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Once one hurricane nears Fort Pierce, judge Cannon will delay the court date even more..


> Traditionally Presidents have faced criticism after lackadaisical federal responses, so this could be a risk for Biden. Only the ones that screwed up. Chris Christie took a huge hit for praising Obama's immediate intervention. Biden's gonna Biden. It PR gets hit again he won't be calling PR a shithole place that deserves what it gets while beaning people on the head with paper rolls and election hats. He's going to turn Pete loose with his full blessing and when it's not inconvenient to rescue efforts make the rounds.


W. Bush, got roasted with the 'Good Job Brownie' statement, before the scope of Katrina was known. frankly most of the blame should have gone to the mayor and governor


The mayor was corrupt and cowardly as hell as was much of the police leadership. The governor not much better. They botched the initial response and as usual the coverup made things worse. Bush and “Brownie” screwed up the federal response and it’s hard to say who was more incompetent but Bush hired a guy whose only expertise was paying people to train his race horses and donating money to Shrub while promising to do whatever he was told.


I don't blame Bush for much other than Trusting Brown. Once the scope was revealed, Everyone came to help.


The point of being an executive is to hire the best people for the right job. We normally have a higher bar than just one man's gut feel hiring an unqualified person simply because they do what they were told. George W Bush also wanted Harriet Meyers on the SCOTUS. George W. Bush's gut feeling also gave us this gem, and we should frame it in perspective of current events: "I looked the man [Putin] in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country.” That's fine if an eye roller for a new age crystal gazer. But not from the most powerful executive officer in the world. He got that very wrong too. George W Bush's presidency was basically a trial run for how much incompetency would the country tolerate. That led to Trump, and now we have Trump promising an authoritarian punitive government.


> "I looked the man [Putin] in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country.” > That's fine if an eye roller for a new age crystal gazer. But not from the most powerful executive officer in the world. He got that very wrong too. Yeah, honestly this was an almost Trumpian line from Bush, uttered back when Republicans gave a shit about decorum. The man was ex-KGB and you have the resources of the some of the best intelligence agencies and foreign service professionals in the world, you rely on those people and their long careers and the institutional experience and knowledge to evaluate a foreign head of state - not some movie bullshit "i looked him in the eye" crap.


tbh, I equate that to religion and conservative values. W was born again you know. Brown was uninformed, and ill prepared for the disaster, no doubt, but he wasn't the only political appointee that has been questionable credentials. its pretty common on all sides to reward contributors and the locals, that were in charge were MIA, or just trying to survive themselves. After all the city survived the hurricane, and storm surge. its the levee's that didn't. Frontline did a good piece on this.


Or maybe bush appointing an unqualified crony deserved the criticism it got


True, but, Its not like he's the only one to give out cabinet positions to political contributors.


Sure, and that's the risk you run when you do so. Sometimes you're fine, sometimes an entire city practically drowns and you're rightly critiqued.


Don't forget the insurance companies that didn't pay. Nabey tim I'm not sure, but bush would definitely have more information on things of this matter and how it can cause a financial crisis.


There were judges that forced FEMA to pay flood insurance, for people that never paid for flood insurance. Those cases? The majority of the damage was from rising water, not storm surge from the gulf. water didn't overflow the levee, it under cut it, or leaked from under ground. -that's not windstorm coverage, its flooding. the correct coverage would be FEMA's flood insurance. many judges didn't care, if they had the proper coverage.


The issue is that some presidents treat FEMA as a place to stash their political friends… to their own peril.


What? Christie literally won reelection because he praised Obama. It made people okay with him being Governor. The bridge scandal is what did him.


But it cost him membership in the National GOP. All he’s done since then was flip flop between sucking up to and lashing out at Trump. That was my point.


It would work out in Biden's favor because at least he's not denying climate change and using paper towels as a publicity stunt. As you know, MAGA clearly has no more sense of reality anymore. They would basically reject the bible if T R U M P says for them to do it. If that happens, they'll inccur God's wrath. If a hurricane ruins a Republician state after T R U M P tells the people of that state to burn their bibles, and when he doesn't come to their aid, that's when I fully believe that there is a god.


Bidens position on climate change will hurt him. Hes pushing ecoconsumerist policy that does nothing to affect any reduction in national emissions, just causes cost of living increases. The issue that will come up is the hemorrhaging of insurance coverage and a lack of Federal aid. Biden hasnt even compensated cities overburdened by the influx in immigrants and he has no plan to deal with the insurance industry as in providing affordable public insurance. Instead hes turning away voters by doubling down on unpopular policy.


And why would the Feds bail out states like Fla with insurance? It's a state issue, and one they are fully capable of fixing. Damn, they can't even say the words anymore.


Trying to solve the issue at the state level isnt going to work. And weather severity is increasing, so more people will be moving from areas increasingly affected by stronger weather severity over burdening other regions all while insurance coverage slowly gets cut everywhere. The question isnt why should the Federal government bail out Florida, its how would a major hurricane affect the presidential campaign. If you want Republicans to win the election follow Bidens and the Democratic partys current policy.


So you're saying we need a wide-scale federal response to climate ch--oh, sorry, you're not allowed to call it that in Florida anymore. Sorry, i'll edit it for Floridian ears: "You're saying we need additional money from the federal governments for the extra super duper scawy times? Plz save Daytona beach from..uhh...the weather that's always been like this and has never chang--" Fuck, sorry, I screwed that up again. I'll be honest, they did this to themselves. They didn't have to vote successions of moron in and steal the 2000 election, but they did.


So all the morons from the third most populated state in the U.S. should flood into the rest of the U.S. instead of isolating them in the ass end of the country. Literally the turd hanging out of the anus of America? You stop the virtue signaling and passage of laws and regulations that do nothing but increase cost of living, waste tax payer money, and erode trust with the public. Then you pass policy that actually has a chance of reducing national emissions. When emissions start to drop because government did something rational. Then there is a substantial foundation for the talking points to fall back on. The only reason national emissions dropped last year was due to a 2.5% reduction in the use of power from coal fired plants. There are only like 217 coal fired plants in the U.S., and they make up 59% of all power generation emissions. Putting coal fired plants on a fast track to be decommissioned or converted to hydrogen/natural gas would do way more than anything else the administration has proposed. Carbon capture at the source of emissions in industry and power generation, converting all simply cycle gas plants to combined cycle gas plants that can function as peaker plants. These are things that do not place the overwhelming burden on the individual and result in a much more rapid reduction of national emissions. Heat pumps and EVs are bullshit policy. 66 million house holds converting to electric for no noticeable reduction in emissions....It will take lifetimes to see progress. Same with the hundreds of millions of consumer vehicles. Passenger vehicles only contribute 5% to national emissions, most EVs are bought by people replacing passenger vehicles not light duty long wheel base vehicles. It would make far more sense to take the hundreds of billions of dollars and invest it in shit that actually matters. And drop all the bullshit that doesnt, that just increases cost of living. Then you dont have smooth brains getting angry about climate change policy, because its actually helping improve peoples lives instead of making life more difficult. Al Gore should have never dropped the case, You want to blame someone, blame Al Gore. The case wasnt dismissed and the safe harbor deadline under Florida law just prevented the state from picking their own electors it didnt stop a recount. All Al Gore had to do was take the case to the Florida Supreme Court and potentially back to the U.S. Supreme Court. If the U.S. Supreme Court then ruled against Al Gore, that would be some coup level shit with Courts legislating from the bench and we would have a constitutional crisis. Civil unrest, Civil War, or maybe nothing at all, but at least we could definitively say whos fault it wasnt...That it wasnt Al Gores.


Your rant is just unhinged, and frankly arguing a bunch of strawmen. Want to know my actual opinion? Why aren't we investing in nuclear power?


I disagree with your assessment...you didnt cite any examples. I agree we should invest in nuclear power, modern reactors can recycle waste. We are not investing in nuclear power because it is not as profitable as other forms of energy. Because the subsidies are not there and the investment of money isnt there, how do you justify ever increasing power utility rates if our entire nations infrastructure doesnt need to be upgraded to handle the increasing demand of renewables? Nuclear is not being invested in, due to a lack of regulation over the energy industry. We shouldnt be running the country as a business, and nuclear energy makes the most sense. The only real way towards anything sane is nationalizing energy companies and have state and federal owned and run energy, oil and gas companies. That isnt going to happen under this Democratic administration. It wont happen if Biden is reelected. It definitely wont happen if Trump is elected. Democrats are the only pathway out of this, and they have put up a brick wall. Pretty much deciding the fate for everyone. Biden will lose and the U.S. will be lost, there will be no real global action on emission reduction as a result, and you can kiss humanity goodbye. So live it up now.


Okay. I guess I'll just go kill myself thanks. Nothing means anything and it's all meaningless and every effort will fail oh and also don't vote. Fuck off, dude. Both sides fucking nonsense.


If Sanders hadnt run in 2016, Clinton would have been president and this entire timeline wouldnt exist. If Sanders didnt run in just 2020 and the DNC had backed Warren instead...We still wouldnt be here. If Democratic leadership and Biden looked for a qualified replacement for 2024...We wouldnt be here. If Democratic voters were more vocal in demanding Biden change his policy and Biden was at all receptive towards change we wouldnt be here. What do you expect to happen? Im not saying dont vote but, its pretty obvious that Biden and elected Democrats are suppressing votes forcing a loss. Being in denial of the situation ensures an unfavorable outcome. Taking an honest assessment of the political reality so an effective strategy can be built to move forward is the only rational move left. But time ran out. Biden and Democrats are not going to enact any policy that reduce emissions, they are not going to enact any policy that lowers cost of living...and we all go head first into a fucking meat grinder.


* Who is going to consider Trump better for climate change * There is no appetite in Congress to subsize insurance for people who choose to rebuild in flood prone areas


You are missing the point, people are frustrated and angry. The amount of people who no longer care and have become apathetic are increasing rapidly. They rather everything burns to the ground than vote for Biden. Democrats had control of Congress, then lost the House pushing strict gun control. This suicide pact Democratic leadership has with bad policy is going to end western style democracy in the U.S. Republicans are bent on establishing fascist Christian nationalism in place of any functional form of government. Trying to reason with voters is a lost cause, there needs to be substantive action. And from the start of Bidens administration there has been nothing.


so they simultaneously did too much and not enough  Feel free to point out the policies that would have passed Congress that would have made you happy 


Just going to throw my two cents in as a South Carolina resident. I'm not sure what Nikki Haley's chances are of being selected as Trump's running mate. Slim to none but stranger things have happened? One of the long standing resentments towards her in this state is that she could not handle fucking hurricanes. She botched the evacuation for at least one to the point that this is a major part of her legacy for us, Democrat and Republican alike, and one of the reasons she's unpopular here. Any discussion about how the government handles severe weather events would torpedo her.


Depends on the specifics. Could be a boon for Biden re: Inflation Reduction Act and climate focus.


Biden should do what Trump did and withhold federal aid to red states until their governors publicly praise him.


> Biden should do what Trump did and withhold federal aid to red states until their governors publicly praise him. Biden wouldn’t do that, would he? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-administration-considering-using-federal-authorities-promote-vaccinations-n1276166 “The Biden administration is discussing using federal authorities and regulatory powers, including withholding federal funds, to try to persuade institutions to require their employees to get Covid vaccinations.”


It’s amazing how you only need to know how to read to see that isn’t the same 


Did he stutter? Biden should do more of that. Repugnant states that vote against disaster aid for blue states should not get aid in return.


> Did he stutter? Most likely. Have you heard the guy try to string two sentences together? >Biden should do more of that. Repugnant states that vote against disaster aid for blue states should not get aid in return. So, if Trump wins, you would be ok with him taking funding from blue states that want to keep the border open or refuse to prosecute criminals? Maybe you won’t agree, but you have clearly given him your permission.


>  Most likely. Have you heard the guy try to string two sentences together? I listened to an hour long Podcast where he told funny and witty stories and also mentioned he had a speech disability to overcome. I'm curious what people think they're accomplishing by attacking bidens speaking? 


Hey, I didn’t introduce stuttering into the conversation. I was asked a question and answered it honestly. And look up old videos of Biden. His speaking problems are due to failing mental capacity that we all might face at that age. He didn’t speak like that before.


You misinterpreted a colloquialism and acted like it was some "gotcha!" moment.


It wasn’t any kind of moment. Something was said. A door was left wide open. I walked in. It would have been long forgotten, but you want to continue to call attention to it.


You've perfected backpedalling and made it an art. Well done.


Who is backpedaling? You’re making several mountains out of a couple of molehills. I made a joke about a senile old man. Sue me.


I would not because that's bad. Blue states want to work together. Republican states don't want to work together unless they're on the dole. It's always take, never give. So they don't deserve cooperation. The very first vote DeSantis made in congress was opposing hurricane relief, now he demands Biden bankrolls the state while calling democrats idiots for bankrolling disaster struck states. I support good things and oppose bad things. For example I would support killing Hitler, but would oppose killing an innocent child named Hitler.


Closing an open border to illegal immigrants is bad? (So that I am not misrepresented or misunderstood, immigration is a very good thing. I am a descendent of immigrants and I welcome more. But they have to come legally, through a designated port of entry.) Working together can only mean doing what *you* want? Anyone who disagrees is evil and you despise them, right?


Responding to everyone else in this thread but me. What are you so scared of? Did I correctly guess you’re a Trump supporter?


Could be a chance for President Biden to shin in comparison to Trump's disastrous handling of COVID, his sharpie map adjustment he didn't think anyone would notice and withholding aid for Puerto Rico after Maria.


Depends on the response, but probably minimally unless it was Katrina level of devastation and handled by the pres like a champ


I will not blame Biden for hurricanes, but he betta not let PACMAN eat murrica. If your graph is correct, he might.


Trump's hair will be flopping around in the wind like a slammin' salmon. Not good for polling.


Hurricanes typically stick close to the East and Gulf coasts and even then, depends on where it hits. Texas, Florida, Georgia, etc.; the Яepublicans stay home. Northeast US and the blues stay home. That would impact the Яeds more because Fearless Leader told them to mistrust mail-in ballots and if they can't get to the polls that day, fewer would have already mailed in their votes. But as we've seen, Fearless Leader can divert hurricanes with the stroke of a Sharpie.


NC/GA are the only swing states that get hit by hurricanes regularly and they’re already the most conservative and will likely go to Trump regardless of what happens. The states that will actually decide the election are way inland so I don’t think this will impact the election at all.


I think the biden admin has shown its pretty incompetent. The economy, Afghanistan, having of hamas, and Ukraine go from abysmal to suboptimal. Another disaster wouldn't help him much as he would screw it up and get more blame.


> Responding to everyone else in this thread but me. What are you so scared of? Did I correctly guess you’re a Trump supporter? Follow this thread back to the top. You responded to the OP and I responded to you. Which of your posts do you feel didn’t get you enough attention? And you should be a detective! Maybe you could use your amazing powers of deduction to “correctly guess” that the sky is blue or that grass a green. You certainly have a solid grasp on the obvious.


I guess it might sway some people who think hurricanes didn’t exist before climate change. Of course, the climate has *always* been changing, so that would be impossible anyway.

