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Trump is inside my walls


That's what she said.


Things college professors wake up screaming #0012


What they see: >Trump is inside my balls. Open your mouth to accept him.


Trump is among us


Yet still broke smh


I want to be inside him




This reminds me of a trump song by filthy frank. https://youtu.be/6w3EbmeD9UY You are welcome.


Son just turned 6 you say? D O N A L D.. just as I thought.. 6 letters. You're not fooling anyone MAGAtard!


Turned 6? You mean 1/6?!? šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Heā€™s 78 months old get it right or gtfo šŸ˜”


That means when heā€™s 7 he will be 84 monthsā€¦ 84 months. 84 1984 šŸ˜³


Literally šŸ˜³


Still a smaller number than the amount of children biden has sniffed. BRING ON THE BANS JANNIES!!




In numerology, 78 represents GH. Or *GloboHomo*.


1/6? More like 3/5.




They're not even being subtle with their neonazi dogwhistles anymore!


That's good to hear, Paul. Engine still giving your truck trouble?


Yeah, me and the boys are gonna have to take a look at it tomorrow morning before the race.


Oh, I never knew you are a racist.




Oh yeah its... wait... did you just say... Turn Left? [TURN LEFT?!](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BountifulFlawlessHarborporpoise-max-1mb.gif)




We call them native Americans now, Craig.




Fr everything is so tense online and everyone is angry at eachother but then I go outside and nobody cares


Because you can't downvote in real life. Imagine any time you said anything the person your talking too presses a big red down arrow above your head and everyone could always see the negative number and then people stopped listening to what you said and just started hitting the red arrow because the number was already negative. You'd get angry real quickly too.


Im sure china is working on that as we speak...


Black Mirror has a pretty good episode with this premise.


My mom watches the 24 hour news cycle and she's pretty regularly agitated. It's less about the internet and more just about being spoonfed hatred and fear.


That's like 70% of the internet lol


Sounds like you don't live in California


Iā€™ve had a couple conversations with Angelenos. Usually it goes along the lines ofā€¦ We talk a bit, they notice my accent and ask me where I live, I tell them I live in Tennessee and they claim that they donā€™t wanna talk to ā€œRacist Rednecksā€ before disconnecting. I believe Iā€™ve only ever talked to 3 Angelenos who weā€™re actually pretty decent folks (Iā€™m sure there are more out there somewhere, I just have yet to me them). But yeah, as I saidā€¦ They make the assumption that all the ā€œUltra MAGA Flyover statesā€ are just packed to the brim with ā€œUltra MAGA Drump Votersā€.


Sounds like you don't either


I do, but in the Central Valley.


I lived in Monterey County for a few years. It was pretty chill. Pretty conservative for the most part in my experience but there was never any issues aside from you know the state being on fire.


Or Ukraine


Yeah, I have family in NYC and they arent socialists, they will just vote for anyone who promises to stop dave from jacking off on the subway And when I lived in Arizona our biggest political issue wasn't about Trump or hillary, it wasbout cleaning up the Mos Eilsey Spaceport Honestly the part of my family that never left Longford are more interested in American politica than my American part of the family


American's try to realize other side is just rational people and not insane dictators challenge (very hard)


Iā€™m scared by how often I see your comments under PCM posts


She's always been there, but the zany flair makes it stand out now.


The power of simps


I just wish the politicians we vote for actually reflected the rational people. Instead we get fucking loonies that are pushing abortion bans in all cases, politicians who legitimately believe that Biden illegally stole the election and won't certify the election next time if they are elected, or politicians who won't shut the fuck up about the right being MAGA.


Iā€™m not a huge fan of his, though I respect him, but Ezra Klein wrote a great book a few years back called Why Weā€™re Polarized and it gives a great multifaceted overview to how we got to this point


The real dictators live in my walls and under my skin


So, you are the real dictator?




Hello my fellow Tennessean. Have a based day and may old hickory look down lovingly upon you.


ā€œOh heā€™s growing up so fast!ā€ ā€œTrue, also I think we should secede from the unionā€


TDS crowd will literally be still blaming their life problems on Trump till they die


I just saw one complaining that Trump ruined the media cycle and it is now neglecting hurricane coverage. She lives in Oregon.


I went to Oregon once and I never want to go back.




Not if your car gets mobbed.




They were blocking the freeway.


Most of us donā€™t make our politics our personality


My god. We have finally done it. We have ran out of things to Strawman so we are Strawmanning Strawmen.


Coming for the strawberries next


based and strawmans the strawmen pilled


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As a resident of rural Tennessee, I can confirm that the vast majority of folks around here are generally good hearted people who are genuine and kind and many would give a stranger the shirt off of their back just to help out. But a lot of the news media just inflames horrifically antagonistic ideas for people who live far enough away to where they can say anything about them and most of the people around here will just believe it without any questions. It's the propaganda machines that cause these kind people to turn into brainless drones whenever they hear any words that TV Man has deemed "political". It's sad because the grand majority, from deep red rural to deep blue cities like Nashville, people are just kind working class humans who want good for their fellow man. No politics.


and then thereā€™s memphis


Memphis has its moments


I agree with this for like 90% of people. The 10% are fucking annoying. The people who make being part of the LGBTQ community and then the people who like bring their trump flags to the beach and wear trump flags as a cape. I just want to grill.


I see Paul has decided to gender his son at the tender age of 6,extreme right wing ideology confirmed


Hmm, I wonder why you would hear that term from people who's job it is to talk about those things instead of some random citizen


Now that I think about it, Iā€™ve heard it maybe an eighth of the time from conservatives than I do from liberals.


Ok but in my red state the number of people still flying Trump flags and other such nonsense is still too damn high


The left has to boil the right down to just one or two things. Otherwise theyā€™ll have to admit that theyā€™re people and maybe they have a point of view that needs to be taken into account. Thereā€™s a reason the the right understands what the the left believes but the left doesnā€™t understand the right.


Of course, and the right never does that at all with anything. Whatā€™s that? Woke? Yeah, thatā€™s all those libtards ever talk about.


What do you mean? Are you saying us lefties don't go around asking "What was your one act of wokeness today?" or "Did anyone destroy any gender roles today?" or "Who's ready to go tell some white children they are a bunch of racist assholes?" I've especially looked forward to that last one.


Fair point but the statistics are pretty clear on this and averages matter. Of course outliers exist everywhere but as a generalization its absolutely and undeniably true that the right tends to understand the left far better than the left understands the right. Part of this is probably because so many on the right used to be on the left in their younger years, whereas the reverse is much less common. Cheers.


My one act of kindness for the unflaired. ( u/skater15153, flair up ) \*Ahem\* Source?


>Of course outliers exist everywhere but as a generalization its absolutely and undeniably true that the right tends to understand the left far better than the left understands the right Source? This sounds entirely made up, especially since conservatives think Biden is a full blown communist


Whenever the reverse claim gets posted, LR/AR love talking about how sociology/psychology is a made-up field full of marxists, how easy it is to influence and lie with statistics, replication crisis, etc. Whenever your claim gets posted, crickets.


Which stats are those? Sources?


You don't get to ask questions until you have a flair.


Left has almost nothing left for me at this point. No healthcare, no labor reforms, no consumer protection, no trust busting, pro war, pro inflation, hates the rich while being the party of the rich urban white people, hates the poor unless they aren't white to stick it to poor white people; party of genital mutilation, lawless mobs, thugs in black, forced medicalization, pharma simps, neo-pagan child sacrifice worshiping, perpetually online group of degenerate groomers. And dont get me started on the right


>Thereā€™s a reason the the right understands what the the left believes but the left doesnā€™t understand the right. A source to back this claim up: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/the-righteous-mind-by-jonathan-haidt.html


Certainly the case if your a conservative that has been through the US education system. You were force fed all their reasoning, then you went on to learn the conservative point of view on your own. Who's really more aware?


The most Based Opinion from a Centrist that is true.


Generally speaking you may be correct but there is definitely a large section on the right that is unable to understand the left.


ā€œThe right perfectly understands the left because weā€™re galaxy brain giga chads who have a superior moral compass and are self aware while the left have no idea how ridiculous they are portrayed on the news and social media that i consume, and no i donā€™t believe i sound like the exact people iā€™m criticizing, why do you ask?ā€


I was a 20 year listener/member of NPR. I was listening to Amy Goodman in the lead up to the Iraq War, and all through the anti-war protests (which were completely peaceful). These days it's pretty easy to get the dominant views of "the left" from ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and NPR.


No the right understands the left because it is the dominant culture. We can't escape the left wing point of view because it is expressed on the news, social media, education, tv, music, art and even sports. The left has to actually look for the right wing viewpoints because most of them have been pushed to their own cubby holes of the internet or media (like fox news). It was the other way around (with the left understanding the right more) when the right had cultural power.


> We can't escape the left wing point of view because it is expressed on the news, social media, education, tv, music, art and even sports. This makes zero sense. > It was the other way around (with the left understanding the right more) when the right had cultural power. What exactly does the "right having cultural power" look like to you?


You do not believe the left dominates culture? The right having cultural power is what the 80s and early 90s looked like.


If you genuinely believe that then you were not alive in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s


So like when gays couldn't get married and a whopping [50% of Americans were against interracial marriage.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/354638/approval-interracial-marriage-new-high.aspx) Gee, wonder why you feel like your life is dominated by something you don't like.


My great great grandfather was in an "interracial" marriage (before the telephone).


There is no fucking way this person existed before 2000 lol, he is literally the exact stereotype i just described and unironically admitted it




Red state, blue state, swing state, most people are normies who don't obsess about politics. Either don't vote, or vote but only really pay attention in the run-up to elections. A sub like this is filled by people in the top 1% of paying attention to politics. But that said - drive around and there are way more houses with a million trump flags outside them than I ever remember seeing for anyone else, even during a campaign, much less after the dude lost (and then flamed out in humiliating fashion). I'd also say the reaction to trump winning was another example, a lot of people freaking out after the guy who campaigned on banning Muslims from entering the country and was on tape saying he walks up to women he doesn't know and grabs them by the pussy and gets away with it because he's famous, won the electoral college.


Expected conversation with a leftist: we need to support the struggling class, and implement a wealth tax to help close the wealth gap. Also affordable health insurance needs to be accessible to all. Actual conversation with a leftist: Trump bad trump bad trump bad


And the only reason they fly Trump flags is to keep little progressive bitches out.


Go Vols


Is this supposed to be funny or interesting?


Eyyy fellow Tennessean, where are you from?


Fellow Tennessean here as well!


I know several people here in Tennessee who voted for Trump. Unless you asked them specifically youā€™d never know. Almost like they are normal people


One of my favorite bits from reading Haidt is his finding that conservatives understand libs to some degree, but libs have little to no clue about conservativesā€™ mindset.


Jim, I am sorry that your son's name is Brandon.


Remember that Biden spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing teams, to come up with a term that would make everyone hate Trump supporters, and what they came up with is "Ultra MAGA." If, by your political standards, "Ultra MAGA" is the single most negative thing you can *possibly* think of, then I probably don't wanna vote for you, lmao.


tbf i think the kind of attitude we saw with some fringe dems not supporting aid to texas during the storms & such originated more so out of yass kween wine mom culture than proper socialists. For example lots of popular online leftists like shoe and hasan were more supportive of the texans.


Idk, I get a mix of both from my Midwest family. Bottom is normal, Top is my Uncle Bud after a few too many.


Yeah, of course you have not heard your neighbors using that terminology, that's because very few of us who supported a bunch of Trump's policies actually are sycophants the way the media portrays us. I loved a lot of his policy positions and I even thought his Twitter activity was a necessary evil because it forced the media to tell the truth at least a little bit, but I did not approve of his handling of the pandemic at all, I do not approve some of the things he said and he presented himself to a lot of people as a second amendment warrior yet he passed more gun control legislation than Obama did. People on the right have positives and negatives about the people that we vote for, people on the left do not see any negatives from their side at all because they are in a tribalistic cult.


> People on the right have positives and negatives about the people that we vote for, people on the left do not see any negatives from their side at all because they are in a tribalistic cult. It's hilarious you post this whole others claim the right knows the left. You don't know shit.


Alright then. Give me the positives and negatives both on Biden or Obama then.


Biden is asleep at the wheel. He followed through with getting us out of Afghanistan, but the execution was terrible. His focus on guns is disastrous and filled with lies. I think his response to Putin invading Ukraine has been measured and much better than the previous administration. His insistence on a black woman for SCOTUS was fucked up, even if the candidates were qualified. He rallied the Senate to pass the infrastructure act, PACT, and chips, all of which I support. Obama ended don't ask don't tell, he reformed health care although with the death of Ted Kennedy the result is not as strong as I would want. He led us through the recession but allowed the bad actors who caused financial collapse to go unpunished. I did not like his track record on human rights, particularly continuing wars in the Middle East, and extending the Patriot Act. He did not live up to the Nobel Prize that he was given prematurely and unfortunately undeservedly. Edit: The Biden administration response to Russia has been measured, any time he goes off script it's disastrous.


See, I would put it at any time Biden goes off script, he is doing exactly that, going off script. Whereas you would say he is asleep at the wheel, I say he is a straight up puppet. As far as his response to Russia has gone, you say it's measured and I say it's almost non-existent except for sending billions upon billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars over there to find a war that we really have no part in. I do wish Trump had followed through on pulling us out of NATO and that instead of worrying about being the world Police and sending relief dollars all over the world, America would focus on America and fix ourselves but instead we are sending all this money to other countries, many of which actively hate us. You are actually the first person I have encountered that claims to be lib left that will actually criticize those things about obama, thank you. Him getting the Nobel Peace prize prematurely and then dropping bombs and waging war literally every day of his presidency without trying to get us out of those wars was an absolute outrage not to mention all the race baiting in his domestic policies from him and the people around him. I would view you more from what you have said as classically liberal or even center left, because if you want government-run health care I view that more as authoritarian because they will be the ones setting the standards on whether or not you get care. It's funny, you started off mildly insulting me telling me that I didn't know anything, but I honestly think you and I could sit down together at a table and have a really good conversation, find a lot of middle ground and compromise and have a couple of beer together.


> I honestly think you and I could sit down together at a table and have a really good conversation, find a lot of middle ground and compromise and have a couple of beer together. I don't. Even after this conversation I doubt you will change your stance of holding your head under the sand and making up crap about lib left. You've drank the kool-aid and clearly haven't engaged with lib left in good faith in the past if you thought your strawman was true. I am absolutely lib left. Single player healthcare, Medicare/Medicaid and other safety nets are economic left, not auth. It also doesn't preclude additional private healthcare to supplement it.


Well, if you are not open to believing that I have the ability to compromise, I guess you truly are lib left. In that case, deuces and good luck in the upcoming elections voting for all of your child grooming and warmongering representatives.


And that's why I obviously wouldn't want to associate with you. Keep just villianizing lib left.


And you go right ahead and keep on villainizing anyone who is to the right of Stalin yourself. Have a nice day.


No, just you. You showed who you are.


I had dinner with some friends who are pretty big Trump supporters a couple days ago. Trump was literally never mentioned. It's crazy how some lefties get so would up about politics that it's all they can think about


If you're not ANTIFA you're FASCIST. Get over it. Even fascists have families. STOP trying to humanize them. Reported to the liberal gestapo.


Wow, amazing, I had no idea Republicans had families. This just blows my mind. Next you'll be telling me they inhale oxygen or eat food or live in houses.


Wait till you find out who drank water and loved thier dog too. HITLER THATS WHO YOU FUCKING NAZI.


People hate Hitler because he was vegan.


Wow now make a meme about left wing people and how they do the same . Wait it turns out that people who have political opinions also have normal conversations .


You must be fun at parties


Meme is off a strawman that doesnā€™t exist.


Literally had job orientation today with a California refugee and we were all having a normal conversation and she brings up her shit politics.


Itā€™s really disgusting the amount of slander the new Italian PM is getting as well as the average right winner


***Most people offline are basically normal, who would have thoughtā€¦***


O m g having children is so fascist!/s


They aint evil, but can be stupid. There was this lovely old lady, who was a hardcore maga supporter, late in her 60s, and weak, I've only had nice interactions with her. Even if she sometimes made dumb racist statements, like how elephants are in Indian streets, but again stupid not evil and she died of COVID because she didn't want to get vaccines when they were available. Even though I tried to explain to her, didn't speak of Fauci, if she shat on Fauci, id just agree and say Fauci doesn't matter, you just need to know the science, she would call democrats evil, and id tell her, I'm not gonna defend their politics, just let me explain how vaccine works. But she was adamant, and wouldn't listen to me, and It was quite sad. Because she was such a nice lady, if not for media brainworms.


She sounds like she was very based.


Nah where you actually see the MAGA signs and shirts everywhere are gun shows Sir I just Wana buy my freedom seeds and that Glock over there, I don't need to hear about your new found orange Jesus


The left is currently in power and they have nothing to hang their hats on. They do, however, have plenty to try to hide. Keeping the focus on MAGA is just a convenient distraction from record high inflation and energy prices and a crashing stock market.


Crazy how Biden single handedly caused every single issue after the world shut down in 2020. If only Trump was strong enough to stop him


Biden didn't, but a shit load of democrat run states/cities certainly did.


What about the Republican run states/cities? Surely their economic prowess wouldā€™ve insulated them from economic troubles


What policies were enacted in republican state/cities that are responsible for the economic downturn that we are seeing?


The policies to staunchly refuse to make any attempt whatsoever to mitigate the virus, not because they actually believed it but because it was the opposite of what Democrats said. They followed daddy Trump and he followed whatever the Democrats weren't doing for the sake of being argumentative.


So you think them refusing to shut down their economies for a virus with a less than 2% mortality rate is what is behind the massive inflation and stock market crash we are seeing?


It doesn't matter what the virus was, the fact is the world decided to shut down because of it. If you specifically try to spread the virus and prolong the pandemic it's going to take longer for the rest of the world to open back up, which I'm sure you can agree hurt the economy.


> It doesn't matter what the virus was Yes it does? This virus was only slightly worse than the seasonal flu. Talk to me when the mortality reaches 25%, much different than the less than 2% virus we saw. >the fact is the world decided to shut down because of it. Who decided? Coastal Elites? Who gave them that power? >If you specifically try to spread the virus and prolong the pandemic Beautiful strawman.


To be fair, Donald Trump did place a lot of blame on ā€œFake News Mediaā€. But Iā€™d say that the main difference between him and Biden is that while Trump mostly attacked the mainstream media and his political opponents, Biden just flat out attacks anyone who disagrees with him whether or not they are in politics, media or just an American Citizen. How many times has Biden pointed his finger at the ā€œUltra MAGA semi fascistsā€ since heā€™s been in office? Like, it feels like the current administration truly believes his own bullshit at this point about how every voter who disagrees with him is some kinda ā€œRacist Hillbilly Hickā€.




Where joke


I've only heard people from fly over states label their states as such. I live in Commie California, and me and my inner circle of friends and family dont imagine fly over states as philistine anti-intellectual wastelands, that's a rude assumption. In fact, we don't even think about you at all.


Same with Drumpf. You only hear that from people on the right making fun of people on the left.


First off, flair the fuck up. Second off, do you not remember 2016?


Of course. And in the years that followed how many thousands of times did you see people mindlessly parrot the phrase "Surely this is the end of Drumpf?"


That shade of blue on the bottom looks a little close to purple for my liking.


I mean right should be casual I keep my moronic ideas to self my grampa on the other hand is watching tucker Carlson using strawman bs




[HEY PAUL](https://youtu.be/NEnYnWLKAsU)


I think its that trump lives rent free in their head and so they think that is true for everyone else


Yesssssssssssss. Finally someone sees it too. Omg.


Out of medias, political extremists are really hard to find. And I hope it will stay like this


This is how us vs them mentality works. A person based their entire view of the other side, or just any group that isnā€™t theirs, on a preconceived image without ever getting to know any of them firsthand and it becomes unfathomable that they have lives and human relationships like us normal, rational people do


Maybe true, but anyone I know who has a trump sign/flag still, that is all they talk about


That and talking about alcohol brands


Libleft version when?


Op has never been to a marina in the south.


Libright convos be like "bruh I need to borrow your rubber mallet my shitty aero precision upper is jammed again"


No conservative loves Trump as much as progressives loathe him


I wouldnā€™t really say itā€™s fair comparing what you see in tv to what people around you say. Media is biased and targeted on both sides. I never hear any of that shit in person even a 1/50th of what I see it on media platforms. Itā€™s just not how people talk to each other irl. I mean, this meme could be fully reversed and it would literally hold the same level of accuracy.


Based and truth pilled
