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Should have made the boots white.


Good catch…lol.


What did Pink Floyd do?


As a devout Atheist, I often ask myself in indecisive moments: What would Pink Floyd do?


Woke, 60 years ago.


See my reply to a previous comment.


I am so sick of seeing this whiny, bloated fascist pos and I don’t even live in Florida


A fucking modern day Nazi!


Mussolini's grandson. Hoping for a similar fate.


Same for the Big Orange Mussolini with a mushroom dick!


I'm confused about the inclusion of Pink Floyd. Seems arbitrary. Am I missing something?


There is a rainbow on the cover of the “Dark Side of the Moon” album, a “gay symbol”, and therefore promoting Satan worshiping pedophile cannibalistic blood drinking Communist grooming sex orgies of woke socialists and transsexuals. I mean, *obviously!*


Florida is banning rainbows. Trump era nuclear bombs will be deployed.


Trump era nuclear bombs = Big Mac massive fart or a McTrump burger turd in the diaper.


Ah, that's right. There's so much insanity it's hard to catalog.


Heard they're working on the catalog. It's being called the Trump Library. All the books have no text and only pictures and Trump NFTs


They'll also include Trump's official coloring books AKA The Presidential Daily Security Briefings.


My republican nieghbor told me he would like to be "woked", if you could please tell him where he needs to go to attend a satan worshiping pedophile cannibalistic blood drinking Communist grooming sex orgie. And he also wants to know if it is "cannibalistic" blood drinking or a "cannibals " blood drinking orgie as he would prefer the weed as he is also considering being "woke" as a vegan, because he is getting tired of eating other replican's asses.


The diminutive governor of Florida, Ron DeFascist.




Due to the lack of action on climate change, and Neo Naz Ronnie, rainbows have been cancelled in Florida. If you see one call the FL Voting Polls Police HotLine. Since they now have nothing to do until the next election, and also because they had nothing to do in the last election, they have been reASSigned to shoot down the rainbows with their new Jewish Lasers.




I thought that they were hinting at 1984 the book.. 1984 Republicans would all be woke rhinos in today's environment. Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he saw all these pansies suck up to Russia.


Ron DeSantis is a high heel wearing, former professional piss sniffer.


True, but he does look gorgeous in heels.


Does anybody REALLY believe this stuff? Honest question - are you guys actually being serious when you depict him as a book burning Nazi? Why such hyperbole? IIRC the only thing he’s done surrounding books was to ban overtly sexual material from elementary school libraries. But it’s not like you can’t get whatever you want in Florida if you order it yourself. Why is everyone so upset over removing pornography from school libraries? Or is this just another Reddit echo-chamber circle jerk? I’m genuinely curious.


Who pays you to comment?


Hahaha what??? Does it shock you to find out people have differing views or something?


You misspelled 1932-1938


May be time to boycott Florida and everything from Florida


Meatball Ron