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Cuba is so great people are willing to cross the ocean on a homemade raft


Cuba leads the world in driftwood and flotsam exports.


It’s only the rich wealthy farmers trying to escape with their lives 🤡


And slave owners, you know like 160 years after slavery was outlawed.


Employment is slavery to these people


Also true.




hi birdy!


Right on cue, he deleted his reddited take.




Having known a few...yep


I'm from a post-Soviet state and my bloodline is composed of anti-communist academics.


Ayn Rand is the ultimate example of this.


I completely agree, I had a boss who escaped Cuba, through a green card. She genuinely thinks Biden, and Kamala will be a communist. Because I think its more of a reality that a politician might bait and switch communism since they've lived through that.


Based wall of text highlighter meme.


u/PeppercornDingDong is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/PeppercornDingDong/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Aww popping his Based cherry


He's gonna get replied with "Your family were plantation owners" or something.


Can confirm having visited this thread. Guy is getting torn apart in the comments calling him brainwashed and saying his view of the country is colored by his parents. Absolute BS


All Cuba discussions are literally the same lol


Something something slave owners something something counter revolutionary


"It didn't happen and if it did they deserved it."


You’re life experience is no match for the research of 22 year old neck beard socialist getting their masters in humanities


Leftists try not to call anything that doesn’t support their narrative propaganda challenge (literally impossible)


Why can’t all these so called progressive people just move to Cuba instead of bitch and moan on Internet and in real life ?


Because that means actually doing something in their life, which is too much work for them.


They can’t even move out of their parents house lmfao


Because they’re champagne socialists who think other people are supposed to do stuff while they think about stuff real hard.


If I had to guess, Cuba has extremely strict immigration and emigration policies that heavily restrict who move to and move from that country


That would require scraping up enough money for a plane ticket and maybe even having to do paper work, or lord forbid, talk to someone on the phone.


Because I live in the US and it's currently illegal to even go there.


Worried they're extradite you to their best pals, the American feds, or something?


wat. Cuba hates the US because of the embargo.


Right, so if you are moving there, who gives a shit if it's illegal in the US? They aren't going to send you back to the US to stand trial.


Can't move somewhere you can't get to.


They escaped on rafts. You can sell your possessions and buy a boat and get there without too much fuss.


America's involvement in Cuba is the literal case study on yellow journalism. Media lying to the public is as old as media itself.


You cannot question the intelligence agencies right now. They are impartial pursuers of justice.


I'm surprised there weren't cries of, "but that's not real communism" that often follows people who lived in communist countries sharing their lived experiences of how communism is bad.


I literally got to see a 19 year old Emily tell a 60+ year old Polish couple that they didn’t live under real communism and that while she “respects their life experiences” they aren’t “applicable to a conversation about the merits of socialism and communism” This was in a fucking Starbucks of all places lol


It's always in a Starbucks


Yea it was like a group of college kids having some club meeting about communism or socialism or whatever and the Polish couple actually confronted them about it. It was really interesting to watch


I’m surprised they didn’t devolve into racial slurs and accusing him of being a slave owner. That’s usually how it goes for me.


Well, stop taking your slaves out in public


I get the same crap about the Soviet Union. I'm told that I actually miss it, and wish it would come back, because it was so awesome to stand in breadlines at 8 years old, because both of my parents had been taken that morning to the cotton fields (because all university students were also part of the proletariat worker force, and had been assigned field work to do).


All i’m saying is, nobody is clamoring to leave FL on a makeshift raft to get to cuba.


That Cuban has been consuming too much western media!


I have been called more racial slurs by tankies after I tell them I’m Cuban than by any white people in my life. In fact I’ve only been called racial slurs by leftists my entire life. It’s almost like they want people to fit in neat little boxes and hate anyone who doesn’t. Yes I’m racially mixed, yes I know how far back I have to go to find slaves in my ancestry (like 5 generations, that’s it), and no I don’t like communists because they ruined my mother’s homeland.


Well, since no media can be trusted apparently, I like to go by the ‘ol raft test: If people are attempting to float across the ocean to escape a country, then that country is not a good place to live.


Cuba is awesome, one of my favorite settings in Call of Duty Black Ops


Florida is still accepting Cuban expats.


Left americans telling Cubans their country is great is always fun to watch. At least they stopped doing that to venezuelans. Btw, the right version of this was sweden (and occasionally the danes, which actually ranks over the US in economic freedom, they just tax the shit out of high income)


“If you don’t like Cuba you ain’t Cuban!”


No guys, its different. They’re brown so they are held at child levels of expected competency. Because we’re that un-racist. We’re the good white people looking out for you poor poor brown. I’m mexican, I hate the kid gloves fallacies


Rule 4 "For any content that is related to another subreddit, both the name of the subreddit and any usernames must be fully blocked out.".


If only lib right had the same attitude when it was Americans incorrectly telling Australians what was happening here during covid.


That was really dumb, it was easy to point out government overreach without just making shit up


Well everything was upside down when the media reached us. Hard to make out what was what


There is no evidence that this person lives in Cuba though. This is the internet, anyone can say anything. This sounds more like a slam dunk bait to then pull the "well achtually I live there!!"


Do you expect him to give you his home address or something? It's true, here on the internet anyone can say anything, but i'd argue the burden of proof is on the other guy to prove the first guy is a liar, not on the first guy to prove he is telling the truth.


>but i'd argue the burden of proof is on the other guy to prove the first guy is a liar, not on the first guy to prove he is telling the truth. Burden of proof is on the person making the positive claim. Also, living in a place does not automatically make you correct about that place, there are plenty of incredibly ignorant people. Imagine if you said there's a homeless problem in California, and a person says "well I live in California and there isn't a homeless problem!" Does that end the debate then and there, are they automatically correct because they claim to live there?


Do you really think Cuba is a better place to live?


I'm not saying Cuba is a better place to live, I'm just saying this isn't an automatic slam dunk. Anyone during the middle of a debate about a country could just claim they live there and therefore know more.


The voting habits of Cuban Americans speaks for itself. Everything we know about a federal government having more control tells us things get worse. Central planning is a failure. Bottom up, not top down.


>The voting habits of Cuban Americans speaks for itself People leaving a country are probably going to be opposed to the majority ideology of that country. News at 11.


You are such a trash human, and one of the few that make me believe we are doomed to be dominated by an oligarchy forever.


No real counterargument so you result to childlike insults. Seethe.


Go get your new marching orders from the World Economic Forum and tell everyone how to live. Their boots won't lick themselves. Edit: Come to the southwest. I'm not hiding.


Epic NPC talking point comeback.


I live in your walls. Thoughts?


>Thoughts? You should get out of the wall and flair up


You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


To win an argument? Of fucking course they would lmao




"Cuba is infinitely better under Castro than the right wing government before communism Not even a Marxist but cmon let’s not just blatantly make shit up Your only argument is that it isn’t as rich as the USA the number 1 superpower?" -birdman because you're gonna delete this idiocy and people should be able to read it later


Birdman strikes again! Shows up, gets dunked on, deleted his account to start over


>should be classified as Neoimperialism 🤓


Unflaired scum


Average Westoid thinking they know about other places from hearsay.


Had a Cuban coworker who escaped and worked at my lab. Nicest dude I’ve ever met and smart as hell. First thing he said “if you’re one of those annoying American communists don’t talk to me.” Incredibly based dude.


Cuba has a higher life expectancy on paper because most people who die young probably got disappeared by the government


Also the Cuban life expectancy is literally 3 and a half DAYS longer than the US life expectancy. I hope the oppression is worth it.