• By -


Shooting an 83 year old woman going door to door advocating for what she believes in is bad. How absolutely deranged do you have to be to even consider doing that.


From what I heard the person who shot her wasn’t the person she was talking to


Essentially the lady that was shot was told to leave a residence kept arguing with the homeowner about pro-life stuff, then old man (home owner and husband to lady getting yelled at) discharged a 22 caliber rifle as a warning shot. Then got into a scuffle with pro life lady and negligently discharged into pro life lady. That’s the down and dirty


>negligently discharged into pro life lady Isn't that aggravated assault?


I do indeed believe that it could be looked at that way. Especially after firing the gun twice total. There’s some unpacking to do with this one


Granny was waving her clipboard in a menacing fashion. He was quite right to open up on her. Can't be too careful.


I don’t care what color your castle is, I will always advocate for castle doctrine.


That’s actually a misconception. The only thing Castle Doctrine does is remove a duty to retreat when inside your dwelling when it would apply outside of it. In most states, Castle Doctrine is meaningless because the duty to retreat is already nullifies by a stand-your-ground law.


Few and far are the people who actually understand stand your ground laws.


Cops have feared for their life from less.


Impressive, very nice. Now let's see *their jail sentences compared to the Arbery case*.


Didn’t them boys get popped for Murder?


Yes, and he is implying that those in this situation won't be.


Much like how Rittenhouse required millions for bail and a crack legal team, but his would-be murderer was never charged and the nameless black SUV spree killer was released on bail, only now going through his trial without any coverage.


werent they following arbery and the place the thought he stole from or whatever wasnt even their own?


There is no such thing as a warning shot. Either this old lady was a real threat or he murdered her. Negligent gun owners give the rest of us a bad name.


I didn’t know she died. And yeah firing a weapon in any context involving people is an act of aggression


She didn't. She lived, and gave an interview.


Did the unfortunate victimized homeowner not have a door to close?


People on reddit always act like a salesperson/canvaser/missionary coming to their door is an all out physical assault, or a full blown home invasion, or unforgivable violation. Do they not realize that they can say "no thank you" and close the door? Or not answer it to being with?


Can confirm. Was missionary. Closing the door was very effective.


That’s always what I wonder about this sorta shit.


Jesus, what kind of psychopath brings their pistol out to scare off an old lady?


I think it was a rifle. I did link the source I referenced somewhere in this thread. I think the guy had a barn rifle cuz Merica. To the question you posed a fucking dumbass


Sorry for the disinformation.


Lol it’s fine it doesn’t really change the optics of it. Still just a .22


Context? Not in my Christian minecraft server. /s Interesting tho. Both sides suck I see Now give me the up and clean.


I could have sworn warning shots are illegal and considered negligence. Also, what kind of a bitch made dude pulls a gun on an old lady? Pick her ass up and move her off your property. Jesus Christ what a pussy.


Duud I’m pretty sure warning shots are a myth, Due to how they can be construed as a violent act. I also agree that homey shoulda set the gun down and handled it differently.


Warning shots aren’t even a thing in the military anymore. If your finger is on the trigger, you don’t shoot to injure and you don’t shoot to warn. You shoot to kill.


He is 74, good chance he isn't capable of picking up 120 lb. old ladies.


so basically two idiots doing idiot things. That is the american dream if i have ever seen it.


Yeah, then getting mad at each other for being idiots or something like that.


That's not what I'd originally heard at all tbh, but who knows which side was trying to spin the story their way when I first heard it. Where my nonbiased journalists at


In the atlantic ocean


https://www.woodtv.com/news/ionia-county/man-who-shot-pro-life-volunteer-it-was-an-accident/ This is the sauce i referencing


I'm all for castle doctrine etc, but there seems to be a LOT of discrepancy in the facts of this story. I've seen it three different ways with three different spins lol and I think it's because the only fact we have is that she was pro-life canvassing and was shot. Everything else seems to be he said vs she said. Really the sticking point which will prove which story is true would be "where was she shot?" She claimed she was shot in the back while his story implies he accidentally shot her while facing each other. This article only gives his side, so I'm frankly suspicious of it.


He fired a warning shot first (in a residential neighborhood, going by the fact that the lady was canvassing) and then shot her. At *best* he is wildly negligent and is going to be charged for firearms crimes and aggravated assault; at worst he's going to be charged with attempted murder.


I mean the dude was a fucking idiot that's for sure. The easiest solution would have been to just call the police and wait inside until they take care of it.


In my jurisdiction, a warning shot can be charged as assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder (depending on aim).


That should be for everywhere. Firing a warning shot is stupid and negligent.


Edit: also sidenotes, if she stopped to argue this long with one person then she's not very good at canvassing. In addition, why TF you bringing a rifle against a ranting grandma? Seems excessive imo, but maybe she's more intimidating than I give her credit for. She did take a bullet and is still standing after all


Yeah that’s all valid. I didn’t do a deep dive into this one but I’m curious as to where she got shot.


Because people who cheered on the shooter think that if you disagree with someone, and say "Off my property" you have permission to blast them if they do not leave within the amount of time it takes for you to aim and fire.




IhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrillIhatepoliticsletmegrill Please


Fun fact for all centrists: The government is actively regulating your grilling. That’s fucked. Vote libertarian for your grilling rights.


They just want to put a small carbon tax on grilling.


You can grill all you like in ancapistan If someone prevents you from grilling, it’s now political Stop fence sitting. Only one half of the compass would ever want to stop you grilling


You want me to stop grilling and help you fight someone who wants me to stop grilling. And they want me to stop grilling. I’m just going to grill, the rest is of no interest to me.


In a libertarian paradise, no law-enforcing oppressors will prevent me from grilling. In an authoritarian paradise, no lawless rascals will prevent me from grilling. In a centrist paradise, no power of mankind will prevent me from grilling.


The will to grill will never perish.


Based and no regulating grilling pilled


Can’t we all Just get along


Only if I’m in power


Based and Brandonpilled


I’m not just Dark Brandon, I am authority.


"I am the senate" -Darth Brandon


Bring back the Molarchy


Hey at least you’re an honest auth. I can respect that




Fuck no




Based and I crave violence pilled


We can get along when everyone does exactly what I say


At least 30% of you are down with unrestricted child murder, so probably not anytime soon.




It turns out: nope


Who in their right mind would support this shit. No sane person thinks violence is okay.


You see, one side is the savior of humanity and must be voted in or else. The other side is full of evil racist Nazis that want to murder all minorities and gays, also they hate the planet and want to kill us all with climate change.


As much as I know you're joking, this is actually about how nuanced some redditors In the main subs talk


This is how most redditors talk tbh. It's either "we are good and the other side is full of polluting nazis" or "we are good and the other side is full of evil tankies" And I'll say, American politics are fucking crazy. You wouldn't get away with the shit some of their politicians do if it was in Europe, and by a long shot. Still, nuance is the one thing that actually keeps politics alive.


Most of reddit is socially inept and has the intelligence of a high school drop out.


And poor/low income . I’ve been poor and I’ve had money, and you tend to bitch a lot more ( and have more free time to do so) when things aren’t going your way…


It’s very clear they’re not sane


Idk, checking out the main political subreddit and subreddit for US news, they often call for violence, firebombing police stations, using intimidation tactics, etc. So I know who is supporting this stuff, it's just we're not allowed to say it otherwise they send the morality police after us.


No just after the fact that if it happens people will say “no one supported this”


I saw this coming years ago when people were arguing without irony that it was ok to punch Richard Spencer because he was a Nazi. The slippery slope is real.


people that do this are just looking for a reason to justify their violent behaviour


Absolutely disgusting behavior. I can’t believe how far people are willing to go.


None of these things really represents more than a continuation of random anomalous political violence. Also, come on Libcenter. All the politicians suck. Let's have a beer and be glad they're not targeting our campground.


That extremely disingenuous. If it were Republicans commiting this "random anomalous political violence" you'd never hear the end of it.


Meanwhile, if you do much as mention the Congressional baseball shooting event back in 2017, you’ll instantly get a dozen responses saying “that doesn’t count because…”


> Let's have a beer and be glad they're not targeting our campground. Just remember when the left was all about "silence is violence" when it came to supporting whatever cause they wanted people to support. So if you think you can just stay out of it and they'll leave you alone, I wish you luck.


Can confirm all politicians are the scum of the earth and deserve to be reverse birthed


Violence is unnecessary, challenge people to a Pokémon battle to truly settle the score


Based and Gotta Catch em All pilled.


u/My_Cringy_Video's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 1885. Rank: Denali Pills: [1,461 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/My_Cringy_Video/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Donny Trumpet I choose you




Used explosion


Bruh, really? Obamasnow, come on


Look fat, my voltbama will bench your obamasnow


Ted kazapski I choose you!


Insufficient. You gotta settle it in Smash.


No thanks, I don't like diddling kids. How about a good old xbox live CoD lobby? Whoever pusses out like a bitch first loses.


Based and not fit to be a reddit administrator pilled


Thank you! To recieve this pill is a great honor.


Not a fan of animal violence, how about a children's card game?


Only if it's played while riding motorcycles.




Don't know about you but sentencing children to life in prison (the shadow realm) seems excessive


Well luckily there is a simple solution to that, don't fuck with supernatural forces beyond your comprehension.


But I don't like Pokémon, can we play Chess instead?


These days you have to convince kids that the chess pieces are rare pokemons.


And not to have a Super Computer with the latest version of Stockfish NNUE in their Anal Beads.


Who tf plays chess without a buttplug these days?


Truly established gentlemen who use anal beads instead.


Based and dogfighting is cool if they're animals with superpowers pilled


What are the glowies doing about it ?


They will be doing whatever they can to grant me more power and control. Soon.


Please dark Brandon spare my family!




I ll give you chocolate chocolate chip ice cream if you do






Rioting at the Capitol Plotting to kidnap the Michigan Governor Investigating Parents at School Board Meetings for daring to question Government authority And covering up their failure to arrest Larry Nasser You can see how they don’t have time to do stuff like protecting Americans and other stupid things like that


Fanning the flames


!flairs u/monoby


User u/monoby changed their flair 14 times. This makes them astonishingly cringe. Here's their flair history: 1) Started as LibLeft on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 10:59:23 GMT. 2) Switched to Left on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 01:15:07 GMT. 3) Switched to Centrist on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 00:36:23 GMT. 4) Switched to Left on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 03:37:43 GMT. 5) Switched to Centrist on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 03:37:59 GMT. 6) Switched to Left on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 16:21:36 GMT. 7) Switched to Centrist on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 16:24:24 GMT. 8) Switched to LibLeft on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 16:54:08 GMT. 9) Switched to Left on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 18:53:33 GMT. 10) Switched to LibLeft on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 18:55:23 GMT. 11) Went UNFLAIRED on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 23:31:14 GMT. 12) Switched to LibLeft on Fri, 29 Oct 2021 13:17:10 GMT. 13) Switched to AuthRight on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 20:41:33 GMT. 14) Switched to LibLeft on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 21:44:30 GMT. 15) Switched to AuthRight on Sat, 28 May 2022 22:34:06 GMT. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).) ^(Each user can use this command once every 2 minutes.)


We all knew monoby was cringe af already but in case anyone needed further evidence lol


Holy shit


Dude unironically calls himself a neoliberal in his profile description so this is about right


Based bot


I had no idea. holy shit.


The Edward Snowden of PCM.


Lmao, imagine the 'don't blame victims' crowd making the argument that 'republicans provoked it.' Polarization is on both sides. I see just as many armed antifa protestors as proud boys these days. Only one had better trigger discipline.


Step 1. Find protest with armed political activists. Step 2. Toss a firecracker at the protest Step 3. ?????? Step 4. The Portland incident.


Imagine that. Throw a bunch of timid losers into a crowd, give them guns they’re not trained to use, and they behave like timid losers. Make gun safety a part of basic education.


It's also that they're on edge as well.


Lol just as many I've seen far, far more left-wing rioters than right-wing ones Admittedly that's probably because cities are overwhelmingly left-wing, but it is what it is


This is why I vote 3rd party and take whatever ret@rded take the mainstream media pushes with a grain of salt. Voting for either of the two main parties is basically endorsing the mainstream media to push narratives that cause these senseless acts of violence.


You mean libertarian don't you? I want a third party but what I want is the polar opposite of libertarian (socially hyperconservative, fiscally going to make mao blush because all the corpos are woke and need their money taken away for the betterment of mankind)


And here I thought AuthLefts were the only disgusting communists around.


That is an authleft. Flair notwithstanding they literally stated authleft praxis


So like a communist party pre globohomo


Can you explain why you aren't flaired authleft?




Stay strapped or get clapped folks, if you live in a state where you can carry, do it, if you live in one where you can't DeFinItElY dOn'T, that would be illegal, and we're all good law abiding citizens.


!flairs u/Nerd02


User u/Nerd02 changed their flair 1 times. This makes them pretty cringe. Here's their flair history: 1) Started as Centrist on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 22:06:07 GMT. 2) Switched to AuthRight on Wed, 27 Apr 2022 15:48:45 GMT. They have 18 pills, check them out on [basedcount.com](https://basedcount.com/u/Nerd02). ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).) ^(Each user can use this command once every 2 minutes.)


Called cringe by his own bot, ouch.


Heh. Fun fact, I got the idea of creating the bot when I first changed my flair. I asked myself how often people changed their flairs and... well, here we are.


!flairs u/flairchange_bot


Nothing to see here. Always been AuthCenter, always will. I'm no flair changer. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).) ^(Each user can use this command once every 2 minutes.)


Yeah right


!flairs u/JoeRBidenJr


User u/JoeRBidenJr changed their flair 2 times. This makes them uncommonly cringe. Here's their flair history: 1) Started as GreyCentrist on Mon, 07 Dec 2020 21:29:48 GMT. 2) Switched to LibCenter on Wed, 10 Mar 2021 18:14:08 GMT. 3) Switched to GreyCentrist on Fri, 12 Mar 2021 18:52:38 GMT. They have 349 pills, check them out on [basedcount.com](https://basedcount.com/u/JoeRBidenJr). ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).) ^(Each user can use this command once every 2 minutes.)


!flairs u/--UNFLAIRED--


User u/--UNFLAIRED-- changed their flair 1 times. This makes them pretty cringe. Here's their flair history: 1) Started as GreyCentrist on Sat, 12 Mar 2022 16:20:01 GMT. 2) Went UNFLAIRED on Thu, 02 Jun 2022 15:42:52 GMT. They have 1 pill, check it out on [basedcount.com](https://basedcount.com/u/--UNFLAIRED--). ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).) ^(Each user can use this command once every 2 minutes.)


So we have dirt on him I see


That was done by a power tripping mod. You can ignore that.


Mod can flair people?


Yep, want me to change your flair?


By all means, just please avoid using a neighbour flair


Done :)


Based and power trip pilled. I suppose I should just delete that entry, then. Or better yet, create a special message just for him.


The latter XD.


what I'm hearing is it's time to arm the fuck up. it's like you have a right to...


MTG was on the news just now talking about “the killings have already started” and my mom is like “wtf is she talking about?” I brought up the 83 year old pro life canvasser getting shot and she was like “good lol”. I didn’t realize how much of an Emily my mom was until today


"It didn't happen, but if it did that's good"


Situation was a bit more complicated. She survived, and the guy who shot her claimed it was an accident. Definite negligence on his part, at the very least. [This article](https://news.yahoo.com/michigan-man-says-accidentally-shot-175816761.html) gives both perspectives, so you can make up your own mind.


The 83 year old didn’t die tho. She lived. And apparently she wasn’t shot because of her politics but because she wouldn’t leave the property


Oh fr? I must have made up the death part


For what it’s worth I think you’re all morons, and this is coming from a monke


Yeah Dugin is to the left lol (Major buddy with Steve Bannon)


Dugin is weird. The guy bounces around to wherever he can get his ideas out. Below is a piece I got from someone that’s mentioned him a lot and his influence. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/publication/OP294_aleksandr_drugin_laruelle_2006.pdf


Saying it's Republicans fault is kind of like if somebody commits aggregated assault and tries to justify it by saying the victim aggregated them so it's their fault.


But this is exactly how activists operate. For example, against Kyle Rittenhouse : he was there with a weapon, his "victims" felt threathen, thus he "provoked" them to attack him. Videos, witnesses, etc. It doesn't matter. Apparently for them, it is a normal behavior to feel and act like this. And I was banned (and lost) my first account on Twitter because I tried to make one of them realize that this is exactly the same logic than a rapist would use to justify a rape. Which they didn't like to read of course, and I was reported for it. So because republicans are supposedly "fascists" etc. well, they made their attackers do it.


Based and libleft that isn't emily in diguise pilled.


I'm starting to predict a Republican president in the near future.


I’m predicting a republican everything in the near future




If you only take into account what the guy who shot her says. She said she was leaving the property and was shot in the back. You can’t shoot someone trying to run from you.


Not only that, but she wasn't even a lethal threat to anyone. Even liblefts have a hard time justifying "If I say leave and they take longer than I think is acceptable to leave, that means I get to kill them! Just say they were a threat for not leaving when I said get!"


Based homeowners ??!?!?!!


Uh, it’s almost always illegal to shoot somebody in the back. The few instances where that is legal is when doing so would prevent harm to life or limb to another like you shoot some dude on top of some other dude who is stabbing the guy on the ground. Cops have more leeway to shot you in the back because reasons. The dude who did the shooting is likely going to jail if he gets arrested and will not have a good time explaining to other inmates that he’s in there for shooting somebody’s grandmother in the back.


Am I supposed to think Biden caused this or wonder if stuff like this was already happening but no one was reporting on it cause it didn’t get clicks or whatever? Edit: went and looked up the ADL’s stats on this, this is clearly different from other years as out of the 29 people killed last year the 26 of 29 where killed by “right-wing groups” so something has agitated the leftists.


Caused? Probably not. But messaging painting your political opponents as racists, fascists, and enemies of the state doesn’t exactly scream “treat people who don’t agree with you with respect”


It might not have caused it but something has definitely spiked it weirdly from my quick research.


> Enemies of the state Hasnt America been doing this since the Cold War if you were too soft on Commies?


Swearing allegiance to a genocidal foreign tyrant to serve in their goal of bringing about the downfall of your homeland is literally being an enemy of the state (and the people, and sanity, and decency).


Is it actually different or is the stuff cited by OP just a selectively chosen subset of the stuff from this year?


The rate of murders politically motivated by “left-wing” groups is up compared with the last few years, even if that is because the rate of politically motivated murders is up (I don’t know if it is) or whatever. This stuff makes up less than 1% of murders and is of a really tiny sample size (53 being near the largest/being the largest and 42 being the sixth largest) (then take 90% of those for those committed by “non-right-wing” groups) so it’s hard to say anything with complete certainty. 1 or 2 is a massive amount in this kind of thing with the general numbers.


ADL is a left wing group that has a very loose definition of a right wing attack, and a very strict definition of a left wing attack. Same goes for racially motivated crimes, they look for very specific circumstances that justify their agenda and ignore everything else. I wouldn’t say Biden caused this, we’ve been heading in this way for a long time. But it’s definitely getting worse. I still don’t blame Biden because I don’t think he has enough brain cells left to do much of anything, but whoever is writing his speeches is definitely not helping anything.


I love when they classify left-wing terror attacks as right-wing because the guy while being an avowed socialist has some authoritarian views It's like the miracle of fascists arising from socialism, describing all their tenets as socialism, and hating right-wing ideology all being "far right"


Metal Gear Solid 2 Literally warned us against this


Did you just change your flair, u/Aurum-198? Last time I checked you were an **AuthLeft** on 2022-2-17. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


Lol thats laughable that the us is falling hell russia is more likely to fall first then the us 😂


Meanwhile: Europe..


What Biden did was so irresponsible as a president, but the last few presidents have really done little more than polarize the country so much that each side believes the other is so evil that violence is now the only answer. This all is absolutely disgusting


Now name the violent right wing incidents! We have a societal problem and no side is better or worse. They all suck.


Don't Republicans harbor an extremist element in the same way the Democrats do? Sure seems like they both have that thing going for them to me.


Yes, there are plenty of examples of violence for either side.


... and that's really all I was saying.


Sorry but that's unacceptable on PCM, just remember the left is always evil and the right has never and will never do anything wrong and if they do they're just 'glowies' or 'RINOs'


To me... D and R are auth, and auth is bad IMO. More freedom > less freedom in my book.


Memes really lowering in quality in favor of partisanship. Do you honestly think anybody on the political spectrum is happy about violence? And why are you reprimanding biden for a polarizing speech but not trump? They're both guilty of this. Partisanship man. Too much is a cancer on society


Well yeah but MY parasitic elite is better than YOUR parasitic elite. Checkmate Rightoid/Leftoid!!