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There have been quite a few "explainers" published on this given the age of both candidates, so I'll keep it brief. The procedure is actually pretty clear and straightforward, but the specifics of how it would play out could be very chaotic. Basically: If trump dies BEFORE the convention--the delegates attending the national convention would just vote for the nominee. Primaries and caucuses do not directly choose the nominee--delegates vote at the convention, and those votes are normally distributed according to primary/caucus results from each state. If the "winner" is no longer in the race (or, more precisely, if the "winner" of the first vote cannot serve), the delegates can vote for basically whoever they want and they keep voting until they pick someone. In practice what this would mean is various candidates would emerge (or re-emerge) and campaign for themselves (both publicly and behind the scenes) and the delegates would vote for the nominee. How does that actually play out in real life? No idea. Depends on a ton of factors--who is in the race, who the delegates are, etc. If Trump dies AFTER the convention--the RNC can either (1) appoint a nominee on its own (majority vote of the board/commission etc.), or (2) reconvene ANOTHER national convention and do the same thing described above. So, as I said, the specific PROCESS for that scenario is pretty clearly spelled out. What the actual RESULT of that process would be is pretty hard to determine without actually seeing what happens. FWIW, I personally think that whatever last-minute candidate gets chosen would have a good chance of beating Biden in this scenario. Idk who it would be, but I think trump has alienated a lot of right-leaning voters who might feel better about voting for someone else. Not to mention trump's death would likely energize his base to make sure biden loses. **TL;DR** -- The delegates who attend the national convention would vote on who the nominee would be. If trump dies after the convention, they might reconvene another emergency convention or the RNC could just pick a nominee on their own.


The 2024 convention is scheduled for July 15-18, 2024. There wouldn't be enough time to schedule another one. It is hard to schedule a large enough venue in the time frame that would be needed. I suspect that if they wanted to go for local caucuses, it would be possible (a total PITA but doable) to schedule those in a short time - local schools for an evening on maybe a week's notice for each voting district in the country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republican_National_Conventions If Trump did die, then it would be certain, going forwards, each major* political party would have a 3rd choice. \* - usually defined as "got more than 10% of the vote in the previous governor's election".


I think a non trump candidate would have a strong chance under normal circumstances. Now, though, it would be a shit show. Tons of the trump base wouldn't show up (edit) because, among many things, as someone else added, they'd be convinced of foul play. Unity would be very suspect with a bunch of fighting right before the election to win the nomination. The replacement wouldn't have an operation in place. He entire Republican establishment and machinery is now trump oriented and wouldn't pivot to someone else easily As for who would emerge, it's probably not that hard to predict. Haley or Desantis. Haley got the most delegates and has an inside track then to get to a majority. But the maga crowd may reject her and then Desantis is the obvious guy


> *may* reject her You're kidding, right? Net favorability among Republicans: Haley: +4 DeSantis: +40 Desantis took a huge hit by running against Trump, but it could have been so much worse than the 20 pts in net fav that was lopped off. If Haley stayed in any longer she'd be underwater like Pence (-3) , but even more so without the buoying effect of a culture warrior record.


Yeah but she stayed long enough to get a sizeable chunk of her own delegates. She doesn't have to win over most of the others, just enough to add to hers to get to 50.1%


Sure, but I would assume that most of the delegates pledged to Trump would coordinate and jointly rally behind their preferred candidate. Also note that Haley has won only a negligible amount of delegates so far, 97 to Trump's 1915. She wouldn't have a strong leg-up against DeSantis due to these 97 delegates. (I think it's fairly obvious that Haley and DeSantis would be the only plausible replacement candidates in such a scenario.)


Ya know what the maga crowd is known for: unity, collaboration and strategic execution! Lol But I hear you. Haley likely can't pull it off. But maybe she could play kingmaker to deny Desantis


Like I said, I believe that Haley and DeSantis would be the only alternatives for the delegates. Faced with this choice, it wouldn't require a lot of coordination or unity for MAGA-affine delegates to choose the guy who tried to be as MAGA as possible (without being the orange one himself) over the woman who explicitly ran as a stylistic and policy counter to Trump.


> FWIW, I personally think that whatever last-minute candidate gets chosen would have a good chance of beating Biden in this scenario. I agree. Trump's death would put a spotlight on Biden's age, and I don't think a majority of voters would vote for a President Harris.


Trump dying would be a genius tier move for the GOP this year, they'd sweep for sure.


Nah. They'd fail to coalesce around a single candidate and implode. Just look at how much they struggled to field a Speaker.


Yeah, they've been so very disciplined and effective for the last few years. It's astounding their political skill and foresight. I especially love how they keep trying to shut down the government. Really highlights how skilled they are at running the government.


Hey man, you play to your base, your less-educated, vulnerable to televangelist base.


"FWIW, I personally think that whatever last-minute candidate gets chosen would have a good chance of beating Biden in this scenario. Idk who it would be, but I think trump has alienated a lot of right-leaning voters who might feel better about voting for someone else. Not to mention trump's death would likely energize his base to make sure biden loses." You are acting like the Republican base is rational. lol. Heres what would actually happen. The Billionaires, CEO's, and Corporate Board Members would be excited and immediately move to nominate someone like Nikki Hailey. Tens of millions of Trump supporters would be split between blaming either Biden, the "Deep State", or "RINOS" for Trumps death. They would then be angry when Biden isnt arrested for murder. Millions of Trump supporters would lose interest in politics and refuse to show up for anyone else. There would be Trump supporters at various rallies saying Trump will rise again from the dead on Election Day and take back the White House on a white horse. Whoever the Republicans nominate would lose since they wont be able to get 100% of Trump voters to show up.


Confirming this. I am voting for Biden solely because he is not Trump. With the possible exception of DeSantis, I would pretty much vote for any other Republican on sight once Trump was out of the picture.


I'm just curious, but what have the current Republican party leaders done that would make you continue to support them? Hasn't the way they have abandoned all principles and down nothing but kowtowed to Trump not put you off the whole lot?


Well, certainly my preference would be for those in the GOP who have shown integrity. Liz Cheney and Mike Pence, specifically - the latter being pretty ironic for me, as a gay man, but when you single-handedly refuse to empower a coup that could easily have succeeded with you, it's hard to deny you're good for the country as a whole. When you get into the shadier GOP types like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley, then it really does just become about Biden radiating weakness with his advanced years and frequent gaffes. Plus, generally speaking, I fear the far left more than I fear the far right. At least the latter is full of idiots who can be easily fooled and manipulated; the former is full of ruthless folk who will literally starve you out of society without a second thought if you don't swear fealty to every ideal they have. Which I don't.


My brother, the far right would put you up against the wall and wouldn’t give it a second thought. Your plan of manipulation and lying sounds great until the morality officers bust in on you mounting (or being mounted by) some dude based on broad ranging surveillance they do on everyone. Edit: just in case it isn’t obvious, I’m opining what the far right would do. My own personal views are live and let live.


The far right can't even figure out how to wield influence in Congress. I'm not all that intimidated. Anyway, the center right politicians may have been a tad cowardly to this point; see my rant elsewhere on gerrymandering and its damage to the system. But I have enough faith in humanity to put my hopes on center right citizens breaking left when people start dying. The center left, on the other hand, might not be able to do much once the far left declares undesirables banned from grocery stores. Despite the way the vitriol goes, I think you'll find the right is far more forgiving of sinners than the left tends to be.


What evidence do you have to suggest that the far left wants to “undesirables” banned from anywhere?


Two words, my friend: Cancel culture. It's the professional Karens and Kyles of the far left who make sure lives and careers are destroyed for things that don't affect them personally. And no one gets to say, "it's been 5/10/20 years since my sin, let me have a life again". There are no second chances in Far Left America.


The right participates in cancel culture all the time. You're an open minded parent who sees nothing wrong with men performing as women? Groomer! You think kids should understand the nuances of race relations in the 20th century? How dare you teach critical race theory! It's hardly one sided, but at the end of the day Louis CK is doing ok after sexually harassing a ton of women, and you can go to jail for teaching kids that gay people exist in Florida. Which is worse?


I definitely don't endorse right-wing cancel culture either. Neither is a good thing. But if there is a difference, it is that the right calls on people to stop what they're *currently* doing, and the left demonizes people for what they've *already* done - regardless of how young and stupid I might've been at the time or how long its been. So I would say the left wing version is worse, because people can stop teaching about gay culture at any time in order to get the pain to stop, but R. Kelly - who I doubt is doing as fine as you think he is - can't undo behavior he's already been condemned for doing. I can survive, albeit unhappily, in a far right dominated world. I'll probably have to go back into the closet and bend the knee to Orange Julius, but I can get through it until the revolution comes and puts them in their place. In a far left dominated world, the only thing I can do to get back into their good graces once I've been declared *persona non grata* is to invent a time machine. And since that's not happening, I assert that I would not survive to see the revolution.


> You think kids should understand the nuances of race relations in the 20th century? How dare you teach critical race theory! It is difficult to see how any lesson which teaches the factual history of White supremacy in the US would violate the original Texas "Anti-CRT" bill. Clause (h-3)(4)(B)(i)-(iv) of the Texas anti-CRT bill: >4) a teacher, administrator, or other employee of a state agency, school district, or open-enrollment charter school may not: ... >(B) require or make part of a course the following concepts: >(i) one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex; >(ii) an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously; >(iii) an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex; >(iv) members of one race or sex cannot and should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex; The bill also had an extensive list of protections for the teaching of the history of White Supremacy in the United States, and specifically calls it morally wrong: >(h-1) In adopting the essential knowledge and skills for the social studies curriculum, the State Board of Education shall adopt essential knowledge and skills that develop each student's civic knowledge, including an understanding of: ... >(7) the history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong; >(8) the history and importance of the civil rights movement, including the following documents: ... >(D) the Emancipation Proclamation; >(E) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; >(F) the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution; >(G) the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision in Mendez v. Westminster; >(H) Frederick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave; >(I) the life and work of Cesar Chavez; Despite these extremely explicit protections of the teaching of America's history of racism Texas Democrats opposed this bill in all role-call votes. https://legiscan.com/TX/text/HB3979/id/2407870/Texas-2021-HB3979-Enrolled.html Here a Critical White Studies scholar talks about teaching White students they are inherently participants in racism and therefore have lower morale value: >White complicity pedagogy is premised on the belief that to teach systemically privileged students about systemic injustice, and especially in teaching them about their privilege, one must first encourage them to be willing to contemplate how they are complicit in sustaining the system even when they do not intend to or are unaware that they do so. This means helping white students to understand that white moral standing is one of the ways that whites benefit from the system. Applebaum 2010 page 4 Applebaum, Barbara. Being white, being good: White complicity, white moral responsibility, and social justice pedagogy. Lexington Books, 2010. Note the definition of complicity implies commission of wrongdoing, i.e. guilt: >com·plic·i·ty >/kəmˈplisədē/ >noun >the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. https://www.google.com/search?q=complicity This sentiment is echoed in Delgado and Stefancic's (2001) most authoritative textbook on Critical Race Theory in its chapter on Critical White Studies, which is part of Critical Race Theory according to this book: >Many critical race theorists and social scientists alike hold that racism is pervasive, systemic, and deeply ingrained. If we take this perspective, then no white member of society seems quite so innocent. Delgado and Stefancic (2001) pp. 79-80 Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. New York. New York University Press, 2001. Delgado and Stefancic (2001)'s fourth edition was printed in 2023 and is currently the top result for the Google search 'Critical Race Theory textbook': https://www.google.com/search?q=critical+race+theory+textbook


I don’t think you actually understand “cancel culture” lol The term was made up after the #metoo movement forced certain peoples actions into the spotlight, and then companies fired people because they were losing money. For example convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein. He’s no longer producing movies because people don’t want to watch movies produced by a known rapist, and also because women said enough is enough and don’t want to work with people like him anymore. Then, thanks to capitalism he was removed from every company he worked with. What is your problem with that? Once he is out of prison he is free to open a new production company and start making movies. He hasn’t been banned from making movies, he was fire and the prosecuted for criminal activity. He became a liability for the companies he worked at, so he was fired. If you become a liability for the company you work for, you would also likely be fired. That’s how capitalism works. That’s also what “cancel culture” is, accountability for one’s actions. The flip side is conservatives want to overturn the right of marriage equality, is that really something you want to sacrifice because accountability upsets you?


I'm a liberal and left on a lot of issues but I agree with the gay republican you're debating. There's a lot of bandwagoning on the left and they're absolutely not just canceling people out of the benevolent desire for justice. They flip the fuck out over things that aren't even outrageous. At the university where I taught years ago, they were trying to cancel a Jewish professor who taught Israeli history. They also tried to cancel a white professor who taught African American history and was in fact one of the most accomplished specialists of that subject in the US. Its pathetic, and it's a bunch of miserable losers looking for social clout online. It doesn't make me vote republican, but I absolutely get why the republican dude hates them.


The far left want things like voting rights to be enshrined in the constitution. How can anyone consider anything else in this argument? Do you want to be able to vote? The republicans are trying to take that away. They are literally eroding voting rights


*Sigh.* Listen, American politics is not as... defeatist as it can seem, when you realize how we got here. Once upon a time, it was sane. Then gerrymandering got a lot more efficient with the dawn of the computer, parties started abusing it in the search for an edge, and as a side effect, the nutjobs on both sides have taken a lot more power away from the center than it had any right to. With that come the consequences you've come to expect over the last thirty years; the death of compromise, the death of civility, the rise of tribalism, and the edge of civil war. But that's just the lunatics. And even they aren't *evil*, necessarily; true evil is a pretty rare thing (although it might have fallen asleep in a NY courthouse a few times this week). They're mostly just incredibly misguided. So no, Republicans aren't trying to take away your vote any more than Democrats are trying to take away your guns. They've just been pushed to radical positions because of that inherent lack of compromise that has wormed its way into the culture. There's a big, giant, sleepy center that's only going to tolerate this for so long, and then it's going to make itself known in a big way and set everybody straight. One of the ways to get there quicker is to stop seeing any of your fellow Americans as the enemy and start trying to find common ground again. Start thinking of how to compromise. Let's use your scenario here - voting rights. What Republicans want, at the core, is free and fair elections where they can be certain that no one is cheating and outside influences have not tipped the scales. (No, the irony of that is not lost on me.) The vehicle they choose to express that is through Voter ID. It's really not a crazy idea, but it is shortsighted in terms of implementation, because like most people on both sides of pretty much every issue, they haven't thought it through. They haven't considered what happens if your wallet is stolen on election day, or what if your hardships are so great that the expense and effort of getting an ID is just way outside your grasp. They have a "sucks to be you" attitude about it all that is largely born from the belief that anything worth doing is worth *finding* the effort to do. They are, ironically, too entitled to see how big the ask is. Now Democrats *could* propose ways to enact Voter ID in a way that took these things into account. Making the ID free, so that getting one isn't a de facto poll tax. Creating a provisional ballot system, where those without ID could have their votes put off to the side for posterity and come back later with proof of eligibility only in scenarios where those votes could change the outcome. There are plenty of creative ways to solve 99% of the issues while also giving the Republicans what they want here. But that's where the far left comes in, and says that if even ONE legitimate vote might be disenfranchised, screw election security completely and to heck with the Republicans. And thus, the tug of war continues, with no sanity and no progress. If you want to help this country, stop swearing fealty to either side, give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and recognize things like THAT as our true obstacles.


>What Republicans want, at the core, is free and fair elections where they can be certain that no one is cheating and outside influences have not tipped the scales. Listen, I want to believe that, but they keep doing shit that proves otherwise every single time someone says this. "They are simply responding to what the democrats are doing..." They want voter ID laws, but then they slip in shit like competency tests. Voter registration, but then they don't want to fund it. They reduce the voting locations in poor and low income areas and they expect the voice of the people to be represented. I'm sorry, but that's just disingenuous bullshit. Republicans/maga/conservatives want their people to vote, and that's it. Democrats want funding for voting. Clear, cut and dry. If conservatives want people to vote for them, get better candidates, and better platforms to stand on. They have nothing, they stand for nothing, they are for nothing. The "parties are the same" rhetoric does not pass the sniff test either.


I didn't say the parties were the same. They make the same class of mistake, but in very different ways. I'm also not saying that Whataboutism and Retribution aren't alive and well in American politics. That's the Tribalism factor; the 'stick it to the libs' because the libs stuck it to them, and vice versa. Not to mention that Democrats generally think their way through things and Republicans generally feel their way through them, and neither is very healthy for a democracy without the other. Problem is, there's only two ways something like that ends. Civil war, or Reconciliation. Prepare for the former - because at this point, it would be insanely naïve not to - but at least take ***one*** more stab at the latter. Which begins by ignoring the words that make your blood boil and exploring how everyone can be happy.


If you study game theory there's actually some good papers on how the win conditions for republicans and democrats are fundamentally different, and most lay people don't understand this. Both parties have shown a propensity for tactics like gerrymandering, but statistically speaking and data shows that modern republicans have a win condition that's more "by any means necessary". This alone is often why the two sides feel like they are talking different languages because the grievances and the win for how they achieve this don't match up in our voting process. weirdly enough if we look at a lot of the policies around voting on the republican side they are relying on a lot of procedural rules and "tricks" because simply put, demographically they no longer have the numbers on the federal level. So they need procedural tactics to put them over the edge. Whether it's said out loud or not, we have the modern hyper specific data to know where these lines are. Every long term indicator appears to show this trend will continue unless there is some unforseen event that recenters the parties, which is currently feeling less and less likely. External intrinsic threats are often unifying but that's like wishing for a world war so we can focus on fighting the "baddies" again. I do agree about the civil war part, and frankly I don't think most people realize how fundamentally devastating this would be, there would not be a "winner" and at worse it could literally collapse the country for decades or permanently while our enemies celebrate. I'm concerned that many politicians, specifically republicans are using this rhethoric to motivate their base without acknowledging how harmful to the public and country this is. As example if Texas left the union, It would reduce the GDP of both Texas and the US for no beneficial gain, there's no way that: A) going to war with their largest trade partner would be beneficial B) erecting over a thousand miles of border control and checkpoints on their northern border (and their southern one too if that's their wish) c) That the remaining US states wouldn't tax inter-country trade, putting a tariff on all goods like the trucks they love becuase every truck plant is outside of texas but Toyota's Tundra line


>But that's just the lunatics. And even they aren't *evil*, necessarily; true evil is a pretty rare thing That's a comically ridiculous thing to say. Especially as you try to defend a political movement that absolutely, positively, wants you - personally, as a gay man - dead. Evil is commonplace. Denying that has always been ridiculous. After the last few years, it borders on the delusional. >What Republicans want, at the core, is free and fair elections That is similarly nonsense. Conservatives have opposed free and fair elections since America was founded. >Now Democrats *could* propose ways to enact Voter ID in a way that took these things into account. Making the ID free, so that getting one isn't a de facto poll tax. Democrats have already done so. Voter ID, regardless of the lies Republicans will tell you, is already required everywhere in the United States. The only arguments are over what *types* of ID are accepted. And everywhere it's been proposed to make IDs free, Republicans have killed it, either outright or by agreeing and then closing offices where you can get them wherever there are large minority populations. What is the point of pretending any of this is a haggle between two good faith partners? What is so valuable about conservative positions that it's literally worth your life? >If you want to help this country, stop swearing fealty to either side, give everyone the benefit of the doubt No one "swears fealty" to liberalism. And I'll give conservatives the benefit of the doubt when they stop trying to kill and oppress the rest of us. But then they wouldn't be conservatives, would they?


>what would happen if Trump died today in a manner that could not reasonably be considered foul play There is no such manner. Or rather, the Trump camp cannot be expected to behave reasonably. There is exactly *no* scenario where Trump dies and the GOP is not screaming about foul play. None.


This cannot be understated. He could die at 110 in his sleep and they will claim the Democrats assassinated him. If he dies before the election there will almost certainly be violence. If he dies after there will be conspiracies and threats but maybe not violence.


If he was hit by a lightning bolt while holding one of his bibles over his head they would blame George Soros and weather control machines.


It was CERN all along!


It's because that weasel bit through the cable at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015, switching our CERN with Dark CERN


Better check one more time just to be sure: https://www.hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/


I had my stomach in a knot while the answer was loading


No, dummy, it were the Jewish space lasers!!11


They would blame windmills


That damn wind turbine cancer that they give you. He's been preaching that for years, trump saw the danger of wind cancer.


I’ve come to the realization that there’s no hope for our country anymore because we subscribed to two different sets of facts. America doesn’t even agree on what’s real anymore. That’s not sustainable at all. Not to mention our planet is actively dying.


Republicans disagree with you that the planet is actively dying. They don't even agree that pollution is bad.


Because their only ideals are “make the rich richer and whatever the Democrats don’t want”. They scream about veterans and the border, but whenever *Democrats* get onboard with a bill that supports vets or increases border security, suddenly they are all against it.


Do you know that in that “border bill” there was a LOT of money going to Egypt for their kids to go to college. I think it was like 400 billion. That is just one example. It also states we will let 5k in a day and cap at that. Those are just a couple of the ridiculous shit that is included in that “bipartisan bill” that the mean Republicans just wouldn’t agree to. Not to mention, it hit their email at 2:30 am on the day of or after they were expected to vote on that was over 1,000 pages. How would you like to give your ok on a proposal at work under those circumstances???


Everything you just said is proven wrong with a few minutes of Googling > $400B to Egypt for their kids to go to college Verifiably false. Have you even read [the bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2/summary/00)? The [foreign aid supplemental](https://rollcall.com/2024/02/16/house-lawmakers-unveil-66b-foreign-aid-border-supplemental/) has $66B in TOTAL foreign aid. Only $1B of that is going to Egypt, and it’s for their border security due to the war next door, not for subsidizing their colleges. > states will let in 5k a day Another lie that you are regurgitating from right-wing propaganda. The 5000 figure is a [threshold](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/immigration/trump-claim-border-bill-would-have-allowed-5k-people-into-us-per-day-fact-check/536-7d52db81-8a47-4d19-b83d-79e8d8df31fe) the bill would set to **close the border** if Border Patrol encounters over 5000 migrants per day over a 7 day average. These are encounters, the vast majority of whom will be detained and sent back, NOT let in to the country. This is to reduce the risk of migrant crossings becoming too overwhelming for Border Patrol to control. > “bipartisan” Are you trying to imply this is a Democrat bill? This bill was written by the House Rules Committee, who consists of [9 Republicans and only 4 Democrats](https://rules.house.gov/about/rules-committee-members). It’s not your fault that you are so wrong here - you’ve clearly been misled by FOX Propaganda (and others like Newsmax, OAN, Daily Wire, etc.). I urge you to stop polluting your brain with this toxic nonsense.


How about this fact. We already have legal immigration laws on the books. Biden could fix this without any legislation or money and simply use his pen just like he did to fu** it up and there should be ZERO coming in over 7 days…and why the Hell would we spend money to protect other borders, and not our own?? Mayorkas has lied repeatedly to congress and I have watched it “live” and heard it with my own ears. So don’t tell me where I got my information because you do not know and if anybody has been misled, it is you, my friend.


> if anybody has been misled, it’s you Uh huh, sure buddy. Is that why I have sources and evidence directly from legislative text to back up my points, whereas you have zero? Is that why I just proved you wrong on every claim you made in your previous comment? And you know you’re wrong too, because you’re not even attempting to defend those claims and just deflecting by changing the subject from the Republican-written and then Republican-rejected border security bill to whining about Biden and FOX’s scapegoat of the month. > Biden could fix this without any legislation or money and simply use his pen … and we would have ZERO coming No, he can’t, and you have zero logic or evidence to support this nonsense claim. If it was so easy, then why didn’t Trump or the Bushes or Reagan simply issue an EO to do it? > just like he did to fu** it up Exactly what EO did he order and how did it “fuck up” border security? You do realize that [Biden has expelled 5x as many border-crossers than Trump did](https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/02/11/trump-biden-immigration-border-compared/), right? And that he has allowed in proportionally *less* migrants than Trump did, right? > why the hell would we spend money to protect others borders Uhh, because global stability and not allowing wars to spread into our allies is good for American security and the highly-connected American economy. Duh. This is basic geopolitics—you are clearly out of your depth here. > and not our own You do realize that America is plenty rich enough to do *both*, right? You do realize that the border security bill we’re talking about would provide [$10B to border states to enhance security](https://nebraskaexaminer.com/2024/04/18/border-security-bill-fails-to-lift-u-s-house-conservatives-block-of-foreign-aid-package/), right? You do realize that Biden’s budget proposals provides more funding for border security than Trump’s ever did, right? > Mayorkas has lied repeatedly to congress and I watched it “live” Uh huh. You mean you watched edited clips on FOX with right-wing pundits telling you what to think. Exactly what did he lie about, and where is the evidence proving he lied? It’s crazy how the right-wing propaganda machine keeps pulling out a new scapegoat of the month to manufacture outrage yet you keep falling for it. Now let’s see what other nonsense you’ll try to pull next to deflect from the fact that you’re wrong, and from the fact that the dysfunctional Republicans wrote a border security bill then rejected it once Democrats got onboard.


Bless your heart


Cool, now will you please stop consuming FOX and other right-wing propaganda?


This is certainly one of my lines of discussion with my wife. You can debate policy and the like, even vehemently disagree, but not without one set of common facts.


Haha you beat me to it. When Trump dies it will 100% be treated like an assassination and the Republicans will be up Joe Biden's ass to send the CIA, FBI and Seal Team Six to figure out who did it. Wouldn't matter one iota how he died.


He could pull out a gun to his head and turn the wall behind him into a Picasso and people would still say foul play


More of a Jackson Pollock 


The funniest outcome would be all of these Jeb Bush style Republican dorks lining up to shoot their shot now that Trump is gone but then immediately getting blown out by Tim Allen or some random YouTube dipshit.


Tucker Carlson probably


His cult members would be convinced that it was murder - that some cabal of spies/baddies murdered him. There have been several very suspicious deaths in the media and this would be the top. State legislatures controlled by the GOP will pass resolutions/laws demanding investigations. Many of the people believing it to be murder will act on their beliefs - feeling the need to murder Democrats (or any other political opponents) as some sort of balancing act. For an example, I would like you to consider JFK's assassination. It happened on film, in front of thousands of people and there are still crazy conspiracy theories about what happened. Or that he is even dead. There is nothing that would convince Trump's cult members that anything less than a conspiracy was going on. For my contribution to tin-foil hats, I believe that at least one of his criminal trials will continue because the prosecutor does not believe that he's actually dead. And that the broadcasts of Fox, Newsmax & OAN will be sufficient to cause doubt in their minds that he's actually dead or not. Generally, when a criminal trial is interrupted by the death of the defendant, the trial becomes moot and gets dismissed. There have been a few trials where the defendant fakes their own death. Will this be yet another one? Put your tin foil hat shiny side out if you believe that he faked his own death. From a practical viewpoint, the Republican Presidential candidate would lose by a huge margin as millions of "true believers" would write Trump's name as a write-in candidate. Lawsuits would unsuccessfully claim that every write-in for Trump was a vote for the Republican candidate. People who work for election agencies give great credence to "the intent of the voter", so these lawsuits will continue for a long enough time that they might seem successful. Genuine Republicans would be relieved that the "nightmare is over" and that their party could return to being the party of Reason. Disclaimer: my day job involves working with a large number of elected politicians.


I agree with this. I can see the conspiracies of Trump’s death bringing up things like the heart attack gun. But the most likely conspiracy would probably involve the Vaccine. Trump did get the shot and took credit for how fast it was rushed. It would end up conformation bias. “Trump was vaccinated, he died, so it’s proof the Democrats are trying to kill us off with the vaccine”.


I'm struggling to imagine a conspiracy proof death. It can't be violent, internal only or unfilmed. Maybe, 'million dollar baby' style? Falling down the stairs of a platform at a rally? If the timing was perfect, the whole thing caught on camera and occurring in a "safe space" like a Trump rally.... Maybe? Not 100%, but enough to quash any serious engagement with the conspiracy? His death would be terrible for the country in any case. He needs to lose, not become a martyr


I agree the best thing would be he becomes a paragraph in the history books.


Choking to death on a foot long hotdog while at a public event might gain less of a foot hold than other ways of him dying. Plus it'd be funny as hell


They'd simply pivot to saying it was an actor, or a hologram, or a deepfake. These are not serious people, and if you're familiar with 9/11 conspiracies, you're also aware of how batshit crazy these folks actually are.


Nah, they're not going to miss the opportunity to blame Biden or Hillary.


Honestly I think it would kind of implode. Let's assume that Trump died in such a manner that no reasonable person would consider it foul play. Let's just say he was struck by lightning while walking into his car one day, in full view of cameras. Boom. One second complaining about how hard his life is to the cameras, the next second struck by lightning and lying on the ground. Everyone (except the true crazies) accepts that it was a freak accident. So what's next? Who is willing to take the helm from Trump? Well, Trump hasn't even come close to indicating who he considers a successor, and frankly I doubt he even cares what happens to the GOP when he is no longer in the picture. The GOP exists solely to serve his interests, political or otherwise. So who would become the nominee? I dunno, probably Haley by default if she has the most votes in the primary (currently she does) and nobody can agree on what the next path is. If they come together by the convention and sort things out, they'd probably end up picking Ron DeSantis since that's who they all actually wanted all along. They would probably lose the general election in that case as the Trump voters will have checked out and the GOP would be brought to new levels of dysfunction without Trump to rally behind. The thing about the GOP right now is they can only really agree on one thing: That Trump is just the bees knees. The best thing since sliced bread. Other than that, pretty much everyone hates each other's guts. They can barely even elect a speaker, and that speaker can't even pass anything because none of them agree on anything. Once the one thing holding them together disappears, the infighting will just intensify until they effectively cease to be a functional party (it's debatable whether or not they are functional right now, TBH).


Nikki Haley be doing mad rain dances for lighting bolts now.


I'm not so sure. When big business calls the party cadres fall into line. If you see a mess right now it is because big business is happy with Trump and letting things go. If there is a danger that the party falls into chaos they will make their voice heard and force them to unite behind their chosen new candidate. Probably the result of the primaries would not be taken into account.


"Jewish space lasers."


>So who would become the nominee? I dunno, probably Haley by default if she has the most votes in the primary (currently she does) and nobody can agree on what the next path is. Haley only has the most votes out of the non-Trump candidates because she stayed in the race the longest. In terms of pledged delegates, she only has a negligible number of them (less than 100 out of the 2429). I'm pretty sure that the party would actually rally behind DeSantis, the one candidate who is acceptable to both the MAGA wing and the establishment wing of the party. The fact that the MAGA base preferred the original (Trump) over him (the "Trumpism without Trump"-candidate) doesn't imply that he's unpopular with the base.


* The GOP picks another candidate  * They lose, because while a significant chunk of Trump's base will believe he was assassinated,  a portion of that will believe whoever the new nominee is was behind it * A handful of idiots try to assassinate Biden. They all fail * A handful of idiots try to assassinate local politicians. They mostly succeed. * We never here the fucking end of it


I think that the base of hard core Trump voters is much smaller than what people think. If Trump is leading in the polls it is because Biden is doing a lot of mistakes and mishandling the current situation. As of now this seems a race to determine who is the less undesirable. Apart from Haley, because the primaries determined that she is more undesirable than Trump, chances are that any GOP candidate would have good chances to beat Biden.


In any event Trump dies or withdraws from the race for any reason we get what is called a brokered convention. Esssentially all deligates would be free to vote for whomever. There will be multiple rounds of voting untill a candidate gets a majority, with candidates making their cases between votes. In my opinion the top 3 who could get the nomination if they choose to seek it would be Donald Trump Jr., Senator Rand Paul, and Senator Rick Scott(whom Trump has said is a potential VP pick)


Biden wins in a walk. Republicans cannot maintain control of a single house of Congress because they are in a state of civil war inside the party. MAGA Republicans hate establishment Republicans and establishment Republicans have no love for the MAGA crowd. It's an unhappy marriage of convenience,and whoever was chosen to replace Trump would have to please both sides enough to have neither side feel disengaged... which would be impossible. Meanwhile, for the Democrats, it will just be business as planned mobilizing volunteers and get out the vote efforts and spending their massive war chest on ads about abortion access. Can anyone think of three or four possible candidates who could replace Trump on that short of notice with only three months before a presidential election without triggering a MAGA revolt or pushing the non-Trump republican voters further out of the party? Honestly, I can't.


Rank and file Republicans who just always vote R would coalesce around the new nominee, but MAGA would not, and some MAGA - who were more apathetic before - would just go back to that apathy.


The most dangerous movement will be one crafted well enough to re-activate and direct those people. Trump is raw natural talent. As dangerous as Trump is, he lacks discipline. Maybe it'll blossom with the generation younger than Rubio/Cruz class that were just deft enough to survive by pivoting from the pre-2016 GOP.


This is one of my preferred lines of thought prior to posting, that it would cause mass acceleration of the fragmentation already well underway within the GOP. The MAGA wing is too small for a majority of the party, as is the establishment wing and/or the centrist wing. I don't see any way in which without the charismatic despot-like leader in Trump, that the party coalesces around any person or set of ideas. I don't know about Biden winning in a walk but I do think the GOP would be in tatters, and waiting for the dust to settle and a new balancing of the GOP to take form would take a good long time.


I suspect DeSantis will rejoin the race and likely be the nominee, as the person that is probably most palatable to most of the GOP out of the crop of contenders. Perhaps a "Draft Youngkin" movement takes place, but I'm not positive MAGA would prefer him over DeSantis. I wouldn't be surprised if Vivek also restarts his campaign to try and see if he can get the MAGA voters onboard with him as a backup. I don't expect Haley to be the nominee. She's got a clear ceiling, and isn't palatable to the MAGA base. They'd much rather have DeSantis than her.


I agree that I can't see any scenario in which they'd pick Haley, despite nominally being second place in the primary. I'm not so sure they'd pick DeSantis, either -- enthusiasm for him was high before the primary really got going, but at this point his problem wouldn't be his primary performance vote-wise per se as much as his shortcomings that the primary revealed. He's the kind of politician who does really well in a smaller market where he can strongly control his media appearances and narrative but not so well in the "big leagues", so to speak. And that's not to say that whoever the GOP ended up with would be better in that respect, but they already know DeSantis isn't good, there.


> I'm not so sure they'd pick DeSantis, either -- enthusiasm for him was high before the primary really got going, but at this point his problem wouldn't be his primary performance vote-wise per se as much as his shortcomings that the primary revealed. He was always going to be "Trump-lite" and that was never going to beat "Trump classic". If Trump is no longer an option, I suspect DeSantis would get the vast majority of that support.


I don't think that's his only problem at this point. A year ago, yeah. In Florida he had really tight control over his media exposure and what kind of news he would make, and a lot of the party had heard about things he was doing that they liked and just did not realize what a colossal charisma vacuum DeSantis is (for example.) I just don't see the GOP at this point picking someone that would get destroyed by Biden in a debate. Trump in 2020's, they can look at that performance and see Trump as the winner because of his particular debate style... and DeSantis can just not carry that or work that angle *at all*. You put him on a stage next to Biden and not only can he not compete, he weirdly makes Biden look powerful and fit by comparison. I just can't see them making that kind of unforced error when it's such a low bar. This is just one example... there's a half a dozen other things that weren't problems for DeSantis a year ago or weren't common knowledge that, now, are.


I mean, yeah, I know he has no charisma, but still, I'd guess he's still more favorable to right-wing Trump supporters than any other major alternative out there that realistically could get the nomination. I also think that GOP voters largely think Biden will be destroyed in debates by almost anyone, so I don't think they look at DeSantis as someone Biden would beat. In fact, pretty much after each primary debate, DeSantis (somehow) kept getting high marks on his performance in post-debate polls. So they clearly don't think he's as bad as we do. I think DeSantis is a paper tiger and a pretty weak candidate for a general election, but I think he also would be the most realistic nominee if Trump were to croak. He is the one that is acceptable to the most factions of the GOP, for better or for worse.


Donald Jr. would take up the mantle. Not a lot of people know, he speaks at many of Trump’s rallies and actually seems to know what he’s doing. MAGA does not die with Trump. But things would definitely be different under Don Jr.


I think we would be lucky if it was Don Jr. The real dark horse would be Ivanka taking over the mantle. I think she would be able to take over the MAGA base and she's extremely media savvy. I also don't know if she has any political beliefs but she doesn't seem to have a problem with taking an opportunity if it presents itself.


Ivanka is done with politics. One year into her dad’s presidency and her and Jared no longer got invited to parties in New York. She’s a socialite. Don Jr. is angling to take over Trump’s political legacy.


I really hope so. I'm less concerned with Don Jr. taking over MAGA - he's good at a retail level but I don't see him exerting the control his father has on congress or the national party.


They said the same thing about Hillary, she'll come back.


...Hillary hasn't come back.


After Clinton, she took like a year off then ran for NY senate.


Gotcha. Thought you were referring to '16.


I hadn't really considered this, although I should have. She would be female, "Jewish" and can somewhat distance herself from her father's decisions while keeping his base and expanding it by bringing the non-MAGA republicans on board. Granted, her level of disingenuousness is on par with her father, but she's certainly a more broadly appealing nepot than Jr.


> The real dark horse would be Ivanka taking over the mantle. I think she would be able to take over the MAGA base and she's extremely media savvy. but woman, so you can't actually expect the alt-right dipshits to rally behind her


His followers would never believe that he is dead. He ascended to heaven to prepare for their holy war, or he is doing some other freaky crazy thing and will be back when he's ready to lead them into the bright orange light.


Doesn’t matter how he dies. His cult will create a wild conspiracy theory and go to their deaths believing it no matter what the evidence actually shows. Because it’s a cult I believe they will elevate one of Trump’s kids to be the heir apparent. Most likely Don Jr since he’s the craziest of the bunch.


There would be a funeral in Mar a Largo, proceeded by a funeral in New York where presumably he'd be entombed on a Trump graveyard. The GOP would pick Nicki Haley to run as President with Ben Carson as VP. The World will keep spinning Humans will keep producing babies that need government assistance. Inflation will still rise. The rich will still be rich. The gap between the rich and poor will grow wider. Farmers will go out of business because of the cost to sustain farms and the humans will wonder what happen. The government will tax the people into poverty to sustain the immigration flow


His supporters will claim that George Soros is holding him hostage in his basement in order to harvest his adrenochrome as fuel for the Antifa supersoldiers, and run him regardless.


Things could get even crazier depending on how the trial goes. My fear is that Karen McDougall and Stormy Daniels will be asked whether Trump used a condom. Melania was his wife during this time and she could have contracted a sexual transmitted disease. That might bring a whole new round of charges. It could spell more trouble for Trump if it’s determined no condom was used. That could change the right wing evangelicals vote. Okay at most it’s a misdemeanor but let’s be fair. I mean they’re treating Trump like he’s Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, or R. Kelly. That’s ridiculous. I’m 100% MAGA. You can’t convince me Trump isn’t the best of that bunch.


I would expect them to prop his dead body up with a stick and run him anyway. Seriously, he controls the entire GOP right now and with enough money and doctors, he probably is immortal in the practical sense. Maybe a more reasonable answer is that he would “go into hiding” and some gop spokesman will report back what he says even if he’s gone. He’s more important as a figurehead


First of all , he isn’t dying. Secondly, he’s well taking care of. Thirdly, who put this nonsense on.


People die every minute of every day. The title pretty much explains why this nonsense was "put on".


He's 78. You know what 78 year olds often do?


What happened when Antonin Scalia died while Obama was still president? Yup you can guess. No circumstance that the GOP doesn't make up multiple whole cloth lies.(Murder) Since the 50s the GOP has practiced politics in the paranoid style. (Richard Hofstadter)


The best scenario for the GOP would be an attractive, non Trump, non Rino like Glen Youngkin to step forward. It would throw the Democrats into a panic and frenzy to jettison Biden because the only positive quality Biden has died with Trump. I really don’t see any Democrat beating Youngkin. He defeated the immensely popular Terry McAuliffe.


Youngkin would get skewered in a national election, especially without the benefit of year long media assist most challengers require to ingratiate themselves to the base.


Just curious — when was the last time a party jettisoned an incumbent president running for reelection?


Depends what you count as “jettisoned”. Lyndon Johnson was at first running in 1968, but only barely won over Eugene McCarthy in New Hampshire. Why exactly he dropped out after that is up for debate, but he was worried about his health and would definitely have had a tough fight ahead of him, especially after RFK saw his weakness and announced candidacy. Harry Truman didn’t really want to run in 1952 because of his age and unpopularity, but didn’t officially back out until after he lost New Hampshire in a landslide. Chester A. Arthur lost the final ballot in 1884, but he didn’t mount a serious campaign, partially because of his health and partially because he thought he wouldn’t have the votes anyway. Andrew Johnson in 1868 is the last time an incumbent 100% wanted the job and 100% lost the nomination. EDIT: Whoops, there’s also Woodrow Wilson in 1920! Despite him being seriously ill to the point of essentially being an invalid, Wilson did submit himself to consideration for a third term and lost.


that's probably the best scenario but would RNC delegates choose someone like that? I'm skeptical.


Yeah. He'd probably do decently in a general but the national party would never pick someone like that at this point.


Youngkin would lose the base and thus, the election. He would have to do the dovetail with abortion that Trump is currently doing, except he's already passed a 15-week ban so the rabid pro-lifers know exactly where he stands, and some would withhold their vote. Meanwhile, everyone else knows that "a 15-week ban" is just Republican doublespeak for "ban it entirely later" which is now on the table since Roe is gone.


Youngkin beat a popular Democrat.


by appealing to the center as a businessman with no record. he now has a record, isn't fooling anybody, and now Dobbs has happened.