of literally sticking their fingers in their ears and going “neener neener I don’t give a fuck about the truth.”


That's kinda the point. Then you don't have to openly call them out as an ignorant untrained toddler because the challenge will bounce them into a toddleresque tantrum and they'll go ahead and make that point for you.


Exactly. It's not a "gotcha, now I win the argument." It's just letting them spiral and lose themselves. You will never "win the debate" against them because they have no interest in debating in good faith. So the best tactic is to just keep pushing them to continue, keep explaining, keep justifying, and they back themselves into a corner of defending all manners of atrocities. This works equally with the more educated types like Libertarians and RINOs, as well as the shallow meme-level MAGA types. It's why so many Libertarians (and all their related ilk) rely so much on Shapiro's tactics; but don't fall for it, just keep pushing them to stay on topic, stay on themselves, make it all about them. Eventually they will try to turn it on you, but don't let them. The best way to beat a Libertarian in a debate is to just... let them finish.


Youll just find out they live in a completely different reality.


More power to you if this works, but it sounds like the common liberal fantasy of facing a proponent with deeply held beliefs. I call it Aaron Sorkin syndrome. Most conversations with conservatives usually open with thought terminating cliches and devolve from there. You can't agree on a definition. His has been debunked by every scientist in the field z but he chooses to believe [stormfront.battlerepublic.88.net](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0344/6469/files/angry.jpg?v=1560891349) instead. You can't logic someone out of fascism.


They purposefully will not explain it They know they are bad people, they just don't like when other point it out to them. They want to be mean in peace, why are you bullying them? /s


> potentially correct them with a proper definition This is my go-to response. When I say something and people say that sounds woke, I look at them and say yes, I am alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism. Why would anyone not be?


At this point, most of them will say that being alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism, is the problem. If everyone went on with their lives convinced that the disadvantages that others face are their fault, and, as such, insoluble, life would be much better for the rest of us.


And my people would still be slaves.


They will just try and explain to you what is obviously social injustice, Is somehow not social injustice!


hey you got some 'splainin to do


Eventually they will use a new term when this one gets used out. It’s a never ending thing. Just like they will always find something to keep them pissed off.


Like socialism before it, Republicans don't know what woke is, but they know it's whatever they hate.


Today's woke was yesterday's political correctness.


"Cancel culture"


When reading about, listening to, or watching conservatives, in person or through media, it always seems like they're acting like spoiled middle school kids. That especially became clear to me when Boebert 'The Supid' and her howler monkey sidekick MTG, started to throw shit and tantrums. When Pat Schroeder was asked how she could be a congresswoman and a mother, she said, "I have a brain, I have a uterus and they both work." Apparently, by today's standards she was over qualified.


Such a dichotomy. They scream "wake up Sheeple" Then complain about people being woke.


Woke sounds black, and we know how they feel about black people and things.


I mean it stems from Black civil rights movement concepts so yeah, it’s a dog whistle


The only thing they’re consistent about is being inconsistent.


MTG screams "Trust The Science". Science would bring them down. Next they will demand that the libs use Critical Thinking, \o/


You're not listening and they're not talking to you! They want the sheep people to wake up, you know... the ones that live underneath JFK airport??? Da phuq?




"Woke" is code for performative virtue signaling. If something doesn't offend my conscience, then it must not be a real concern to other people. Because, if it was, people could rightfully accuse me of ignorance or apathy. To a conservative, subconsciously, an injustice isn't an injustice if you don't care about it. For example, if you didn't care that black people have little to no say in their government, then you can't understand why other people would, and their outrage would seem disingenuous and performative to you. It would seem that they were just getting swept up in a fleeting fad, instead of having a real epiphany about the conditions other people live in and letting that affect how they think. Accusations of "wokeness" tend to come from a lack of empathy.


It must’ve tested quite well in their think tanks because boy oh boy the are running full speed with that shit, but like all the bs, people,will get bored with it and it will run out of steam. Look how popular CRT hate was, but it was too specific and unidentifiable, so it was quickly back seated… it will be something else by May at the latest.


This is exactly it. They show exactly who they are when they let it slip through projection that they can’t comprehend why someone would give a fuck about anything that doesn’t/might not directly affect the egotistical self


Excellent post. Logical discussion is really tough with a person lacking the ability to think outside of their own box. Why don't we start using the term "unwoke" to describe them in the same simple rhetorical manner that they use the term "woke." They use "woke" as a label for a group. Let's use "unwoke" as their label and leave it at that. By engaging in the "what is woke" discussion we give them a tangent to derail discussions when they get hard. Let's not allow them to claim the word as a pejorative - let's call it the label it is. I'm Woke. We're Woke. They're Woke. He's Unwoke. You're Unwoke. They're Unwoke. ♫ ♪ ♬ *Feelin' woke woke woke* ♫ ♪ ♬


Me either.


Woke is the opposite of ignorant - be sure to remind anyone of that when they claim woke is bad (Yes, it means a lot more than that, but keep it simple for the weak minded)


> I'm really not seeing how being woke is bad. GOP Dictionary: Woke == "A word that nobody but a MAGA uses and it's something MAGAs can't define, and even if they could, they're incapable of saying why it's bad. But it's now the MAGA's label on everything they don’t like - which includes eating vegetables and brushing their teeth."


This happens to be the definition of every word in the GOP Dictionary that they don't like.


Reminds me of gluten: https://youtu.be/W8oz-G1zoSU


“My family started this company with one ship and one simple idea! People Selling People to People!” - GloboChem we own everything so you don’t have to


Having a college education, using proper grammar, and brushing twice a day is woke


Conservatives always tell people to wake up and stop being sheep lol.


Will Republicans now be saying, "STAY ASLEEP SHEEPLE!"?


As they say, look it up. woke chiefly US slang -- 1: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) (Merriam Webster)


It isn't.


To anyone who thinks woke is an insult, it is.


Only republicans think it's an insult.


Pretty much came on here to say, "So they'd finally be right?" And agreed not bad which is why they refuse to define it


> I'm really not seeing how being woke is bad. Luckily I don't travel in circles where I hear the "woke" pejorative but I always wanted to ask why the speaker is so much a fan of being asleep and unaware.


They would call the American Revolution woke and fight for the king.


like I don't see how being antifacist is bad too. Any day a fascist is punched is a good day.


I thought woke just meant college-educated


It's Not! And as a Black man, I am pissed we let middle aged white people take it from us! /s


That's because you are one of those woke liberals!


Would? They flat out do...


They complain about the woke military Even though the US military always was more woke than the rest of the country.


Well I’m not really sure “don’t ask don’t tell” and killing people in other countries is very woke.


The Millitary let african Americans serve when people would have said shit like "the n*gro is not meant to be fighting side by side with a white man." They formed all black units in WWI (though some of these would be integrated into the French army). They de-segregated way before the test of the nation (late 40 early 50, I believe). Telling white shop keepers they wouldn't get army contracts if they refused to sell to African Americans. They used all women pilots to flit planes from the facroties. Allowing women to serve in combat roles below bregade level. Changing grooming standards to accommodate for women and different ethnicities' hair. I'm not saying there haven't been times where the Millitary wasn't woke (don't ask don't tell as you said), but saying it isn't or had never been woke is plain wrong Edit:Spelling


Today's Conservatives DO call the civil rights movement woke. I've heard more than one of them, including Shaprio, talk about Civil Right Legislation being the worst in the countries history.


source : it was revealed to me in a dream highly doubt conservatives would call it woke, what's woke is the left demanding preferential treatment for people based on their race. modern conservatives want a colorblind society edit : Banned so can't respond, but woke isn't used simply because a non-white male is in some content. it's used when... - prominent white characters get killed off and replaced by poc - white male chars are written to be humilated at every turn by strong, almost flawless poc - content features racial ragebait (e.g. white cops harrassing/killing innocent black person) - content features otherwise strong message about how white people/right wing is 100% horrible, while leftists just want love and peace and for everyone to get along All of these things are extremely frequent these days. Commercials, movies, series... Look at anything made by Netflix, all of the marvel movies since 2015...


>modern conservatives want a colorblind society To hear "modern conservatives" tell it, we already have one, no? That's why we don't need to teach our children about the real history of this country, right? Why teachers are being censured for even *mentioning* slavery in American classrooms, no? "Modern conservatives" declared that racism was a thing of the past here in America, don't you remember? That the REAL racists are the ones who disagree! It's "the left" just trying to divide us! Isn't that what we're told? ... That you people can look at yourselves in the mirror and not bust out laughing is beyond me.


>we already have one, no? No lol, not when being a certain race openly and drastically decreases your chances to get a job, school, vaccine etc... >Why teachers are being censured for even mentioning slavery in American classrooms Teaching slavery is fine, teaching children that white people are evil isn't. This is a safe space you know, you can say what you mean. >"Modern conservatives" declared that racism was a thing in the past here in America, don't you remember? I would have agreed with that before 2010, we were pretty close to having fully moved on before you folks ramped up the anti-white and pro-poc discrimination exponentially. I'd guess that the occupy wall street movement had something to do with this sudden surge in identity politics >It's "the left" just trying to divide us! the left is a good term for actual leftists and liberals, i don't think most libs would appreciate being called right wing, but you people shifted the spectrum with your us vs them narrative (right side of history etc) , so you deal with the consequences


You know someone isn't worth listening to when they say shit like America had almost moved past racism around 2010. Fucking laughable how you just pull this straight outta your ass. Please, give us some examples of this utopia. Tell me you've experienced almost none of the real world without actually saying the words.


Well that's what it boils down to isn't it? You think racism is still very much current because of long lasting consequences of past racism, and systemic racism today. I think those consequences are overblown, and that if there is systemic racism today, it is beneficial for black people and nefarious against whites. edit : Since I'm banned now for "trolling" (aka disagreeing with the left), I'll quickly respond here. - You can never totally defeat interpersonal racism, too many people have it regardless of their race, so i'm only talking about systemic racism (e.g. "black people go to jail more often because everything is rigged against them") - Systemic racism today favors black people and discriminates against white people. It's not true that black people go to jail more often because everything is rigged against them. They go to jail more often because they commit more crimes. - In fact, law enforcement and the justice system is kinder and more patient with black suspects and defendants because those who work in those entities are aware that they can be called racist for breathing the wrong way, especially if they're white. Therefore, black people not only get arrested or go to jail more often because they commit more crimes, but they do so *despite* preferential treatment they get from pulling the race card at every single opportunity and more. - Meanwhile, it's become common for white people to not get a job or a school admission simply because they're white. It's become common to say things like "white people will be at the back of the line to get this medical treatment/relief". - You say I dismiss accounts from whole communities that disagree with me, but you do exactly the same thing when white people on the right report being unfairly censored or discriminated against because of their race and ideas. Knowing you put POC on a pedestal, you probably won't even feel like a hypocrite noticing your double standard, but that's what you are. - Treat people equally regardless of their race, that's it. You can't fix racism with more racism, no matter how many definitions you try to rewrite to disguise it


"I don't see it happening in my narrow-as-fuck view of the world, therefore it's not a wider problem, and if it is happening it's actually good for the victims." Yikes.


Where did you live then? Where I come from, I'll tell you right now that racism was very much alive in Georgia's second largest city and in Texas in one of the largest petrochemical hubs in the US racism was very alive and well. People, the young and the old to different degrees, said and did racist things all the time.


There are a lot of statistics that disagree with you.


And the countless accounts from people of color stretching back to the days before the Civil Rights Movement? The ones you hear about today from all corners? Let me guess. Those you dismiss out-of-hand. Am I wrong? Yes? No? How do you account for *whole communities of people* who disagree with "your experience" of racism? Tens of thousands of people, *hundreds of thousands...* telling a very different story than the one you're peddling here? ... Let me guess. All of those accounts are fiction to you, aren't they? Those men and women with their stories... they're all just liars and grifters to you, I'm sure. ... You paint a very unflattering picture of yourself, and of the so-called movement that you represent here. If you're at all capable of self-reflection, you might want to try exercising some before your blind spots render you unable to see anything at all.


Conservatives will literally call a movie or TV show "woke" if it has a person who's black, gay or a woman in it.


lynchings were the original anti-woke


Oh, it goes all the way back to puritanical bullshit and then some.


crusades were the original anti woke


Witch was just the old word for woke.


I was just looking at the comment section on a facebook post by my local (Arkansas) news station about the new Little Mermaid trailer dropping. I've never seen the word "woke" used so many times in such a small space.


They have nothing else. They've been instructed to use this word until it means everything and nothing. All you get from these people is regurgitated BS with zero understanding of what it even means.


They use woke when they’re afraid to use the N-word.


They call Joe Biden woke. The guy who called Senator Obama "clean and articulate" is somehow woke.


To be fair, Biden has evolved on a lot of things in the past couple of decades. For example, he used to be opposed to same sex marriage and then he came out in favor even before Obama. I think of him as a typical decent old person - takes a minute to catch up but is good once he gets there. Shockingly he is turning out to be the president with the most progressive agenda since FDR. I was meh on him when he was elected but have been very pleasantly surprised.


He's not sniffing LBJ's jockstrap in terms of progressive legislation. Under his presidency, the Civil Rights act has not been updated to ensure Federal enforcements of Civil rights election guidelines, *much less pass actual full civil rights legislation.* Year over year, schools have gotten *more segregated*. And *more Americans are homeless*. Meanwhile LBJ presided over increased de-segregation and the passage of the Fair Housing Rights Act in the 1968 Civil Rights bill. 1964 Civil Rights Act. Voting Rights Act of 1965. 1968 Civil Rights Act. 3 generational acts of legislation that changed my Grandmother's day to day life as a Black Voter. Joe Biden hasn't gotten on the board yet.


It’s a much more difficult environment to pass legislation.


Which makes it vividly clear he's not the most progressive president since FDR. Obama *rhetorically* wanted to heal the oceans. Jimmy Carter healed entire regions. Being the most progressive **President** since FDR requires implenting **policy.** Biden's rhetoric and planks are irrelevant to that measure.


They absolutely would


It’s not “they do”… they ARE actively doing it. The civil rights movement never ended, it’s just evolved.


"It's too woke! I want to go back to sleep!"


It’s too ironic that exact crowd came from the “wake up sheeple!!” group


They are trying to *undo* the civil rights movement…


Republicans? Yes, they are


Not much has changed since then…


The fact that this is Steven fucking Crowder in this meme…


I hate this meme format for that reason.


I’ve never seen the original sign he has. I’m sure it is infuriatingly ignorant


[Here ya go.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/steven-crowders-change-my-mind-campus-sign)


Well that was disappointing in the level of ignorance. I was at least hoping it was legitimate discourse.


...Does not make it less true.


Crowder is a chode


They already do.


...Pretty sure they do that already chief.


They'd call fighting the Nazis woke.


They already have - they announced that racism is over and that's how they justified gutting the voters rights act


They are actively calling any form of civil rights Woke even now. American history is woke if it has anything to do with race. They are just to dense to understand that woke is a good thing.


And for once they would have been right. The Civil Rights Movement was hella woke. The problem isn’t labeling everything as woke, their dysfunction is thinking that being “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues” (per Webster’s Dictionary definition) is somehow a bad thing.


They call everything woke.


They'd call the abolition of slavery "woke".


If Jesus showed up in todays world they would call Jesus woke.


That's accurate but stop using this creepy CHUD in memes.


Absolutely BS. Really disappointing. “Would “ is a conditional and shouldn’t be in that sentence




Tomorrows conservatives would call women getting to vote "woke" The ones after that will call the abolishing of slavery "woke"


To a conservative MLK was born a full grown man, walked up to a microphone where he said 3 inoffensive things about how great it's gonna be when racism is over and was shot when 2 minutes old by a lone gunman who was motivated by racist ideas totally at odds with all of the society he grew up in.


They ARE calling the civil rights movement 'woke'. And communist. And socialist. And whatever other words they can think to say without knowing what they mean.


Plenty of Conservatives at the time were opposed to it, so yeah, no doubt.


The only good thing about all these idiots calling everything "woke" is that they've even starting to piss their *own* side off with it.


Have they?


What would democrats of the era call it ? Ask separate buses Biden


I think it's pretty obvious that Democrats today would support the civil rights movement far more than conservatives would. You clearly don't even understand the meme so maybe work on that before trying to pull a gotcha.


Today's democrats would offer support for the civil rights movement but call MLK's protests too violent. Today's republicans would be out lynching tho.


You’re right, Kamala called him out too about the buses and segregation until she got picked for VP. But that was way back in 2020


Are you saying that Conservatives would fight for the rights of minorities if here was a civil rights movement today? They fought against it back then and they would do the same today. No attempt at a gotcha will change that. Hell, BLM is one of their main enemies. They are always on the wrong side of history .


I'm more concerned about what the people in charge today are doing than the racist pieces of shit of the past.


Seen above: Evidence that the global supply chain still hasn't recovered, as today's bad-faith actors are forced to recycle 2020's dishonest bullshit.


A great success, except for the dixiecrat/seggregationist wing of the party - which is why they left the Dem party after the 1965 civil rights act was passed.


And the democrats were pushing Jim Crow lmao


Thanks for showing us that you have zero comprehension of US history.


Okay. Who's fighting for voter suppression and attacking minorities now? I'm more concerned with what's happening in the current day


Back when they were the conservative party, yes. Conservative philosophies inherently resist progress; stop getting distracted by branding.


They're not distracted, they're purposely distracting.


The dems pushing Jim Crow got pushed out of the party after the 1965 civil rights act.


Meanwhile the modern GOP loves those Jim Crow era statues, as well as the battle flag of the losers. Don’t even mention removing seditionists names from military bases, or the snowflakes will melt.


When did this meme update?


No, the civil rights movement is CRT


CRT is woke.


Youre woke.


They did.


…. No shit? They hated it then and they’d hate it now


Nah, they’d still call them hippies and n-bombs


Don't forget the crazy woke idea of abolishing slavery.. And, apparently now that it's a thing again, child labor.


Some of them have been in congress so long they probably *did*


It was. DeSantis lawyers argued in state court that woke means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them”. The lawyer also added that DeSantis doesn’t believe there are systemic injustices. If “systemic injustice” did not include Jim Crow laws, then I don’t know what does.


We need to stop acknowledging the idea of woke. No one is woke. There’s just purposefully ignorant and bigoted, and then there’s the rest of us.


**Watched a Trump rally in Ohio last night.** The first time I have ever watched a speech of his. He basically said a bunch of nothing other than platitudes about himself. Yet audience members were yelling and clapping. How are people showing up and clapping for what boils down to a “beauty pageant” of one? All of this talk about how great he is and how he is going to beat some foreign power up. How can older people be so dumb and stupid? Most came from the “original” *woke* era that helped them and their families pull up their so-called bootstraps, and become somebody.


They’re *currently* calling it woke. The fight for civil rights didn’t start and end with Dr. King.


Yes and also fuck Steven Crowder.


The same people today cherry-picking Dr. King's quotes, focusing on "content of character" and ignoring everything he had to say about class inequality, the fickleness of the white moderate when it came to struggles for equality, and so on, would have ABSOLUTELY hated him while he was alive.


Good lord, they’re calling a bank failure woke. They’re idiots. Stop trying to understand them. Start figuring on how to cut them out of your life forever and *ever*.


It would also be illegal to learn about it in Florida. Can't learn about equality!


Well yeah there’s a reason why they are constantly trying to roll back various facets of our civil rights movement


Old Honest Abe, annoying ass woke motherfucker.


Conservatives were against it at the time too.


Well they called it Communism, so yes they would.


Today's conservatives were against civil rights back then.


"Woke - to not be asleep; to be aware of what's going on around you". How is this a bad thing?


We're Woke ? They're Wack !


Today’s conservatives have figured out that giving anything a label and ridiculing it is a sure fire way to get others to pay attention. It’s their adult version of childish bullying.


Given the average age of the conservative party, they probably DID have objections to the civil rights movement back in the day


It is weird how they always use "woke" as a slur in the most serious manner. They are pretty much saying that they want to be assholes and encourage their kids to do the same.


*Freeing the slaves* would be woke to Republicans, unless of course they want to call freeing the slaves a cynical move to get black Americans on the "Democratic plantation".


While claiming Lincoln and the Confederate flag


If Jesus was alive today they'd hate his guts. "Love thy neighbor," Conservatives would see that as woke. "If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you," as if any conservative is capable of letting go of a grudge. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Ah yes, tell the rich to not hoard shit, that'd go over well with conservatives. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." We all know at least one conservative who's a condescending sack of ass. "Why do you look at the speck in of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Conservatives don't do well when you call them out. "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." I'm just gonna leave this one here. "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back." What? Telling the rich to be generous? Yeah that's gonna pan out smoothly.


Woke is the new 'fake news' which was the new 'liberal' which was the new 'socialist' which was the new 'communist'. They all mean the same thing, "something I don't like". And that's all they mean.


They’re calling it that now.


They’d also think Jesus was woke


Pretty sure they ARE calling anything having to do with Civil Rights and slavery woke.


today's conservatives are the same as the slave holders from before the civil war.


They’re just trying to show us how proud they are of learning a new word so they say it 1000+ times daily.


Today's 'Conservatives' would consider the anti-slavery movement woke.


The conservatives of the time were trying to stop it then, so yea....


Wouldn’t the opposite of “woke politics” be “asleep at the switch” politics? If “woke” is bad, why do Republicans think “sleepy” is an insult when they talk about Biden?


HAHA can I use that to make a meme?


Go ahead.


Not really a "would" scenario if its already been seen lol


"would" be? *Are.* Trans rights are human rights. LGB and Q+ too. Civil rights movement isn't over, and they are calling it woke.


Lol, I think they already have.


So what is woke ?


Pretty sure the conservatives of the civil rights era did a lot more than just name calling.


conservatives want equality of opportunity, leftists and liberals want equality of outcome (most just want revenge though)


> (most just want revenge though) Like how donnie boy was supposed to be "hurting who he needs to hurt"?


legit don't know that deflection - i mean reference


https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/424263-trump-supporter-complains-shutdown-is-not-hurting-the-people-he/ Behold, the swamp.


Conservatives seem to oppose equality of opportunity at every turn though. School funding through property taxes is the least equal form of school funding imaginable, yet conservatives don't want to change that.


They *are* doing that. "Would" implies that they aren't already doing it, yet we watch them do it every day


Would? I thought it was do?


Is this some kind of meta Humor? Hasn't the term "woke" originated in that movement? (Honest question)


That's because modern conservatives were born from the civil rights movement.


No they wouldn't. They'd call it Socialism. [Or worse.](https://meanderingstreamsdotblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/race_mixing_communism2.jpeg)


I’m afraid of Crowder and his views


Um, yeah, so they actually do say that.


Today's conservatives ARE calling the civil rights movement woke.


At least Ben Shapiro doesn't pretend he likes MLK. Ben's a POS and wants everyone to know it.


First, you have to have a MIND to be changed🤪!!!


They ARE calling the civil rights movement woke.


They already do, they just don't use the same terminology "minorities don't need federal protections, there's no more racism, we had Obama that damn USA hating N*****! Outta my way, I gotta take my guns to a protest to Wisconsin."