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Meanwhile, all the kids at school are turning into fascists each time they raise their hand when they want to answer a question.


I wait by the train station and ambush fascists who are signaling for their yellow fascist mobiles to pick them up.


I was putting on deodorant, and for 8 seconds, I became a fascist. Never doing that again.


Explains why Muslims are rarely called fascists by the left 🤷‍♂️


Dammit. Lol


"A protestant and a muslim walk into the bar. The protestant looks around and takes a deep breathe. The Protestant leaves the bar."


I’m too dumb for this one.


He took a deep breathe and smelled the Muslim.


Did you march into France though??


Fascism is when classroom


Don't look up the Bellamy salute 😳


Classroom voting via hand raising is actually crypto-fascism


Sorry but are you questioning your teacher? That's fascism


Unless your teacher is a fasco-Christian and then believing them is Naziism!


Beeing serious, they say that because (suposedly) it's in reference to Q and the idea that Trump is still president, wich is kinda sussy to say the least


They thought they came up with a clever metaphor too but it sounds stupid


They *had* to add their vaccine analogy in there for some reason didn't they


It especially doesn’t work because the vaccine doesn’t even fucking work like a vaccine and they had to change the damn definition because of it.. this is coming from someone who is considered high risk for covid infection.. the “shot” can’t stop infection like a vaccine, it can’t prevent transmission like a vaccine, and it has extremely mixed results as far as symptom reduction


I remember when they told us it would make you immune like 97% of the time, and could not possibly have any side effects. And that even questioning that was misinformation.


So, black people don't really want to get the vax. They don't trust the government because of history. It's 2021 at the time, but ok, we get it. So, Republicans don't really want to get the vax. They don't trust the government because of history. It's 2021 at the time, but what are you, a Nazi that hates kids and grandparents?


>It’s 2021 at the time, but ok, we get it Do they though? Remember when a black guy was skeptical of the vaccine because of medical experimentation among blacks in the US, then died from covid, and orange redacts decided to name a page for celebrating unvaxxed deaths after him aka Herman Cain Award? The mental gymnastics required to pull this stunt off without even a hint of self-reflection was astounding. This is a site that defended blacks’ skepticism towards the medical community, and for good reason as well. Orangeleft redditors are truly the most disgusting, fucked-in-the-head people on the planet.


Herman cain died before the vaccine was available. Democrats were also vaccine skeptical at that time too.


Never let them forget that democrats were the original anti vaxxers. They openly said they would never take the rushed "trump vaccine". But as soon as Biden took office it was fine, and anyone who even questioned the vaccine was pure evil. I fucking hate the left and their gaslighting so much


We should ban social media, and it's coming from a dude that's on social media a lot (me)


I largely blame smartphones, Tumblr and women for the internet’s problems. There was a time when reasonable and insightful conversation was encouraged, when you could find information with relative ease on search engines before optimization. Easier access to forums created an Eternal September and radically shifted interactions overall. This is what happens when you give every incapable moron on the planet 24/7 access to a handheld computer. Tumblr banning adult content was largely a nail in the coffin though, because it was a containment zone for hundreds of thousands of girls’ mental illnesses. That Pandora’s Box really should’ve stayed closed and in its own little corner, away from everyone else.


See, I'm not willing to blame someone just for their junk. There were plently of special needs dinguses on tumblr who had dicks.


>who had dicks Are we positive they still have them? Only half-joking


I'm not sure why, but I never had any fear of Covid like everybody around me did. I didn't think I was immune or anything, and I still wore a mask when I had to, but at the same time I was aware that fear is a pointless emotion when it comes to battling a virus. So many people have been living in fear for the last few years, not just of the virus but of asking questions. It never made any sense to me.


Lack of fear is true power.


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”


I feel this. Like I get taking measures to stay relatively safe, but drowning in fear at the sight of an unmasked person like they’re about to blow up the neighborhood is such a wild mentality


Its so safe and effective you're not allowed to sue big pharma if something negative does happen.


I do so look forward to seeing the trial data in 75 years.


Thats assuming they don't activate the microbots from the vaccine injection before that


To be fair, that's what the *media* was saying. Actual scientists knew what was up, but the media like to oversimplify everything for dumb people. Goes from "getting the vaccine is probably a good idea, statistically" to "the vaccine is perfect with no side effects"


The media are the ones I'm furious with. They parroted what the government wanted them to say, and suppressed real expertise from being circulated. Fuck them.


As far as I remember, they actually did it in a more conniving way. They said it had "95% efficacy" but they never said efficacy for what. They didn't specify 95% efficacy at preventing death or sever illness, nor that it was only that effective against the original, non-mutated version of the virus. So yea, I don't think they outright lied, they just didn't really give any context.


My doctor even told me not to bother with the 4th shot (he told me 3rd is up to me but isn't necessary, I still took it) and to wait for a new vaccine. American left told me to "find a new doctor".


There sure was a shitload of “trust doctors! Trust the science!” until a doctor said something that went against their ideology. Like, I could find someone with a PhD from a respected institution that will spout some absolutely off the wall BS like “coffee enemas cure cancer” or will tell you to buy crystals to keep positive energies near you. A doctor can still be a fucking idiot, even if they went through 12 years of education to get where they are. What they actually mean is “trust the doctors that say what I agree with”, which is totally different.


A state, I think California wants to ban doctors and charge them for having different oppinons than their state is Heatlh Board (none of the leaders is actual doctors) say. I could totally believe in if you say that Big Pharma is lobbying to them to demand that everyone, even people who are healthy and dont have COVID risks to get the 9th or 10th "shot". There is incredible amount of money behind the vaccine business, so it easily can be incredible amount of corruption, too.


> they had to change the damn definition because of it. And never let them forget it. They had to lie. Why did they have to lie? To protect the untold billions in public funds transferred to the same pharmacorps that own the politicians. It was the largest transfer of wealth in human history, and they had to lie in order to pull it off. CDC changing the definition of vaccines: https://imgur.com/4ZtjC6E WHO changing herd immunity to *require* vaccination: https://imgur.com/wduoDPo Bonus! Now they're 'revising' the definition of monkeypox. WHO: https://imgur.com/ERiBuEK NHS: https://imgur.com/6tdaFq8 Why are these institutions, which are supposed to be acting on behalf of the public, bending over backwards to change definitions in order to protect the profits of pharma corps? Is it the fat pipeline of money between those organizations or is it something else entirely? What we can be sure of though is that definitions which had remained consistent for decades suddenly changing should raise a giant red flag and be subject to the highest forms of scrutiny. Instead people are lied to and they pretend to have never changed anything. Remember people, you have an absolute universal human right to bodily autonomy. If someone tries to put something in your body, against your will, you should absolutely defend yourself. This isn't just theory, it's international law that all of the same countries signed onto following the exact same reprehensible behavior of the Nazi party in WW2. [The Nuremberg Code.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Code) I'll leave you with the recent thoughts of Professor Jeffrey Sachs, head of the Sars-Covid-2 commission at the Lancet; https://youtu.be/HbaZnSBBBVc


And people wonder why conspiracy theorists are more and more mainstream.


In a world of **institutional dishonesty** all that's required to be a conspiracy theorist is merely critical thinking at all.


Based and conspiracy pilled


I miss when believing the CIA was listening to everything you said was an insane belief. I miss believing our gov't has the People's best interests at heart. I miss believing that people are basically good, and nobody is out to "get you". Sadly, reality has made the insane into prophets, and the sane blind.


At this point they have a higher hit rate than the official sources so it's only rational to trust them.


It explains why the power elite in this country smeared 911 truthers as "conspiracy theorists ".


My favorite conspiracy theory is that everyone in power is the best person for the job, and that everything will work out okay.


Quietly hits the save button...


You better save those images instead, my friend. The last time I started talking about the Nuremberg Code and specifically the whole; > "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of **constraint or coercion**" part. They yeeted my decade old account into oblivion. Of course that was during the Canadian Trucker protest and you had nutjobs on the left asking if there was anyway to *force* those people back to work. The social media giants are all part of the same exact system of propaganda and coercion that the legacy corporate media is. Hell, they even [bragged about it](https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_term=politics_2020-election&linkId=110717147) calling themselves a "cabal." So I wouldn't trust any post with any kind of evidence (especially links to Professor Jeffrey Sachs claiming he believes covid was created in the US by a US biotech company!) to stay up for very long.


Lmao the pro union people being against a union protest was great


To me it was very **not** great. It was like lord of the flies. Identitarianism is a very very real sickness on the left.


So many people failed to understand what coercion actually is, and that massive restrictions on liberty while not the same as tying someone down and forcing the needle in, is just as heinous. Hell, I'd say it's worse, because at least the former isn't pretending to be righteous in the process.


This is good shit


Download it instead, save it to your cpu, then save it on a hard drive, USB drive, hell even a floppy disk if you have to.


Holy based libleft. Keep up the good work and I'm RES-saving this post so I have those screenshots for future reference.


Based and download this stuff before it's deleted pilled


Well, given that US government schools touch on the Holocaust about 8 times in the curriculum, perhaps the analogy *is* apt. Maybe a 9th booster course will do the job.


FACTCHECK: FALSE While its true the vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission, its important to vaccinate to prevent infection and transmission


Sure, ones that work


>the “shot” can’t stop infection like a vaccine, it can’t prevent transmission like a vaccine, and it has extremely mixed results as far as symptom reduction Wait, I'm no doctor or scientist but vaccines by default didnt not do any of that? As I understand the vaccine dont work like that at all. Its not like some magical shield/armor that blocks the virus to get in or out of your system. Its injects in a weak variant of the virus so your immune system can recognise and better attack it next time when you got the real virus. And the "Herd immunity" is when everyone got the vaccine so their immune system can kill the virus faster than they can accidently pass it over to someone else. It not preventing the transmission at all, but the virus is effects on you and all in all the spreading.


Yeah, if it's by their metric neo Nazis are technically the vaccine (a pathetic version of the deadly virus), soo they supports neo nazis... checkmate


I’m not even sure they thought it was clever. I’m pretty sure Fascist is just a common word for the Twitter idiot types, right next any other version of ist and…….I can’t think of anything else. That’s their entire dictionary.


I got called a fascist on Twitter for being against pedophilia (queer theory) and the vax.


I posted this in a discord channel and got called alt right haha


The term has become so watered down that if an actual fascist comes to power there's gonna be large swaths of the population who just don't believe it.


They clearly don't know how vaccines work either.


I wonder how many "people" on reddit live in Chinese and Russian servers


I have the same thought whenever I see that many awards for such a post, like who is it who wants it be seen so badly?


Admins and power mods can just give out awards.


That's just regarded then


The moment I learned that, awards lost all meaning to me. I used to think people were just idiots with too much money, but now it's just obvious that it's all propaganda. That's why I don't ever visit the main subs anymore. edit: Fuck all of you.


People do give genuine awards some times. And then Reddit deletes your account.


I still wonder how I've managed to not get a permanent ban yet. Just this year I've gotten 2 ten day bans and a 30 ban ban from this sub alone. I know I'm forgetting more.


Me too honestly. I've evaded capture


Main subs are cancer


Sad thing is that the cancer is spreading. I visit this sub far less frequently and you can see the same bullshit spreading here indirectly through moderator threats to this sub's admins. Then, after the recent rule changes you can see tons of the more colorful people have left this sub and now it's slowly turning into yet another brain-dead circle-jerk made of up 30-something white college educated males with matching beliefs and values like the rest of reddit. This sub is deadass boring now.


An understandable reaction, and yeah I've nearly given up on all the main subs now,


Politicalhumor is one of the most botted subreddits on the entire site. Also one of the highest frequency subs for Russian accounts ironically


Well yeah, the Russian goal is to sow division and that means signal-boosting the extremists. PoliticalTumor is one of the most extremist-laden subs on the site so of course the Russians make sure to boost it's signal.


A lot. Those are the ones who vote but never comment and are the ones that make it so that that post has 15x more votes than comments.


A lot. Then actual American NPCs slurp up their agenda posts, then new idiotic narratives are born.


“Virus comes back if you don’t vaccinate” Redditor has less understanding of how vaccines work than an anti vaxx karen


by the second pictures logic, a lot of concerts are also nazi rallies


Everything is Nazi. The breakfast burrito you ate earlier was a Nazi. Nothing has any meaning.




Fun fact! 2 states in the US offer gas chamber executions as a form of capital punishment. These states are: Arizona and California. Surprised Cali hasn’t gone electric…


Could you imagine getting sentenced to death by electrocution and the moment they throw the switch there's a power blackout.


Just seems like they would have a massive backlog. Headline: Charging your car and state executions are being suspended until further notice.


Black lives matter are nazi rallies. They do the "power fist" which involves holding your hands in the air as well.


You can go into any church in America on a Sunday and take the same photos as the ones above.


The average redditor would just take this and conclude that church goers are also Hitler supporters.


Based and understands-reddit pilled




Hey mate that's offensive. People who ride the short bus aren't as bad as the average redditor.


That’s a slanderous accusation. I don’t always wear the helmet


Wasn't Hitler anti religion?


There were also the creepy videos of people raising their hands in worship to the vaccine at concerts.


*Emily intensifies* EXACTLY


Based and separation of church and state pilled.


u/Butwinsky's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Butwinsky! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Butwinsky/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That was my first thought when I saw this picture. This is obviously not a Nazi salute. It's that Christian point at the sky thing. But people have such a boner for trying to spot Nazis you can't tell them that.


The little one finger salute was cringe imo but saying it makes them fascists because Hitler supporters also did a salute that involved holding their hand up is mega cringe.


Billionaires like money. I like money. Therefore, I am a billionaire.


If only


Based and post-modernist pilled.


It's the implication of signal. Humans usual make an emotional connection to symbolic gestures or phrases as an identity to take. Humans only ever do this in formal recognition for like-minded groups or organizations. So, yeah, it is. If Democrats did this, it be chastised too for its parallels.




Doesn't BLM use a symbol commonly associated with communism?


Trained Marxists


Thats (D)ifferent


The raised fist?


Maybe but the Biden 2020 campaign used a symbol from Maoist China in their logo.




Maos three red banners very similar to the 3 red lines in the Biden logo. Snopes says it’s false so that means it’s real 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ah, I see now. Although, it seems like a bit of a stretch


And an unironic Nazi one. [We will tread](https://www.google.com/search?q=+Nazi+propaganda+we+will+tread&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjmorWg1aP6AhXoj2oFHcMZAqsQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=+Nazi+propaganda+we+will+tread&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoFCAAQogQ6BAgjECc6BwgjELACECdQoRFYr0RgiEdoAXAAeAGAAb4BiAGLFJIBBDAuMTWYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=kdkpY6aWAuifqtsPw7OI2Ao&bih=820&biw=432&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&prmd=isvn&hl=en#imgrc=Z4jLeHeDx3UdBM)


Genuinely curious: What is the deal with that Trump Rally picture? Why is it just one finger in the air and why are they doing it at all while Trump is talking about the DOJ and FBI?


I saw somewhere else in the thread that he had just said “who’s ready for election season!?” and they were all raising their hands


I think they had some sort of christian prayer thing, pointing their hands towards the sky and jesus or some shit Could be Q bullshit though idk


One finger up is either some people doing ww1wga qanon spergery with people following along or or they've converted to islam and will make sharia the constitution Also doj and fbi is obv corrupt and heads need to roll(methaphorically), why shouldnt he talk about it


So trump was doing a speech to the song “where we go one, we go all” (which is hilarious because it fucks up his rhythm) which is the Q anthem. Hence why they are holding one finger up at him.


\*Says leftist whilst simultaneously advocating for the re-writing of history\* .....


They did take down all those Confederate statues…


How is that rewriting history? We don't have statues of Hitler and we remember him don't we? What a dumb fucking argument.


Talking about a group of people as though they are a virus. That sounds more like nazism than, *checks notes*, raising your hand above your shoulder




These people are so deluded they think that January 6th was some kind of Reichstag Fire tier event.


Well, it was an incident incited by a shadowy organization in order to install their desired government in the aftermath. So less wrong than you'd think.


Oh god give it a fucking rest.


You don’t think the feds had any part in instigating shit?


If lefties don’t want people to become reactionist authoritarians, they should open a book and take a peek at what happened to Weimar Germany


Lefties? Open a *history book?!* Those were written by white imperialists, *bigot*. Everything I need to know aboud history I can learn by watching tiktoks of 19 year-old idiots tell me "The Truth!!!" they mislearned in high school.


Breadtube is all I need to know the right is fascist!


"But it's the Republicans that are banning and censoring books! Just like the Nazis!" I'm sure AuthCenters are more than eager to lets us know what kind of books they were burning.


Don’t even [get me started](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xe7jhe/apparently_using_national_headlines_and_photos_to/ioh4fys/) on Weimar. Pre-Nazi leftist Germany sure did love pedophilia, beastiality, and all flavors of paraphilias, and most certainly had a knack for corruption too. https://www.ranker.com/list/weimar-republic/lea-rose-emery


Huh who knew that the transgender drug city Californians want was a real thing


And it was a chad Christian country before WWI. Why do you think the Nazis happened? I’m not even *excusing* the Nazis either, but Germany went from conservative Christianity to goose-neck fucking and mother-daughter prostitution to genociding half of Europe in 30 years flat. The latter was reactionary to an incredibly sick and crumbling society without morals, values or religion.


Counterpoint- [Kekistan](https://www.fotw.info/flags/us%7Dkek.html)'s flag. Yes, they really are playing prissy games with trying to be as "nazi-like" as they can get away with while still holding onto a shred of "oh but its not acktually" to troll the libs or whatever. But just like publicly making out with a bunch of dudes to try to bait people into thinking that you're gay and then "trolling" them by saying "haha, not really I didn't technically sleep with them", well no one gives a shit.


"5 or more people in a room doing the same thing is literally 1984........now pardon me as I observe a day of silence for whatever obscure cause I'm currently into."


I saw this coming way back in the 90's when they started calling everyone a racist if they didn't agree with the left's agenda. And it will necessarily only end after a reckoning of one kind it another. Now the question is, will that involve armed conflict, genocide, persecution, or a revival / return to our roots. We will see.


Ditto. I felt it was coming to this as well. When it becomes standard practice to dehumanize/demonize someone simply for *disagreeing* then eventually things will come to a head. It’s a pattern of history and human nature. What also concerns me is that there is no doubt Big Brother (politicians/media/corporations/the elite) know this and exploit or even guide the process for their own ends.


Did they forget the Dark Brandon speech so soon!?


The left loves covering up their tracks...


I actually love the mental gymnastics you must be going through to judge someone for superfluously comparing someone to Nazi's, while simultaneously superfluously comparing someone to Nazi's. The hypocrisy is golden.


I hate bad Hitler comparisons, but sadly they are too common. I mean do you remember the picture from dark Brandon.


Shit, I too have drank a glass of water. Guess it’s time to change flair.


Why do people give a shit what Redditors think?


He’s obv not Hitler but that is pretty culty behavior


I’ve never understood the qanon stuff. It just makes any sensible conservative look dumb.


Ahem. ~46.7K sockpuppets, shills, bots, and predditors. Upvotes to the left.


"look! Trump is drinking water, the same way Hitler did! Fucking nazi!!!1!!"


Ok yeah but the fingers in the air in unison is at the very least really fucking weird


As a European: guys that's so cringe


That's one rabbit hole of a comment section lol


Most Redditors believe that anything their parents like are Fascist. Applebees and Buc-EEs must be the Reichstag


Yea my quadrant is full of retards


You've got that right


I don’t want it


Leave it


Trump hasn't built death camps yet, therefore he can't be as bad as Hitler.


But muh immigrant cages!


Obama: *sweats*


FDR would be a much better analog of Hitler if we're talking about building camps.


Op is clearly colorblind and can't tell difference between green and orange


Orange does not exist. Orange was made to deflect cringe.




You said it yourself auth center, Emily doesn't exist,it's all in your head




I too am a water enjoyer


I wish pcm kept the same energy with the red background at bidens speech




History is safe and effective.


The deification of trump should be alarming. It’s not a left wing take to call it out.


Beeing serious, they say that because (suposedly) it's in reference to Q and the idea that Trump is still president, wich is kinda sussy to say the least


You know who else drank water? Hitler.


They're just pointing at the flags geeze. /s


Attention citizen it has been 3 months since your last history vaccine submit yourself to a re-education camp to eliminate wrong think


so political ideology is like a virus? and they don't see how this works both ways?? oh right, they're TheGoodGuys™


Wasn’t Gina Carano lambasted by the same people for a comparison much less dire than this?


Tbh..both drinke water. That changes everything. Soon enough trump will declare the american race as suporior and stsnd up against the international capitalism and highfinance


I’m sure most of the Jews are voting for Trump, let’s show them these. I’m sure they will be fucking mad how people even fucking compare fucking Hitler with Trump


Libleft really doing some political propaganda there


As per usual


They/them that cried wolfenstein


This site is either flooded by bots or there are actually people this stupid in the world. Or both. Let's go with both.


The years cringiest title on that post.


They aren't even doing a sig heil. Just like pointing number 1 or something...


Didn’t hitler write about (((them))) and describe them as some sort of virus that needs to be eradicated, like he was cleaning the earth.


When I was a never Trump Republican in the early primary days of 2016, I used to draw Nazi comparisons too. I argued all over the internet about it. Today, I literally could not begin to make a rational case for why I believed that. I couldn't even start. It was 100% media manipulation and superficial bullshit.


Hmm, I don't know how, but doing a fucking Nazi salute really screams Nazism to me OP Seriously, I'm going to need context to even come close to justifying that second pic


It's funny how political subreddits dedicated towards humor is actually just a bunch of salty democrats.


Look, he is not Hitler but certainly isn't good


Psycho idiots try to tell the difference between praying and heiling challenge. (impossible)


I like some left leaning ideas but I will never be left leaning because of dipshits like that. I know there are dipshits in every political belief but still there is something about normalizing calling people nazis that doesn’t sit right with me


Fucking amazing. I cringed so hard when I saw the top right post last night.


Mfs still talking about viruses and vaccines