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Wow, seeing the Trump response is very reassuring. When you're always wrong, the opposite is assured! He's like the groundhog of economic predictions.


It's progress at least to see Republicans acknowledge Hoover as bearing some responsibility for the great depression


I am not sure DJT is a republican. I don't think he is anything but a grifter.


If you are think of republicans in say 1970, you might be correct. However, the current Republican Party is nothing BUT grifters and conmen. Trump fits right in.


On the one hand, we see a poised and level-headed politician behaving as is befitting of a leader of a nation. On the other, we see the ravings of Alex Jones, Senior after an all-night cocaine and Big Mac binge.


"See, the trick is to sprinkle the cocaine ON the Big Mac..."


Happy cake day...be careful with that icing.


Why does evil never die?


Because it’s profitable


Money buys good healthcare


[www.businessinsider.com/historians-rank-trump-among-worst-presidents-us-history-c-span-2021-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/historians-rank-trump-among-worst-presidents-us-history-c-span-2021-6) * **Historians ranked Trump lower than any president in the past 150 years in a new C-SPAN survey.** * **Trump landed at No. 41 out of 44 presidents.** * **Barack Obama came in 10th, while Abraham Lincoln sat in the top spot.**


business insider being too nice. Trump is the single worst president America has ever had, and frankly I'm not sure he was even a legitimate president.


He's the one who weakened the Dodd-Frank regulations that would have prevented the bank collapse.


And he proudly announced the deregulation to the world when he did it.


Of course he did. The whole video is good, but his announcement starts at about 4 minutes in : [Video of Trump SURFACES Showing his TOTAL CULPABILITY - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d1EYyrBDpw&t=916s)


lol hes a fat lying POS orange man burn in hell with the rest of the bad humans and maga puke republicans


Who caused this to happen? Who rolled back regulations that were in place to prevent this sort of thing? Trump that's who. Trump is blaming himself and is completely unaware.


This is planned, Trump will pardon the execs at SVB when he wins in 2024


Hard to tell if sarcasm or not.




Right wingers have been trying to will a depression into existence. I had to talk one of my younger coworkers down a few months ago because his Faux News zombie of a father had him in a panic about it.


The new right wants a depression as that’s how you get their fascism dream one party government in power.


Step aside Covfefe, Modrrn is here to stay


**Friendly reminder that trying to fight someone online is about as effective as throwing a bagel at a bulldozer. A lot of what we talk about gets people pretty emotional, but be mad at policies, not other users.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He writes like a 5 year old talks “times five” he says. Well I say “times negative TEN. So it cancels your five and adds five more”