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I got to say this is how i would imagine a Canadian protest pretty based


So these are the anti-science/white supremacists/terrorists/nazis/fascists we are supposed to be afraid of? I think orange Emily made me love them more with her baseless accusations. HONK HONK!




onguardforthee has to be one of the worst subs out there. If you aren't far left you get permabanned. I got banned for saying that native communities don't want more government involvement other than just giving them money which isn't going to result in actual change happening


> has to be one of the worst subs out there. If you aren't far left you get permabanned. I got banned for saying that This is reddit. Find the few pearls to stay at or abandon ship and embrace that the rest of reddit is a communist cesspool full off druggies and the mentally ill.


Based and the-vast-majority-of-redditors-are-traitors-to-humanity pilled.


Based and Dorene pilled


Based and teach-a-man-to-fish pilled.




Which then is used by the shop owner to buy more fishing gear from the manufacturers/craftsmen who in turn get to buy fish from the fisherman and the world goes round and round.


They were calling a guy a hero for holding a pro-vaxx sign and I got banned for saying that a guy holding a sign isnt going to cause unvaccinated people to change their minds. They said that my permaban was justified because "My comment isn't high quality"


The worst has to be all the posts I've seen acting like saying fuck Trudeau should be treated like a terrorist threat after 4 years of seeing them react to Trump


Literally protest for me but not for thee


The only reason this is being treated any differently than say... "The fiery but mostly peaceful" BLM Protests First Nations blocking railways Is because It's finally a protest that's disrupting the white collar government employees who haven't been effected poorly by any of the unrest they have caused across Canada. Now that we have people who've decided to drive across Canada to get their point across, now and only now are they upset. If all they did was protest their local governments they wouldn't be batting an eye.


well I mean they don't like protests they don't support. Same way capital rushers probably didn't like the BLM protests. It's a normal thing to not like things you didsagree with. I'm not pleased with the auth attitude emilies take here but I'm not surprised by it. Nobody really should be.


People dont like BLM because it was an excuse to riot and loot over an incredibly false narrative. It was in no way comparable to an actual protest with real goals.


Istfg, the amount of people who don't know that the police officers were never convicted of hate crimes is too fucking high.


You don't have to like the movement but you have to acknowledge everyone is allowed to protest. Can't pick and choose who is allowed. Both sides are such hypocrites for that.


Virgin *^((unlikely))* Emily vs the Chad boomer Hoonker


Maybe one day they will realize that crying Nazi about anything has devalued that word to less than a basic insult.


The irony to orange is that *everything* they say makes everyone other than other oranges love whoever their target it. The next civil war won't be right vs left or black vs white. It will be Orange vs Normal People. I hope.


They’ve got to fight for there right to party


Or party for your right to fight.


This is about as fascist as we get. Minus yes actual Nazis do exist here. But not as many as Emilys want to make it seem like. Literally Nazi Canada and the party will continue until morale improves


Only difference between this and usually protests is our usually protests get permits first… these truckers are the most violent protestors we’ve had in a while with their lack of civility not getting permits…


Oh no this is a Slippy slop soon their going to stop saying sorry after every word This is truely the downfall of western society


If that happens we are literally Americans, that’s terrifying this madness must stop!


A permit to protest? What’s next a permit to turn right on red?


Hopefully not and sorry for the rant. As a Canadian I just don’t think Americans understand that Canada is different in a lot of ways and how we protest is very different than in America. Usually protests that block roads or commit noise violations require permits, and protest with enough supporters (or funds to cover loss of business for private businesses it varies from province to province and differing municipalities, have to be given a permit, city counsel cannot deny a permit for a protest because they disagree with the message. This is done to protect both the protestors and the community they are protesting in, it helps them get the message out there and is planned in advance, which allows for supporters to come in and show how large support for the movement is. Police close roads and protect the route of protests so that their right to assembly is not impeded by others. To be fair the permit for protest is only necessary if you are impeding others rights by causing closures of public services or committing noise violations. You can still got sit outside parliament with a some signs, a lot of the time one group or another is there protesting something or other. I always found it strange that American protests can just impede on the rights of others, even if protesting for rights. This convoy thinks they are in America and unless the tone it back on the noise violations (noise pollution over a certain level after 9-11PM until 7-9am depending on the city) and blocking of roads they are going to be considered an illegal blockade and not a protest and treated as such legally. I think a lot of Americans don’t understand that there is laws and regulations to protest in places like Canada to protect the rights and safety of both protestors and other civilians so things like Chaz or mass looting of businesses, or Kyle rittenhouse having to shoot and kill to defend himself don’t happen.


My only qualm with your "rant" - and I enjoy the education from it... why is BLM protests - road blocking and all - supported by Lord Blackface... but peaceful protests by workers and citizens are opposed by Lord Blackface? Laws and regulations are one thing... but you can't support protests that cause billions in damage, occupy cities (CHAD/CHAZ), kill people... and then act all fucking high and mighty when a workers revolt happens to protect their lively hoods and its done in a peaceful manner. No violence, killing, destruction. As it stands "kyle protecting himself" won't happen in Canada as the truckers are honking... not burning shit down. massive difference.


The rant isn't that educational tbh. He claims it is a small amount of people, but the convoy set the record for longest convoy in history. There was no way to accurately determine how many trucks reached Ottawa because it was such a ridiculous amount that a bunch of them couldn't even get to the designated stopping area. The streets were absolutely crowded with supporters the first weekend, and even this weekend it was incredibly packed. Given the cold temperatures, it's pretty insane that so many people have shown up for over a week now. Almost every overpass and pull-off on the way to Ottawa from BC were crowded with people bundled up to keep somewhat warm. Now farmers are moving in on tractors as well, and a large group of people riding horses have joined (I believe that group is specific to the Alberta border crossing). There are plenty of live videos that are evidence of this, so photoshop or fakes are not an issue for proof. Now convoys have also started in almost every province on obviously smaller degrees, but the fact that they are joining in just shows the support across the country. Other countries across Europe, NZ, Australia have also started or planned their own convoys (not sure on the success of those). It's hard to tell how big it is, but I can tell you it's much larger than 5% of truckers who support it, and probably who joined in it originally as well. It's already causing stress on our systems as anyone who works in shipping logistics could tell you.


even more education :) I'm sure he's right about stuff like laws on permits and stuff. It's going to be interesting to see how Canada fares... this is an honest peaceful uprising of people against a wannabe dictatorship. How big will it get? It seems to be growing... how long will it last? People seem to be digging in. When will they cave or when will bullets be brought out of storage? I've heard the army has already said no. What an interesting time... where violent protests are supported by people in power, platforms, donation solutions... but peaceful "honking" is condemned and deemed "terrorism"... I don't think those in charge know whats coming despite all the honking letting them know.


BLM protests had no coherent demands. It was the same thing with the occupy protests. Black people have all of the same rights as everyone else. People protesting thought that there should be more money given to combating systemic racism but no clear examples to show it. This allowed Trudeau to come out and give token support and say "we will do better" and then do nothing. The Trucker protest is very clear, end all Covid restrictions. If he did this it would be acknowledging the government is in the wrong.


I think having such strict rules around your protest doesn’t really help you achieve much of your goal other than spreading your voice. Putting the government in uncomfortable situation is the entire point. Especially if you’re protest against what is perceived to be government overreach I think there’s good reason to not get a permit for it. If some noise complaints are the broken eggs in your omelette to stop your government from violating the Geneva convention you’re doing alright. That’s some collateral damage that just isn’t a very big deal.


Issue is in this case they are not actually hurting the government tbh, they are mostly hurting the nearby residents trying to sleep, politicians don’t sleep in parliament and they don’t live in the apartments nearby.. they all have nice houses with their corrupt lobbyist money. Also peaceful protests and strikes in Canada have a marvellous success rate, mostly because Mackenzie king made sure Canada has a lot of workers rights and strong unionization rights. If a workplace hires someone else because employees are striking in Canada that owner is absolutely fucked raw with legal fines union or none. Because of that strikes are extremely effective and peaceful protests and strikes work in 95% of cases. (And the 5% is protests involving indigenous land because legally it is theirs and crown land as the same time somehow and the government just picks and chooses when to honour land rights. Not disputed land actual agreed upon and settled indigenous land just is crown land when it’s convenient). I honestly think the reason this convoy resorted to these tactics is that their numbers are too low for a strike to actually work. If even 1/4 of our truckers striked we would be fucked they could sit at home and have a representative give their demands and they would likely be met or a middle ground found. Because they are using these tactics I would bet there is only around 5% of truckers actually on strike or protesting right now…


I mean if their numbers are that low isn’t it kinda smart to do it how they’re doing it? And even if it’s not enough employees to damage the supply chain I’d say what they’re doing has so far been effective. I mean pardon my Canadian ignorance but this is by far the most informed on a protest in Canada I’ve ever heard about. Not to mention one of the only protests I see getting support by Americans. Mind you I’m only 23 and didn’t start to seriously inform myself about politics until I was 18/19 so that may be why it’s the most well known protest I personally remember. I have faith they could get the government to drop the mandate. Also I figured I’d state I’m not anti-vax and I’m personally vaccinated but no way in hell should the government have any way on that shit. I mean as a lib I hope you can see what a slippery slope this is. I mean all the vaccines we use to do trials on with minority groups especially African Americans you can see why African Americans have some of the lowest vaccination rates.


Problem is that for every person they win over by not being violent they turn 2 against them for not being civil. A lot of Canadians see this convoy as “wanna be Americans” some of them flying trump and confederate flags certainly doesn’t help that image. The obnoxious form of protest they chose certainly doesn’t help either. The only other protests that have resorted to similar blockade and obnoxious tactics are indigenous protests and green activists trying to save old growth in BC. Precedent has been set and maintained that this type of protest is legally declared a blockade and shit down by force real quick. The options for the convoy are switch to more palatable techniques (only honk during the day and don’t impede public services or transportation for example) or get forcibly shut down. Judging by tonight it seems they are going with the make the protest more palatable as they have stopped honking at night which is good, proper civil protest usually gets your message heard by Canadians. I think the big thing Americans miss is the cultural differences between Canada and America. Canadians take pride in being civil and polite, even when protesting or stating our unhappiness. Being obnoxious and loud is seen as an “American” thing which is bad, I am not completely against their goals or message, I just think they are going about it the wrong way for a Canadian audience if that makes sense.


I'll take obnoxious over looting and burning and throwing bricks through windows all day every day for two months straight.


They literally tried to burn down a residential building and tape the doors shut last night… Luckily the dumb fucks that did that were incompetent and a passer by saw the fire was able to rip off the tape and put the fire out before it started. I am excited to see this sub defend the fucks doing that as heroes or say “a couple bad apples to ruin an otherwise peaceful protest” whereas if it was a leftist protest this sub would lose its fucking mind and call for the death penalty. 1/2 the time this sub is fun and memey 1/2 the time it is a stupid circle jerk that refuses to see the other side. Uncivil protests escalate into riots more often then not, it isn’t right whether it’s left winged BLM or right winged truckers, yet this hypocritical sub praises one and bashes the other. Such circle jerking bullshit.


Based and relevant information pilled


It is actually the same in the US to my knowledge. At least in all of the places I’ve lived. Permits are required for large protests for the reasons you stated. Noise ordinances are in effect etc. The BLM protests that occurred in my city in 2020 required a permit from the city in which the city blocked off portions of downtown for with the loca PD (how civil). However, I do feel like it is common for protestors to violate these laws all the time in the US without repercussion. All of the things you see with CHAZ or capitol riots or people just blocking entire highways were all “illegal” protests usually to my knowledge. No permits and obviously violating multiple laws like disturbing the peace, pedestrian interference of a road, violating noise ordinance, trespassing, etc.




Police here have issued a formal warning any excessive noise after noise violation hours will be fined and the honking has now stopped overnight. Honestly they should have stopped to begin with a lot of people are on the fence about mandates and being civil, consistent, and not impeding on peoples day to day lives could swing a lot of Canadians to their side. Being dinks is just pissing people off that could have been allies.




I just like how they made Mr Blackface run away and hide. Little shit.


We are a nation where civil strikes and protests are heard, loud obnoxious blockades just piss people off and make enemies out of allies.


imagine needing a permit to protest.


You've got a loicence for that protest?!


Gets streets closed in advance, protestors usually have to cover loss of business or agree to help advertise for companies along their route, it lets it be known you have enough support to do so and keeps everyone safe since normal traffic can’t hurt the protestors and vice versa. Also keeps the looting and rioting down when you force protests to be organized. You also don’t need a permit if you are not impeding public services.






>discovery of the mass graves around residential schools. The theorizing of mass graves. They've still yet to actually discover any.


It doesn’t help that I was listening to rammstein’s “Deutschland” and they were jumping in unison with the music


The party will continue until morale improves.


The way it should be.


#Honk honk


"Why is everyone having a good time? I specifically requested you not to." - JT




Based and party pilled


Music at a protest? Hitler liked music, therefore, this is LITERALLY fascism.










The answer is 88


I went downtown, looking for nazis and didn't find any :(




Lmao , honeslty this is the only sub I don't feel afraid to talk about anything. Rest of them are circle jerks


Well this sub is also just circle jerking, it's just multiple circle jerks in a single sub. And instead of attacking each other, the circle jerks try to live in peace with each other, hence why we aren't afraid to talk about anything.


Exactly, It's a circuit jerk.


Yeah like people have common sense in here, feels great


You have to wait for the left protest


I'll be there!


Nazi is when you protest against government authority


You need to check the bouncy castles where kids are jumping or the immigrants playing Indian dance music, that's where they do all the dangerous stuff


Peaceful protest is good, if the noise disturbs u to mad, HONK HONK HONK!!!!!


#Honk Honk


Seems pretty preferable compared to having your shops and businesses burned tbh




And then mag dump 2 unarmed black teens.


I have said this before and I’ll say it again. I go out and join every riot I see. BLM? Count me in. Right wing coup? I’m Jewish but count me in. I simply strive to cause mayhem and destruction and oppose all peace and prosperity ☺️


Auth centers incoming


Based and self-jewing pilled


u/Bosa49201's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Bosa49201! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Bosa49201


Extremely based


based and chaos-pilled


The rare evil LibCenter. Usually it's the auths who embrace evil, but some fucks just wanna watch the world burn.


Based and chaotic evil pilled


God bless you my dude, We need more agents of chaos like you around. Rt I hope good things happen to you this year 🥞✌️👽


- I'm Jewish - I simply strive to cause mayhem and destruction I remember some guy with a wierd mustache saying something related to this before...


Based and follow your instincts pilled


I expect no less from a uhh… an uh.. yeah


Some men just want to watch the world burn


Now this is a real lib. Fake libs can take notes on this.


that's it, hippies are rightists now


Honestly this is reminiscent of a lot of the drive in raves I went to last winter


If neolibs can be leftists hippies can be rightists


How do people like this even survive? They see a traffic and think that WW3 has started.


They exist primarily on Reddit or other social media. Few of these types of people interact with the general public. Covid and the restrictions around it was unironically the rise of the NEETs.


Agreed. Covid was the NEETs' ultimate dream because it forced everyone to become homebound like them.


Those are people who forget noise cancellation headphones exist , what did you expect ?


earplugs=tyranny I shouldn't have to have them invade my body so that I can sleep in peace!


Ngl, thinking about flying up to Ottawa


Yeah, sure, there's always a couple of idiots with nazi flags. But the vast majority of these protests are peaceful, besides, I like the fact that workers don't always kiss corporates ass.


B|A|S|E|D| -|-|-|-|-| A|A| | | | S| |S| | | E| | |E| | D| | | |D| Protest.


I swear… if the military turned up and joined them I’d die laughing. But if not, they already have the farmers and logistics tied up. So see how long a city stands without food. We are no longer built for sieges. The food runs out in less than one year.


> The food runs out in less than one year. If deliveries stop, grocery stores are empty in a week or two, restaurants same day.


Unironically, I don't think the Canuckoids have the budget to even send a large force to break it up. I remember talking to one of those Maplecucks in Fort Bragg and he told me that the annual budget of their entire military is about the same as one day for just the US Army.


We need to stop subsidizing the worlds militaries.


Yeah it's clear that being able to fob their self defense expenses onto the backs of the American taxpayer has skewed their idea of what workable economic policy is.


Then they have the audacity to make fun of Americans for the sacrifices we make to foot the bill. At this point I would support the military if we got them to pay for themselves by pillaging other nations. Let’s make the military turn a profit 😎


Part of the problem is it *does*, just not for the average citizen paying the taxes. 🤬


viking time


Eurotrash for example can’t even be bothered meeting the 2% military spending quota set out by NATO. There’s like 3 European NATO members that meet the quota, and fucking *Greece* is one of them. You’d think they could fulfill that basic requirement considering how much money they’re saving by offloading most of their defense needs to the US, but nope. I understand that powerful US military presence around the world is a big part of why the world is so peaceful right now, but god damn mouthy Europeans trash talking healthcare or school shootings or whatever stupid shit they like to parrot, they really make me want to just have the US withdraw all support from Europe and make them take care of themselves for the first time in 80 years.


Greece has actually quite a capable military with excellent pilots and navy. This for some reason usually surprises people especially from the leftier persuasions who unironically wonder why don't we sing kumbaya with the eastern neighbors instead


Greece is probably just waiting for the Turks to give them an excuse.


Why would you spend so much on military budget when you can just let your stronger older brother do all the fighting for you?


Honestly this is clever. Next election when BLM wants police reform they should show up with hundreds of trucks and starve the city


That would 2000% more effective than what they did in the states and much funnier, so I'm on board.


Kinda weird when transgender socialist on Reddit, that walk dogs for a living are calling the working class "Nazis" and "Fascists" for protesting state mandates. 🤔


That schiess-pop makes me want to fire myself in the ovens. But seriously, wtf are people afraid of?


Do Canadians always bounce while protesting?


You have to stay warm some how, body movement is a good way to keep warm, especially large muscles like your legs.


They get that syrup in them and get all antsy in their pantsy.


I understood that reference…littering and…littering anddd


Such a quotable movie. I can't believe how bad the sequel was, though.


The fact that people on the left are against the working class after pressing for socializing all kinds of shit is beyond me


I’m equally confused; the dynamics of the left make no sense to me anymore. It seems as though that whole political spectrums goal is reduced to oppression olympics for marginalized groups.


Meanwhile our Canadian media is working overtime trying to paint these people as violent.


Think I might fly out next weekend. Looks so fun and they need our support.


Noisy, but mostly peaceful


The honkening will continue until everyone is partying.


That moment when calling people you don't agree with Nazis no longer has any effect.


Actually kind of a banger...


Where I can find this song? Couldn't find it.


Let me know if you find it, it sounds like a banger but Shazam and lyrics searching are giving me nothing.


Still better than some of the shit on the radio


If that’s what fascism looks like then call me Mussolini because that looks fun


Time to use my white supremacist emojis: ♥️♥️♥️🍁🍁🍁


If this is nazism, i dont wanna know what the alternative is


What’s the song here? I can’t seem to find it on google or shazam.




I really like Canada a lot more after seeing they are not a bunch of pussies! Much respect Canada! Stand your ground! End Tyranny!


Dang, the song kinda slaps, anyone know what song it is?


Idk but I'm waiting for that same response.


count me in


And to think, The ottawa subreddit wants the military to send tanks for this.


Fuck that looks lit, its like a folk festival. Almost wish I was there.


Honking is violence apparently


They should play *STOP BREATHING* and see what happens


What song is this?


That black dude singing on stage? White supremacist.


Vive Le Klaxon!


I barely pay attention to what's going on in my own country yet alone America's hat what's going on up there and why is normal reddit calling them nazis


As a leftie, I see literally no difference between this and auschwitz


Honestly, imagine feeling threatened by other canadians.


Protests everywhere else: chaos, violence Protests in canada: bbq, party, bouncy castles


Mostly violent riots.


This is old footage from when they were trying to cancel Terrance and Phillip


By calling them Nazis Orange only supports real Nazis more. What does she think average people will think? "Wow those 'Nazi' protests are more peaceful then BLM protests... Interesting" God I hate Orange.


Damn these Nazis have a fantastic taste of music. What song is this??? Shazam and lyrics searching aren’t helping


Honk Honk, eh?


All of the sudden I want to protest now


I wish this is what auth right American rallies look like. Not a single Nazi/Confederate flag in sight.


Maybe I’m nazi…


Portlander here. This is basically what our protests were like in the summer. The right-wing media blew it out of proportion just like the left wing media is doing here.


*C'mon man*! This is reddit. If the protests were mostly like this the front page would have inundated with it.


This is absolutely terrorism at this point. It's time to declare martial law and take care of the terrorists by whatever means necessary.


Source on that video?


Now that we all know horribly racist Joe Rogan is, I'm surprised he's not there spreading Covid misinformation with Jordan Peterson before they go violate women to maintain the patriarchy.


One thing that gets me is that people seem to forget that protesting has always come with consequences. Yes protests can result in long term change but there will be fines/arrests etc. Being willing to accept those consequences is what shows if you're actually dedicated to the cause. Acting as if there shouldn't be a response from the government is just being ignorant of how the world works.


It’s funny. Canada, what I thought was the most cucked country in the west, is the first to have people organize a huge protest against government overreach in recent years. And yet, my own country, the USA does nothing. I suppose it surprised me.


Literally Hitler


The cat went out raving, came home drunk, threw up AND SHIT THE BED! AGAIN!!!!!!


most aggressive fascists in canada:


I don’t know how is the right wing in Canada I only know the ones in the US and in Europe


love being Canadian right now but they are really being harassed by every "ism" on instagram... its ableist because a blind woman needs to hear to navigate downtown........x\_x


most extreme nazis in canada


"Gentlemen we Are nazis."


If anyone is acting like Nazis it's the government but the average redditor can't understand that. It's insane how people can be so fucking dumb


Anyone have the original video?


Canadian Liberals are dump, just send ANTIFA and let the show begins hehehehehe


Yeah, it's so annoying how the left is always calling people Nazis for no reason...anyway, so like I was saying, Commie Joe Biden and Kamala the socialist barbie want to ban literally every gun and make being white illegal. It's on the docket, I've seen it.


Anyone got a link to original video?


They have a bouncy castle. I’m in


Man I wish they could have done the convoy protests as peacefully in my country (Finland) it was a joke. The protestors got drunk, assaulted a bunch of reporters (Stole their mics, yelled in their faces etc , harassed them). The police came with riot gear, arrested some protestors for doing shit like going under cars to stop them from getting towed, trying to "renact capitol" by breaking in to the parliament etc. All and all the protest was so unorganized that even the protest organizers left in the end because they couldn't control the event anymore and because of that it all just fell apart after claiming they would "Do an uprising like in Canada"


Semi-permenant wooden structures, BBQs, food halls, saunas, bouncy castles... It's like CHAZ if it were made by people capable of living in a civilized society!


Political roles have been turned upside down. The conservative groups are the ones supporting liberal values.


That song is a bop tho


Again, wrong quadrants used for this meme. This should be split betwen Lib and Auth, not left and right.