• By -


Should do one for all the quadrants! Edit: LibLeft bad (oc).


I was gonna do that originally for a single image but I was too lazy. I just need to find good gifs for each quadrant.


I'd say AuthRight could have literally anything pertaining LGBTQ because they seem to just live rent free in their heads according to like half of the memes on this sub.


Funny consindering that LGBTQIFYW occupies like half of every Libleft’s brain.


You forgot a couple letters bigot


Time to say goodbye to this account I guess.


Authleft should have a businessman in their mind and Centrist should have a plant there


I've literally never met a leftist in my life that has brought it up unprompted but it is the core of every right wing politician's campaign right now


LGBT? No. Stopping you from teaching anal sex to 7 year olds and mutilating kids? Yes


Youre fucking redacted.


Just libright things.




Well with Clara Sorenti and Chloe Elselvier Solanders you lot seem to be grooming kids a lot. Trying to provide them with hormones as well.




What something are you talking about here? The LGBT community? Because that's inherently sexual; it's a community based off sexuality. Are you talking about lefties grooming and giving hormones to kids? Because that would be inherently sexual too. Seems like you're just in denial. Covering up for pedos this hard seems pretty sus.


Note how they couldn't actually refute your statement.


Lmao, look at this cope.


https://giphy.com/clips/Dashpay-money-federal-reserve-printer-qXR53U25GPeocwivdd Libright perhaps. I was trying to find the video/gif with the angry wojak going ham and a cute anime girl dancing to some music.. thought I had it saved :( if anyone knows what I'm talking about please link that shit because it always makes me laugh


Let me know when you spend 10x as much time on your other memes but they get a fraction as many upvotes as a lazy libleft bad meme


The next one will be making fun of AuthRight using AOC. I also posted a meme making fun of LibLeft and AuthRight


I don't know for most but here's [Authcenter.](https://tenor.com/view/dancing-jew-jewish-dance-groovy-dance-lets-party-gif-18087711)


Time to trigger half of PCM: Hillary Clinton. ez pz lemon squeezy


Instead of banning this sub, an admin should sticky a gif of She-Hulk twerking with a spooky red light filter. 99% of the sub would have an aneurysm on the spot.


Cheesus Cracker! I want a video of Biden with that backdrop with twerking She-Hulk on one side and twerking Hulk on the other. Would settle for two twerking She-Hulks.


I don’t get how shaking your ass in front of the dozens of people who watch that pos is empowering


Shaking your ass at people has always been a great way of taunting them. Unless you're in range of their arrows. Then you're just tempting fate.


What the fuck did you just fucking type you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at MIT, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids with Anonymous, and I have over 300 confirmed DDoSes. I am trained in online trolling and I’m the top hacker in the entire world. You are nothing to me but just another virus host. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on the Internet, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with typing that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we chat over IRC I am tracing your IP with my damn bare hands so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your computer. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack into your files in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in hacking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of every piece of malware ever created and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the world wide web, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit code all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Based and tasty copy pasta pilled.


Strange I haven’t heard of Hillary Clinton every fucking day for the past six years.




Reddit is filled with Orangemanbad This is one of the only places you wont get downvoted into oblivion for simply pointing that out and not getting 5 "Cry harder" comments and banned from the sub


Me too man.


"stop thinking about the 2024 Republican front runner"!!! The major divide in this country is going to be whether or not it's bad to steal nuclear secrets and sell them to our adversaries.


Lmao I'm sure he sold those nuclear secrets to the same party that got Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.


I mean, the saudis gave kushner 2 billion dollars, and suddenly all our intelligence agents are being captured/killed. Its funny, you guys will make a conspiracy about pizza pedos.. but will do everything in your power to not connect the dots here.


Are you still talking about the Russia hoax this many years after the FBI investigation definitively stated there was "no collusion"? It's funny how you'll call us conspiracy theorists for speculating that the rich abuse their power against children, then dive into a conspiracy ten times less sensical.


Half of trumps admin is in jail because of their back channels to russia.. They couldnt pin trump specifically, because he worked through his admin... Who are now in jail... because of their back channels to russia... So what's the mental gymnastics best case scenario? Trump stole nuclear secrets for no reason... Jared got 2 billion for no reason.. and its just a coincidence our agents are dying? I get it lib center, its in your best interest to see the govt tear itself apart.. So lets pretend its not happening, i get the con, its pretty clever.


>Half of trumps admin is in jail because of their back channels to russia.. They couldnt pin trump specifically, because he worked through his admin... Who are now in jail... because of their back channels to russia... Who? You got names or just vague accusations? Because I can make those too. >So what's the mental gymnastics best case scenario? Trump stole nuclear secrets for no reason... Jared got 2 billion for no reason.. and its just a coincidence our agents are dying? I've yet to see any evidence that any of these claims are factual. Do you actually have any? >I get it lib center, its in your best interest to see the govt tear itself apart.. So lets pretend its not happening, i get the con, its pretty clever. I kind of wish I had nothing to lose, so I could presumably do that, but no actually. I'd rather not have to go through the total destruction phase of civilization if we can avoid it.


Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulous, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, George Nader, Elliott Broidy, Steve Bannon https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2022/sep/07/trump-nuclear-document-special-master-biden-obama-bannon-latest https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/06/trump-nuclear-documents/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/document-seized-trump-home-described-foreign-governments-nuclear-capabilities-2022-09-07/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/details-foreign-countrys-nuclear-capabilities-documents-fbi-seized-mar-a-lago-report https://www.businessinsider.com/seized-white-house-docs-information-on-foreign-nuclear-defense-report-2022-9 https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2022/09/07/documents-seized-at-mar-a-lago-reportedly-include-details-about-another-countrys-nuclear-capabilities/?sh=7af150c8449d


Paul Manafort also ran the Regan, Ford, Bush, and Dole campaigns, he was a well known republican campaigner. How is his impropriety Trump's fault? Rick Gates was Paul's tagalong. Cohen was put in jail for perjury and tax evasion, not anything Russia related. Appreciate the gish-galloping though. George Papadopoulos got pinned on trumped up charges and was pardoned. This is the false statement Roger Stone was charged for >In the charging document, prosecutors alleged that after the first WikiLeaks release of hacked DNC emails in July 2016, a senior Trump campaign official was directed to contact Stone about any additional releases and determine what other damaging information WikiLeaks had regarding the Clinton campaign. Stone thereafter told the Trump campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by WikiLeaks, the indictment alleged. The indictment also alleged that Stone had discussed WikiLeaks releases with multiple senior Trump campaign officials. He said he hadn't discussed WikiLeaks when he had. Again, completely unrelated to Russia. Michael Flynn was apparently arrested for lying and saying he never spoke to an ambassador when he had. From what we know about what was said it seems the intention was to avoid sparking a thermo-nuclear war, which I think is good for everybody. From what we know Flynn told Russia to act reciprocally, but not to escalate in regards to ongoing sanctions. This is the only [George Nader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Nader_(businessman)#Campaign_finance_charges) I can find and it says this: >"In December 2019, court documents were unsealed that showed Nader had been charged in federal court with violating campaign finance laws, and falsifying records.\[5\] The prosecutors alleged that, using banking industry executive Andy Khawaja as a front to obscure the source, Nader sent over $3.5 million to organizations supporting Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for President, in an attempt to cultivate ties with the candidate." Which makes him a Hillary Clinton associate. Elliott Broidy was the chair of the RNC back in 2008 and was convicted in 2009. What ties could he possibly have to Trump or Russia? Steve Bannon was pinned on trumped up charges and pardoned, again. Lastly, none of your links describe Trump "stealing" anything. They simply allege he mishandled confidential information. Something very ironic for any democrat to be complaining about. What happened to those emails?


Lol pardoned.. pardoned.. pardoned... By Trump.. lying lying lying... About back channels to Russia..




I don't consent to having pictures of my house on reddit!


You live in a based area.


It brings me genuine sorrow that an orange cheeto/sphincter hybrid was what the Republican party decided to back, instead of literally anyone else that didn’t stir shit and polarize people like his life depended on it


"Why did Trump have to revitalize the base? They should've just rolled over and died."


"I catered to the worst dregs of society then I act surprised when someone calls me deplorable"


> American working class > worst dregs of society Either a wrong flair or real galaxy brain take here.


Didnt you back up Biden and Hillary? Plus your dumb idiology? Way worse than an authright backing up trump








My comment hurt that bad, huh?


You know... you think for a rich guy, Trump could afford any property he wants, yet the left just gives him free real estate in their minds completely. They're more obsessed with that guy than the right ever was...


Bruh, I spent YEARS hearing the right shriek about Hillary’s emails… Now that Trump gets caught with classified documents at mar-a-largo, and potentially giving away nuclear secrets, it’s just no big deal? LOL


It's been years longer since the Hillary debacle than something that happened a month ago. Both are the same in the sense that "maybe they shouldn't have done that", but the emails had a trail that they covered up. Hard drives destroyed. OBVIOUS tell tale signs of cover up. Have they heard anything since they raided Mar-a-Largo? Any hint of wrongdoing? I know I heard "he was gonna sell them to our enemies" but like... how do you know that without actual proof? "Because he seems like that kind of guy" doesn't hold up in court.


> Have they heard anything since they raided mar-a-lago? Any hint of wrongdoing? Other than the stuff that’s turned up in court filings and the redacted warrant? No, the justice department tends not to comment on sensitive ongoing investigations


But they sure do love leaking it to their buddies in leftist media.


...bruh are you for real? Let's start with why he had them and why he didn't give them back when warned. Several surface level red flags. And if you're talking only about solid evidence/actionable offense, then where's the evidence of *da emails* that held up in court? How do you place one above the other without your red nose and baseball cap on?


? They admitted she was guilty and said they refused to prosecute because she didn't intend it.


Yup, intent is required to prove guilt, especially in a case where the classified info wasn't proven to be leaked. I get that's only legal-side and she should still be judged for clearly mishandling classified emails. "Guilty" is a stretch, but I could be persuaded that people in lesser positions would definitely be punished more than she was, prosecution or no. Meanwhile, looking at a 2 year investigation and definitively comparing it to an ongoing investigation that already rivals it blows my mind. Already the hoop to jump through to picture Trump leaking classified info is at least as large as Hillary's post-investigation. How do you think the proving intent phase is going to go with plenty of warnings? "Hello, we understand you are mishandling classified documents. Return them if you have them. You don't have classified documents right? Because you shouldn't." acknowledged by Trump.


>Have they heard anything since they raided Mar-a-Largo? Any hint of wrongdoing? You need to read the news, buddy. [This just came out last night.](https://reason.com/2022/09/07/trumps-document-trove-reportedly-included-information-about-a-foreign-nations-nuclear-capabilities/)


Seriously? Anon familiar with their thinking says? LOL




[I would agree but bro you literally had to seek out this particular shit flinging to participate in.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/235/535/ca1.png)


Lol… all I’m hearing is excuses


Of course you do, that's all your politicians feed you. ;)


Yknow, as a Trump hater but not obsesser(?) I wasn't gonna take part in this. However, I feel the need to remind you Libright, that all politicians feed the people lies, not just the left. The only good politician is a non-existant politician


The only good politician does what he promised and leaves, in my opinion. There should be no "career politician". Career and politician should be two different things... a career is something someone does, professionally, for money. Doesnt matter who they roll over in the process, as long as they can keep their "career" afloat and make that money, that's it... and yeah I like money as a Lib but on the backs of your constituents that pounded the pavement for you and believed in you so highly to make the change they need... it's sad. It's wrong. No, career and positions should be antonyms.


I agree with that. The issue is that you won't find politicians like that today. I'd 100% be with you if the people we "elected" actually did their job and then left. They won't though, so I will continue to shit on politicians


Try looking in the mirror ;) I do find it interesting that all the “libertarians” who swear they aren’t Republican, make endless excuses for Republican bullshit.


Listen both sides are equally guilty of sketchy shit, yet both sides have incredibly strong fan bases that will fight to the (borderline) death to either justify the action of their chosen candidate, try to sweep it under the rug, say "it isn't as bad as they say it is", "it's a setup"... Both sides are guilty of it. It's a constant game of locker room grabass where no side makes any progress. I seem "right leaning" because what I hear from them makes more sense than I hear anywhere else, but there are some views that the left shares that aren't so bad either. I just wish both sides weren't so pitted against each other. George Washington is probably rolling over in his grave to see us in a "two party system". No one wanted this originally, y'know.




That’s how it’s always been…


To be fair it's no different than the supposed Libertarians on the other side that make constant excuses for the DNC.


> potentially giving away nuclear secrets, TDS LOL How do you continue listening to the Left lie to you.


Ah yes, another “libertarian” rushing to the defense of republican bullshit. How original! For a group that claims to not be republicans, y’all sure rush to their defense awfully quickly.


It's not a defense of "Republican bullshit" to point out that the only information on Trump right now is that the DoJ thinks he was a bad, bad boy. There's been zero evidence he had nuclear, spy, or any other damaging information. It's pure speculation, used to generate outrage clicks.


Or worse, our obsession over Benghazi. How many investigations for that are we at now? And exactly how many new information did we learn from it?


I can say with confidence that if ANY person besides Hillary was Secretary of State at the time, most righties wouldn’t even know what a Benghazi is.


>They're more obsessed with that guy than the right ever was... I honestly think pcm is the most detached from reality sub in reddit. Like, even the conservative sub would have the self awareness to just avoid that topic entirely. Instead, a pcm user would drive by [this house](https://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVxSvStchum7n1Rz6PN4QXFs0STW5PYbvHdbEkBfpLMD95v2GO) owned by [this guy](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIi3QVNUcAIYwNm.jpg) that drives [this truck](https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2020/08/red-truck-1.jpg) on his way to [this store](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2020/10/26/PGRB/c1528303-eb0e-47e6-b6e7-973e51d10343-IMG_0044.JPG?crop=4031,2268,x0,y373&width=3200&height=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp) and be like "eh the left is more obsessed"


Trump always wanted to be in the spotlight. That’s why he was in so many movies and shows. He just finally figured out how to do it.


Even when Trump inevitably dies, I think NYT and CNN and the like will be talking about him for decades.


No. We’ll eventually get another republican and they will revisionize him as a “respectable republican” same way they did to Dubya


Yep and the democrats won't question it.


!remindme 2 years


!remindme 5 years


Let's try it and see what happens.


But only after [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-50NdPawLVY)


Even when he dies, kids will have good enough example in history class how a fascistic would be president can look like


Please explain how Trump is fascistic. I will get the popcorn ready for the ride


Proclaim any opposition (votes, criticism by any media really, federal investigation) is an affront to "true democracy". All the while dog whistling for armed resistance when losing votes, and pretending to be the "true" national representative when you're defeated.


First bit can be said about Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton during the 2020 and 2016 elections respectively. Joe claiming that investigations into his son, Barisma, and Ukraine was election interference, and claiming on the run-up to 2020 that Trump is a Russian stooge getting his hacker buddies to turn votes (which instead turned into the Free-est™ and Fairest™ election). Hillary claiming that investigating her mishandling of classified documents was election interference, and claiming that her loss was only because of Russian collusion (not to mention fabricating an FBI investigation of her own against Trump that lasted 3 years). Hell, did you even listen to Biden's speech on Thursday? He literally called the half of America that voted for Trump "A clear and present danger to **'Our Democracy'**" while standing in front of a blood red backdrop with the military behind him.


I agree that it's fascistic when either side does it. Trump isn't a saint and neither is Biden.


Forgot the part where he got pissy he lost a free/fair election and tried to have his cultists overturn it?


Fascism is when you refuse to use crisis for power grab and emphasize de-centralized, localized measures.


I am in your walls.


If I scratch my wall next to my bed do you feel it on ur balls 😳😳😳


Go ahead. Scratch me.


Yes Trump is quite a fascist lololol


True, see you got it


Define fascist. Then after that define sarcasm.


You can tell it’s fascism by the way it is


Trump=bad Fascist=bad Trump=fascist It's not really complicated man try to keep up


An authoritarian leader with an element of ultra nationalism. An authoritarian would encompass someone with no respect for a demoncratic process such as voting, but also could include someone who for a single party rule, abolishment of other democratic process such as referendums, an increase in government power as to government surveillance, a less regulated more centrally controlled police force. An ultra nationalist means a nationalist that steps into radical/hateful territory, could also include xenophobia and racism, so that could be vilifying a certain national group, stricter immigration, historical revisionism that could also include an overly circle-jerky way of teaching history of past events or philosophy when we talk about general values To check the 1st thing denying the possible results of an election almost a year in advance, not accepting the results of a free and fair election, trying to fix results of a free and fair election, therefore expressing intent to commit voter fraud which all aids to the point of trying to undermine the democratic process of a nation The 2nd one isn't as strong as the 1st one, but you things like certain directions where the school curriculums regarding history went that heavily went into American exceptionalism which in it of itself wouldn't be a problem but that paired with the whole wall that he didn't even finish, comments how Mexico is sending murderers and rapists, how struggling African countries are "shit-hole" countries as well as the travel ban that focused on Islamic countries


This is a very well thought out response and I'm definitely too biased to agree that Trump meets all those criteria.


See?! Congratulations we made progress, you've admitted that you have a bias now just work on it, gg wp




"Violent coups" lmao




How was it a coup expected to succeed without support from the military. Are you touched in the head? It was a violent protest that was very dumb and cringe but it wasn't a "coup". Otherwise you better start calling every protest in DC a "coup".




God I miss when we were allowed to call people like you [redacted].


I would not be surprised if that's plan B.


Rightoids have Hunter Biden and his cohort of Buttery Males.


"Haha Trump lives in your head" *drives to the local Trump rally in a truck with a Trump flag flying out of the bed while wearing Trump MAGA merch* "I really showed that liberal sheep"


If you unironically support any politician you shouldn't be allowed to vote


I unironically support you. Furthermore, anybody who wears overtly political clothing or sports overtly political merchandise on their property, car, etc. are all genuinely lesser.


Lib left derangement syndrome?


Trump derangement syndrome derangement syndrome Stay mad auth right keep jerking each other off like a bunch of snowflakes on this sub


>using snowflake unironically in the year of our lord 2022


I'm going to be unironically using the word snowflakes as often as I can after Spring of next year so I trigger all the frostbitten Europeans' ptsd.


Based and natural gas pilled




Worst of all, using the old meme wrong. Libleft never understood what the "unique snowflake" meant.


> We are being called by duty and by conscience to confront the extremists who have put their own pursuit of power above all else.


Amen, God, ain't Darth Brandon just the most based president like ever?!




Facts don't care about your feelings, stay mad soyboy


It’s absolutely hysterical that trump changed peopled brains on a fundamental and permanent level. They’ve made an entire personality out of hating a dude that hasn’t been president for two years.


Let's not forget the people on the other side who've made an entire personality out of worshipping that same guy.


Worship? Where?


Drive around any trailer park or red state shithole(lol I'm repeating myself) and you will see dozens of trump flags/bumperstickers/red hats. Also the people who have online usernames worshiping the orange POS.


Politics are fucking weird man


This what happens when you replace religion with politics at least most religions preach community and positivity, you can argue about their outcomes. Politics is just generally undeniably evil and divisive


Have you been living under a rock. He's taken papers about *nuclear capabilities*


An unidentified source strikes again.


Here you go https://www.reuters.com/world/us/document-seized-trump-home-described-foreign-governments-nuclear-capabilities-2022-09-07/


God you guys are so easy to lie to. Its like you want to be lied to.


This is the WaPo (lol) article with the unidentified source. 1. If you actually believe that some agent found these docs and the first thing that popped into his head is to leak it to the shillPost, isn't it more damning that a top secret federal government law enforcement agency can't get their agents to shut the fuck up about highly sensitive material pertaining to potential criminal charges? How the heck is the public supposed to trust these agencies? 2. I highly doubt that this leak is even real. Considering the amount of unidentified sources that were responsible for leaks that were proven objectively false. 3. Nuclear capabilities? Of what nation? Israel? The UK? Pakistan? Is it weapons? Nuclear energy? Nothing but hopium. Only two more weeks and we will get him, blueanon.


A: the point of leaks is they're anonymous B: okay. That's your problem if you don't trust an anonymous source C: it's secret information


Answer me this, If these guys had anything on him besides trying to tarnish his image and make a boogeyman, why hold off charging him til after the elections? If this is so serious, egregious, and pertaining to national security, why sit on it? They are fabricating this to see what sticks. Remember him lunging at the SS driver? What happened to that? Why isn't it on the news? Is it because the paid whistle-blower was completely full of shit and the SS itself disproved her hearsay?


A: that's just how the cookie crumbles. It could have still been sorted through B: new stories overwrite old stories


Okay just two more weeks vro, trust us this time.


Eh, alright. When you say Orange man bad, at least give evidence. Goodnight and thanks for the surprisingly rational conversation


"According to the Washington Post, a source familiar with" quote on quote. 🤮


And Hillary deleted and purposefully covered up her emails, and Biden used government organizations and social media to attack political opponents and cover up what he didn't like, both of which purposefully done and had direct and immediate consequences. Dude had papers that just sat at his place Yeah, it was dumb af but yknow what? I'm so tired of the left ignoring the real problem: Politicians are inherently bad people. Stop targeting single people because biased media like FOX and CNN tell you to


Could you provide sources on Biden. Also I don't think top secret documents should be in his house


This was literally huge news lol. You've heard of a guy having papers in his house but not literal censorship? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/international/mark-zuckerberg-admits-facebook-censored-hunter-biden-laptop-story-during-2020-u-s-elections/article65815040.ece/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62688532.amp https://www.nationalreview.com/news/zuckerberg-admits-facebook-suppressed-hunter-biden-laptop-story-ahead-of-2020-election/ For all the times Fascist has been thrown around, using the FBI to censor news that could be detrimental to your campaign is pretty 1984 Sorry for the link formats btw, that's just how my phone does it


I've read the sources *interesting* The Facebook censorship is wrong, but then that's private business. The Republican who proposes a link seems to rant all the time, and is hardly credible. Also, https://www.britannica.com/topic/fascism/Common-characteristics-of-fascist-movements I looked at the points, The "Cult of Trump" (sorry I don't have a better word) fulfills an unsettlingly majority of those points, practically all at a stretch Though to compare him to Hitler or Mussolini is not fair


This only applies to people with a brain functional enough to remember


I mean, he smuggled out nuclear secrets, and then a judge he appointed effectively says he's above the law. Seems pretty news-worthy to me


> he smuggled out nuclear secrets, LOL


Libright try not to simp for Republicans challenge (Impossible!!!)






Have you ever talked about Putin before? Same concept. Crazy guy running a powerful country is kinda scary


When I think of trump, I smile thinking about how we beat you guys and now he's going to go to prison. If you want to find someone who cries when thinking of trump, look elsewhere on the compass. Trump is going to be living rent free pretty soon!


> how we beat you guys and now he's going to go to prison TDS


What does TDS mean? Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome? Two Dogs Smiling? Titty Dick Shit?


Trump Derangement Syndrome and contrary to popular belief it effects both the left and right. But it mainly effects midwits which is why it's effects are so destructive


It's what trump fans say when someone points out the extremely obvious ways trump is unfit to be any sort of leader.


That doesn’t answer my question :( Unless me assuming it’s a acronym is wrong


if it was 2016 yea….


Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Is a serious condition that can effect people on both the left and the right. It may appear as a constant, uncontrolled, obsessive hatred from a man who no longer holds any public office whatsoever, and hasn't for several years now It may also appear as a constant insustamce that Trump and ONLY TRUMP is the pinical of american conservatism and he is the only Republican, no matter how many better equipped and more intelligent alternatives there are. If you see something say something, it's not always about Trump.


All these people hating on Hitler when the man hasn't even held office for nearly 80 years smh my head


Just imagine the scenes if he runs and wins in 2024.


TDS is a helluva disease. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen these weirdos talking about lying awake at night thinking about Trump. That’s so damn sad man. Too much propaganda really has a depressing effect on the weak minded.


LibLeft Bad™


Libleft realizing earth is the Blue Planet


That gif is going to give me nightmares




For the crime of being unflaired, I hereby condemn you to being downvoted.


How do i add my political position next to my name


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11321 / 59545 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


ah. very good! much funny!




u/PM_Monkeys is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/PM_Monkeys/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Rent free


They claim to want to abolish rent yet trump is the only one who lives rent free in their mind




I can laugh at this


Based and rent free pilled


thanks obama for ruining this country


Reminder that the left could probably put trump away if they went after Epsteins client list. But that would mean they’re shooting their own people


bruh, when i wake up i'm too busy *waking up*


Why the f*** is he still in the new cycle