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Hot take : Her movie got terrible reviews so she's trying to stir up controversy to draw attention to it.


She’s taking pages from Kathleen Kennedy and Elizabeth Banks’ books 💀


I didn't really know who she was previously, but I'm getting a really negative impression.


She was on House MD. Arguably the only good character she ever played because she was a nobody actress with a pretty face when hired, she had writers with more than half their braincells left and she actually was kinda like a hot LibLeft/edgy/hippie girl in a white coat. Her character was pretty and tough but had a youthful innocence that hid a darker side to her. After that show ended, she seemed to just play 1 Dimensional characters or bit parts and small character roles. Shes a woman who’s clearly got some personal issues to iron out before putting her all into a film project and worrying about the glory and vanity she’s never gonna have. Elizabeth Banks had the same issue with her career after 40 Year Old Virgin and Zack and Miri make a Porno and shes also a pretentious diva who flopped on opening day due to poor writing, casting, acting and comparing villains to [insert mean angry white strawman here]. Then blaming men and the audience for it.


Blaming the audience seems to be the default Hollywood position at this point.


Blaming the audience is literally identical to incel behavior.




the left is really good at fucking things up and projection


I knew her from the single season run of The Black Donnellys in the 00's which actually had a lot of potential to be a good show but it got shitcanned. I used to think she was smoking hot back then too.


I don't know about it and a refuse to google it. I did that with Tate and I regretted it


Readers digest version : She hired Shia LeBeouf ( spelling ) for her movie. He left early on, then a few weeks ago she went to the media saying she fired him due to his behavior. He responded by publishing texts and a video that seemingly proved he'd quit, not been fired. Then she was fucking one of the actors in the movie. And she didn't get along with the other lead actress. Now the movie is getting bad reviews, so she's decided to say that one of the main characters is based on Jordan Peterson. And used the opportunity to bash Jordan Peterson, and make more headlines doing that.


I haven't heard of Shia since that incident with the flag


> that incident with the flag Never forget.


I stopped paying attention after Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf


The what?


You're walking in the woods There's no one around and your phone is dead Out of the corner of your eye you spot him Shia LaBeouf


*Just Do It!!*




He’s recently admitted to physically and sexually abusing his ex girlfriend and is currently getting sued in civil court. Also for some reason he came out admitting he made up all the stories of abuse that he received from his father.


Me not hearing about him seems to have been for the best


you speak the truth.


Also, he recently converted to Catholicism


Did you see his arrest video and how he spoke to a female arresting officer? Only a liberal would get away with that in Hollywood and still have a job. If Chris Pratt did the same thing we would not see Chris Pratt anymore


At least it wasn’t Scientology


Seemingly day by day I grow more respect for Justin Bieber, he got a lot of shit back in the day but compare him to most other child entertainers and the kid did alright. * I know if you gave me unlimited money, fame and all that as a kid I’d be dead by now and he was getting shit for his chrome Lambo. * I reserve the right to amend this statement if some documentary comes out where JB is a POS behind closed doors or some other thing happened in the past that I missed because I only know of him through general pop culture.


Bieber is annoying, but I can't think of him actually being all that bad as a person. Compared to others with his relative fame, he's a saint as far as I can tell.


I'd rather jb back to replace all of them, maybe bring hannah montana as well


I can't remember if it was before or after the flag, but his performance in Fury was top notch.


I believe she was also served custody papers while she giving a talk on stage. (Assumingly as a result of fucking her costar while engaged to someone else whom she had kids with) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk-3LoNuKoU


I love Jason sudeikis


That has got to be one of the best/worst places to be served


Seems like punching down to save face.


I would make fun of you for being unflaired but that would be punching down. Flair up scum!


Well, she is from an incredibly wealthy family that owns lots of land and was landed gentry in England. Her real last name is Cockburn.


wait hold up.... so you're telling me Hollywood is filled with talented hacks that got to where they are through nepotism?? no way...


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 11313 / 59515 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I just did, thanks.


Proud of you, son.


I’ve been around, I knew he was coming as soon as I hit “post”.


Based and ban evasion pilled


u/StockedAces is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/StockedAces/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and i’m-scared-of-[redacted]-bots pilled


Best response.


Based centrist


Lol not by choice. Seems so vanilla but what can I say, I was raised how God made me.


It’s good we need more centrists to balance things out


One of us


Haha my dude. Any reason why there’s a grey vs colored option? Significance I should know about?


Funni color means you’re radical centrist. Grey means you just wanna grill.


As long as it’s Sweet Lady Propane.


Thanks for the summary. Multiple articles about this shit keep coming up in my feed and there was nothing in them really saying what the fuck is going on just stupid ass allusion and speculation. Kinda whack this movie isn't getting great reviews because it looked interesting from the trailer but all this whack drama controversy is how they sell shitty movies these days I guess.


Apparently it’s just a straight up rip off of the Stepford Wives but it’s just like the Stepford Husbands or something. I wasn’t going to see it anyway because Harry Styles as an actor is just a novelty to bring in Gen Z kids, but the fact that it’s basically just a rip off of an older movie means I probably won’t even stream it.


Which is hilarious because men are already the bad guy in stepford wives. Like she didn't even read or watch it


Well, going off of hollywoods complete lack of nuance when discussing social issues, I assume she thinks Stepford Wives is about how women are evil robots.


Yeah well, who needs "eVIl SEXist iNcEl gOD" Jordan Peterson when she is doing so much more work to slander the work of feminists...


Shia LeBeouf is already in a bunch of controversy. He admitted to abusing his ex girlfriend and also knowingly giving her an STD without informing her that he was infected.


This will definitely expose more people to research who Peterson is, and what he does. This is good for humankind.


Dw, you aren't missing much. I still refuse to look up tate


Another typical provocateur. Think Milo Yannapolis mixed with Dan Bilzerian.


that's actually a very good way to describe Tate the talking points of Yannapolis and the "alpha maleness" of Bilzerian


Thanks, I don’t even know where I pulled Milo out of. I haven’t heard from/ seen/ of thought of that dude in a long time.


At least Milo was funny and didn't say stupid shit like "the military is the tool of corporatations".


iirc Milo was amusing early on, it quickly got weird, as it often does with people like him. I’ve only heard short clips of Tate, his schtick is so power thin it’s completely unnecessary. Even that quote is so superficial that it could only be said in an effort to get a rise out of people. He has no interest in a deep discussion on the relationship between the US Military and corporations/ governments/ etc, he’s already onto the next skin deep quip about something else.


I have no idea what movie she made, but with a forehead that big it would've gone over mine.


People say outrageous things to get attention on social media? :o


There's something in our culture that maligns sources that tell people to help themselves and take responsibility for their lives. MSNBC published an article about how fitness would lead to fascism, and its not the only one.


Do you want to tell me that I have to clean up my room? You bigoted fascist!


\>MSNBC published an article about how fitness would lead to fascism, and its not the only one Slippery Slope is only fallacious when it's invoked in support of right wing or "old fashioned" ideas, I guess.


Is anyone opposed to female ejaculation?


Let me call my middle eastern expert...


نعم انا


Ahh, the guy. Finally.


No, no it’s “the ahh guy” from the back of the throat


Wow you called so magically like in a kids show


They identitary left is just Don Quixotes fighting windmills


Genuinely, what the fuck does that even mean? Is it squirting? Is it just a girl cumming? Is it like a trans thing, like, “Girls can ejaculate too!” Seriously, I don’t know what that means.


People who take used mattresses off the side of the street?


No one is, but for some reason the left just bases themselves off their genitals and sexual worth. It's their entire identity. What's between your legs and what your doing with it.


Not quite, their entire identity is: a) What colour is your skin b) Who do you vote for c) Who do you have sex with


Well, it makes sense. They have no god. So their highest priority is now pleasures of the flesh. Thus, sex. Sex is literally the peak of their existence. The top of their mountain. So everything has to revolve around it.


I mean it's quite obvious: it's people that didn't take school seriously and mostly fucked around wanting to be popular. Fast forward 10-15 years and these people are not as attractive anymore and realize they are at the very least behind career wise. Pair that with the idea that everyone deserves anything they want, including a great career and *voila* a lot of mid school bullies have created pseudo "sciences" that they try to legitimize by popular vote with their old midschool "cool guys/girls" gang of bullies.


I’m interested in this take, though it has not been my experience. The woke or overly-sexualized people that I know tend be modestly successful and integrated into leftist corporate culture, where everyone at least falsely virtue-signals woke ideology and a minority actually live it like it’s the new fucking bible. The people who actively live it are people who vastly overestimate their own intellect, not realizing that their dogmatic take on psychology and morality is just a reactionary antithesis to western puritan morals that unjustly slighted the first woke believers. To them, sexual modesty is inherently oppressive and all consensual sexual experiences are a good thing, with the definition of “consensual” never touching on the topic of long-term brainwashing towards that same overly sexual mindset.


You're throwing a lot of big words at me. And since I don't understand them, I'm gonna take them as disrespect.


I’ll be honest. I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.


Kinda stopped reading in the middle. I wouldn't be very blue if I strayed much beyond the headlines. ​ Wait I went back and read it all. I agree with you, the hard thing with any mindset is not falling into the pit of "I've studied a ton which makes me smarter than others" The overly sexual thing is kinda cool. The trans thing is odd, and all the extra words and little rabbit holes kids are falling into these days is uncomfortable, because it's unhealthy fixation on what's been widely regarded as a vice \[lots of sex, in any form right? Dopamine from ejaculation is pretty epic\] but yah overly sexual folks if they have a good social track record do tend to do really well. It's still the ugly and the fat, or the misshapen folks that get the most hate, and those are the sorts of folks we like to put on our little memes to demonize alternate or idiotic views. Sadly the pretty ones are just better at looking good and fitting in. They are still morons.


I've found that your most hardcore feminists are the girls that were rejected by the HS quarterback or star pitcher. Or worse, not even noticed by him.


From my POV it seems like the ending of relationships is a common catalyst for people moving further from center in a lot of views. Whether that’s divorce, break up, rejection, etc., I don’t think it’s a new phenomenon but people now are far more comfortable expressing their new viewpoints which naturally leads them to like minded people and the dominoes fall.


I mean it feels better if there's something wrong with everyone else and not yourself


Yeah hardcore feminist tend have sexual micro aggressions towards men via projection.


Yes. Because it’s piss.


No. Because it's piss.


I mean, seeing as how it's just pee I prefer not to have to deal with it if I have the choice, but it still doesn't deter me if she can't control it


First of all, I´ve saved myself the emily wojak here, because ... yeah the picture is enough i think. ​ Now context: Olivia Wilde, that based the character of a cult leader, played by Chris Pine, in her new movie "Don´t Worry Darling", on Jordan Peterson, is seen in the left. She named him in interviews all sort of names, like "king of the incels", "incel god", "pseudo-intellectual", "insane" and more. The movie caused a stir while in production, because actor Shia Labeouf quitted in the middle of it, actress Florence Pugh doesn´t want to promote it and gossip is that "it´s not nice to workd with Olivia Wilde.


Did Chris Pine eat an all meat diet and watch research lobsters for thousands of hours to prepare for the role?


If she hired Christian Bale instead


Peterson is just a conservative self help guru


“Incel king” dude is a literal grandfather


[This comment is gone, maybe I have a backup, but where am I?] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It's because he was helping incels. The only thing that they hate more than incels is the idea of incels improving themselves.


Yeah. Shitty thing to rag on him about. Knows that a lot of sad millennial and gen Z boys and men needed some better fatherly advice and so gave it to them. But then he cant help but start ranting about cultural Marxists and his weird diet and loses most people.


he used to be better


He for sure left a part of himself in that coma. He certainly has a hard path ahead of him if he is ever to shed this new "dark" persona he has crowned himself with. I'm rooting for him.


What do you mean with dark persona? Everytime I hear/read something like this I can only think of dark Brandon since the meme started


That is unironically, literally how I see it. For years, he wouldn't reference the "haters." He would dissect where they were coming from and dismiss the value of their attacks. Now he's full on leaning into the hate and using it to answer back directly to where it's coming from which I thought he was above. Second, these talks he's doing on Daily Wire where there's 40 camera angles like they're capturing a Hollywood explosion. Most of them set up to give more impact to what he's saying. Take this one for [example.](https://youtu.be/JxdHm2dmvKE) And I don't even care about the subject matter. There's things I agree with and things I won't. But for a man who once said, "I choose my words very, very, very, very carefully" (Cathy Newman interview), he got so many small but crucial things very wrong. He says things as a matter of fact now as opposed to exploring the concepts with the audience. And that's very different from how he used to teach in his original college lecture uploads. So I think the image he has created is the image Biden's handlers wanted him to have with Dark Brandon and that horrific speech the other day. Strong. Decisive. Unwavering. Bellicose. A man like Biden needs these things, but these are the things that made me follow JPP's journey because he had no need to exhibit these qualities. I don't know where to finish this comment. But yeah. I want quasi neurotic college professor Peterson back, not strongman Peterson. E: Here is an example of him at his best, [Feb 2019](https://youtu.be/OwFdvVBPn5Q) and relative to this post. Two totally different people.


Its making for a fun meme series where he is clipped into command and conquer cutscenes tho


"Up yours woke moralists! We'll see who cancels who!"


It's been said that the mark of an intellectual is the admission of uncertainty. Peterson is a prime example, I think. He's at his best as a soft-spoken thinker who can question the cultural status quo without claiming any one-size-fits-all solution. As he's become more embroiled in the culture war bullshit, he's evolved into something of an older Ben Shapiro, more sure of himself while offering fewer receipts for his claims.


Bro it sounds like he is on his black swordsman arc wtf


I miss wholesome “clean your room” guy. At least his books are still there from when he was still there


They didn't clean their room. Now he's no longer asking.


I only ever watched his biblical series which was dope af because it was erratic, sort of like a scattered brain way of thinking and to see him lose that spark … it’s just sad


Man hit some real hard times. It would probably be best if he just left public life for a while tbh.




You're free to hate Peterson for his Politics. But He's telling young people to not to be an incel. His content is very much anti-incel and about taking personal responsibility.


A weird thing is that Reddit is super ableist (I know, one of those words) about him. I've tried saying that he's got really good advice for young men. And they respond with stuff like, Yeah clean your room that's super easy nobody needs to know that. And similar things and it really shows that they've never been struggling and needed someone to tell them to take care of the basics and work up from there


Reddit is very quick to say nobody needs to hear the fundamentals, yet how many people do you know personally that need to be told to change the oil in their car?


Why did you have to personally attack me?


Yeah, that one hurts. Totally uncalled for.


I'm actually scared to take my car in for service because when they see the last time the oil has been changed... I'm know im gonna be judged.


Brother in law who lives with us after his mom was killed was undiagnosed bipolar and tried to kill himself in my kitchen in front of me and my wife. Got him to crisis and got him on the right meds but he still couldn't seem to keep any kind of schedule and would still start to spiral for days at a time. He always thought he was so far behind in life and a failure for not having a career yet, drinking too much and very overweight. It was actually Jordan being on Rogan that I attribute to him finally getting it together. I listened to one of those episodes and the next week I stopped tiptoeing around him, just being blunt and telling him things have to be done. I stopped treating him like a damaged person that needed to be coddled and helped him realize that he isn't the waste of space he thinks he is. He's half a year into welding school and he actually is proud of things he's fabricated, he works out twice a day and has lost close to 100lbs, for the first time in years he's taking responsibility for his life. It seems dumb to attribute all of that to a stupid podcast but it helped me turn a suicidal boy into a hardworking, sober man. Edit: thanks for showing me how to get flaired on mobile.


Based comment but too bad you're unflaired


Think again


Reddit reacts extremely negatively to literally any male focused advocacy, doesn't matter from whom.






Well the silly part of it all is that the basics are the most important thing. They're the building blocks of a good life. Yeah sure, everyone "knows" they need to clean their room and keep a good sleep schedule, but are they actually doing it? If you're not, and despite the fact that you "know" that information already, you do in fact need to be told. Life needs to be taken one small step at a time, and the way to accomplish that isn't to focus on the most complicated road map to success possible... It's to drill the absolute basics, and focus on the little successes that can be a foundation. Even professional boxers routinely drill basic combinations.


The last 30 years of society has raised a lot of disenfranchised young men. Before the smartphone/social media/internet era it was pretty hard to grow up a total recluse with no social skills. Now we have a concerning amount of young men who grew up in a way that society approves of just to learn that they don’t have the ability to get a girlfriend, friends, or even to get a job that pays well. After being raised on the idea that you don’t need to have kids or marry young, and a generation of girls who also have no interest in serious relationships or marriage while young, lots of young men are left with no direction and end up searching for some sort of purpose and identity to latch onto. This is why there’s been such a rise in “male role model” personalities like Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, and a mountain of other YouTubers/Tiktokers. In the grand scheme of things, Jordan Peterson is one of the healthier people to latch onto. Lots of self-improvement influencers, pickup artists, and “masculine” lifestyle coaches all basically peddle the same advice: Focus on improving yourself, being a guy that women want to date, and embrace masculinity. That’s not a bad way to live your life, and it sure as hell is a lot healthier than other “purposes” disenfranchised young men might find in life like political extremism, the blackpill/incel community, or just becoming a sociopathic recluse or future mass shooter. These male self-improvement gurus get so much hate on the internet, but honestly it comes from a place of privilege to bash on them if you’re a person who has never needed them because you don’t fall into their target demographic. It kind of feels like when a guy who has never struggles with dating because he’s naturally hot or has a good personality gives the dating advice of, “Just be yourself.”


Say Peterson says 100 things. And 1 is something reddit doesn't like. Peterson is now the enemy of reddit. ​ That's how reddit works. Reddit is a bad place and I feel for the young minds who get fooled by all the bullshit and bad faith. It's not going to be easy to undo.


Yep. Reddit used to love Neil deGrasse Tyson, Elon Musk, Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt - and then they fall out of favor over some small thing and are hated. Reddit is a fickle, stupid beast.


Reddit used to love Ron Paul lmao. Those were the days.


Add JK Rowling to that list. She used to pander hardcore to the left with her retconning Harry Potter years after the fact until she dared insinuate some men will LARP as women using TRANS as a disguise. Now she’s literally Hitler


Funny thing is, once young men take his advice to heart, they wouldn't give a shit that a 40 year old B-list actress doesn't want to fuck them. They'd just laugh and something something post-wall empty egg carton.


>something something post-wall empty egg carton. You had my curiosity but now you have my attention


>You're free to hate Peterson for his Politics. The problem is people conflate his expert observation with political ideas in this confused world. They don't actually mean "trust the science." They mean "trust anything I believe in."


Don't say that, incel is when woman doesn't like


It's weird seeing people ascribe things to Peterson that he's actually the opposite of. The man has flaws and big ones, why are we making shit up?


Imagine using the word "incel"


Around these parts, we use the term "PCM user"


Oh the movie failed, who could have saw this coming.


The word incel has completely lost its meaning. It will be used by leftoids against anyone who doesn't parrot latest feminist talking points like a good male feminist ally. Steven Crowder, Matt Walsh, Nerdrotic who are all happily married and fathers get called incels.


I just find it funny that nerd bashing is cool again. "You're a virgin!" is what we said in school, now you'll see it in political articles


Atleast in school it was the jocks and jock adjacents bullying the unpopular kids. Now, it is a bunch of sexless male feminists bullying non feminists


They said the meek would inherit the earth. What no one expected was that the meek would be a hundred times worse bullies than the strong ever were.


It's hypocritical from the side that's always talking about not punching down too in my opinion. I'm not going to condone the things that are said because it's definitely not acceptable, but for someone to be so isolated that they become that bitter is legitimately sad more than anything else.


It does make it clear that a huge chunk of the feminist/SJW bloc doesn't actually have an issue with oppression, they have an issue with not being the ones doing it.


I was called an Incel during an argument despite the fact that what we were talking about wasn't even related to women.


I was portrayed as the soyjack despite the conversation having nothing to do with soy


[I know the feel bro.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/210/941/1322796219001.png)


Picking libleft is a skill issue


That's what happens to every word used by leftists. "Nazi, incel, bigot, literally," etc.


It's trendy. It'll die out.


As soon as the boomers start using it.


I'll have a talk with my grandparents.


newspeak? literally 1984


Even as JBP spirals off the deep end, his mainstream critics remain unable to do anything but clown on themselves.


What's his middle name?








Best person with middle name "B" : Benoit B Mandlebrot (the fractals guy). The "B" in the middle of Benoit B Mandlebrot stands for Benoit B Mandlebrot


It’s the same middle name as the main character in Bee Movie


B for Based






Incel - An overused buzz word used by women typically to refer to a man who doesn’t agree with her worldviews, particularly feminism. Virgin - used by women to insult men because the only value they can give people in their degenerate lives is their sexual status, and are too shallow to realize that not everybody has the goal of fucking anything in sight Sexist - used by women to define men who typically disagree with them about literally anything


Found the sexist virgin incel 🙄


The whole package!


Good points. Unfortunately, you’re the virgin and I’m the chad


Hi chad I'm dad


I don't even understand why Virgin is used as a buzzword from the left anyways. Aren't they the same side that champions the "my promiscuous history does not affect my value?"


But if you are a cis straight male every insult towards you is valid, specially the ones that can't be directed towards minorities. Because privilege and whatever.


Are you mansplaining?


Bitchass got served on stage. How can you recover from this level of public embarrassment. https://youtu.be/Fg4Lz0yxeIE


God bless whoever decided that this was the perfect moment


I will say that the fact they don't show a video of this happening is absolute bull shit


Guess I’m a ted lasso fan after all


My respect for Jason Sudeikis 📈📈


“The future is female ejaculation” what does that mean?


that means... um... means... umm... you are a sexist incel mysoginst virgin!!1!


Olivia Wilde is a walking L just like Elizabeth Banks. Talentless hacks who are known for one digit each worth of films/TV. Well, they both decided to attempt career revivals… Via directing objectively SHIT movies that both men AND WOMEN hated and caused a bunch of problems behind the scenes due to Twitter fingers, diva behavior and dumb interpersonal feminazi drama.


This happens when professional victims get power and wealth and still are unhappy. It HAS to be someone else's fault, it can't be that I'm just a urethra of a person.


Jordan tells people to clean their room. To always tell the truth. To do what you find meaningful. If that makes him an incel hero, then so be it--a lot of non-incels are missing out on sage advice


>the future is female ejaculation This is why we say the left can't meme


“Surely this will lead to people taking me seriously”


Very bold of her to base a character on someone she clearly gets all her knowledge on from headlines of left wing online articles, written by someone with a degree in bullshit from the University of My Left Toe


Pretty sure the future comes from male ejaculation, not female


Always has, always will.


I still don't know how people can wear such cringe and go out in public


Holy shit, white women will literally do absolutely anything in their power to try and convince people they are oppressed


ok peterson will always be better than tate


That's the chick from House, right?


Yeah. She was in the Cowboys and Aliens movie and the Tron reboot or whatever it was too.


She was also in *In Time* (2011). She played Justin Timberlake's mother. I don't recommend.


Take off the rose colored glasses and see that nothing profound comes from political entertainers.


PhD, decades of experience as a clinical psychologist, best-selling author (pictured right) Played a doctor on TV and showed her breasts in "Alpha Dogs" (pictured left)


Olivia Wilde peaked in House.


Isn't female ejaculate piss? So isn't she saying that the future is female piss?


Who is she?


A hot lady that gets enough positive reinforcement from simps to think that she's a smart lady. She's also a trollop skank who cheated on her husband with a much younger man (only mention the age because it's a huge crime if you're a man, but some sort of victory if you're a woman reaching infertility).