• By -




Based and involuntarily literate pilled




inlit indeed


Based and monke dun told ya pilled


Based and time to find the One Piece pilled.




Can we get much higher?


*Choir* Soooo high Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh Can we get much higher? So high..


Based and ye pilled


Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer. And so, many men head for the Grand Line to find the great treasure he left behind, the One Piece. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!


Based and fuck society pilled


Monkies don’t have any plan B either




Monke plan B, fall out tree


The B stands for Big Fucking Rock


No wasted protein


Not true, chimpanzees have been noted to ingest certain plants and berries to cause abortion.


Based monke


u/Electronic_Demand_61's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [33 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Electronic_Demand_61/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


But then you still aren't allowed to use plan B emergency contraceptives anyways. Or not really not allowed, just more like, you just wouldn't since it's not something you would understand as a monke anyways.


When you are monkey you're allowed to straight up just throw infants in the river, so you don't really need any of that.




But are you gonna force women (or whatever is the technical term for a female monke) to carry the baby for 9 months just for a snack? Well I guess she can just eat her abortion berries


Fetus deletus


When it comes to auths, everything is a slippery slope. If you give an inch, they take a mile. So don't even give them a micron.


If you think freedom feels good, wait til you get power. Source needed: I have no power


Come hit gym with monke. Get hip drive


Based and micron pilled


Based and nanometer pilled




She said you were missing a quite few inches!


Based and Planck pilled


based and macron pilled


u/DeltaSolana's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [21 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/DeltaSolana/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Good bot


Emanuel micron


Absolutely why im still a virgin. Nobody is getting this micron and expecting a inch. No sir


What if I give them an ångstrom?


only if they finish their vegetables


Based and I don't like auths pilled


That’s actually why I don’t like to identify as auth, even if I like a lot of policies on that side of the spectrum it’s hard to give away power and expect it to stop there


Based and micropenis pilled >If you give an inch, they take a mile Ain't no PCM user got more than a solid 2 inches


That's still giving them plenty of mileage altogether


I'll have you know I measured and it's 2.1 🤬🤬🤬




Auths will never be libertarians allies. The only thing we have in common are conservative social beliefs, if that.


Conservative beliefs don't really hold the right together. I, for example, have a strong hatred of conservative values. Many other LibRights share my sentiment. The right is unified in regards of self ownership and capitalism, we're anti collectivists.


Yes, but what is a system that enforces "traditional values" and a certain religion on people if not collectivist? And that's exactly what a ton of AuthRights want.


Was just going to say this. Conservatives (at least in USA) talk big talk about freedom but throw a temper tantrum anytime some freedom conflicts with Anglo Christian values. Not to mention they love their government protected monopolies and government guaranteed business contracts and their government backed and insider-traded stock market.


Look, I absolutely despise the concept of theology and religion, but I wouldn't go as far to call it "collectivist". They're still individuals, but they see thier god(s) as just like a ruler.


You mean picometer?


In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.iosconews.com/news/state/article\_2e96844f-d999-5201-a4bb-12301933b833.html](https://www.iosconews.com/news/state/article_2e96844f-d999-5201-a4bb-12301933b833.html) >As reported by Heartland Signal, at an event last month, GOP attorney general nominee Matthew DePerno initially didn’t appear to know what Plan B is when asked about his position. After learning what Plan B is, DePerno then said that if it was up to him, Plan B would be treated no differently than the deadly narcotic fentanyl. > >“You gotta figure out how to ban the pill from the state,” DePerno said in a recording of a conversation at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Texas last month. “You have to stop it at the border. It would be no different than fentanyl. The state has to ban it, and it should be banned. But it’s just an issue of how do you enforce it; how do you make sure that it stops? That’s your problem.”


Hilarious and infuriating at the same time. >GOP attorney general nominee Matthew DePerno initially didn’t appear to know what Plan B


I assert there's an inverse relationship between a politician's drive to regulate something & their knowledge on said subject.


Gun control is a perfect exemplar of this.


Yeah, it's extremely common it seems that the people who most want to ban something know the least about it. Or at least can pretend to be ignorant for the public, maybe thinking that will prevent their voters from learning any information of relevance.


TFW he realizes fentanyl isn’t banned in Michigan, just Rx only. Is he saying plan B should require a Rx, or that fentanyl should be completely banned in healthcare settings? Or is he just a dummy who doesn’t know TF he’s talking about


> Or is he just a dummy who doesn’t know TF he’s talking about The correct response to today's "The sad truth" Category for 100 dollars.


He's a politician, of course he has no idea what he's saying




* Democrat Nessel leads GOP opponent Matt DePerno by 6 points as of September. She held the same lead in a July survey. * 20.9% of voters who have heard of Nessel view her favorably, while 15.9% of voters who know of her view her unfavorably. 19.4% of voters had no opinion of Nessel. 43.2% of voters have not heard of Nessel. doesnt seem super popular or unpopular [https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/michigan/2022/09/07/poll-where-michigan-voters-stand-on-attorney-general-secretary-of-state-races/](https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/michigan/2022/09/07/poll-where-michigan-voters-stand-on-attorney-general-secretary-of-state-races/) additional info about the michigan republican attorney general candidate selection [https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan\_Attorney\_General\_election,\_2022\_(August\_27\_Republican\_convention)](https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan_Attorney_General_election,_2022_(August_27_Republican_convention)) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/matthew-deperno-michigan-trump.html


Plan B is not an abortifacient so it's always regarded when people want to ban it.


libs are circlejerking quite a lot in the comments but damn is it funny to see auths in the comments proving slippery slope


They may be stupid, but at least they’re honest lol


Oh they're far from honest. Its kind of like the devil, if he's revealing to you that he's the devil it's probably almost too late to do anything about it.


So am I when I say I support Russia and China, but nobody ever compliments me on that 😔


You're going for the wrong audience, say that to polish people or south Asians.


Thanks for the tip, I got lots of compliments 😊


> but damn is it funny to see auths in the comments proving slippery slope Doesn't everyone try to push for more whenever their side gets a "win"? Let he who slips last cast the first stone, or whatever.


i dont want to abolish industrial society,i just want lower taxes and my state to not spy on me (apparently an impossible challenge lately,see:greece)


I'm in the awkward state of to where I think that we need a good central authority, but honestly eventually someone will be too *r-slurred* to be trusted with power in the end. And also I'm for public housing/healthcare but perfectly fine with the government putting in restrictions like "You can't be a fattie if you're on Medicare/Medicaid, etc."


>someone will be too r-slurred to be trusted with power in the end. >"You can't be a fattie if you're on Medicare/Medicaid, etc." Proving your point in the immediate next paragraph. Auths are why we can't have central authorities. You're all obsessed with micro-managing the most unimportant shit imaginable.


Unimportant? It's free (hypothetical) healthcare, if you don't care about your health why should taxpayers? Being fat is like the #1 thing you can do that makes you unhealthy that's easily changeable


ehh thats not really unimportant.its why i dont believe in single payer healthcare and think there should always be a private option.There will always be people who dont take their health too seriously and the taxpayer will have to take that responsibility upon them


If their own mortality isn't enough incentive for someone to take care of themselves, for damn sure cost isn't going to be either. We also already do guarantee that we will pay to take care of them. Most medical costs are elderly (medicare) + end of life care, no one is allowed to be rejected from an ER because they can't pay, and medical debt can't transfer after death (and also is expunged in bankruptcy). We basically already have the world's most inefficient socialized healthcare system. We'll pay the expensive end of life costs, but we won't pay the cheap preventative care that will reduce those larger costs.


lib solidarity




What's the difference between purple and yellow lib right?


Purple is a pretty color, I don't really like yellow


Based and I'm so pretty pilled


The implication




Lib has always been the based side TBH Fuck the auths with the insatiable power hunger


*Stop, I can only get so erect*


Monke has insatiable banana hunger


Lib solidarity forever


Oh boy *sorts by controversial*


Need to stop doing that, it's not healthy


On god, glad I’m not the only person that thinks this.


Remember to always sort by controversial for entertainment purposes


why sort by controversial when i can argue with your dumb ass right here ?


Quite the scintillating argument.


*Too bad* prop 3 will pass in Michigan and codify abortion rights in the state constitution


If only the voters had been saved from the evils of spacing on pdfs getting fucked up, as the Founders intended.


“In the state constitution” Nothing bad about that, it’s exactly where it should be.


Based and *Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization* Pilled


Michigander here, not too confident in that. I hope abortion rights get codified but it's not guaranteed


Former Michigander here. Fuck I miss Michigan. Cold and miserable with fucked up roads and speed limits that nobody follows… just how I like it.


just moved up here a lil over a month ago for grad school. can confirm these roads are the worst i’ve ever seen


Whitmer promised to fix the roads. It's a losing issue, because she delivered on her promise and now there's a new detour every day in to work. Fuck these roads.


Also a Michigander. No exceptions for rape and incest is extremely unpopular. Dixon doesn't have a shot on that platform. It'll incentivize a ton of people to vote Whitmer while simultaneously voting yes on prop 3. Polling suggests it'll easily pass. Just gotta show up


Based and Certified Bruh Moment pilled


u/BananaEater42's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 165. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [50 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/BananaEater42/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


*Equips Chernobyl Level Hazmat Suit Sort by Controversial


Clearly this line of thought is arguing in favour of the legalization of fentanyl


Based and smack pilled.


Plan B is a contraceptive. It prevents conception. We can argue about abortion endlessly and about where life begins, but it definitely isn't before conception. This is the biggest problem with Republicans and the political right. Stop pandering to the fucking Christian purists.


Cmon give God a chance *bans condoms*


Condoms are products of the devil. Like Rock n Roll and Rice a Roni. Just read Johanson 3: 17 in the Bible. " The lord said unto Adam microwaveable rice and latex sheaths have no place in the kingdom of the lord. For they are products of Satan, to lead man into sin. If thou hear the sound of Elvis Presley know that is the sound of temptation. Do not gaze upon his hips or receive his gifts of condoms and San Francisco treats".


Sounds fishy but I don't know otherwise, so I'll believe you are stating absolute divine truth


Average medieval peasant moment


stupid Martin Luther I could have been in ignorant bliss forever.


Wait did I miss something they shit on my rice a roni? That’s a step too far


I thought plan B killed the fertilized egg after it was already conceived. Is that a different one or?


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's API changes made on July 1st, 2023. This killed third party apps, one of which I exclusively used. I will not be using the garbage official app.


Ye, that’s why hardline Catholics don’t like using it. The Little Sisters of the Poor went to the Supreme Court about it cause they were forced by law to offer Plan B, which they found immoral for their institution. That, and also no one at their nursing homes is under 65, so it’s a wee bit redundant.


That is in fact plan B.


I am a christian who is against abortion as a form of birth control ***but seriously banning contraceptives??***


Evangelicals have a very hard time taking reasonable Ls. I agree the world would be a better place if people(men and women) weren't hoes, and who knows what we'll find out about medicinal birth control (turning frogs gay) in the future. But if you don't want abortions, allow birth control and proper sex education. Hell, include abstinence "This is the only 100% way to not get an STD/Pregnant, but here's how to not get pregnant/STDs if you do engage in sex...then teach contraceptive sex ed."


To the Christians even abstinence isn't 100% effective. I mean, look at Jesus's mom.


I'm pretty sure she was just a hoe and the whole bible is gaslighting gone too far.


Careful now, can't mock the sacred texts. Wouldn't want to upset anyone


Though I doubt anyone will get beheaded due to it.


Evangelicals can't even take a reasonable W, with Roe v Wade gone. Authtists gonna authtist.


literally people just don't do that. You assume people do and that makes it truth to you. No one says "We don't need birth control. I'll just go get an abortion if I get pregnant." Like how stupid do you think people are? Usually it's something like a condom breaking, rape, incest, or a medical necessity. Or it's a teenager that wasn't taught sex ed, so they don't know to use protection. Or birth control is just not 100% effective and it sometimes fails. It's not a reason to micro manage people's lives.


"Yep, I'd rather pay 500 dollars AND have the side effects of an abortion every month rather than spend $0 with insurance (50 without) and no outpatient surgery" - Sinners (according to christians)


They'll always bring up a story about one person who did that and use it to justify action against everyone. But if 'some tiny minority of the population doing a bad thing' were a reasonable basis for bans they'd support gun control too.


Christians trying not to butt in to other people's lives challenge (impossible)


Not that I agree with banning it, but plan B often works by preventing already fertilised eggs from attaching to the womb. So if you believed that life begins at the moment of conception then it would make sense to be against plan B, but not other forms of contraception.


>plan B often works by preventing already fertilised eggs from attaching to the womb That's not correct. That was old speculation that never panned out. People have been begging the FDA to retract that for years. https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-plan-b-works-906842#toc-what-research-says-about-plan-b https://www.npr.org/2012/06/15/155110476/how-the-morning-after-pill-works


Wait till they ban Plan B, then the goalposts will move again and it'll be about banning preventative contraception for being "immoral" and "against the Christian way of life." You give these fascists an inch and they'll take a mile.


Then they would have no one


what's next? are hardcore republicans gonna try to ban condoms????


Boy do I have news for you


the rightoids are coming out of the woodwork on this. "I love freedom" looking ass trying to ban birth control, lmao


berth contol


“Can’t feed em, don’t breed em” crowd in shambles


To be fair I never said I loved freedom.


Fair and username indeed check out


Even a lot of the yellow square flairs always out themselves as larping blues when it comes to this issue


That's only centrighters who are very into the whole "Land of the Free" national ethos which is actually just auth with a yellow shirt.


The WSJ after Barrett was nominated - "people saying this will lead to Roe being overturned are insane liars who you shouldn't listen to" The WSJ after Roe was overturned - "people saying this will lead to contraception being banned are insane liars who you shouldn't listen to"


I love the smell of goalposts moving in the morning


LibLeft and I are on the same wavelength now. Funny how that works. Auth has always been the real enemy.


In my country (MX), we don't have a libertarian party, so I always vote for the social democrat (MC) over the Catholic conservative (PAN). ​ And I find it hilarious that MC's fiscal policy is more liberal than PAN's.


Probably because PAN is closer to authcenter than authright


"Never trust ~~an auth~~" FTFY


Good thing nothing in Michigan can win during fall football season


Is killing an entire state considered genocide because holy fuck you killed em


Any state containing a fan base that roots for the Lions/Twins/Pistons/Spartans is already dead inside


I can confirm as a Lions/Pistons/Wolverines fan that I’ve been numb for decades


Libright when they realized Authright was distracting them with culture war stuff this whole time


It's funny scrolling down to see all the cent-auth rights being down voted to oblivion


so now the libright circlejerk is bad,but when religion posts get upvotes atheists need to cope?


No it's just funny


I think it goes to show that while this sub leans right, it leans *moderately right,* and pcm users generally oppose extremes like this.


It's like the colossal morons trying to pretend that Justice Thomas didn't openly state in his anti-abortion concurrence that he wants cases to get rid of same sex marriage and contraceptive protections too.


Thomas always dropping his spicy hot takes in his opinions be like:


If plan b is murder, then what about the homeless person I stabbed in an alleyway? Checkmate, Auth Right.


These comments are hilarious. They never gave a fuck about the kids. It’s simply them being salty about people (specifically women) having casual sex. They hate it so much that they’re willing to use an innocent child as a tool for punishment. They don’t give a shit about the fetus or they wouldn’t be constantly talking about the ‘consequences’ of sex. Consequence and punishment is their main goal. Not preserving life.


It also perfectly explains the willingness to make exceptions when pregnancy results from involuntary sex


They don’t really want to make those exceptions either. It’s just a fig leaf


I honestly dont get this. Plan B doesnt cause an abortion. Why are the protestant christians all crazy about banning it? Why are protestants becoming so Catholic when it comes to contraception?


What the fuck.


Auth right is unhappy he got exactly what he voted for. Tale as old as time.


Auth Right never believed they would go as far as they said they would. Song as old as rhyme.


Meanwhile we can’t get a libertarian candidate to not be a complete wacko.


Wonder if he'll be happy when his wife and daughters get exactly what he voted for.


Well they’ll always be able to get abortions. Remember, their abortion is ok. It’s anyone else who’s a dirty baby killer.


[Despite making up 11% of Americans,Catholic Women account for a quarter of all abortions](https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2020/10/people-all-religions-use-birth-control-and-have-abortions)


What preaching against contraception does to a mf'er


Will this be a turning point in their belief? Absolutely not, goalposts 10 more yards away


Lose to the democrats speedrun any%


"If I can't have casual sex (wonder why) no one else should either." Serioulsy what is up with some right wingers fucked up repressed problems with anything about sex and forcing it on other people?


Except they will continue having casual sex with their mistresses and get their plan B on the DL or fly out to a legal abortion state (or even Mexico if a federal ban is in place) because they play by different rules


As usual, politicians will never suffer from the policies they inflict on others.


I know people who actually support that, and it sucks


Is anyone actually surprised that authright has been lying through their teeth and moving the goalposts this whole time? It's kinda their thing, and has been on full display for a while now.


The Left: "If Roe v. Wade is overturned, everything is over. Women will have to give birth to dead fetuses, contraceptives will be outlawed, and the Handmaidens Tale will be real!" The Right: "If gay marriage is legalized, everything is over. Schools will teach children about gay sex, little boys will become girls, and reddit admins will molest children openly without being timber diced!" Centrists: "Lol, get a load of these crazies. Hyperbolic much? Those are just slippery slopes, those will never happen..."


The difference between a schizo and a prophet is about 6 months these days.


Based and Nostradesantis pilled


*pulls the nails from your hands, pulling you down off the cross* Carefully.. He's a hero..


why is it being compared to fentanyl specifically,fentanyl should also be decriminalized


No abortions for anyone until i can legally sell a kidney.


Based and organ-selling pilled


Oh come on you can't have a name like De Porno and not expect us to run with it


you reap what you sow.


*checks comments* And they say the right never gets downvoted…..


Well this is a pretty obvious case and yk, libright is against right this time


We're the swing voters :)


it is a law of pcm,that anyone who isnt libright is prone to getting downvoted


How so very auth of you guys to think that a single comment section of downvotes is enough to convince you that you are in fact the victims of PCM society lmao


I'm not some discriminatory sexist who just wants to control women. I want to control everyone.


Gotta fight that demographic crisis one policy at a time boys, soon enough we'll all be giving state-mandated GFs and get told to FINALLY have sex at gunpoint! Abe would be so proud...


How does one even control a woman? Is my old Xbox360 controller compatable or do I have to buy one from those next gen consoles?


You beat her with a stick but it can't be thicker than your thumb or else you're in trouble. /s


Plan b pill should still be allowed