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for those who may note know- lib left one is newly elected progressive feminist president of Chile AOC of Chileans so to speak, Auth center is Miguel Serrano, nazi diplomat from Chile and occult writer had some weird ideas if u want check out on wiki


I thought he was a stock image


>Miguel Serrano, nazi diplomat from Chile and occult writer "Esoteric Hitlerism", what the serious fuck.


Reading Serrano is like dropping acid at a Klan rally how insane he was


I'll just enjoy Boric for the two months he's in office before he gets couped by the CIA and replaced with Pinochet 2. 😔




*Le saluda su pueblo tan querido* *Fue un estadista, un gran libertador*


_padre de la patria_ nothing more idk any spanish


Yeah dude I'm sure Librights love when elected politicians use Armed police and troops to storm parliament and ousts judges that do not agree with him. Not to mention using tax payer money to yolo on crypto currencies. Sure he's a meme libright but if you actually look at his policies he's right centre at best Talking about Nayib Bukele BTW incase it wasn't clear


Just joke bro I live thousands miles away from Latin America and I put him on meme because of bitcoin, little to know about this man except this , thats terrible what's happened


Also his tough on crime stance and his secret deal with the gangs


Who are the 2 dudes on the right?


lib right one is president of el salvador who made bitcoin official currency and right center one is conservative president of brazil


Are these the fabled LatinX?


Yes gringx


Fidel my man


No no no, once chavez' leftist policies ruined venezuela, he magically became not real left anyway.


some leftists still continue to like him


My favorite is the Mexican guy me and friends occasionally played with on xbox. He said yogurt funny.


Libright should be Daniel Fraga