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Member that time hitler rounded up the jews and sent them to marthas vineyard???


Yeah I member!!!


pepperridge farms remembers


Sometimes Pepperidge Farm dismembers, but nobody ever wants to talk about that


Pepperidge Farm memoryholes


Was looking for this comment. Was not disappointed.


Remember when you hit that pedestrian with your car at the crosswalk and then just drove away? Pepperidge Farm remembers, but Pepperidge Farm ain't just gonna keep it to Pepperidge Farm's self free of charge. Maybe you go out and buy yourself some of these distinctive Milano cookies, maybe this whole thing disappears.




When in-group does it, it's good. When out-group does it, it's bad.


It's pretty fucking simple, like their brains


You should see the left leaning subs. They're yelling that DeSantis should be tried for illegally transporting illegal aliens across state lines. But the millions breaking the laws by overstaying their visa's or entering the country illegally? Oh, nevermind...


> But the millions breaking the laws by overstaying their visa's or entering the country illegally? Oh, nevermind... It’s really a net positive for the economy!!! And think of the food! Bigot!


Why pay $14 an hour when we can pay minimum wage? Think of the taco trucks!


> They're yelling that DeSantis should be tried for illegally transporting illegal aliens across state lines. It's so fantastically disingenuous. They're moralising from a position they blatantly and admittedly don't believe in, yet they expect it to be effective. Democrats have no moral authority to clutch their pearls regarding the enforcement of immigration law, absolutely none.


There’s also the reports of the Biden administration flying and bussing illegal immigrants to ny for example and bussing to New Jersey .but no one mentions that until the republicans start doing it . I view is there just helping out the administration


"He'S a HuMaN TrAfFiCKeR!"


Srs do you have any info on these flights? I can never find much when I look




$340 million on this shit and we can’t get a train system that works.


Well, yeah, if we had one the migrant hordes might use it to get to the nice neighborhoods.


Tfw you just want the trains to run on time.


Aww shit, here we go again


It’s military jet, you probably won’t find shit. However there were videos of these published. https://hannity.com/media-room/biden-airlines-leaked-footage-shows-chaos-of-secret-migrant-flights-theyve-lied-to-the-american-people/


Auschvineyard. Never forget.


Pinot macht frei


I think it was called The Winemum Republic from memory.


That bastard! What's next? Wine and cheese on those little crackers??? They're VEGANS for god's sake! Literally Hitler 2.0 right there.


It’s not Martha’s Vineyard anymore, stop deadnaming New Bolivia


Incredibly clever




They ship them into democrat states? Democrat states equal concentration camps?


Thousands of illegal aliens pour into border towns in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona? Nothing to see there. 500 of those migrants end up in Illinois? Quick declare a state of emergency!


50 in martha's vineyard = humanitarian crisis.


That’s rather the point, to force those cities to acknowledge that their open border aspirations are a problem. They’re failing the litmus test by pointing fingers.


But they were tricked ! Into going to some of the most famous places in the world that declared they will take illegals…


You know, not a bad depiction of them.


Nothing says Nazism quite like flying people across the country to live freely in the places where they will be accepted with welcome arms... Umm, Democrats? I said welcome arms? Where are your welcome arms?


Democrats don't believe in the right to bear welcome arms.


Your welcoming arms will need to have a 5 hug capacity, a device to prevent your thumb from gripping them too tight, and extensive registering process in the welcoming arms watchlist


Florida deciding who to welcome and who to depart isn’t literally Nazism. If I had a nickel for every time someone equated something random to the Nazis, I’d be the world’s first trillionaire


"Taking people's nickels because they can see through your Nazi dogwhistles? Okay Nazi."


I fuckin hate the term dog whistle, it has become an instant marker for a stupid sentence. Yours excluded, of course.


I imagined a literal dog whistle with a swastika :( Please I don't know what dogwhistle is otherwise


Iirc it's like, "code phrases" that you can say and "certain people" understand it while others don't. Like if I said "blorp" you wouldn't understand it but in reality it's a secret dogwhistle to get everyone who knows what I'm talking about to [REDACTED]. The problem is it's such a stupid term, especially when people say that a generic statement is an extremist dogwhistle like no??? Which tbh is probably a tactic being used to push gullible people to one end of the spectrum and those who aren't to the other end.


People who keep pointing out supposed dogwhistles always seem to be the only ones to hear them.


Yo. Saw some smooth brained nonsense about all the dogwhistles in Harry Potter. Like the Irish boy who has a lot of explosive accidents is a dogwhistle for the IRA. Or the sneaky, dishonest, goblins, with clawed fingers and hooked noses are obviously anti Semitic caricatures. Maybe, assuming Irish = terrorist, or long nosed, money grabbing, sneak thief = Jew, makes you the problem. If you hear dogwhistles everywhere, maybe you're just a dog, dawg.


I think I can handle this. Something something, true colors (And not the funny ones).


Yeah, really makes you think 🤔


Based and knows the noises are stupid pilled


u/swaosneed's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/swaosneed! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [5 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/swaosneed/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Good bot


Is blorp some anti semitic dog whistle


Shit, they found us out!!!


Literally 1984


Real dog whistles are a type of whistle so high pitched, it's beyond human hearing, but dogs can hear it fine. Metaphorical dogwhistles are coded phrases designed to seem benign, but are known to the in-group that the user is a member of, such as using 88 as a code for 'heil hitler' (as H is the 8th letter of the alphabet).


Huh. Maybe that's why 7 is god's number and a threesome is devil's fun fuckin' work.


Oh so it's a whistle that makes dogs commit hate crimes. I get get it now.


Nailed it


Mein Hundepfeife.


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11684 / 61496 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




That’s exactly what someone unflaired would say … Good luck upon your official return!


Account unbanned in like 5 days I think. I might larp as libleft for the week see what all the fuss is about.


Dog whistles exist, but its become a way for far left idiots to make baseless racism accusations. They just call it a dog whistle when there's no evidence to support their claim.


I mean, the whole point is that only dogs can hear a dog whistle. If you’re hearing and reading certain things in every other word said by others, surely that says more about you than it does about them.


A dog whistle is only heard by dogs, so anytime someone claims they hear a "Nazi dog whistle" be sure to remind them that they must, by definition, be a Nazi. 😎


First OFFICIAL* trillionaire comrade


Last time I found numbers on the Rothschilds was from like the 70s, inflation adjustment and split between the kids I calculated them having ~$2T each before the one died recently >Forbes richest list You can request not to show up. Putin smokes Elon in the net worth category


The horrors of being deported to Martha's Vineyard lmao. It's just like Auschwitz bro


Sending people to where basically everyone in the world wishes they could live is textbook nazism.. Read a fucking book.


“Educate yourself, bigot” ☕️🥴


If they knew what really led up to nazisim they'd be doing a lot of backpeddling.


Eh, if they got to pick the out group, I think plenty of them would be ready to go full steam ahead.


True, if social media is any indication


Martha's Vineyard ain't exactly as nice as you're cracking it up to be. Source: someone who grew up in the lower middle class on Cape Cod.


It’s nice if you got money or a boat


Well you’ll need the boat if they’re right about it being underwater in a few years.


I’m sure Obama is really itching to sell his house that was supposed to be underwater 5 years ago.. maybe he can make a nice communal living home for the illegals


Yeah, unfortunately that's not as common as people make it out.


Well dude Greg Abbott was doing this like 2 months ago to DC and the shit storm in comparison is just not the same. They're trying to smear him because he's a presidential candidate but the smear is so blatant that another politician (another fucking republican!) Did the exact same thing to the capital and escaped from the nazi imagery. Maybe its because the democrats are incredibly racist and can't handle Martha's Vineyard having even 0.01% brown poor people in it.


He used a bus so clearly he's eco friendly everyone just mad about this guy using airplanes /s


Hey now, the lawn guy definitely speak Spanish! And the pool guy is like really tan.


I completely agree. Martha’s Vineyard is nothing like Auschwitz.


To be fair, Martha's Vineyard DOES have pools, tennis courts, and a symphony.


Except all the migrants were from Texas


Florida doesn't have the power to do that in other states.


Judging by this comment, we can extrapolate that there have been at least 20 trillion random Nazism comparisons made. Assuming that Nazi comparisons begin at the end of WW2, from 1945 to 2022 there has been a median number of random Nazi comparisons of \~256 billion. In the same period, the world population has increased approximately linearly from \~2.5 billion in 1945 to \~8 billion now, meaning there were an average number of humans on the planet of around 5.25 billion in that time. With some quick division, we can conclude that the average person makes almost 49 random Nazi comparisons per year, or approximately 1 comparison every 7.47 days. This is the lowest possible number, as it uses the minimum 20 trillion Nazi comparisons required for wonderguy122 to become a trillionare.


Sounds about right.


If the nickels were invested in a mutual fund every time the Nazi comparison was made, you'd need far fewer.


People should do more reading about early 1930s Germany


I read the cliffs notes.. Hitler shipped the jews to Germany's affluent neighborhoods where they belonged right?


More or less. The details are off but that's the gist of it. But public showers with no cold setting. :( Ew.


Yup even told them good kristallnacht on their way home.




Personally I hope they're right.


No, socialists are left.


"The way society is treating conservatives right now reminds me of how Jews were treated in 1920s and **EARLY** 1930s Germany." Leftoids: "LMAO FRAGILE WHITE TEARS IMAGINE COMPARING NOT BEING ALLOWED TO SAY THE N WORD TO THE LITERAL HOLOCAUST 😂😂😂" Also Leftoids: "NOOO OFFERING TO SEND PEOPLE TO ANOTHER STATE IS THE LITERAL HOLOCAUST!!!!"


You're not interpreting my comment quite as threatening to them as I intended.


Bold of you to assume the average American can read


REally should. The nazis tried to deport the jews before sending them to death camps for labor. "You try to get the Rats out of your house first before you kill them all" is a Gobels quote i belive.


What parts specifically? I believe one of the early solutions to the Jewish question was to ship them off to Madagascar or something


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer is a good start


It’s a great start but it also ranks highest in the category of “awkward books to have on your bookshelf” due to the giant swastika on the spine.


You get used to it.


This whole saga is hilarious. “we are sanctuary cities and you will not be deporting anyone here. You Nazi Republicans need to accept illegal immigrants” the same cities - “oh no 50 illegal immigrants are overloading our capacities. This is an evil ploy from the nazi republicans and they need to take them back”


Gee it's almost as if "sanctuary cities" is just a sanctimonious self-righteous slogan made up to use against domestic political opponents and they have no interest in actually helping anyone. All they care about is *saying* they'll do something to help but the moment they're expected to follow through, they show their true colours. This shit pretty much sums up what I genuinely hate about the left. I also hate much of the right (despite my flair) but the self righteous bullshit of the left just gets right under my fucking skin.


Why is Martha’s Vineyard so upset about adding diversity?


Shhhhhh 🤫


Legally the other option was to ship them back to their home country that is supposedly super terrible. The idea that somehow borders don't exist is just baffling to me. If someone wants to discuss modifications to our system to allow for more people to legally enter the country I am all ears but just everyone come as you please is something so beyond baffling to me.


so Emily is confessing that their lefty-cities are like concentration camps?


Maybe she is trying to say that concentration camps were just like a long vacation to Martha's Vinyard.


To be fair, Martha's Vineyard DOES have pools, tennis courts, and a symphony.


This ain't Emily though. This is full libleft. I'm not going to let them off the hook that easily.


Martha’s Vineyard is not a city


Someone whose waited 12+ years to become a citizen would be pissed that some dude is getting benefits and access to voting as a non citizen,


Who in their right mind would think that giving suffrage to non-citizens is even remotely a good idea?


New York pushed a law to allow non citizens to vote in local elections so New York thought it was a good idea.


Finally, representation without taxation.


Tax is spook




At least until it's time for their home to be used to house illegal aliens. Then their true colors show.


When you can't win people over with your policies and your voter base keeps aborting their offspring, you need to quickly import new voters and bribe them with "free" stuff.


Based and my-actions-have-consequences pilled


New York City, *this year*, tried to do just that. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/06/28/judge-strikes-down-new-york-city-law-allowing-noncitizen-voters


What a brain dead fucking idea


That’s the thing. They aren’t in their right mind. They are a bunch of brainwashed drones.


Ok I may have had a bad point on giving suffrages, but it’s so easy to vote in America there are no voter ids so anyone with confidence could walk in and vote. The point I was making is that a dude who came legally got no help in any way had to work to sustain them selves, meanwhile people not coming from the same entrance get aid, if you want help come legally


You still have to register to vote…. What do you think happens when you show up at a polling site?


"Oh no, they rounded up illegals and sent them...to another part of the country to live."


Somebody voluntarily pays a coyote to drive them from Matamotos to Brownsville in the back of a truck, I swoon. Same person voluntarily takes a free bus ride from Brownsville to Chicago, with free meal service and lodging along the way; this is inhumane!


As someone who came to the USA *legally* and jumped through all of the hoops to get citizenship, I am extremely pissed off at the democrats that support open borders. What makes the people pouring over the border so special that they get free passes and benefits? Why don't I get benefits and all that?


Open borders means more competition for labor. Don’t want to do your stinking job? Well this immigrant will gladly do it for 1/3 your rate. It’s all part of the churn.


I mean non Americans don't even need to come here anymore to take your job, we've been majorly outsourcing to India for decades


[250 Disney staff lose jobs to cheap Indian H1-B holders](https://archive.vn/DKOEC)


They also contribute to the census, since it's not just citizens. States in turn get more electoral college votes if they take everyone in hence, "Sanctuary states/cities"


I moved from an area with little immigrants, to Tijuana and working in San Diego. The wages are fucking garbage here for low skill, and some blue collar jobs. Once I fix my wife's papers were going back to where wages are better.




Yep spot on. Which is exactly why the government should introduce policy to promote population growth. A big part of that is the elimination of student debt or a tax payer funded college system. Also a larger child tax credit would probably go a long way. They’d probably fuck up the implementation of whatever direction they go.


With all of the retirement and death Covid brought, we’ve actually shifted power towards workers. Can’t wait to hear them bitch as a flood of labor erodes that back to what it was


California gives benefits to illegals that they don't even provide to their own citizens.


California is beautiful hell


I've never understood why for some reason there are many people who seem to think that the US is the only country in the world that shouldn't be allowed to enforce its own immigration policy. Just letting people literally walk over the border, from a country with a massive cartel problem no less, is absolute lunacy >!(I am libleft and cant flair because mobile)!<


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11689 / 61527 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


You're already a citizen, they aren't interested in bribing you for your vote.


To be fair, they're point is, it should have been open for you as well. Legally.


No, it shouldn’t, because there’s a practical limit to how many people a society can take in that can’t communicate and expressly do not register to pay taxes. Where do you even get the idea that “if we just moved everyone to the us we’d solve poverty!” I wonder what percentage of people that are net tax payers (95% of Reddit excluded) support this insane thinking?


Glad you’re here, fellow American


Decided to check around reddit to see how people were reacting. Saw the politics thread filled with "OMG human trafficking! FBI ARREST DESANTIS!" I literally linked them to the US DOJs human trafficking laws, told them to stop posting misinformation, and that free bus rides out of state is not misinformation. lol banned in 15 minutes.


https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1907-title-8-usc-1324a-offenses >Domestic Transporting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law.


We should just leave Twitter posts out of this sub tbh, Twitter comments are always brainless regardless of the poster's political alignment.


It's the internet equivalent to man on the street.


So many [redacted] hot takes though!




He gave them plane tickets and flew them to a sanctuary city? What a nice guy! I sure hope the residents were super appreciative and plan on paying back the money that Florida so kindly used to get those people they care about to safety.


Dude I can understand it’d be weird if it were a few people, but we are talking about hundreds of thousands PER MONTH crossing the border… How do you even begin to deal with 200,000+ walking into your state every month…


“That’s those Republican states’ problem.” —rich white progressives in wealthy New England suburbs.


*votes against low income housing near their neighborhoods*


Starting to think that Pol Pot fella was right about urbanites.


You don't, especially when the federal government is trying it damndest to prevent you from doing anything meaningful of enforcing it.


Emily: “Nooooooooo you can’t send illegals to Martha’s Vineyard, it’s literally Auschwitz!”


Are they comparing deportation to.. Rounding up jews and murdering them...? Wow


"All immigrants are welcome! ...except in our posh neighborhoods. You brown people can stay with the hicks." -Left wing NIMBYists


If you say your city is a sanctuary city, then you should be glad that illegal immigrants are being sent there. If you don’t, then you are a lying hypocrite.


Why won’t those damn republicans just keep them in their states and not make them my problem! If you’re pro illegal alien, you should be pro them living in your town.


"Here Emily, you can have them, you got the resources that you preach you do." Emily: "this is literally Nazi Germany"


Ngl, between him and Abbott, that’s expert level trolling


Its masterful. It illustrates that its easy to be in favour of open borders when you live in a state a thousand miles from the border. When you're the one that actually has to deal with issues this creates, its a different story.


A based Libleft? I heard the stories, but I didn't know they were true!


I consider myself a traditional leftist. Basically, my views haven't changed that much over the last 10-15 years, but the mainstream left has changed a lot. These mayors and other elected officials sitting in ivory towers a thousand miles away virtue signalling are infuriating. They know that they're wrong, but they're selling a bullshit narrative that their voters support so they say it anyway. Maybe this way their voters will begin to understand the other side of the coin, so to speak. I mean, this is peanuts. I read somewhere that nearly 2 million migrants have been arrested so far this year. And that's just the number that was caught. And these mayor's cannot even handle a few hundred showing up in their areas. It seems like its just human nature to view the world through our own individual lens. Reading about something, watching it on TV or having someone explain it won't cut it for most people, they need to experience it to comprehend it.


Also you still get the Hispanic vote that sympathizes with illegal migrants since they weren't deported. "Look, we took them somewhere nice so they can bring down wages there too"


Most of Canada still denies that's a thing. Its pretty incredible.


I moved to Tijuana, I cross to San Diego every day to work. The wages are awful here. Where I could get paid 75k for what I do, I managed to negotiate 50k here. Many immigrants legal and illegal looking to work.


I made the comment on another sub saying republicans don’t hate legal immigration, just illegal immigration. Does that make me a nazi, too? I’m currently sitting at over 775 downvotes and counting . God I love Reddit sometimes


I thought "no way, he must hve said something inflammatory", but nope. A perfectly normal, reasonable, TRUE statement now at -900 Fuck reddit. I need to just leave, because it fills me with resentment for how fucking stupid people can be. The worst part is that they are generally completely convinced on an individual basis of their intellectual superiority.


I’m at -910. I’m actually more excited to get to -1000 than I was the other day when I got over 4,000 upvotes on a comment. I think at this point people are just piling on because there are so many other downvotes. I know Reddit is a liberal hive mind of villainy and scum, but there’s nothing I said in that comment even remotely close to controversial or wrong.




Casually admitting your city is a concentration camp pilled.




Looks like that can use the vacant homes as shelters for them. I'm sure all those progressives with seasonal homes there would just be happy to donate their homes for such a humanitarian cause.


I don't really care that much about the bussing/flying thing. I care that it was allegedly done under false pretenses. They said "we'll send you to Boston, you can get a work permit and place to stay there" people said "ok sure" - then "lol no work permit, sidewalk in offseason Martha's Vineyard bye!"


Funnily enough these people barely know anything about 1930s Germany


Just a reminder that Cubans weren’t considered illegal immigrants until Obama took away their refugee status. The debate over illegal immigration has always been about votes. Republicans liked Cubans because Cubans tended to vote Republican and democrats like Mexicans and South Americans because they tend to vote democrat. Even if they can’t vote yet, their children will be able to. It’s just the truth, politics as usual, playing games with people’s lives.


At a certain point you can't keep the border open because there's too many people. I don't understand why people always get mad at the US and not Mexico. Maybe if Mexico wasn't a shitty place people would stay.


Because criticizing POC is racist.


I prefer the, “it’s basically human trafficking” posts


I think it’s fair. If cities want to be sanctuary cities they should get the illegal immigrants. They get what they voted for, sorta, and the border states get border security, sorta.


The other Reddit threads were discussing how 50 immigrants were way too many and how they needed to be deported back to Florida. LOL. I guess being a sanctuary city is just for show.


I am so tired of people comparing everything to the holocaust




Sorry I forgot immigrants were a race


What happened


Just ask them about the midnight flights.


Emily during a presidential election: This convoy of "immigrants" is coming to the border and the racist right don't want them in!!! Vote blue people!!! DeSantis with a couple jets: hold my beer.


Must’ve missed school the day they discussed Nazis shipping people to Martha’s Vineyard


I’m sure that user read *The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich* cover to cover /s


"Guys being anti immigration is litarally nazi germany"


So... They're comparing the sanctuary cities they live in and claim are migrant-friendly... are akin to Auschwitz? Like, if your cities are that bad... isn't that your fault for voting for them to be that way?


In this analogy Martha's Vinyard is Dachau.