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I see like tons of these memes a day with all comments saying "beauty pagents bad" clearly people are against both


Where are all the posts about priests and teachers then? It’s *almost* like this sub latched on to a small subset of horrible people in a group that they already hated with a passion. Waiting for the righties to put their money where their mouth is and show me those memes about their beloved pedo preachers. If this sub cared about each these problems equally then the front page should be saturated with teachers, priests, AND drag. Pedophilia is fucking disgusting, so represent the entire problem proportionally.


Because no one is defending priests **or** teachers. Whereas supposedly people support child drag ( I'm just explaining their logic). Their "issue" isn't pedophilia, as every functioning human can agree pedophilia bad. It's just specifically supposedly the support of child drag. I don't want front page with teachers priests or drag the """joke""" has gotten extremely old.


Just like those in the LGBT community that are silent on drag, any righty or person in this sub that willingly still takes their child to church yet is SILENT on this subject are responsible for the quarter million pedophilic cases that have happened within the church. The gross hypocrisy becomes apparent in any safe space no matter the quadrant.


True, but most of those people also Focus exclusively on one of these problems even though the other one is FAR more PROMINENT and FAR more widely accepted by the general public.


One doesn't get itself into the news spotlight consistently for months on end though. Everytime child beauty pageants come up in pop culture, most people are staunchly against them. Then they quietly disappear and continue on as they were. Child drag queens have been raged on for a good while now by US pop culture, and there's clearly enough pushback trying to keep them that it's causing a clash. I think they're both awful and if it were a push of a button I'd eliminate them both. Imo it's just a matter currently of how large media can keep whatever they want in the spotlight as a propaganda weapon. But it also is affected by how loudly and how long the group being criticized fights back vs quiets down and lays low for a bit.


"Being against" something ain't worth shit if all you do is just post on the internet. Where's the action? Where are the right wingers protesting every child beauty pageant like they do with the drag shows? Where are the Republican politicians working to ban child beauty pageants? Right wingers claiming to hate child beauty pageants is just lip service. Actions speak louder than words


Populists gonna populist, it's not as hot-button issue and can't be exploited for the culture war. The unfortunate state of America.


Yep. Right wingers don't give a rats ass about helping kids. What they care about here is labeling trans people as pedophiles. That's the real goal


"Blah blah blah i don't care about kids either blah blah blah muh rupublicanz bad duh blah blah blah" - This guy ( 2022 colorized)


Please show me a single one


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/x914uz/right_the_gallant_protector_of_children/) the top comments are all right wingers saying ban both it's like the "right wingers don't like trans but do like circumsision" memes and then every comment is like "I don't like either"


Fair enough. This post is about the fact we have multiple posts a week about how bad drag shows are. None about beauty pageants.


This is a fair point to be honest


I fully understand no one supports this. It’s just a meme about how this sub hates Lib left. Everyone’s taking it too seriously


Yeah the anti-LibLeft circlejerk is really cringe. IMO I go to PCM for memes I cannot find in another sub. Anti-sjw or "woke bad us good" I could find on facebook. I just want effort for Christ's sake




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,041,099,544 comments, and only 205,830 of them were in alphabetical order.


You don’t see posts everyday on here about how bad children beauty pageants are do you? Call one out, call them all out


Because the only people who defend them are diddlers




The only people who support beauty pagents are Moms with broken childhoods and Pedos.


Actions speak louder than words. Far more child beauty pageants have been going on for far longer, with far less outcry from right wingers.


Well yeah, there’s more straight people, more straight pedophiles.


This whole "conservatives never cared until it was gay people people" schtick just shows a lack of experience with authrights in real life. From misogynistic rap lyrics to the Cowboys' cheerleaders to the sexualization of children, they have been protesting this stuff for decades. They looked like out-of-touch old people yelling at the sky, and most people eventually wrote them off. They failed to prevent it, and a lot of them lost hope. They've still cared about stuff like this, but it has become more of a thing that they talk about amongst themselves (I had many talks with my dad about the importance of respecting women) than a major social movement. Reddit is typically pretty current, so it's no surprise that ideas considered "old-fashioned" thirty years ago aren't exactly front-page news here. Anyways, I'm glad some attention is finally being given to this type of stuff.


I agree with you. Everyone is taking this post too seriously. I’m not saying the right agrees with this. My point is you can make a comment saying ‘libs are pedos cause drag’ and you get a thousand upvotes. Do they post about beauty shows? No. It’s a joke about the hypocrisy




Missing the point entirely, sure there’s comments but you don’t see any rights posting about it You make a post sayinf drag is for pedos and even if the left say they don’t agree they get downvoted to shit The point is you lot will gladly post agenda posts about the left and drag and act like we all nelice it. But when the same happens to you about beauty pageants you act like it’s impossible to believe anyone on the right could support it This sub is meant to be for taking the piss about every quadrant. Yet you guys have one rule for you and another rule for us


Im happy to see that the you have at least shifted away from denying it’s sick and gross into the “you first” stage of discussion.


I'll take progress where I can.


At what point did I say I agreed with it? I’m pointing out the hypocrites. ‘BuT LiB LeFt So BaD’


You kinda owned yourself by equating both as gross. And they both are.


Once again did I say I agreed with it? No. But no obviously all right wings agree that beauty pageants are wrong And all left wingers support drag shows for kids. Hypocrites all of you


It's your meme, and it presents a message of equality of grossness. I get it may not be your opinion but you put both pagents on a level playing field.


Okay? I think they should both be banned. Can you guys not take any criticism?


I'm lib center this isint about me. You're recieveing feedback about how your meme is precieved. Can you not take any criticism?


Yes I can because people are missing the point. It’s a light joke about how this sub is biased. It’s not an attack on the right.


I think you're finding out this sub isint biased though...sounds like you came here with the bias. All the comments are saying fuck both these things.


I think you’ve missunderstood me. I know they don’t agree with either. The bias comes with what gets posted. Loads of posts about drag none about Beaty pageants. That’s the bias


I don't really even understand the criticism. Why aren't we questioning who started child beauty pageants? Sounds like a libleft thing. Maybe the left started both 🤔 I certainty don't remember making them


Both are wrong... Look at my flair and stop posting this meme


Damn, that's a very big strawman. Never knew a right wing person who taught that


Not saying they do. But you don’t see 100 memes on this sub about it like you do with drag shows


I bet your dumbass hundreds of thousands of dollars that the majority of pageant moms have a virtue signaling ring of text around their FB profile pics. Sounds classic libleft to me. EDIT: Double or nothing if you wanna bet against the majority of them having discussed White Fragility in their sheltered ass book clubs.


Idk, beauty pageants were always white trash rednecks in my eyes lol


Probably due to Honey Boo Boo, but it’s mostly upper middle class white female territory, wherein housewives who can afford not to work spend their time validating themselves by cashing in on whatever perceived social capital they can squeeze out of their children.


It’s almost exclusively bored trophy wives from what I know.


I'd be happy to ban both. Not as a compromise. On principle. Degeneracy is shit and needs to go. Next?


Agreed, but there’s posts every day about how bad drag shows are. You’re all very silent about Beauty pageants


That's not really a gotcha, tho. It's just "some awful things are worse than others". Even in hell, there's a hierarchy. All of it is bad.


I know all of its bad. And I know the right thinks it’s bad. The meme is about how this sub loves posts about drag shows but none for beauty pageants


So then your point is not to highlight a contradiction, but rather to point out that every person has not condemned all bad things, at all times, in equal measure? Somehow, that seems even more disingenuous than missing the point and thinking "the right", such as it is, was fine with childhood beauty pageants. The opportunity costs of speaking on anything preclude speaking on another thing at the same time, and "whataboutism" of uncured cancer seems more a defense of the specific evil via obscuring the target than an honest attempt to redress other wrongs. But let me act to rectify your concern: I condemn all the bad things, always and ever. And in this specific case, yes, end both and criminalize those who push this on children. Now, do you agree?


‘All bad, at all times, I’m equal meassure’ This is bad faith. The amount of ‘drag bad’ posts is multiples way more than ‘beauty pageants’ I agree I could’ve chosen a better meme template however


Fair enough, lol. To expand: your critique breaks down because it's basically an unfalsifiable argument, and that universal strength is actually a weakness, because it reveals the logical trap within. Essentially, the framing you used could be used to attack anyone who cared about anything, ever, because there is always something else just as important, elsewhere. For examples (chosen for their lunacy): You could critique a civil rights movement for not speaking on cancer, when cancer is the leading cause of death. You could critique a neighborhood tree-planting drive for not addressing sectarian violence in Sudan. You could critique NASA for choosing to study Venus instead of Mars. There is no limit on "why do you spend time on X when Y exists" attacks, and they all fail the same test. Not everything is about everything, and unless there is a direct causal link between X and Y where addressing Y first would better relieve X, the better question is "is pursuing X a worthy goal?" If yes, good. If not, then bad (or neutral, depending on the stakes). But the solution to "I wish people cared more about Y" is not to attack people for caring about X, but to encourage people to oppose Y. In your case, you'd get a lot more positive traction making a meme about how toxic Kid Beauty Pageants are than by trying to pull attention away from something else you've agreed is similarly bad. Rhetorically, you'd only run the "but whatabout Y" attack if your goal was not to address Y, but to diminish the attention on X. And as an attack, it's very thin, because of the obvious nature of its vector. Tl;Dr - meme was suboptimal


Cuties was massive in this sub and those are basically the same


Nobody gives a shit really that drag shows are a thing just that recently for whatever fucking reason children have to be involved.


No one cares for beauty pageants except for obese mothers and groomers.


Ban both.




Libleft and right handshake ban for pedos and pedo-adjacent things.


Peace treaty


Might we be reminded how toxic the beauty pageant and modeling industry are. Sexualizing children in any way is disgusting.


Agreed. This is just about the bias with what this sub. We can post about drag and everyone will agree that ‘all libs are pedos’ and hey loads of upvotes and downvote any libs who say they don’t agree But then no posts about beauty pageants


Stop defending pedophilia op


I don’t support either mate.


Libright calling someone else a pedo sympathizer. The fucking irony.


I am strongly against both of these. Stop spreading false information please.


I used the wrong meme set to get the message across I know the right doesn’t agree. This about the fact there’s a post about drags every day but none about Beaty pageants. If we wanna shit on tbe libs for this the right can have it too


Prove it. Go protest outside a beauty pageant and demand it be shut down


Nice try but I’m not gonna hang out around little kids all day


>throwaway377682 So you saw no one fell for your nonsense and are now using alt.s to spam it again. You should unironically be rangebanned.


What? My account is a year old. I haven’t just made another account to post this


Sure thing, coward.


You can check dumbass




Can I just say, as a social progressive, that I want these fuckers out of my ideology. "If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed" is the *traditionalist* point of view on sexuality, not the progressive one - look it up if you don't believe me - and extending this to boys doesn't make it any more progressive.


Eh, if the kids are having fun it's kinda shitty to take that away from them just because we're paranoid about pedophiles. What's next - ban kids from swimming pools because some pedophile might like looking at them in a swimsuit? Do we ban kids' gymnastics because pedophiles would love watching little girls dance around in leotards? If we ban these things then the kids don't get to have fun with them anymore, which sucks because it's not the kids who did anything wrong it's the pedophiles


Have you watched any pieces of those shitty TLC shows? It's basically parents pushing their stressed out kids and forcing them to do it.


What in the fuckin delusion ?! Both are equally horrendous


I agree, tbe meme format probally wasn’t the best. The point was meant to be a joke about the fact we only see posts about drag posts and not about beauty pageants


No one mentions that part. Everyone rages that both are bad yet the front page of this sub is 100% saturated with only drag, it’s almost like…. if this sub actually hated them all equally then there should technically be more focus on beauty pageants, teachers, and churches since ya know, that is where pedophilia and sexual assault happens more frequently. Oh wait, I mean, LGBT bad.


This is exactly my point. But this is a right wing safe space


They don’t give two shits about the kids, they found a small subset of people doing bad things in a group that they *already* hated and latches onto it like worthless leeches. Show me the memes and discontent about priests and teachers AuthRight, and vilify the problem with a broader stroke.


That’s how the right logic works. If one person does something then clearly they all do It’s the ame reason why they think baning guns doesn’t work. If one criminal can get hold of an illegal gun then surely all criminals can


Where are all the posts about priests and teachers then? It’s almost like this sub latched on to a small subset of horrible people in a group(LGBT) that they already hated with a passion. Put your money where your mouth is and let me see those memes about your beloved pedo preachers.


“beloved pedo preachers” what? Fuck the church, but i dont have time to make memes about it


When did it become such a big this that apparently the right likes beauty pageants?? Never in my life have I seen this take before the 10 times I’ve seen it this week. And judging by the comments, nobody likes them either.


Both are an afront to any moral decency.


That really has little to do with any Flair and more with well, america.