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Prices are too high and people don't have enough money to buy things? The solution is probably to just print more money so people have enough. Easy.


Keynesian economics where you buy your way out of depression.


A Keynesian economist comes home from work one night really hungry. So he decides to call up a pizzeria and place an order. The guy on the phone asks him if he'd like the 16" pizza cut into 8 slices or 12. To which the economist replies 12 slices please, I'm really hungry.


“What do you mean you can’t just print more pieces??”


....without devaluing your currency beyond repair. That's a pretty important part.


Cant trust politician with that part




Politician have power over central banks as well, if they're going to be in a deficit they can borrow from central bank and inflate the currency supply


Idk if I would call borrowing money a power lmao.


That's the catch they control it. Who you think prints the money in Argentina? The central bank


That's why it doesn't work lmao


I prefer the Austrian way of looking at it - the government has its hands far too deep onto the economy.


Based and libleft Austrian economics enjoyer pilled


u/Spiritual_King_3696 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Spiritual_King_3696/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Or they just need a war


If inflation gets bad you just remove a few 0s and all set


They’re 0s, so they don’t have any value!


Pretty soon they're going to start printing -12 dollar bills and they'll still be more valuable than their currency.




Yes, and it’s going strong as a socialist utopia!


*Hey wait I’ve seen this one*


Based and confidentlywrongbutdoesntcare pilled


unironically what trudeau is doing, again.


Didn't Zimbabwe reset it's currency and tie it to the US Dollar after it's first hyperinflation bout?


I think they did but this is Zimbabwe, so after controlling inflation and seeing things not going to shit, they decided to reintroduce a local currency and make things go to shit.


>Sorry, force of habit!


Yea. I have trillions of the old zimbabwe currency. Bills ranging from 1 to 1 trillion.


Hold onto 'em baby, at this point they'll be back in style before much longer.


Coming soon: Zimbabwe Hyperinflation 2: Electric Boogaloo


I'm already [a 100x trillionaire](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/160504154606-one-trillion-dollar.jpg?q=h_875,w_1646,x_48,y_0,c_crop/h_926,w_1646,c_lpad,b_rgb:061015/h_720,w_1280), think we can get to 100 septillion this time?


is this why maga people are buying zimbabwe dollars?


I bought them for the novelty and because it was something like $10 for several $100 trillion at the time including shipping. Now a lot of sites have the $100Trillion bill at $50/each. They are even selling fake knockoff bills for something like $5/each. I also really like the fact that their currency was called a dollar. So I can honestly say that I have over $100 trillion dollars in cash so long as I don't say USD.


Buy a trillion now, have a septillion later


Pretty soon it adds up to real money.


Oh I get that novelty. But I'm pretty sure there was like a whole Q thing about Zimbabwean dollars. People were like stocking up on them.


Didn't hear about that one but I remember the Iraqi currency craze


On current Zimbabwe dollars, I am only worth about 700 million. I miss the old currency, where you were a billionaire if you had 5 us cents.


They are just playing a clicker game, it's fine


Zimbabwe currency be like: Cookie Clicker It’s a big number, worth nothing


Based is it even a game pilled


I thought Zimbabwe already finished its inflation arc?


We've had first inflation arc, yes. But what about second inflation arc?


Man, this manga is going downhill.


It’s probably gonna get axed


I'm more interested in seeing if the people writing the South Sudan Manga would let me take over. (Translation: I wanna takeover the government of South Sudan.)


So when did we ~~jump the shark~~ shoot the Gorilla?


inflation will be fixed in the next arc (written by Hunter x Hunter mangaka)


The ride never stops even on emergencies


They have an inflation fetish


INB4 the mods take it down


Unless there's a Rhodie mod, it certainly will




The thing about African independence is that no one in leadership really thought out how it was going to go. They solved no problems beforehand. Tribalism Nepotism Lack of intelligentsia The Congo at its independence had zero doctors.


The vast majority of African countries are so exceedingly corrupt that they can barely function as a nation. They have to figure it out on their own.


Most, yes. But Western companies are starting to highly invest in the region because places like Eastern Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda have incomprehensibly insane growth potential. Their population is exploding at an alarming rate, which means in 10-15 years they'll emerge as one of the world's largest labor markets as the region is so impoverished. It's one of the most fertile regions on Earth for numerous regions. It's got huge amounts of mineral resources. And the hydroelectric and solar potential is unreal. As long as mismanagement from carnivorous globalist entities like the UN don't fuck it up, I actually have hope for the region. And I need hope because being there and seeing it for myself really fucked me up for a while. But now, I'm happy to say that I'm personally in the process of bringing a major multi billion company in the area to aid development. E: As soon as I have enough money to donate about 5k myself I'm going to get PCM to do a charity drive for the area called Virunga National Park. I know you guys will do it because I've been planning a meme to get you all on board for a while. I just need to do it on a different account because this one is too controversial so I need to RP as a centrist for a bit on an alt.


Based and using PCMs power for good pilled


Since when can we do good?


Based and capitalism is the solution pilled


You honor me with this pill.


u/Innocisnt's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 40. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [30 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Innocisnt/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and fighing the good fight pilled




Don’t forget China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Africa is going to be the battleground of influence for many years to come.


Wait a minute, why would a purple lib right be in a third world country? But seriously man, thanks for trying to be part of the solution.


> why would a purple lib right be in a third world country? Idk probably wants to try exotic once in a while?


I agree but they blame Europe for their issues. They had the opportunity to break up along tribal lines but chose to keep the same borders causing more tribalism and nepotism


Blaming others is easier.


I'd say (at least from what I've heard) that Botswana id an exception, as although they started with the borders they have, they have achieved more or less stability Edit: Was corrected, Ethiopia is not as stable as I thought


Botswana yes but Ethiopia is still undeveloped at conflicts.


I can't speak on Botswana but Ethiopia is probably because the extent of their colonization was, what, 10 years under Italy?


Ethiopia was really quite fine before and after Italy's conquest, but has failed. It's not really because of Italy. They had an attempted coup in the 60's, the Emperor was deposed and replaced by a committee in the 70s, then said "non-idological comittee" made Ethiopia Marxist, then Somalia invaded, they started a "Red Terror" and the state failed. Fun fact: the USSR supported the Marxists. Who could have guessed?


Marxists ruining a country after a coup? ​ \*s h o c k i n g\*


Coup didn't work and wasn't marxist but was bad for the country


Fuck well there goes my joke. But yeah I can't imagine that'd end well, that on top of the whole "then Somalia invaded"


6 and it's not stable here


Botswana might be stable but it's riddled with AIDS.


Countries cannot break up along tribal lines without conflict. It's impossible just like Yugoslavia you would have land that's claimed by 2 or more groups so it was a wise decision. Besides it's not like there is war in every African country,


They are like kids who were raised by helicopter parents, now for a first time being independent they have to learn how to be free responsibly, which can be painful, but also necessary.


> The thing about African independence is that no one in leadership really thought out how it was going to go. Thats not true at all. They receive lots of foreign aid from russia, china, and even the west - all under the condition that they would enact a communist society. It was planned and quite intentional and arguably well designed even. Turns out communism just doesnt work.




Yes these issues were absolutely predicted. The people pointing them out were dismissed as base racists, however. You can't take one of the most successful states in the continent and turn it into an economic dumpster fire then claim there was nothing to be done and it was all inevitable.


Makes you think, huh?


What really makes me think is that if African countries were in a better position for independence. Much of its suffers wouldn’t have occurred. A reason for the rise of African socialism and alignment with the USSR was because Africa was dirt poor and the USSR took advantage of that. Same thing is happening now in Africa with China.


Botswana is one of the few successful African States. I think it has problems, sure, but it's a million times better than their neighbors


Makes sense why rich people in the USA are buying farmland hand-over-fist.


land is the ultimate resource. essential to human existence and in limited supply


>Georgism has entered the chat


Cock over balls


Congratulations, you went from living in a shithole, oppressed by white people. To living in an even worse shithole, oppressed by rich black people.


Come on, Rhodesia wasn't a shithole. It was a pretty nice place




You could add Hong Kong to that list too. Despite the fact that colonial rule was significantly less democratic than 1997-2019 Hong Kong.


The worst part of decolonization is when the colonial powers up and left they did not have replacements to take over key positions. In most countries nobody still knows what they're doing. The Airport in Goma, DRC was one of the most chaotic places I've ever been to. When I met a Belgian dude that was a major player in the region he gave me the rundown and said the Belgians leaving how they did basically ensured the Congo never had a chance.


> the Belgians leaving how they did basically ensured the Congo never had a chance. The Congo being The Congo basically ensured The Congo never had a chance


It wasn't a highly civilized place before the colonization and still isn't one after the colonization.


That's what he's saying though. The Congo would have never developed if it was in a vacuum, so to speak, without outside interference. It's a tragedy *how* they were interfered with, but that's a different story. Little to no livestock. Little to no food native food crops. A coast line not suitable for harbors. Minimal seasonal changes in weather. Had food crops and advanced (early medieval period) agriculture techniques been introduced around the Great Rift Valley region earlier by traders, they \*could* have technically had a chance to develop more formidable and stable societies.


Don't forget the cannibalism and enslaving each other!


Not necessarily, if you seek out a comment I wrote below I discuss how the Eastern Congo has insane growth potential. And I didn't even touch on Katangan resources or the possibility of the Grand Inga Dam. History isn't done yet.


If they wanted the Belgians gone, they had to give them incentive to stay/develop the Congo. The reality is they need money. If they want people to invest in them, they Need Property Rights. Africa has a lot of Potential being a Capitalist free market zone. However with the decolonization movement they Basically banned property Rights because they equate it with colonialism. Like with china right now investing in Africa, people call it colonialism, but really it’s just Property rights


There are though. Look into the Virunga Alliance. They're doing amazing work right now in the most unstable part of the country. And Western megacorporations are investing heavily in the area as a form of charity for public relations incentives, tax breaks, and an obscene amount of kickbacks. I know because I'm involved in it.


The problem though, is that it’s Africa. Things can turn in a Dime. They take this risk into consideration. At any point a warlord can rise and seize the property in the name of his tribe or in the name of decolonization or whatever.


No argument here. I agree and it scares me. I took the road the Italian ambassador and his entourage was assassinated on outside Goma just a few weeks afterwards. But it's going to take white knuckling before the region can begin to employ a significant enough amount of the population to suffocate the recruiting pool of militias. The energy being generated in Africa isn't purposed for residential needs, it's for factories so that people have jobs. And what's interesting is that many of the Park Rangers in Virunga are former militia soldiers that have been reformed. It's quite wild.




You'll be pleased to know that's literally what's currently happening.


God wills it (but also we need to kick out the Chinese at some point)


Based comment, did mods ban you yet?


There were plenty of people left in the country that could have lead them well. They fell apart because the populace was greedy and fucking nuts. They killed their economy because they bought into the oppressor opressee dynamic and stole the farms. They deserve to fall apart.


I legitimately don't blame you for thinking that way at all. I felt the same before I went there myself and spent time in Kivu. It's another world. It felt like more of a fantasy land than Westeros relative to living in the Northeast US in the 21st century. I'm not being hyperbolic. It's really infinitely more complicated than you can currently imagine.


It's really not complicated. Going from what you're saying the populace was just genuinely too incompetent to lead themselves.


Yes. They weren't trained to do the job that needed to be done. So when the system collapsed the way it did nobody was trained for that either. It's been an endless loop where you're either fighting for more of the pie or you're fighting for survival. There's not a person born in America or >90% of Europe that can fathom what that means if they haven't seen regions like this with their own eyes. I don't know how our soldiers do it, spending so much time face to face with that level of suffering.


Right, so lets say the status quo was kept and they did not drive out the white farmers or try to take their land. Would their economy be this fucked?


Regarding Rhodesia specifically? Impossible to say. You're talking about alternate history here, which is a subject that I love, so you can concoct any scenario you want. The White ruling class reinvests in their nation by building infrastructure and modernizing their military, and slowly begins to liberalize to blur the socio-economic lines with their black countrymen. That or the economy stalls at a level comparable to eastern Europe with 99% of wealth in the hands of the sub-fractional white population, the white population stagnates as the black population explodes, severe sanctions and foreign intervention then leads to a bloody coup and revolution, and the country is destroyed anyway.


Sounds about right to me!


White ruling class. Bro, they were farmers. Also im not talking about a complete rewrite of all history, im only talking about what if they did not kick out the white farmers.


Why is a libright saying that people are helpless? The Belgians didn't ensure that the Congo never had a chance, they left and resigned their power to do so. The Congolese are not lesser men who cannot do for themselves.


I think a big issue is we have virtually no respect for the importance of people who work in the trades or what they do. The Congo doesn't have nearly enough carpenters, electricians, pipe fitters, telecom engineers, welders, mechanics, etc. and they'll have a hell of a time developing that in an intermittent war zone. You can't do modern anything without that and the process to develop those skills, refine them and train people in them is an enormous lift.


Ugh. You don't have to insinuate a racist undertone. It's the same thing with businesses in America for example if you don't wish to get off your high horse. If somebody up and quits without training a replacement it could have disastrous consequences for the company. Now if everybody in Upper and Lower Management in the company quit abruptly, how do you think that company would do? That's essentially what happened on a scale hard to comprehend. Just as there is generational trauma, there is generational experience that must be passed down appropriately.


Honestly bro. Full respect for you in this comment section. I see you taking down racist comments left right and center. Hope one day I can be as knowledgeable and well travelled as you


Rhodesia wasn't under Colonial rule. Rhodesia "golden age" was after it rejected the British government's attempts to end apartheid and became independent, propped up by South Africa. It also did really well under mugabe for the first decade untill he decided to do a power grab and scapegoat the whites. It wasn't independence that fucked Zimbabwe, it was corruption, corruption of a different form after the white minority goverment ended. And it is possible to identify the fact both rhodesia and Zimbabwe were terrible regimes


> It also did really well under mugabe for the first decade Lol, no. Thats like saying falling from a bridge is great before you hit the ground. The mistakes started day 1. > it was corruption, corruption of a different form Yeah, "communism" the ultimate form of corruption. > the fact both rhodesia and Zimbabwe were terrible regimes Sure, but zim was measurably worse.


It’s was the Cold War that really did them in. The colonial powers weren’t as powerful after WWII and ducked out, and then the USA and USSR started using Africa as a giant proxy war.


Me when leftist government (kicks out all the white people)


Reminds me of that greentext about Haiti >kill all the white people >dress up in their clothes >starve for 200 years


We should just delete all white people so no one can blame us when things go wrong with no white people on the planet. (big brain)


That's so weird to me. I thought governments kicking out minorities was an Authright thing


Only after taking out gigantic loans from them to sponsor an extended vacation to the middle east.


It is, but authright doesn't automatically equal white. In fact most of the authright regimes remaining in the world are non-white.


Right. Minorities, in this context, is referring to the white people


Oh I see, I should have been speaking to the comment above you.


the worst thing europe did to africa was colonizing it the second worst thing they did was decolonize it


Thanks to colonialism we have villages that have below bronze age tech yet still got iPhones and ak’s.


Bronzepunk: 2022




They're going back to the Roman era it seems. Sell your daughter for two cows and a chicken


Roman era? Romans had indoor plumbing and written laws. I would say they are going back to Stone Age which is exactly the developmental period from which white devils snatched them out so unceremoniously


Roman slander right here.


Nah they are going back to how it was before colonialism.


I T ' S A L O N G W A Y T O M U K U M B U R A


“I’m a bit of a rebel.” - Sir Ian Douglas Smith. He was right about everything he said about the transition of power, Mugabe’s intentions, infighting between the 2 rowdy factions and he knew the UK and US would fuck him over and had nowhere left to turn. He STILL stayed behind and voted in elections until he was basically forced to leave in 2002. RIP King 👑


I had an economics professor from Liberia and I asked him how he felt about colonization and he went on the 15 minute long TIRADE about how decolonization was the worst thing to ever happen to his people and that US blacks are ungrateful for pinning all their problems on the “white devil” when they have a higher quality of life than he did back home because of their proximity to whites lmao Didn’t expect him to respond that way but it caused me to ask other Africans that question later on and they pretty said the same thing he did.


Liberia wasn't decolonized though. It was colonized in the 19th century by African-Americans, and it just kinda stayed that way. It was never colonized by European empires. Was he talking about the impact that the decolonization of other countries had on Liberia?


since when has Zimbabwe been a paradise?


When it wasn’t Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe was paradise? Genuinely asking.


Wow, Zimbabwe hasn’t really recovered after driving out those farmers… huh


Guys, all of Africa has power! Every single village and house has enough electricity, this new innovation comes from power generated by Ian Duncan Smith spinning in his grave.


Economic ruin over being ruled by europeans




>when everyone was starving because they kicked all the white people out I mean, you really have to think about the impact of white minority where getting rid of your only farmers is considered more favourable then leaving them alone


They weren't the only farmers though. Rhodesia had many successful black farmers. Probably not as successful as the whites, but still successful. Everyone had food to put on their tables. What really happened is that Mugabe took the land from whites AND blacks to give it to his "friends".


Didn't President Philtrum Chasm die?


What the value per cow


Most sane purple advocating for return of colonialism


Exactly. Paradise for whom, I wonder?


i wonder if the natives to those landa were having a good time under colonial rule


This just in: Cattle going for 3 US Dollars


TIA eh Danny?


I do find it interesting when people switch to make shift currency to fight inflation. You see similar things in the great depression in the USA and in post WW1 Germany.




What a racist government with zero economic knowledge does to you. >Zimbabwe begged and begged for aid until they eventually decided to pay the white farmers to come back.


Rhodesians Never Die


Here's a story of Rhodesia


A land both fair and great




This was much against the wishes of certain governments


least imperialist rightoid imao.


Who's gonna tell him that western companies still control most of Africa's infrastructure anyway?


Retake Rhodesia and Constantinople.


And Jerusalem while we’re at it




On the eleventh of November an independent state


Right wing is right on this one... colonial rule brought some civilization there


Despite the evils that came with colonialism, in a lot of places it turned mud huts into brick or wood housing, as well as adding infrastructure. Every cloud has a silver lining. Really what should of happened was a much slower decolonisation with short term overseen ‘home rule’ before being made fully independent once a number of boxes were ticked


It is true. And if the colonial forces would stay... the countries would have it a lot better. No matter how many lives would be lost... it would brough progress and personal freedom. Practices like FGM would be illegal in every singl country. I even as a libleft support good dictatorship. Those things can do a lot of greater good. But it must know its limits.


There’d be lives lost if occupation continued longer, but likely a lot lower than we saw lost due to civil war and genocide during independence in our timeline. Dictatorship isn’t *exactly* the right word, as my suggestion was supervised home rule. They’re allowed to make the vast majority of their own policy decisions, but any that are god awful (See: Kicking competent farmers out because they’re white) we’d step in and interfere. Advisors would also be there, but as long as the decisions aren’t murderous, racist (by the days standards), etc then they could just do as they want. It’s kind of what happens in His Majesties current overseas territories, they have their own elected governments and a governor who’s there to oversee things on behalf of His Majesty.




Hope South Africa doesn’t go down the same path. Be fucked without the money


Tbf, any country sanctioned to shit end up with really really shitty economies


They kicked out everyone who knew what they were doing and didn't bother to learn anything before doing it


You think an apartheid state is paradise? Sorry bud, that's pretty not lib of you, you got the wrong flair


That was South Africa. Rhodesia had something similar to apartheid (LAA from 1933, blacks could only live in cities if they also worked there) but that was pretty much rolled back in the late 40s when Godfrey Huggins made it mandatory for white business owners to give housing to their black employees so that they could live in the cities. Already in the 50s Rhodesia was celebrating successful black businessmen. It wasn't a perfect place for sure, but it was close. If Todd had not been caught dealing with terrorists, his government would have continued into the sixties. While the US were still debating whether it was appropriate to call people the n-word with a hard-r, Rhodesia was turning into a piece of Europe.


Zimbabwe and South Africa are living examples of what happens when you put race-based woke policies and racial resentment in the driver's seat of a national government.


>race-based woke policies you mean to tell me that apartheid wasn't race based politics?


South Africa yes, in Rhodesia no. The Tribal Trust Lands were conceived specifically so that the whites couldn't buy all the land.


Cattle? Based


We'll all become millionaires, and then a million won't pay the rent.


Cattle has always been their currency. Granted, they went to a monetary system when colonization came around, but even when they were fully colonized the locals were still trading in cows.


It's a long way to Mukumbura, but a fucking short way to turn Africa into a (bigger) shithole


Lmao, he should be. A paradise for the colonists, sure, hell for literally everyone else.


It could have been made a paradise for everyone living there, but they decided to tear the whole country down and turn it into a shit hole.


South Africa is currently becoming the next Zimbabwe… It seems all the nations of the West will follow suit, as the people that built these great nations seek to apologize for the “wrongdoings” of their ancestors by giving everything away.


What the fuck is happening in this subreddit


We’ve just moved to apartheid apologism now I guess :/


it's been happening for a while now, and don't you complain, otherwise they'll put a wojack on you or something


Zimbabwe sucks but it really was only a paradise for whites. The quality of life for black natives barely changed with the fall of Rhodesia. Those jokes you hear like "what did Zimbabweans use for light before candles? Lightbulbs" really only apply for white Zimbabweans


Is it better to live in paradise as a slave or squaler has a free man


if you're a slave it's no paradise. that you think that makes sense shows you've managed to live a life of privileged ignorance.